Hillary Demographics / Chances Shrinking


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
New Hampshire Women Chose Bernie Sanders in a Landslide, Not Hillary Clinton

Young Democrats Prefer Bernie Sanders, New Poll Finds

Young people love Bernie, especially the promises of 'free shit'.
- Advantage Bernie.

Bernie just met with Charlie Rangel and Bernie's message that the Clintons have hurt black Americans is gaining traction - Hillary's grasp on this demographic is slipping.
- Advantage Bernie

Hillary is running mainly on the reason she should be President is that she is a WOMAN. Madeline Albright's declaration this week that there is a special place in hell for women who do not help women did not help Hillary - many women responded by stating there are more important issues to address than simply voting for someone because they are a women....and, as seen in NH, women are supporting Bernie.
- Advantage Bernie.

We don't have accurate poll numbers about who the felons, dead people, and illegals support yet, but if Iowa is any indication they will be pulling for Hillary. She's going to need them because the only demographic she won in NH were voters over 64yo. Good luck trying to win the Presidency with only winning that demographic.

The only bright spot for Hillary seems to be that missing $6 billion in missing State department funds seems to have bough her coin flips, missing precincts, and a bunch of super delegates so far. :p (It's a joke...relax)

Deja Vu, Hillary. It was 'your turn' in 2008...before the collapse. Your ship that is supposed to come in this time is listing heavily to one side...again!

Unless she finds a way to sway more demographics than '64yo+' voters, that ship is going to turn into the 'Titanic 2'.

If she loses S.C., stick a fork in her - she's done!
What does supporting Mrs Bosnia Clinton have to do with supporting women?
Dems Face Enthusiasm Problem

"Democrats may have an enthusiasm problem in 2016"

"Caucus turnout on the Democratic side was down from 2008 substantially. It was up since 2004 -- but so was the number of voters. Turnout in 2004 was 5.6 percent, according to Edison Research. In 2016, it was 7 percent -- compared to 10.7 percent in 2008."

Democrats may have an enthusiasm problem in 2016

2008 was a DNC No-Show Meltdown...and, considering the 2016 take-it-or-leave-it choices the DNC is giving their members, the 2016 turn-out numbers have the potential to eclipse the historic, record-setting 2008 numbers.

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