Hillary did not concede immediately

Trump asked Ukraine to look at what Biden was bragging about and got impeached.
Are you comparing opposition research against a political candidate with an official act of the President of the United States withholding congressionally approved funds from a country because they wouldn't announce that Biden was being investigated for something?

Quite a false equivalence you are welding their.

Good grief.
Which is of course an idiotic red herring from desperate Trump supporters who have no actual defense of the orange slob.
Really? Are you so hung up on “democrats can do no wrong” partisanship that you can’t even admit when you’re side does something questionable?

lol, although not often, I have seen republicans criticize their own party, whereas democrats never criticize their own party. I think you all are just incapable of it.
The russian collusion lie.
They don’t care that Hillary got information that was used to get the government to spy on Trump. In their minds, that’s completely legit and not a problem at all

I’m telling ya, the dems really believe that their side does nothing wrong.
They don’t care that Hillary got information that was used to get the government to spy on Trump. In their minds, that’s completely legit and not a problem at all

I’m telling ya, the dems really believe that their side does nothing wrong.
That’s complete bullshit. Prove any of it
You were the one lying. Jan 6th was a protest with you loons definition of of one.
Is that why 465 rioters have pleaded guilty and 335 people have received sentences with 185 receiving jail sentences?

Prove me wrong. But you won't because you are a lying retard. Get it now? Now, fuck off.
They don’t care that Hillary got information that was used to get the government to spy on Trump. In their minds, that’s completely legit and not a problem at all

Hillary paid for opposition research.

Just like other candidates.

I’m telling ya, the dems really believe that their side does nothing wrong.
They do things wrong but opposition research isn't one of them.
Horowitz also described how “FBI officials at every level” — including former deputy director Andrew McCabe and former director James Comey — reached a consensus that Steele was a reliable source, despite overhead concerns that his allegations could be biased given that he had been contracted by the Democratic National Committee through the research firm Fusion

Which was paid for by Hilliary. Criminals, but when you got Comey in your pocket no one goes to jail.
lol, although not often, I have seen republicans criticize their own party, whereas democrats never criticize their own party.
The ONLY time I see a right winger criticize a (R) is when that (R) has said something negative about Trump, and then the right wingers turn on that (R).
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Hillary had the most votes. Trump lost by 7 million. This is a dumb ass false equivalence.
That IS how presidents are elected. You can't get electoral votes withouut popular votes.

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