Hillary Doesn't Pay Her Interns But Wants to Compell Companies to Pay Theirs

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Another case of the ole "Do as I say, don't do as I do." Of course, nobody is forced to do an unpaid internship and forcing companies to require paid internships would only result in less internships being available for approaching college graduates. In the long term it would make it harder for them to gain job experience in some professions that these days is more essential than the piece of paper you got from school.

Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Pay Interns, Wants Companies to Pay Interns (Might Even Force Them)
So Hillary's a one-percenter whose political career is being built on the backs of low-paid wage earners?

Here's my surprised face...
The OP nails it. And while I can't stand Hillary, the sadder part is that for the past 50 years there has been a continual brain drain within the Democratic Party (many may say I underestimated the length, but I'm not that old to argue the case before the 1960's).

I can't imagine the Democrats coming out of their convention with any viable candidate, while there's probably a half dozen I'd vote for on the GOP side. And looking at the governorships around the country, I don't see the situation improving for them any time soon.
Clinton forcing businesses to pay interns would force her to pay interns. What's the problem?

So, you're telling me the lazy **** needs a law to compel her to do the right thing? gosh you're a fucking retard.
Another case of the ole "Do as I say, don't do as I do." Of course, nobody is forced to do an unpaid internship and forcing companies to require paid internships would only result in less internships being available for approaching college graduates. In the long term it would make it harder for them to gain job experience in some professions that these days is more essential than the piece of paper you got from school.

Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Pay Interns, Wants Companies to Pay Interns (Might Even Force Them)
That's public government not the free market private capitalist sector.
The OP nails it. And while I can't stand Hillary, the sadder part is that for the past 50 years there has been a continual brain drain within the Democratic Party (many may say I underestimated the length, but I'm not that old to argue the case before the 1960's).

I can't imagine the Democrats coming out of their convention with any viable candidate, while there's probably a half dozen I'd vote for on the GOP side. And looking at the governorships around the country, I don't see the situation improving for them any time soon.
You would vote for any of the GOP candidates. Which wouldn't you vote for?

So you don't count. The fact is none of the GOP candidates have a chance. They can't even beat trump.

So while you like em all, none of them are good and you know it. May as well throw a dart.
Another case of the ole "Do as I say, don't do as I do." Of course, nobody is forced to do an unpaid internship and forcing companies to require paid internships would only result in less internships being available for approaching college graduates. In the long term it would make it harder for them to gain job experience in some professions that these days is more essential than the piece of paper you got from school.

Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Pay Interns, Wants Companies to Pay Interns (Might Even Force Them)
That's public government not the free market private capitalist sector.

Who the fuck cares. It is repugnant to not pay interns. How you can defend this conniving bitch is simply beyond me.
Another case of the ole "Do as I say, don't do as I do." Of course, nobody is forced to do an unpaid internship and forcing companies to require paid internships would only result in less internships being available for approaching college graduates. In the long term it would make it harder for them to gain job experience in some professions that these days is more essential than the piece of paper you got from school.

Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Pay Interns, Wants Companies to Pay Interns (Might Even Force Them)
That's public government not the free market private capitalist sector.

Who the fuck cares. It is repugnant to not pay interns. How you can defend this conniving bitch is simply beyond me.
lesser of two evils.
Clinton forcing businesses to pay interns would force her to pay interns. What's the problem?

Nothing is stopping her from doing it now. What's the problem?

Give her a break, she's only worth about a hundred million. After her first billion, I think she'll be able to afford paying them $8 bucks an hour.
1.How many volunteers do you think she has across America? Lots.
2. This is how it is done. Stop being a hypocrite.
3. Easy for the GOP to pay their volunteers. For one theyre rich and two they don't have that many.
4. We're trying to take money out of politics you want to increase the need for more $?
5. Should scare you that people love Hillary so much they'll work for free.
6. They'll get paid jobs when hillary wins.
My son is an unpaid intern at a Las Vegas musical. If they had to pay the interns, my son would not have this opportunity. He can put it on his resume.
She doesn't have to. She can pay her interns now. What's the problem?

She'll have less campaign funds. Nice try.

Change the law for an equal playing field.

Nice try???? You seriously actually think that's a defense for her hypocrisy? ?? If she believes that it should be law to pay your interns and wants to advocate a law forcing evrryone to do so, there's no excuse for her not to pay her interns. If she can't afford to and it will put her campaign out of buisness then maybe she should think again wether it's really good legislation.

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