Hillary Fading in the Polls..

Actually, Trump has fallen in the Rasmussen Reports poll. Last time this poll was taken, Trump was up by 4. Now he's up by 2.

The Rasmussen Reports poll is a robocalling poll. Robocalling polls are considered to be less reliable. The real Rasmussen polls don't use robocalling. It consistently shows a bias towards Trump. In the last 40 polls, Trump has led in 4, and 3 have been Rasmussen Reports polls.

What's amusing about this is that every time one of these polls comes out, Republicans post them claiming that Hillary's lead is slipping, only to have many other later polls showing Hillary still well in the lead.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Trump v Clinton.png
I guess Americans may not want another above the law, compulsively lying, corrupt politician in the White House afteral..:thup:


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton still run neck-and-neck with Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson added to the ballot.

Trump earns support from 40% of Likely U.S. Voters, while Clinton draws 38%, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey.

Libertarian Johnson Doesn't Change Presidential Outcome So Far - Rasmussen Reports™

It could be temporary unfortunately. Trump will have to remind people of this email event as the MSM tries to make them forget. We still have a long way to go and Americans have a short memory. Anything can (and will) happen between now and November.
I guess Americans may not want another above the law, compulsively lying, corrupt politician in the White House afteral..:thup:


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton still run neck-and-neck with Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson added to the ballot.

Trump earns support from 40% of Likely U.S. Voters, while Clinton draws 38%, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey.

Libertarian Johnson Doesn't Change Presidential Outcome So Far - Rasmussen Reports™
you do realize rassmussen is owned bt rupert murdoch
Yep....as liberal,as the day is long after they kicked Rasmussen out of his own company...

look at romney polling in his election ... all the way up to the election day they had romney winning or just a little behind ... as we all saw rasmussin was so fart off ... this isn't a liberal thing here ... its a factual thing ... were other polls had Obama ahead or tied in some states and losing in some states too ... where romney was a head in the rasmussen polls ... and we all saw how well that polling worked
I guess Americans may not want another above the law, compulsively lying, corrupt politician in the White House afteral..:thup:


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton still run neck-and-neck with Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson added to the ballot.

Trump earns support from 40% of Likely U.S. Voters, while Clinton draws 38%, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey.

Libertarian Johnson Doesn't Change Presidential Outcome So Far - Rasmussen Reports™
you do realize rassmussen is owned bt rupert murdoch ... according to the PPP polling hillary 48% and trump 40% try using a credible poller

I'll tell you what, when you find one everyone wants to trust.. I'll switch to them...:wink_2:

So far, it appears your source sucks worse...:scared1:
I guess Americans may not want another above the law, compulsively lying, corrupt politician in the White House afteral..:thup:


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton still run neck-and-neck with Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson added to the ballot.

Trump earns support from 40% of Likely U.S. Voters, while Clinton draws 38%, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey.

Libertarian Johnson Doesn't Change Presidential Outcome So Far - Rasmussen Reports™
you do realize rassmussen is owned bt rupert murdoch ... according to the PPP polling hillary 48% and trump 40% try using a credible poller

I'll tell you what, when you find one everyone wants to trust.. I'll switch to them...:wink_2:

So far, it appears your source sucks worse...:scared1:

The reason why you don't trust them is because your candidate is not winning in them. Whether or not they're scientifically accurate doesn't matter. That's why you post this thread.
Actually, Trump has fallen in the Rasmussen Reports poll. Last time this poll was taken, Trump was up by 4. Now he's up by 2.

The Rasmussen Reports poll is a robocalling poll. Robocalling polls are considered to be less reliable. The real Rasmussen polls don't use robocalling. It consistently shows a bias towards Trump. In the last 40 polls, Trump has led in 4, and 3 have been Rasmussen Reports polls.

What's amusing about this is that every time one of these polls comes out, Republicans post them claiming that Hillary's lead is slipping, only to have many other later polls showing Hillary still well in the lead.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

View attachment 81049

I guess Americans may not want another above the law, compulsively lying, corrupt politician in the White House afteral..:thup:


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton still run neck-and-neck with Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson added to the ballot.

Trump earns support from 40% of Likely U.S. Voters, while Clinton draws 38%, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey.

Libertarian Johnson Doesn't Change Presidential Outcome So Far - Rasmussen Reports™
you do realize rassmussen is owned bt rupert murdoch ... according to the PPP polling hillary 48% and trump 40% try using a credible poller

I'll tell you what, when you find one everyone wants to trust.. I'll switch to them...:wink_2:

So far, it appears your source sucks worse...:scared1:
well according to all people in polling say that PPP is the most accurate ... they can't say that for Rasmussen... they have a history of inaccurate polling .... this isn't me saying this even mitt Romney came to that conclusion ... most credible republicans won't take rasmussic serious at all
Actually, Trump has fallen in the Rasmussen Reports poll. Last time this poll was taken, Trump was up by 4. Now he's up by 2.

The Rasmussen Reports poll is a robocalling poll. Robocalling polls are considered to be less reliable. The real Rasmussen polls don't use robocalling. It consistently shows a bias towards Trump. In the last 40 polls, Trump has led in 4, and 3 have been Rasmussen Reports polls.

What's amusing about this is that every time one of these polls comes out, Republicans post them claiming that Hillary's lead is slipping, only to have many other later polls showing Hillary still well in the lead.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

View attachment 81049

Eh, I just put it up for discussion and add a dash of instigation....:smoke:

I'm amused as well... you'd think by now you'd know this...:popcorn:
I guess Americans may not want another above the law, compulsively lying, corrupt politician in the White House afteral..:thup:


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton still run neck-and-neck with Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson added to the ballot.

Trump earns support from 40% of Likely U.S. Voters, while Clinton draws 38%, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey.

Libertarian Johnson Doesn't Change Presidential Outcome So Far - Rasmussen Reports™
you do realize rassmussen is owned bt rupert murdoch ... according to the PPP polling hillary 48% and trump 40% try using a credible poller

I'll tell you what, when you find one everyone wants to trust.. I'll switch to them...:wink_2:

So far, it appears your source sucks worse...:scared1:

The reason why you don't trust them is because your candidate is not winning in them. Whether or not they're scientifically accurate doesn't matter. That's why you post this thread.

eh, quit polishing your crystal balls and you're partially correct.
I guess Americans may not want another above the law, compulsively lying, corrupt politician in the White House afteral..:thup:


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton still run neck-and-neck with Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson added to the ballot.

Trump earns support from 40% of Likely U.S. Voters, while Clinton draws 38%, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey.

Libertarian Johnson Doesn't Change Presidential Outcome So Far - Rasmussen Reports™

Real Clear politics shows no such fade--in fact there's a lot of blue.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Now no Benghazi, no more FBI investigation, no charges, it won't be long before her poll numbers go a lot higher.


4 men died because of her inaction, the FBI proved she lied several times and is too stupid to be trusted with and form of secret information and face it she's bought off by the wealthy elites. Nope, it's gotten far worse for her and the FBI Clinton foundation investigation continues along with the several other failures of her political career. I appreciate your delusional Democrat mindset (shear comedy) and all but BJ Bill is also bound to screw her over, the sexually perverted imbecile can't help himself.

True patriotic Americans care about this kind of stuff. Democrats, not so much I guess.

Nobody takes you Birthers seriously, and that's your fault, not ours.
I agree....that was always a rediculous position for you democrats and your Hitlery to take....

You support the birther Trump. That makes you ridiculous.
I guess Americans may not want another above the law, compulsively lying, corrupt politician in the White House afteral..:thup:


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton still run neck-and-neck with Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson added to the ballot.

Trump earns support from 40% of Likely U.S. Voters, while Clinton draws 38%, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey.

Libertarian Johnson Doesn't Change Presidential Outcome So Far - Rasmussen Reports™

Real Clear politics shows no such fade--in fact there's a lot of blue.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Now no Benghazi, no more FBI investigation, no charges, it won't be long before her poll numbers go a lot higher.


4 men died because of her inaction, the FBI proved she lied several times and is too stupid to be trusted with and form of secret information and face it she's bought off by the wealthy elites. Nope, it's gotten far worse for her and the FBI Clinton foundation investigation continues along with the several other failures of her political career. I appreciate your delusional Democrat mindset (shear comedy) and all but BJ Bill is also bound to screw her over, the sexually perverted imbecile can't help himself.

True patriotic Americans care about this kind of stuff. Democrats, not so much I guess.

Nobody takes you Birthers seriously, and that's your fault, not ours.

I'm not a birther but I certainly believe Obama is a traitor, the Iran deal, Benghazi certainly proved that once and for all and his constant lying to the American people does't help.

Trump is a birther. If you support him you're as stupid as he is.
Actually, Trump has fallen in the Rasmussen Reports poll. Last time this poll was taken, Trump was up by 4. Now he's up by 2.

The Rasmussen Reports poll is a robocalling poll. Robocalling polls are considered to be less reliable. The real Rasmussen polls don't use robocalling. It consistently shows a bias towards Trump. In the last 40 polls, Trump has led in 4, and 3 have been Rasmussen Reports polls.

What's amusing about this is that every time one of these polls comes out, Republicans post them claiming that Hillary's lead is slipping, only to have many other later polls showing Hillary still well in the lead.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

View attachment 81049

I guess Americans may not want another above the law, compulsively lying, corrupt politician in the White House afteral..:thup:


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton still run neck-and-neck with Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson added to the ballot.

Trump earns support from 40% of Likely U.S. Voters, while Clinton draws 38%, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey.

Libertarian Johnson Doesn't Change Presidential Outcome So Far - Rasmussen Reports™
you do realize rassmussen is owned bt rupert murdoch ... according to the PPP polling hillary 48% and trump 40% try using a credible poller

I'll tell you what, when you find one everyone wants to trust.. I'll switch to them...:wink_2:

So far, it appears your source sucks worse...:scared1:
well according to all people in polling say that PPP is the most accurate ... they can't say that for Rasmussen... they have a history of inaccurate polling .... this isn't me saying this even mitt Romney came to that conclusion ... most credible republicans won't take rasmussic serious at all

You might like this link but basically (as Toro) would agree I tend to enjoy what I want to see .. and trends on political polls, I figure the only one that actually counts happens in November.

FiveThirtyEight's Pollster Ratings
I guess Americans may not want another above the law, compulsively lying, corrupt politician in the White House afteral..:thup:


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton still run neck-and-neck with Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson added to the ballot.

Trump earns support from 40% of Likely U.S. Voters, while Clinton draws 38%, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey.

Libertarian Johnson Doesn't Change Presidential Outcome So Far - Rasmussen Reports™
you do realize rassmussen is owned bt rupert murdoch ... according to the PPP polling hillary 48% and trump 40% try using a credible poller

I'll tell you what, when you find one everyone wants to trust.. I'll switch to them...:wink_2:

So far, it appears your source sucks worse...:scared1:

History whispers founder than your lies:

Romney up by 8 over NoBama

Sure it's early but the trend is fun.


The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows Mitt Romney earning 50% of the vote and President Obama attracting 42% support. Four percent (4%) would vote for a third party candidate, while another three percent (3%) are undecided.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
I guess Americans may not want another above the law, compulsively lying, corrupt politician in the White House afteral..:thup:


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton still run neck-and-neck with Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson added to the ballot.

Trump earns support from 40% of Likely U.S. Voters, while Clinton draws 38%, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey.

Libertarian Johnson Doesn't Change Presidential Outcome So Far - Rasmussen Reports™

Real Clear politics shows no such fade--in fact there's a lot of blue.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Now no Benghazi, no more FBI investigation, no charges, it won't be long before her poll numbers go a lot higher.


4 men died because of her inaction, the FBI proved she lied several times and is too stupid to be trusted with and form of secret information and face it she's bought off by the wealthy elites. Nope, it's gotten far worse for her and the FBI Clinton foundation investigation continues along with the several other failures of her political career. I appreciate your delusional Democrat mindset (shear comedy) and all but BJ Bill is also bound to screw her over, the sexually perverted imbecile can't help himself.

True patriotic Americans care about this kind of stuff. Democrats, not so much I guess.

Nobody takes you Birthers seriously, and that's your fault, not ours.
I agree....that was always a rediculous position for you democrats and your Hitlery to take....

You support the birther Trump. That makes you ridiculous.
You support birther hitlery...
I guess Americans may not want another above the law, compulsively lying, corrupt politician in the White House afteral..:thup:


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton still run neck-and-neck with Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson added to the ballot.

Trump earns support from 40% of Likely U.S. Voters, while Clinton draws 38%, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey.

Libertarian Johnson Doesn't Change Presidential Outcome So Far - Rasmussen Reports™

Real Clear politics shows no such fade--in fact there's a lot of blue.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Now no Benghazi, no more FBI investigation, no charges, it won't be long before her poll numbers go a lot higher.


4 men died because of her inaction, the FBI proved she lied several times and is too stupid to be trusted with and form of secret information and face it she's bought off by the wealthy elites. Nope, it's gotten far worse for her and the FBI Clinton foundation investigation continues along with the several other failures of her political career. I appreciate your delusional Democrat mindset (shear comedy) and all but BJ Bill is also bound to screw her over, the sexually perverted imbecile can't help himself.

True patriotic Americans care about this kind of stuff. Democrats, not so much I guess.

Nobody takes you Birthers seriously, and that's your fault, not ours.

I'm not a birther but I certainly believe Obama is a traitor, the Iran deal, Benghazi certainly proved that once and for all and his constant lying to the American people does't help.

Trump is a birther. If you support him you're as stupid as he is.

Seriously NYcarbineer.. who gives a gnats ass about birthers except for political heavy breathers like you?

It's sideline, old news and boring, Buckaroo...
I guess Americans may not want another above the law, compulsively lying, corrupt politician in the White House afteral..:thup:


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton still run neck-and-neck with Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson added to the ballot.

Trump earns support from 40% of Likely U.S. Voters, while Clinton draws 38%, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey.

Libertarian Johnson Doesn't Change Presidential Outcome So Far - Rasmussen Reports™

Real Clear politics shows no such fade--in fact there's a lot of blue.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Now no Benghazi, no more FBI investigation, no charges, it won't be long before her poll numbers go a lot higher.


4 men died because of her inaction, the FBI proved she lied several times and is too stupid to be trusted with and form of secret information and face it she's bought off by the wealthy elites. Nope, it's gotten far worse for her and the FBI Clinton foundation investigation continues along with the several other failures of her political career. I appreciate your delusional Democrat mindset (shear comedy) and all but BJ Bill is also bound to screw her over, the sexually perverted imbecile can't help himself.

True patriotic Americans care about this kind of stuff. Democrats, not so much I guess.

Nobody takes you Birthers seriously, and that's your fault, not ours.

I'm not a birther but I certainly believe Obama is a traitor, the Iran deal, Benghazi certainly proved that once and for all and his constant lying to the American people does't help.

Trump is a birther. If you support him you're as stupid as he is.

It's that simple minded for you huh...

Dude.. it's hard to take you hardline :tinfoil: anti-birthers seriously ..:slap:
Last edited:
I guess Americans may not want another above the law, compulsively lying, corrupt politician in the White House afteral..:thup:


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton still run neck-and-neck with Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson added to the ballot.

Trump earns support from 40% of Likely U.S. Voters, while Clinton draws 38%, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey.

Libertarian Johnson Doesn't Change Presidential Outcome So Far - Rasmussen Reports™
you do realize rassmussen is owned bt rupert murdoch ... according to the PPP polling hillary 48% and trump 40% try using a credible poller

I'll tell you what, when you find one everyone wants to trust.. I'll switch to them...:wink_2:

So far, it appears your source sucks worse...:scared1:

History whispers founder than your lies:

Romney up by 8 over NoBama

Sure it's early but the trend is fun.


The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows Mitt Romney earning 50% of the vote and President Obama attracting 42% support. Four percent (4%) would vote for a third party candidate, while another three percent (3%) are undecided.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Golly, you're like a secret stalker .. I'm a tad depressed though ..why couldn't you be sexy, wealthy, a true lady and relatively smart...:poke:
Real Clear politics shows no such fade--in fact there's a lot of blue.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Now no Benghazi, no more FBI investigation, no charges, it won't be long before her poll numbers go a lot higher.


4 men died because of her inaction, the FBI proved she lied several times and is too stupid to be trusted with and form of secret information and face it she's bought off by the wealthy elites. Nope, it's gotten far worse for her and the FBI Clinton foundation investigation continues along with the several other failures of her political career. I appreciate your delusional Democrat mindset (shear comedy) and all but BJ Bill is also bound to screw her over, the sexually perverted imbecile can't help himself.

True patriotic Americans care about this kind of stuff. Democrats, not so much I guess.

Nobody takes you Birthers seriously, and that's your fault, not ours.
I agree....that was always a rediculous position for you democrats and your Hitlery to take....

You support the birther Trump. That makes you ridiculous.
You support birther hitlery...

For shaaaaaame NYcarbineer ... :eusa_naughty:
Real Clear politics shows no such fade--in fact there's a lot of blue.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Now no Benghazi, no more FBI investigation, no charges, it won't be long before her poll numbers go a lot higher.


4 men died because of her inaction, the FBI proved she lied several times and is too stupid to be trusted with and form of secret information and face it she's bought off by the wealthy elites. Nope, it's gotten far worse for her and the FBI Clinton foundation investigation continues along with the several other failures of her political career. I appreciate your delusional Democrat mindset (shear comedy) and all but BJ Bill is also bound to screw her over, the sexually perverted imbecile can't help himself.

True patriotic Americans care about this kind of stuff. Democrats, not so much I guess.

Nobody takes you Birthers seriously, and that's your fault, not ours.

I'm not a birther but I certainly believe Obama is a traitor, the Iran deal, Benghazi certainly proved that once and for all and his constant lying to the American people does't help.

Trump is a birther. If you support him you're as stupid as he is.

Seriously NYcarbineer.. who gives a gnats ass about birthers except for political heavy breathers like you?

It's sideline, old news and boring, Buckaroo...

Trump is a birther nominated for president.

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