Hillary Favorability Drops to Lowest Since 2008 - Gallup Poll

Hillary Clinton remains popular for her time as secretary of state, viewed apart from Obama - The Washington Post

Michael Hirsh | Hillary Clinton's Legacy as Secretary of State | Foreign Affairs

There are many articles where you can find a discussion of her legacy as Secretary of State. She is considered, by those without the negative GOP bias, a competent Secretary of State whose diplomacy regained the respect around the world that Bush lost for America.

You keep harping that there is no one great accomplishment: but there are a thousand small ones, more subtle than those of your ilk seem to understand. Both as a full term senator and 4 year Secretary of State, she accomplished much and in the Senate, was respected by her colleagues, while as the leader of diplomacy for our country, she was respected by countries around the world.

It's similar to the rabbit and the hare. You think the rabbit is the winner when it is really the hare.
Um, a rabbit IS a hare. Duh.

excuse me sir...., BUT !!

Differences in Physical features

A rabbit (Eastern Cottontail or Sylvilagus floridanus).
There are several differences in the physical features of hares and rabbits that allow us to distinguish between the two.
Hares are generally larger and faster than rabbits.
Hares have longer ears and larger feet than rabbits.
Hares have black markings on their fur.
Rabbits are altricial i.e. their young are born blind and hairless. In contrast, hares are generally born with hair and are able to see (precocial). Young hares are therefore able to fend for themselves very quickly after birth.

A young hare is called a leveret and a young rabbit is called a kitten, kit, or, least correct but very commonly, a bunny.
Hares have very long and strong hind legs, more so than rabbits.
Rabbits and hares both molt and then grow new hair. This happens in both spring and in fall. Rabbit's brown summer fur is replaced with fur that is more grey. Hares, especially those living in cold, snowy regions, turn white in the winter.
Hunters say that hare has a much stronger, gamier flavor than rabbit (which actually does taste like a milder version of chicken).
Both rabbits and hares have short tails.

there is a difference. :up:
ask me in two years when she is POTUS, then you may wish to ask me the same pathetic question when she runs for her second term.:badgrin:
In other words, you can't come up with anything. Didn't think so.
you think:badgrin:
Listen dimwit I don't give a shit about Hillary's CV, she is a winner that's all that matters to me.
Ps if President Obama was allowed to run for a third term he would walk it:badgrin:

do you have these nightmares often ?

trust me, unless this country turns total bonkers, your messiah would get trounced by a 65% - 70% margin. :up:
you think:badgrin:
Listen dimwit I don't give a shit about Hillary's CV, she is a winner that's all that matters to me.
Ps if President Obama was allowed to run for a third term he would walk it:badgrin:
You just illustrated exactly what the problem is in this country. You don't give a shit about the country, only that your side wins. Congratulations, idiot.
thank you pule, as a Brit I care a lot about the world.

care all you want about the world, just keep out of our politics, as for your love of the old ugly skank, you can have her for your next local pub hauler. :lmao:
Hillary Clinton remains popular for her time as secretary of state, viewed apart from Obama - The Washington Post

Michael Hirsh | Hillary Clinton's Legacy as Secretary of State | Foreign Affairs

There are many articles where you can find a discussion of her legacy as Secretary of State. She is considered, by those without the negative GOP bias, a competent Secretary of State whose diplomacy regained the respect around the world that Bush lost for America.

You keep harping that there is no one great accomplishment: but there are a thousand small ones, more subtle than those of your ilk seem to understand. Both as a full term senator and 4 year Secretary of State, she accomplished much and in the Senate, was respected by her colleagues, while as the leader of diplomacy for our country, she was respected by countries around the world.

It's similar to the rabbit and the hare. You think the rabbit is the winner when it is really the hare.
Um, a rabbit IS a hare. Duh.

excuse me sir...., BUT !!

Differences in Physical features

A rabbit (Eastern Cottontail or Sylvilagus floridanus).
There are several differences in the physical features of hares and rabbits that allow us to distinguish between the two.
Hares are generally larger and faster than rabbits.
Hares have longer ears and larger feet than rabbits.
Hares have black markings on their fur.
Rabbits are altricial i.e. their young are born blind and hairless. In contrast, hares are generally born with hair and are able to see (precocial). Young hares are therefore able to fend for themselves very quickly after birth.

A young hare is called a leveret and a young rabbit is called a kitten, kit, or, least correct but very commonly, a bunny.
Hares have very long and strong hind legs, more so than rabbits.
Rabbits and hares both molt and then grow new hair. This happens in both spring and in fall. Rabbit's brown summer fur is replaced with fur that is more grey. Hares, especially those living in cold, snowy regions, turn white in the winter.
Hunters say that hare has a much stronger, gamier flavor than rabbit (which actually does taste like a milder version of chicken).
Both rabbits and hares have short tails.

there is a difference. :up:
You're really splitting hares, aren't you?
you think:badgrin:
Listen dimwit I don't give a shit about Hillary's CV, she is a winner that's all that matters to me.
Ps if President Obama was allowed to run for a third term he would walk it:badgrin:
You just illustrated exactly what the problem is in this country. You don't give a shit about the country, only that your side wins. Congratulations, idiot.
thank you pule, as a Brit I care a lot about the world.
Well that explains it. A limp wristed brit with bad teeth. Never mind, you're excused.
Elizabeth Warren will be given the green light to push Hilly baby to the back of the room.
Democrats like bright new shiny objects in the room.
Hillary comes with way too much baggage,questionable health and not the desire
to do whatever is necessary to win.
I think the Democrat party will let out a huge sigh of relief when it's let out that
Hillary has decided not to run.
It's a pure thirst for power if she chose to run at this point in her life...they've made their impact and continue to do good through the Clinton Foundation. I would think she'd want to focus on the family and upcoming grandbaby, and make a difference on her own timetable...quality of life is not being involved in the highest level of politics at that age.
It's a pure thirst for power if she chose to run at this point in her life...they've made their impact and continue to do good through the Clinton Foundation. I would think she'd want to focus on the family and upcoming grandbaby, and make a difference on her own timetable...quality of life is not being involved in the highest level of politics at that age.
It's always been a pure thirst for power with Hillary. She will run, and she's probably putting together a strategy right now to bus sycophants from "safe states" to battleground states to vote multiple times for her. Her thirst for power trumps any family interests.
Gee. Only 54%.

She must be terrified.
Another poll puts her favorability at 51%. If the trend continues, and her popularity drops below 40%, I'm guessing that she will not run.


Poll Finds Slip In Hillary Clinton's Ratings

I think it will continue to drop now that more disturbing news about Benghazi has been found out. Now we know the terrorists had stolen cell phones from the embassy and officials listened to the conversations as they planned attacks and continued as the attacks were in progress. Looks like we knew before and during the attack that it was terrorists, yet Hillary, Obama and Rice still went out there and lied. Not looking good at all for her.
Gee. Only 54%.

She must be terrified.
Another poll puts her favorability at 51%. If the trend continues, and her popularity drops below 40%, I'm guessing that she will not run.


Poll Finds Slip In Hillary Clinton's Ratings

I think it will continue to drop now that more disturbing news about Benghazi has been found out. Now we know the terrorists had stolen cell phones from the embassy and officials listened to the conversations as they planned attacks and continued as the attacks were in progress. Looks like we knew before and during the attack that it was terrorists, yet Hillary, Obama and Rice still went out there and lied. Not looking good at all for her.
While I agree with your points and your conclusion, I think most voters have either forgotten Benghazi or given current trends in the Ukraine and Iraq they are placing the blame for Benghazi in the Oval Office.

Hillary was the hard left of the Ds in the 90s, Now she is an eyelash away from being labelled a DINO. And please note that Cuomo is probably the best governor the Ds have, yet he is not on anyone's list of possible nominees.

If the GOP were competent instead of Dumb vs. Dumber they would censure Obama for incompetence leading to well-meaning misconduct in office and point out that with Biden as back up no one in their right mind would impeach good old Barry. I don't see any move that way.

So, more theater of the absurd awaits.
oh nooooooo a 54% approval rating


sadly, for the now rapidly becoming clinton-deranged, she still whups any of the right-wingers you put up against her. and that's before the GOP clown car gets rolling.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

I've been saying it for a while now. Hillary isn't going to run...you can cry on my shoulder when she doesn't:(
Is she still leading every single presidential poll like she has been for the last several months?

All bullshit aside. Can you tell me what it is about this person that would (honestly) make you cast your vote for her? What has she EVER done that would lead you to believe that she is capable, in any way, of running a country?

And please, this is about Hillary and no one else. I'm not interested about any other candidate.

Just please - list her qualifications (as you see them)


I'll be anxiously awaiting your response.
oh nooooooo a 54% approval rating


sadly, for the now rapidly becoming clinton-deranged, she still whups any of the right-wingers you put up against her. and that's before the GOP clown car gets rolling.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Presidential Race

I've been saying it for a while now. Hillary isn't going to run...you can cry on my shoulder when she doesn't:(

As of right now, I doubt she is either. This broad is an ego-maniac of the highest order. She loves the publicity - but she has already made a complete fool of herself with both Diane Sawyer AND NPR - two of the staunchest Nazi allies she has. Hell, right now, I don't believe she would get Sawyer's vote.

Nope. She is doing nothing more than drumming up cash from her "book tour" - you know what it's like to be "broke"....... :D

I hear that daughter of hers makes $650,000 per year as a "special" correspondent. What does that mean? Hell if I know.....
1. Name recognition.
2. She has remained viable while her party's base of activists has gone more Trotskyite.
3. she has a proven ability to raise money.
4. She can compromise with political enemies as she did with Obama.

The rest of the D bench is even worse.

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