Hillary Favorability Drops to Lowest Since 2008 - Gallup Poll

Hillary Clinton remains popular for her time as secretary of state, viewed apart from Obama - The Washington Post

Michael Hirsh | Hillary Clinton's Legacy as Secretary of State | Foreign Affairs

There are many articles where you can find a discussion of her legacy as Secretary of State. She is considered, by those without the negative GOP bias, a competent Secretary of State whose diplomacy regained the respect around the world that Bush lost for America.

You keep harping that there is no one great accomplishment: but there are a thousand small ones, more subtle than those of your ilk seem to understand. Both as a full term senator and 4 year Secretary of State, she accomplished much and in the Senate, was respected by her colleagues, while as the leader of diplomacy for our country, she was respected by countries around the world.

It's similar to the rabbit and the hare. You think the rabbit is the winner when it is really the hare.
Yeah you should try reading your own links before posting.
But neither Obama’s gratitude nor Clinton’s graciousness should cloud history’s judgment. By any standard measure of diplomacy, Clinton will be remembered as a highly competent secretary of state, but not a great one. Despite her considerable star power around the world, her popularity at home, and her reputation for being on the right side of most issues, she left office without a signature doctrine, strategy, or diplomatic triumph. It is a stretch to include Clinton in the company of John Quincy Adams, George Marshall, Dean Acheson, and Henry Kissinger -- some of the great secretaries of state who profoundly changed U.S. foreign policy. Although she has avoided all talk of what comes next, it may well be that Clinton’s tenure as diplomat in chief will someday be viewed as a steppingstone to the presidency, as it was for Thomas Jefferson and Adams.
She did nothign but tour around relying on her "star power". Same reason she is running for President.

Boy, that's some biased selective reading skills you got there. :lol:

Oh, and btw, if she runs for president, it isn't on star power but because the democrats think she is the best person to do the job. Who have your guys got? LMAO :D

I post an entire paragraph refuting your point and that's the best you can do? Ha!
Of course it's on star power. Is it on accomplishments? No. Is it on policy ideas? No. Is it on personal likeability? Hell no. Remind me what her qualifications are. One term senator where she did nothing and sec.state where it was more of the same?
Who have we got? The next president of the united states.
Get real folks, she looks tired just talking about thinking about running for the most stressful job in the world.

America isn't going to elect a frail older woman in these tough times. She's as electable as Eric Cartman of South Park. And if the GOP runs Christie, i seriously don't see how the dems can take 2016. They should just concede right now with that albatross that refuses to let go of their necks.. [no, I'm not talking about Hillary, it's one of "their" platforms]

Then why did the Republicans nominate Reagan and Mccain, who were both older?

Don't forget Romney. Romney and Hillary were born the same year, 1947.

The years have not been kind to Hilary.
Christie won't run. If he does he wont get the nomination. The GOP is fed up with RINOs.
Virtually anyone talked about now would beat her. Hillary is old with no new ideas, just more of the same failed policies of the last 6 years. People vote for fresh young upbeat candidates with new ideas.

LMAO Oh the irony. That's why people voted for Obama: fresh, young, upbeat. And now so many feel it was a mistake. Are Americans too obtuse to realize it's not the best idea to vote for someone just because they are young, fresh, upbeat, AND, untried? Mrs Clinton has experience, lots of national and international experience. That's important.
Experience at what, failing? Name one accomplishment.
ask me in two years when she is POTUS, then you may wish to ask me the same pathetic question when she runs for her second term.:badgrin:
Since right-wing Republicans don't have any good ideas on how to make America better, they have to rip it apart (and kill cops) until everything else in America sucks so much that the Republicans look good by comparison. What Republicans don't understand is that the rest of America is watching the GOP tear this country apart to try to make the GOP look good, and We the People don't appreciate it.

Three in 10 Voters Say They Will Vote to Oppose Obama
It's liberal democrat voters who write songs abput killing cops.

And it's the Tea Party who actually DO kill cops.

I doubt The Hildebeast gets nominated. If she does, there are Rs that can beat her especially if there are fair debates, unlike what Romney got.

Huckabee, Rand Paul and a few others come to mind.

A good question would be, "If Hillary does not run, what do the idiotic libs have?"
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I doubt The Hildebeast gets nominated. If she does, there are Rs that can beat her especially if there are fair debates, unlike what Romney got.

Huckabee, Rand Paul and a few others come to mind.

A good question would be, "If Hillary does not run, what do the idiotic libs have?"
:badgrin:to much for the republicans sweety.
I doubt The Hildebeast gets nominated. If she does, there are Rs that can beat her especially if there are fair debates, unlike what Romney got.

Huckabee, Rand Paul and a few others come to mind.

A good question would be, "If Hillary does not run, what do the idiotic libs have?"
:badgrin:to much for the republicans sweety.

HUH? Spell much?:badgrin:

You remind me of the thing I read on FB, "If you voted for Obama twice, you are too ignorant to argue with!":badgrin:
Hillary Clinton remains popular for her time as secretary of state, viewed apart from Obama - The Washington Post

Michael Hirsh | Hillary Clinton's Legacy as Secretary of State | Foreign Affairs

There are many articles where you can find a discussion of her legacy as Secretary of State. She is considered, by those without the negative GOP bias, a competent Secretary of State whose diplomacy regained the respect around the world that Bush lost for America.

You keep harping that there is no one great accomplishment: but there are a thousand small ones, more subtle than those of your ilk seem to understand. Both as a full term senator and 4 year Secretary of State, she accomplished much and in the Senate, was respected by her colleagues, while as the leader of diplomacy for our country, she was respected by countries around the world.

It's similar to the rabbit and the hare. You think the rabbit is the winner when it is really the hare.
Um, a rabbit IS a hare. Duh.
LMAO Oh the irony. That's why people voted for Obama: fresh, young, upbeat. And now so many feel it was a mistake. Are Americans too obtuse to realize it's not the best idea to vote for someone just because they are young, fresh, upbeat, AND, untried? Mrs Clinton has experience, lots of national and international experience. That's important.
Experience at what, failing? Name one accomplishment.
ask me in two years when she is POTUS, then you may wish to ask me the same pathetic question when she runs for her second term.:badgrin:
In other words, you can't come up with anything. Didn't think so.
Experience at what, failing? Name one accomplishment.
ask me in two years when she is POTUS, then you may wish to ask me the same pathetic question when she runs for her second term.:badgrin:
In other words, you can't come up with anything. Didn't think so.
you think:badgrin:
Listen dimwit I don't give a shit about Hillary's CV, she is a winner that's all that matters to me.
Ps if President Obama was allowed to run for a third term he would walk it:badgrin:
ask me in two years when she is POTUS, then you may wish to ask me the same pathetic question when she runs for her second term.:badgrin:
In other words, you can't come up with anything. Didn't think so.
you think:badgrin:
Listen dimwit I don't give a shit about Hillary's CV, she is a winner that's all that matters to me.
Ps if President Obama was allowed to run for a third term he would walk it:badgrin:
You just illustrated exactly what the problem is in this country. You don't give a shit about the country, only that your side wins. Congratulations, idiot.
In other words, you can't come up with anything. Didn't think so.
you think:badgrin:
Listen dimwit I don't give a shit about Hillary's CV, she is a winner that's all that matters to me.
Ps if President Obama was allowed to run for a third term he would walk it:badgrin:
You just illustrated exactly what the problem is in this country. You don't give a shit about the country, only that your side wins. Congratulations, idiot.
thank you pule, as a Brit I care a lot about the world.
you think:badgrin:
Listen dimwit I don't give a shit about Hillary's CV, she is a winner that's all that matters to me.
Ps if President Obama was allowed to run for a third term he would walk it:badgrin:
You just illustrated exactly what the problem is in this country. You don't give a shit about the country, only that your side wins. Congratulations, idiot.
thank you pule, as a Brit I care a lot about the world.
Then you should get busy at home and mind your own business.

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