Hillary featured in Communist poster

Ahhh, here we go. How is Billy NOT a patriot? Be specific.
Because of your silly statement. Son, we are not going back to the 1950s, not going to happen.

HRC is not a communist, I am not a lefty, and the far right is not mainstream.

I see.

So, to hold an educated opinion (Communist is the catch-all term for all things socialist. Has been for decades) in opposition to your own is unpatriotic? How Communist of you.

You are quite Leftist, and it's quite obvious.

There is no mainstream. We are as divided now as we were in 1856.
In no way can you say you're American if that "estoy contigo" poster didn't make you crap your pants. And I'm not speaking metaphorically.
Sure, you can. I am Anglo, speak Spanish well enough, and vote GOP with no problem. Why not you?
I see. So, to hold an educated opinion (Communist is the catch-all term for all things socialist. Has been for decades) in opposition to your own is unpatriotic? How Communist of you. You are quite Leftist, and it's quite obvious. There is no mainstream. We are as divided now as we were in 1856.
You see nothing, BillyJack, except in black and white terms.

Your ilk wallow in cultural McCarthyism, deny the existence of the fact that we have a huge mainstream in America holding off weirdies from the left and wierdies like you from the far right, and the mainstream will not allow the far right, far left, and the libertarians divide us any more.
I see. So, to hold an educated opinion (Communist is the catch-all term for all things socialist. Has been for decades) in opposition to your own is unpatriotic? How Communist of you. You are quite Leftist, and it's quite obvious. There is no mainstream. We are as divided now as we were in 1856.
You see nothing, BillyJack, except in black and white terms.

Your ilk wallow in cultural McCarthyism, deny the existence of the fact that we have a huge mainstream in America holding off weirdies from the left and wierdies like you from the far right, and the mainstream will not allow the far right, far left, and the libertarians divide us any more.

Too funny. McCarthy was right. A tad indelicate perhaps, but essentially correct.

There is no mainstream, and we are divided. You people can wear the mainstream mask all you like, but the mask is transparent, and you are fooling no one.
Cultural McCarthyism of DF on display.

I won't vote for her, but she is not a communist and DF not a patriot.
I agree man. There is so much shit to blast her about. Use something real.
Like how she used 3 million dollars of tax payer money to pay her charities employees... According to the GSA anyway.
New Clinton Spanish Posters: Hillary Or Evita?

Hillary is a Communist, plain and simple.

LOL! I find it funny that anyone is shocked by this and am not at all shocked at anyone who will defend it.

In 2012 Barak Obama chose to use both an historically documented popular Socialist symbol AND Socialist slogan ('Forward') for his re-election campaign. Despite this being brought to his attention, fearing it might cause him trouble, Obama refused to change it. Obama, like Gruber had explained, believed Americans / Liberals were so un-educated / stupid that they would not even notice and if they did would not care. He was right...

So now Hillary reaches out in a Spanish campaign to win the Illegal vote with her portrayed as the 2nd coming of Eva Peron.

Meanwhile the DNC's other candidate is an all-out, openly admitted Socialist Party member! :p

I don't know why so many Liberals on this board are going to get so pissed about this thread and do their best to discredit it. They should do what the leaders of their own party has done...EMBRACE IT AND BE PROUD / UN-APOLOGETIC ABOUT WHO YOU ARE!
Oh my..... A profile picture in black clothes makes you a communist in your crazy world. What does this picture mean to you?
View attachment 52664

A picture? It's much more than that.

Go to the US Communist Party web site and explain the similarities between them and Palin. Now do the same with Hillary or most any other Democrat politician. See the difference?

Hillaries boss--DumBama, had the support of the US Communist party both elections. He even had the support of world dictators for his reelection.

Can you say the same about Palin?

Why would the commies support a right wing party like the Republicans?

They are political enemies.
The purveyors of culturalism mccarthyism, like easy and billy, are so easy to spot.

The mainstream will repudiate their candidates next year, along with the left.
The purveyors of culturalism mccarthyism, like easy and billy, are so easy to spot.

The mainstream will repudiate their candidates next year, along with the left.

JS, you post a lot of OPINION but never offer anything to back up what you're denying.

You don't even try, which is smart on your part because it is factual / documented, to deny Obama's 2012 symbol and slogan is 'Socialist', for example.
- "New Obama slogan has long ties to Marxism, socialism"
- LINK: New Obama slogan has long ties to Marxism, socialism - Washington Times
- "The slogan "Forward!" reflected the conviction of European Marxists and radicals that their movements reflected the march of history, which would move forward past capitalism and into socialism and communism. ..."
- LINK: What Barack Obama's 'Forward' Slogan Really Means

McCarthy had to go LOOK for 'commies'. Today's Liberals / DNC don't make anyone come looking for them - like with Bernie Sanders, they are sticking the fact that they are Socialists right there in your face.
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Give up, right wingers!!

Socialism is as American as sharing Grandma Apple pie with friends, neighbors and the homeless drunk down the street.

By accepting Neoconservatives into your party, you admitted FAILED Fabian socialist and even supported their Klepto-socialist programs, under the mislabeling of "social conservatism", without question!

Republicans have supported socialism!! Done so through Medicare D, No child left behind plus much more.

Your party has been co-opt. Your leaders have lost their way. You miss George W Bush big government ways!

You are all socialist now!! Go get a Copy of USA Today and find out1!
Oh my..... A profile picture in black clothes makes you a communist in your crazy world. What does this picture mean to you?
View attachment 52664
A picture? It's much more than that. Go to the US Communist Party web site and explain the similarities between them and Palin. Now do the same with Hillary or most any other Democrat politician. See the difference? Hillaries boss--DumBama, had the support of the US Communist party both elections. He even had the support of world dictators for his reelection. Can you say the same about Palin?
The John Birch Society supported Romney. Outliers like the JBS or the CPUSA are the outliers that prove the rule. You are wrong in your conclusion. BHO is more American than you.

Actually, both of my parents were citizens unlike Obama whose baby daddy was a typical runaway father and his mother was white trash.
"JS, you post a lot of OPINION but never offer anything to back up what you're denying".

You deny our neo-conservatives a failed fabian socialist looking for a party to move forward their "let's kick butt on the word" agenda.

You deny that our GOP is a progressive statist party, one tilted to business more than the common man?

Son, you have four fingers pointed at us with one pointing at the Dems.

Grow up.

Actually, both of my parents were citizens unlike Obama whose baby daddy was a typical runaway father and his mother was white trash.
Hmmm . . . writes one of the trashiest individuals on the Board.^^^

Not my fault you don't like the truth about his parents. The only one that can be proven to be his parent is his mother. As for the father, mama's baby, papa maybe.

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