Hillary for everything Dems oppose


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
This OP clearly maps out the positions Hillary stands for and has stood for that are opposed to the Democratic stance that swept them into office in the 2006 election. Within are hard and undeniable talking points that will be undefinable if she wins the nomination. Dems will have to hypocritically cast aside their beliefs or stay home election day.

Pro war.
Pro K Street.
Pro Wall Street.
Scandal prone.

"Clinton embodies all the things Democrats supposedly reject. But she's got money and powerful allies in politics, the media and K Street — and for these reasons, Democratic voters appear ready to settle for her.

Remember back in the heady days of 2006, when the progressive "Netroots" provided a crucial boost for the Democrats to take control of the House and the Senate, and also set the stage for wins in 2008? Lofty ideals motivated the base and the party back then: good government, progressive goals, elevating grassroots over the establishment and the business lobby. If they choose Hillary Clinton in 2016, Democratic voters are openly discarding those ideals.

Sen. Clinton, of course, voted for the Iraq war and spoke on the Senate floor in defense of it. But it's not just Iraq. Her entire record is pro-war. Her husband launched wars in Bosnia and Kosovo. When he was getting impeached in 1998, he launched missile attacks on Iraq."


Clinton represents everything Democrats say they oppose WashingtonExaminer.com

Posit 1: Clinton is utterly corrupt. Evil, lying, smug, condescending, crooked. A bad person. Bad! Bad bad bad.

Posit 2: Clinton has a commanding lead in the polls against all other potential and declared candidates for President.

Posit 3: Every American has access to all available information about every candidate.

What, then, must we conclude about both parties if someone like Clinton is ahead?

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