Hillary for President?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
She certainly seems qualified if the current occupant is an example.

“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”

This is from the onetime chief counsel of the House Judiciary Committee Watergate investigation who let her go without a letter of recommendation – an almost unheard of thing.

There is more to read @ Here s a Shocking Fact That Most People Don t Know About Hillary Clinton - Linkis.com

And this is NOT the only site I've seen this reported on! [See the link with further links] Will the left-sucking media ignore it like they have all of Obama's past.
She is a disgusting elitist, opportunist, and a warfare/welfare statist...plus a well known liar.

As such, she is well qualified.
She certainly seems qualified if the current occupant is an example.

“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”

This is from the onetime chief counsel of the House Judiciary Committee Watergate investigation who let her go without a letter of recommendation – an almost unheard of thing.

There is more to read @ Here s a Shocking Fact That Most People Don t Know About Hillary Clinton - Linkis.com

And this is NOT the only site I've seen this reported on! [See the link with further links] Will the left-sucking media ignore it like they have all of Obama's past.
Oh yea, just we need. Another professional politician sitting in the oval office. Haven't they done enough damage already? I hope people stop playing into the hands of professional politicians.
Hillary represents the worst of politicians -- she is running as an entitlement.

She feels entitled because she's a woman, because she married a man who became President, because she was the runner up last time.

Her policy positions are vague and shifting. She's left when it suits and centrist when it suits.

Every single executive position she has held has ended up poorly. Let's not forget the way she handled her White House jobs -- Whitewater became worse instead of contained and then there's health care.

Her tenure as Secretary of State can only be called disastrous.

She has an annoying, shrill voice (imagine having to listen to that for 4 years). She has none of what her husband has maybe too much of (charm and political skill).

She is out of touch with ordinary Americans.
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Hillary represents the worst of politicians -- she is running as an entitlement.

She feels entitled because she's a woman, because she married a man who became President, because she was the runner up last time.

Her policy positions are vague and shifting. She's left when it suits and centrist when it suits.

Every single executive position she has held has ended up poorly. Let's not forget the way she handled her White House jobs -- Whitewater became worse instead of contained and then there's health care.

Her tenure as Secretary of State can only be called disastrous.

She has an annoying, shrill voice (imagine having to listen to that for 4 years). She has none of what her husband has maybe too much of (charm and political skill).

She is out of touch with ordinary Americans.

Agreed...plus the poor girl was penniless, when she and bubba left the White House....LOL!!!
Hillary represents the worst of politicians -- she is running as an entitlement.

She feels entitled because she's a woman, because she married a man who became President, because she was the runner up last time.

Her policy positions are vague and shifting. She's left when it suits and centrist when it suits.

Every single executive position she has held has ended up poorly. Let's not forget the way she handled her White House jobs -- Whitewater became worse instead of contained and then there's health care.

Her tenure as Secretary of State can only be called disastrous.

She has an annoying, shrill voice (imagine having to listen to that for 4 years). She has none of what her husband has maybe too much of (charm and political skill).

She is out of touch with ordinary Americans.

Agreed...plus the poor girl was penniless, when she and bubba left the White House....LOL!!!

Yeah. I should be so poor.
Hillary is a lock, if she wants it that is. No one can come up with anyone else so far and the right-wingers certainly don't have anyone who isn't living in the 19th century.
Hillary represents the worst of politicians -- she is running as an entitlement.

She feels entitled because she's a woman, because she married a man who became President, because she was the runner up last time.

Her policy positions are vague and shifting. She's left when it suits and centrist when it suits.

Every single executive position she has held has ended up poorly. Let's not forget the way she handled her White House jobs -- Whitewater became worse instead of contained and then there's health care.

Her tenure as Secretary of State can only be called disastrous.

She has an annoying, shrill voice (imagine having to listen to that for 4 years). She has none of what her husband has maybe too much of (charm and political skill).

She is out of touch with ordinary Americans.

Hillary is a lock, if she wants it that is. No one can come up with anyone else so far and the right-wingers certainly don't have anyone who isn't living in the 19th century.
Yeah, she was a lock in 08 as well:thewave:
No, she wasn't, but she is now.

She was a lock until the Democrats, and I suspect you are one of them, decided skin color was on a higher priority list than a vagina when it came to determining who you wanted for President.
1. Democrats will not nominate Hillary. Wrong gender. Only way they could accept her would be if she could prove she was born male and converted.

2. Hillary could run as a Republican. She stands slightly to the RIGHT of Romney and most other "viable" contenders currently in evidence yet sufficiently LEFT to win the hearts of RINOs like our own Pajama Jake.
Hillary is a lock, if she wants it that is. No one can come up with anyone else so far and the right-wingers certainly don't have anyone who isn't living in the 19th century.
Yeah, she was a lock in 08 as well:thewave:
Until an inexperienced, uneducated negro popped up!

And the Democrats placed electing someone of color over electing someone with a vagina.

By the way, I'm not opposed to a female or black President just one the Democrats would elect because of those two characteristics.
She certainly seems qualified if the current occupant is an example.

“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”

This is from the onetime chief counsel of the House Judiciary Committee Watergate investigation who let her go without a letter of recommendation – an almost unheard of thing.

There is more to read @ Here s a Shocking Fact That Most People Don t Know About Hillary Clinton - Linkis.com

And this is NOT the only site I've seen this reported on! [See the link with further links] Will the left-sucking media ignore it like they have all of Obama's past.
Oh yea, just we need. Another professional politician sitting in the oval office. Haven't they done enough damage already? I hope people stop playing into the hands of professional politicians.

The Democrats picking her won't be because she's a professional politician. It will be because of having a vagina. They've proven they'll elect someone based on charactersitics they say would be wrong to use to not elect him/her.

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