Hillary glad to meet BLM in Cleveland. Refuses to meet with Cleveland Police

Joe made the claim that a white person would have never been shot by the cops the way Rice was. That was until I brought up that Westlake story a week or so ago of the guy with the toy gun that the cops put in the grave. Add to that he was running away from the cops when they shot him.

Never made national news.
Two day news story here in Cleveland.
Nobody formed a group called White Lives Matter.

No, I made the comment that a WHITE CHILD wouldn't be shot without due process. Obviously you looked for a child and couldn't find one, so you decided to go with an adult, and hoped I owuldn't notice.
The perp in my example was UNARMED!!
Typical conservative, taking something that is just designed to be a little bit of humor and turning it into something it's not.

Surely right now Hillary's priorities are to play this stupid game that the electorate wants the politicians to play. It's hilarious, you all go gaga for some guy who talks crap all the time, plays on the media, does anything he can to not talk politics, then you expect his opponent to do the same thing, then you slam her for not meeting with one group out of MILLIONS in the US.

You can never win. Typical conservatism. If we're going to start slinging the "typical *******" at each other.

That's all the police are to you (and Hillary more than likely) is "just one group?"

This one group has hundreds of their people killed by thugs every year. This one group had to be there for the riots that broke out because of the differences between this one group and the group Hillary obviously supports. This one group puts their lives on the line so the rest of us can be safe. Yeah, I would say "this one group" is pretty transcending among most all other groups. But Hillary had time to meet with the good or the evil, and she chose the evil to meet with.

Oh give over with the theatrics. The Cleveland Police are one group among many police departments in the country, aren't they? Have you ever visited the Cleveland Police Department? If not, then they're just another group to you. See, I can play bullshit games too.

Yes, the Police have hundreds of people killed every year, they do a dangerous job. Compare their murder rates to those in civilized countries like in Europe and you'll see it's WAY too high. Suggest that guns are the problem and you get "oh, no, no, no, guns don't kill people".

There are two types of people. People who suggest REAL solutions to problems, and those who hide behind emotional crap to try and get their way. They talk about how we should bow down to the police because so many are killed, but don't want to do anything to stop the number of police, or ordinary citiznens, being killed every year.

Wayda go.
Typical conservative, taking something that is just designed to be a little bit of humor and turning it into something it's not.

Surely right now Hillary's priorities are to play this stupid game that the electorate wants the politicians to play. It's hilarious, you all go gaga for some guy who talks crap all the time, plays on the media, does anything he can to not talk politics, then you expect his opponent to do the same thing, then you slam her for not meeting with one group out of MILLIONS in the US.

You can never win. Typical conservatism. If we're going to start slinging the "typical *******" at each other.

That's all the police are to you (and Hillary more than likely) is "just one group?"

This one group has hundreds of their people killed by thugs every year. This one group had to be there for the riots that broke out because of the differences between this one group and the group Hillary obviously supports. This one group puts their lives on the line so the rest of us can be safe. Yeah, I would say "this one group" is pretty transcending among most all other groups. But Hillary had time to meet with the good or the evil, and she chose the evil to meet with.
There was also a fatal shooting on the east side in an area suburb i frequent.
The perp ( now dead)tried to run over the motorcycle cop with his car.
GUESS WHAT?? He was white!!!!
Gues what? No 24/7 news coverage......
No riots........
What an idiot.

How many of these black guys who get on the news for being killed were actually causing a threat to the police at the time? None.

If they had been, everyone would understand.
That's all the police are to you (and Hillary more than likely) is "just one group?"

This one group has hundreds of their people killed by thugs every year.

That's simply not true.


This is all fatalities, including traffic.

I just gave you a story about a white guy who was "playing with a toy gun" that got shot down by white cops, and you didn't even respond. Gee......I wonder why that is?

Because I specified CHILD, and not "GUY". A grown man playing with a toy gun is just weird.

But Hillary had time to meet with the good or the evil, and she chose the evil to meet with.

Yes, parents complaining about their children being shot without due process because of their race are clearly evil.

Because I specified CHILD, and not "GUY". A grown man playing with a toy gun is just weird.

No, it's pretty much the same, and since you never acknowledged that this "child" was 5'7" and weighted 185 lbs, it's pretty clear (at least to us un-liberals) he very much looked like an adult to the police officers, with a "toy" gun completely identical to a real gun of it's kind.

But since you insist:

FRESNO, Calif. — Despite demands that he “Show both hands!” and shouts that “You’re going to get shot, man!,” a 19-year-old in California refused to pull one hand from behind his back or to stop walking toward police. Officers then shot him four times, twice after he had already gone down from the first two bullets, according to dramatic and graphic body-camera video newly released by police.

The death of Noble, who was white, came more than a week before police killed two black men in shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota last week that sparked protests around the country.

Bodycam shows fatal shooting of unarmed white teen | New York Post

Or are you now going to make the claim that because he didn't have a toy gun, it wasn't the same thing????

Yes, parents complaining about their children being shot without due process because of their race are clearly evil.

No, people screaming "WE WANT DEAD COPS! WHEN DO WE WANT THEM? NOW!" is evil. Or perhaps "PIGS IN THE BLANKET, FRY THEM LIKE BACON" is evil. Stopping traffic so people can't pass is evil, and so is damaging cars of people that have nothing to do with their idiocy.

And just how many Black Lies Matter people had their kids shot or killed by police?
How many of these black guys who get on the news for being killed were actually causing a threat to the police at the time? None.

If they had been, everyone would understand.

Utter Bull. Every shooting is investigated, and if it's found the officer broke a law of any kind, he faces a grand jury and possible prosecution.
No, it's pretty much the same, and since you never acknowledged that this "child" was 5'7" and weighted 185 lbs, it's pretty clear (at least to us un-liberals) he very much looked like an adult to the police officers, with a "toy" gun completely identical to a real gun of it's kind.

actually, I saw that video, that was pretty obviously a child. You can just tell by the way he carried himself.

FRESNO, Calif. — Despite demands that he “Show both hands!” and shouts that “You’re going to get shot, man!,” a 19-year-old in California refused to pull one hand from behind his back or to stop walking toward police. Officers then shot him four times, twice after he had already gone down from the first two bullets, according to dramatic and graphic body-camera video newly released by police.


Dylan Noble, fatally shot by Fresno police, was drunk and had traces of cocaine in his body, autopsy shows

19 years old- legally an adult.
Warned numerous times before he was shot.
Brandish an item that might have been a weapon
Was Drunk with cocaine in his system
Yelled at the cops " hated his life"

Honestly, that sounds like a suicide by cop. But he was wh ite, so he got an actual investigtaiton.
Typical conservative, taking something that is just designed to be a little bit of humor and turning it into something it's not.

Surely right now Hillary's priorities are to play this stupid game that the electorate wants the politicians to play. It's hilarious, you all go gaga for some guy who talks crap all the time, plays on the media, does anything he can to not talk politics, then you expect his opponent to do the same thing, then you slam her for not meeting with one group out of MILLIONS in the US.

You can never win. Typical conservatism. If we're going to start slinging the "typical *******" at each other.

That's all the police are to you (and Hillary more than likely) is "just one group?"

This one group has hundreds of their people killed by thugs every year. This one group had to be there for the riots that broke out because of the differences between this one group and the group Hillary obviously supports. This one group puts their lives on the line so the rest of us can be safe. Yeah, I would say "this one group" is pretty transcending among most all other groups. But Hillary had time to meet with the good or the evil, and she chose the evil to meet with.

Oh give over with the theatrics. The Cleveland Police are one group among many police departments in the country, aren't they? Have you ever visited the Cleveland Police Department? If not, then they're just another group to you. See, I can play bullshit games too.

Yes, the Police have hundreds of people killed every year, they do a dangerous job. Compare their murder rates to those in civilized countries like in Europe and you'll see it's WAY too high. Suggest that guns are the problem and you get "oh, no, no, no, guns don't kill people".

There are two types of people. People who suggest REAL solutions to problems, and those who hide behind emotional crap to try and get their way. They talk about how we should bow down to the police because so many are killed, but don't want to do anything to stop the number of police, or ordinary citiznens, being killed every year.

Wayda go.

Oh give over with the theatrics. The Cleveland Police are one group among many police departments in the country, aren't they? Have you ever visited the Cleveland Police Department? If not, then they're just another group to you. See, I can play bullshit games too.

I'm not running for President.

Yes, they are one police department--one police department that invited this witch to talk to them, but she chose to talk to BLM instead. Don't give me your BS how she didn't have time. She had time, but chose to give that time to the criminals.

Yes, the Police have hundreds of people killed every year, they do a dangerous job. Compare their murder rates to those in civilized countries like in Europe and you'll see it's WAY too high. Suggest that guns are the problem and you get "oh, no, no, no, guns don't kill people".

Countries in Europe are not as multi-cultured as we are. We have people in this country much more prone to murder and violent crime than others. Add to that our ridiculous prisons which are lowlife playgrounds with football fields, libraries, three squares a day, workout rooms, and even a little private room prisoners can start a family from, there is little deterrent to crime. Hell, even our death penalty is a joke because it takes almost two decades to carry the sentence out.
No, it's pretty much the same, and since you never acknowledged that this "child" was 5'7" and weighted 185 lbs, it's pretty clear (at least to us un-liberals) he very much looked like an adult to the police officers, with a "toy" gun completely identical to a real gun of it's kind.

actually, I saw that video, that was pretty obviously a child. You can just tell by the way he carried himself.

FRESNO, Calif. — Despite demands that he “Show both hands!” and shouts that “You’re going to get shot, man!,” a 19-year-old in California refused to pull one hand from behind his back or to stop walking toward police. Officers then shot him four times, twice after he had already gone down from the first two bullets, according to dramatic and graphic body-camera video newly released by police.


Dylan Noble, fatally shot by Fresno police, was drunk and had traces of cocaine in his body, autopsy shows

19 years old- legally an adult.
Warned numerous times before he was shot.
Brandish an item that might have been a weapon
Was Drunk with cocaine in his system
Yelled at the cops " hated his life"

Honestly, that sounds like a suicide by cop. But he was wh ite, so he got an actual investigtaiton.

19 years old- legally an adult.
Warned numerous times before he was shot.
Brandish an item that might have been a weapon
Was Drunk with cocaine in his system
Yelled at the cops " hated his life"

Honestly, that sounds like a suicide by cop. But he was wh ite, so he got an actual investigtaiton.

So did Rice, but as a liberal, you refuse to accept that.

actually, I saw that video, that was pretty obviously a child. You can just tell by the way he carried himself.

Yes, carrying himself by pulling out a gun on police. You didn't see shit. You are going by the media pictures designed to make him seem younger than he was that was provided by his now rich mother.
How many of these black guys who get on the news for being killed were actually causing a threat to the police at the time? None.

If they had been, everyone would understand.

Utter Bull. Every shooting is investigated, and if it's found the officer broke a law of any kind, he faces a grand jury and possible prosecution.

I'm not sure what you're responding to, but it doesn't look like my post.
This thread is like talking to wobbly and leftyg Ray.

LOL. He was banned by Bob you know. I miss him believe it or not.
Not a permanent ban, just a month or so.
The funny thing is, I just HAPPENED to be channel surfing on my way to work and caught the tail end and the ban.
Next chance I went on the board I asked him if it was him and he said yes.
His voice was EXACTLY what I had imagined.:)
OMG pissed off doesn't tell the half of it and I think he's banned from Bobs Facebook page too.
He created a thread on the old forum just to vent. Lol
You came up a couple of times.
He misses you to but wouldn't exactly say it in those terms the old goat.
This game is KILLING me.
Utter Bull. Every shooting is investigated, and if it's found the officer broke a law of any kind, he faces a grand jury and possible prosecution.

Okay, And if those investigations weren't rigged, where 99% of police shootings are ruled "justified", you might have a point.
Not a permanent ban, just a month or so.
The funny thing is, I just HAPPENED to be channel surfing on my way to work and caught the tail end and the ban.
Next chance I went on the board I asked him if it was him and he said yes.
His voice was EXACTLY what I had imagined.:)
OMG pissed off doesn't tell the half of it and I think he's banned from Bobs Facebook page too.
He created a thread on the old forum just to vent. Lol
You came up a couple of times.
He misses you to but wouldn't exactly say it in those terms the old goat.
This game is KILLING me.

Yes, this game is like watching Obama Care. But it's important that we kick their ass in the series because Joe BS is from Chicago. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Lefty (also Joe) is okay in my book, but like most of his ilk, just confused in life.
Okay, And if those investigations weren't rigged, where 99% of police shootings are ruled "justified", you might have a point.

Rigged by whom? Even the ones that Racist Holder suspected were ruled unjustly was investigated by his idiots. Now show me one police investigation that was rigged unless you are making this all up as you usually do.
Typical conservative, taking something that is just designed to be a little bit of humor and turning it into something it's not.

Surely right now Hillary's priorities are to play this stupid game that the electorate wants the politicians to play. It's hilarious, you all go gaga for some guy who talks crap all the time, plays on the media, does anything he can to not talk politics, then you expect his opponent to do the same thing, then you slam her for not meeting with one group out of MILLIONS in the US.

You can never win. Typical conservatism. If we're going to start slinging the "typical *******" at each other.

That's all the police are to you (and Hillary more than likely) is "just one group?"

This one group has hundreds of their people killed by thugs every year. This one group had to be there for the riots that broke out because of the differences between this one group and the group Hillary obviously supports. This one group puts their lives on the line so the rest of us can be safe. Yeah, I would say "this one group" is pretty transcending among most all other groups. But Hillary had time to meet with the good or the evil, and she chose the evil to meet with.

Oh give over with the theatrics. The Cleveland Police are one group among many police departments in the country, aren't they? Have you ever visited the Cleveland Police Department? If not, then they're just another group to you. See, I can play bullshit games too.

Yes, the Police have hundreds of people killed every year, they do a dangerous job. Compare their murder rates to those in civilized countries like in Europe and you'll see it's WAY too high. Suggest that guns are the problem and you get "oh, no, no, no, guns don't kill people".

There are two types of people. People who suggest REAL solutions to problems, and those who hide behind emotional crap to try and get their way. They talk about how we should bow down to the police because so many are killed, but don't want to do anything to stop the number of police, or ordinary citiznens, being killed every year.

Wayda go.

Oh give over with the theatrics. The Cleveland Police are one group among many police departments in the country, aren't they? Have you ever visited the Cleveland Police Department? If not, then they're just another group to you. See, I can play bullshit games too.

I'm not running for President.

Yes, they are one police department--one police department that invited this witch to talk to them, but she chose to talk to BLM instead. Don't give me your BS how she didn't have time. She had time, but chose to give that time to the criminals.

Yes, the Police have hundreds of people killed every year, they do a dangerous job. Compare their murder rates to those in civilized countries like in Europe and you'll see it's WAY too high. Suggest that guns are the problem and you get "oh, no, no, no, guns don't kill people".

Countries in Europe are not as multi-cultured as we are. We have people in this country much more prone to murder and violent crime than others. Add to that our ridiculous prisons which are lowlife playgrounds with football fields, libraries, three squares a day, workout rooms, and even a little private room prisoners can start a family from, there is little deterrent to crime. Hell, even our death penalty is a joke because it takes almost two decades to carry the sentence out.

How many people do you think invite Hillary to go speak to them? Do you think it's possible to go speak to everyone? Also, for Hillary the important thing is to win votes, so she's going to go meet with those people who she thinks are worth meeting in order to get those votes, rather than going to visit those who want her to go visit them. It's not a hard concept.

She had time? Do you know how much time she has? Really?

Countries in Europe aren't as multi-cultural? Are you kidding me?

London has 13.2% Asian, 10.92% Black. Within Asian you have Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, within Black you have Caribbean and African.

Paris has an immigrant percentage of 20%. 285,000 Algerians, 240,000 Portuguese etc.

These cities aren't mono-cultured at all. Trying to claim crime is all about one culture is ridiculous.

The country is more prone to murder and crime because A) politicians don't try and solve social problems and B) there are too many guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have guns, because it's too easy for them to get hold of guns and a culture of using those guns. That's the difference between Europe (where I've lived) and the US (where I've lived). The gun culture. In the UK there was a rising tide of gun culture. It first came because of the Yardies, from Jamaica, and then spread. However the govt dealt with the situation and the number of gun crimes, and especially gun murders has dropped significantly.

The prison system isn't all that good. In fact prisons in Europe will be a lot more comfortable than US prisons, so again, it's not a great argument for why the US has higher crime and especially murder rates.

The ONLY real difference between the USA and Europe is the prevalence of GUNS. 3/4 of all US murders are with GUNS, and the US murder rate is 4 times higher. In other words, the non-gun murder rate in the US is about the same as the murder rates of Western Europe.

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