Hillary glad to meet BLM in Cleveland. Refuses to meet with Cleveland Police

Well,no this guy will never work as a police officer ever again, anywhere. Because when one police department fires you for incompetence and another one fires you for killing a kid, no one is going to be up to hiring you.

The problem with your theory is he wasn't fired from either department.
I think the fact the man showed really shitty judgement on a firing exercise- so awful that he was disarmed by the training officer and they moved to fire him, that's kind of relevant in a case that is ultimately about whether or not he showed good judgment in discharging his weapon.

Well, if you want to see the case thrown right out of court, be my guest.

Only direct evidence is relevant in a court case. If you get attacked by your crazy neighbor, and go to court and tell the jury the guy was convicted of drug possession a few months earlier, they will throw that case out of court. You can't bring up anybody's past and try to hitch that to the case that's being heard unless it has a direct link to the charge at hand.
Well,no this guy will never work as a police officer ever again, anywhere. Because when one police department fires you for incompetence and another one fires you for killing a kid, no one is going to be up to hiring you.

The problem with your theory is he wasn't fired from either department.

Which just goes to show how corrupt the police can be !

Ya know , you righties spend all day talking about how corrupt and shady the government is. Yet the local police are exempted for some reason ?
Which just goes to show how corrupt the police can be !

Ya know , you righties spend all day talking about how corrupt and shady the government is. Yet the local police are exempted for some reason ?

What is corrupt about it? You mean you never worked at a place where a coworker had it out for you? You never seen an employee blackballed before?
Joe's going to milk that 12 year old getting shot by the police incident till the cows come home.

That's one thing, but to continually lie about the same aspects of the case over and over gets old. Joe knows that the gun was so realistic looking only a professional could tell the difference between that and the real thing. The police were called because of a "guy" waiving a gun around and pointing it at cars. The neighborhood is a very dangerous place where a lot of gang and drug activity takes place. What were the cops supposed to think?

Then we advance to the conspiracy theories. The prosecutor didn't want to indict. The Grand Jury was cheated out of information yet Joe can't tell us what was left out. The investigation was done by "friends" of the police officer even though he'd only been on the force for like a month or so. and the Grand Jury based their ruling on a video tape that's been sourced by dozens of news outlets. I even posted a CNN journalist who said the same thing--Tamir pulled that gun on the officers.

He lies all the time. He makes shit up to fit his agenda, he is slime.
Well,no this guy will never work as a police officer ever again, anywhere. Because when one police department fires you for incompetence and another one fires you for killing a kid, no one is going to be up to hiring you.

The problem with your theory is he wasn't fired from either department.

No, he quit after four months when they were going to fire him. Then he worked for Cleveland for four months before he shot a child.

Well, if you want to see the case thrown right out of court, be my guest.

Only direct evidence is relevant in a court case. If you get attacked by your crazy neighbor, and go to court and tell the jury the guy was convicted of drug possession a few months earlier, they will throw that case out of court. You can't bring up anybody's past and try to hitch that to the case that's being heard unless it has a direct link to the charge at hand.

Guy this is direct evidence. The whole question was whether or not he showed good judgement when he shot a child playing with a toy. The fact that he showed such awful judgement on a firing exercise that the training officer had to TAKE HIS WEAPON and remove him from the range is kind of relevant to that.

What is corrupt about it? You mean you never worked at a place where a coworker had it out for you? You never seen an employee blackballed before?

Uh, yeah, but that wasn't the case here. The case here was the whole town of Independence realized they made a mistake hiring this guy...
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

where does it say she was invited to speak with the police and declined?

as to BLM, let me know when your ilk stop cheering for the murder of unarmed black males.

"Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio..."
Thank you B'wana for your 'wisdom.'

Getting rid of cops who don't want to do their jobs is part of that reform that you can't do anything about. That's part of citizen oversight. As stated to you earlier by another poster, cops work for the community, not the other way around. You appear to have no concept of that. Regardless of your blinders, community policing arrived in Cleveland in 2015.

Unless an officer refuses to take a call, he is doing his job. Like I said, it's the extras to prevent crime what they are not going to do any longer, and they don't have to. How are you going to prove any officer is ignoring situations that could get worse?

Furthermore, how can you blame the police officers? If the blacks in the community are going to act like animals if an officer is forced to protect himself, then WTF should he put himself in that position if he doesn't have to?

Let the guy with the loud muffler go on his way. Forget about that drug sale you seen. If somebody is doped up and talking to themselves, they aren't legally bothering anybody. The guy who can barely get back into his car at the gas station because he's so drunk, forget about it until he kills somebody. Those thugs you seen that you are familiar with because you arrested them so many times, look the other way and don't mind what they are doing until somebody calls. Did you see the butt of a gun sticking out of a punks trousers? You didn't see anything.

I repeat, useless cops that can't/won't do their jobs will be kicked the fuck out of a job they can't or are too afraid to do.

They know the community is watching them .. they know major changes are on the way. As I've said, many of those changes are already happening in Cleveland.

Cleveland, DOJ announce changes in police force
Cleveland, DOJ announce changes in police force - CNNPolitics.com

Nobody owes them a job. If they don't like the changes, they can go find something else to do with their lives.
I repeat, useless cops that can't/won't do their jobs will be kicked the fuck out of a job they can't or are too afraid to do.

They know the community is watching them .. they know major changes are on the way. As I've said, many of those changes are already happening in Cleveland.

Cleveland, DOJ announce changes in police force
Cleveland, DOJ announce changes in police force - CNNPolitics.com

Nobody owes them a job. If they don't like the changes, they can go find something else to do with their lives.

They just might. Or the union may go on strike if they are pressured too much. Then watch the brothers fend for themselves.

When you force good people off of the job, don't expect better people to take their place.
Well,no this guy will never work as a police officer ever again, anywhere. Because when one police department fires you for incompetence and another one fires you for killing a kid, no one is going to be up to hiring you.

The problem with your theory is he wasn't fired from either department.

No, he quit after four months when they were going to fire him. Then he worked for Cleveland for four months before he shot a child.

Well, if you want to see the case thrown right out of court, be my guest.

Only direct evidence is relevant in a court case. If you get attacked by your crazy neighbor, and go to court and tell the jury the guy was convicted of drug possession a few months earlier, they will throw that case out of court. You can't bring up anybody's past and try to hitch that to the case that's being heard unless it has a direct link to the charge at hand.

Guy this is direct evidence. The whole question was whether or not he showed good judgement when he shot a child playing with a toy. The fact that he showed such awful judgement on a firing exercise that the training officer had to TAKE HIS WEAPON and remove him from the range is kind of relevant to that.

What is corrupt about it? You mean you never worked at a place where a coworker had it out for you? You never seen an employee blackballed before?

Uh, yeah, but that wasn't the case here. The case here was the whole town of Independence realized they made a mistake hiring this guy...

sure I did. The Grand Jury never heard about how your boy, Officer McShooty was fired for incompetence on the gun range.

He resigned, he wasn't fired. It's one thing to lie and get caught, it's quite another level when you continue to lie even though proven wrong.

Uh, yeah, but that wasn't the case here. The case here was the whole town of Independence realized they made a mistake hiring this guy...

Most of the town didn't even know the guy. WTF are you talking about?

Guy this is direct evidence. The whole question was whether or not he showed good judgement when he shot a child playing with a toy. The fact that he showed such awful judgement on a firing exercise that the training officer had to TAKE HIS WEAPON and remove him from the range is kind of relevant to that.

No it is not. You know nothing about our justice system which doesn't surprise me.

Again, only evidence that is directly related to the case is allowed in court. Not opinions, not disgruntled former coworkers. Even if it were allowed, he passed the Police Academy, he was given a good reference to the Cleveland Police department by the city of Independence.

And no, this was not a case about judgement, it was a case to determine if any laws were broken by the officer.

No, he quit after four months when they were going to fire him. Then he worked for Cleveland for four months before he shot a child.

So in other words, you're FOS again. He didn't get fired from either department.
I repeat, useless cops that can't/won't do their jobs will be kicked the fuck out of a job they can't or are too afraid to do.

They know the community is watching them .. they know major changes are on the way. As I've said, many of those changes are already happening in Cleveland.

Cleveland, DOJ announce changes in police force
Cleveland, DOJ announce changes in police force - CNNPolitics.com

Nobody owes them a job. If they don't like the changes, they can go find something else to do with their lives.

They just might. Or the union may go on strike if they are pressured too much. Then watch the brothers fend for themselves.

When you force good people off of the job, don't expect better people to take their place.

You don't get it .. THEY AREN'T GOOD PEOPLE .. and if they can't do their fucking jobs .. get the fuck off the police force.

If the union wants to strike .. which is illegal in most states .. be my guest. Just a quicker way to get rid of them.
You don't get it .. THEY AREN'T GOOD PEOPLE .. and if they can't do their fucking jobs .. get the fuck off the police force.

If the union wants to strike .. which is illegal in most states .. be my guest. Just a quicker way to get rid of them.

They are all good people. It takes quite a bit to get on a police force--especially like Cleveland. When the standards are lowered, so is the level of people willing to take the job.

As for doing their job, they were doing it fine until these Black Losers Matter got involved. Now they are limited as to what they can do, so they do less.

You can't tell cops to protect you but make sure they don't shoot anybody. Unfortunately violence is part of the job. When you take a job protecting the people, and then the people say they don't want your protection, then the only sensible thing to do is not protect them. Let them protect themselves. If the people don't want the bad guys off the street, then don't take them off the street. Leave them there. But if they do want the bad guys off the street, sometimes it's going to get ugly.
You don't get it .. THEY AREN'T GOOD PEOPLE .. and if they can't do their fucking jobs .. get the fuck off the police force.

If the union wants to strike .. which is illegal in most states .. be my guest. Just a quicker way to get rid of them.

They are all good people. It takes quite a bit to get on a police force--especially like Cleveland. When the standards are lowered, so is the level of people willing to take the job.

As for doing their job, they were doing it fine until these Black Losers Matter got involved. Now they are limited as to what they can do, so they do less.

You can't tell cops to protect you but make sure they don't shoot anybody. Unfortunately violence is part of the job. When you take a job protecting the people, and then the people say they don't want your protection, then the only sensible thing to do is not protect them. Let them protect themselves. If the people don't want the bad guys off the street, then don't take them off the street. Leave them there. But if they do want the bad guys off the street, sometimes it's going to get ugly.

While Trump is traveling around spreading hope of making America great again, clinton's traveling around spreading hate and discontent. She hates the secret service people who protect her, and she hates the cops who protect the rest of us. It was a tragic shooting, but it's been two years, time to move on.
You don't get it .. THEY AREN'T GOOD PEOPLE .. and if they can't do their fucking jobs .. get the fuck off the police force.

If the union wants to strike .. which is illegal in most states .. be my guest. Just a quicker way to get rid of them.

They are all good people. It takes quite a bit to get on a police force--especially like Cleveland. When the standards are lowered, so is the level of people willing to take the job.

As for doing their job, they were doing it fine until these Black Losers Matter got involved. Now they are limited as to what they can do, so they do less.

You can't tell cops to protect you but make sure they don't shoot anybody. Unfortunately violence is part of the job. When you take a job protecting the people, and then the people say they don't want your protection, then the only sensible thing to do is not protect them. Let them protect themselves. If the people don't want the bad guys off the street, then don't take them off the street. Leave them there. But if they do want the bad guys off the street, sometimes it's going to get ugly.

NOBODY but NOBODY is suggesting that cops not shoot dangerous people. The problem is that they're shooting unarmed people, some accused of no crime whatsoever.

My son is a cop. He's been a cop for 13 years, and he completely stands behind the new rules and policies coming his way and BLM .. as many black cops do.

Black Shield Police Association president says Cleveland should hire more minority police officers
Black Shield Police Association president says Cleveland should hire more minority police officers

Cleveland police's Black Shield calls on union to rescind Trump endorsement
Cleveland police's Black Shield calls on union to rescind Trump endorsement
You don't get it .. THEY AREN'T GOOD PEOPLE .. and if they can't do their fucking jobs .. get the fuck off the police force.

If the union wants to strike .. which is illegal in most states .. be my guest. Just a quicker way to get rid of them.

They are all good people. It takes quite a bit to get on a police force--especially like Cleveland. When the standards are lowered, so is the level of people willing to take the job.

As for doing their job, they were doing it fine until these Black Losers Matter got involved. Now they are limited as to what they can do, so they do less.

You can't tell cops to protect you but make sure they don't shoot anybody. Unfortunately violence is part of the job. When you take a job protecting the people, and then the people say they don't want your protection, then the only sensible thing to do is not protect them. Let them protect themselves. If the people don't want the bad guys off the street, then don't take them off the street. Leave them there. But if they do want the bad guys off the street, sometimes it's going to get ugly.

NOBODY but NOBODY is suggesting that cops not shoot dangerous people. The problem is that they're shooting unarmed people, some accused of no crime whatsoever.

My son is a cop. He's been a cop for 13 years, and he completely stands behind the new rules and policies coming his way and BLM .. as many black cops do.

Black Shield Police Association president says Cleveland should hire more minority police officers
Black Shield Police Association president says Cleveland should hire more minority police officers

Cleveland police's Black Shield calls on union to rescind Trump endorsement
Cleveland police's Black Shield calls on union to rescind Trump endorsement

Why should they have to take back the endorsement for crying out loud. He supports all who wear the uniform.

Not like that bitch Clinton. Or Obama for that matter. Both are anti police.
You don't get it .. THEY AREN'T GOOD PEOPLE .. and if they can't do their fucking jobs .. get the fuck off the police force.

If the union wants to strike .. which is illegal in most states .. be my guest. Just a quicker way to get rid of them.

They are all good people. It takes quite a bit to get on a police force--especially like Cleveland. When the standards are lowered, so is the level of people willing to take the job.

As for doing their job, they were doing it fine until these Black Losers Matter got involved. Now they are limited as to what they can do, so they do less.

You can't tell cops to protect you but make sure they don't shoot anybody. Unfortunately violence is part of the job. When you take a job protecting the people, and then the people say they don't want your protection, then the only sensible thing to do is not protect them. Let them protect themselves. If the people don't want the bad guys off the street, then don't take them off the street. Leave them there. But if they do want the bad guys off the street, sometimes it's going to get ugly.

NOBODY but NOBODY is suggesting that cops not shoot dangerous people. The problem is that they're shooting unarmed people, some accused of no crime whatsoever.

My son is a cop. He's been a cop for 13 years, and he completely stands behind the new rules and policies coming his way and BLM .. as many black cops do.

Black Shield Police Association president says Cleveland should hire more minority police officers
Black Shield Police Association president says Cleveland should hire more minority police officers

Cleveland police's Black Shield calls on union to rescind Trump endorsement
Cleveland police's Black Shield calls on union to rescind Trump endorsement

Why should they have to take back the endorsement for crying out loud. He support all who wear the uniform.

You would have no understanding of it .. and that's OK.
NOBODY but NOBODY is suggesting that cops not shoot dangerous people. The problem is that they're shooting unarmed people, some accused of no crime whatsoever.

My son is a cop. He's been a cop for 13 years, and he completely stands behind the new rules and policies coming his way and BLM .. as many black cops do.

I don't believe a word you say. If you really had a son that was a cop, he would have explained to you that there is no law stating a suspect (or attacker) has to be armed in order for him to use deadly force. I'm not a cop, and even I can use a firearm against an unarmed attacker.
While Trump is traveling around spreading hope of making America great again, clinton's traveling around spreading hate and discontent. She hates the secret service people who protect her, and she hates the cops who protect the rest of us. It was a tragic shooting, but it's been two years, time to move on.

It's not all that surprising. Democrats always side with evil. They are an extension of the devil himself.

Cops or criminals? Liberals choose criminals.

Terrorists, or our military and government. Liberals choose terrorists.

Go to the restroom and showers of your gender, or put on a dress and shower with our daughters in school? Liberals choose boys showering with our daughters in school.

An armed citizenry so they can protect themselves, or disarmed public so they are vulnerable to crime? Liberals choose citizen vulnerability.

Protect babies from being murdered, or kill babies out of convenience? Liberals choose kill babies out of convenience.

I could go on and on, but you already understand the point. That's why when I see a Democrat stick up for evil, it doesn't shock me one bit anymore.
He resigned, he wasn't fired. It's one thing to lie and get caught, it's quite another level when you continue to lie even though proven wrong.

You mean he "resigned" after paperwork had already been filed to fire him, meaning he could never work as a cop again.

Same thing. But this guy was a super-dooper Cop. Look what a bang up job he did! Oh wait. Sorry. Dead Child with a toy!

Again, only evidence that is directly related to the case is allowed in court. Not opinions, not disgruntled former coworkers. Even if it were allowed, he passed the Police Academy, he was given a good reference to the Cleveland Police department by the city of Independence.

Guy, he wasn't given a good recommendation. Cleveland never asked Indepenence about this guy. that was the problem.

If the Grand Jury had found out that he was WEEPING ON THE GUN RANGE, and had to be disarmed by the training officer, they might not have taken his word that the child with his hands in his pockets was presenting an immediate threat to him.

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