Hillary glad to meet BLM in Cleveland. Refuses to meet with Cleveland Police

I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting
This piece of shit is possibly going to be our next POTUS. America is fucked.
Thank you B'wana for your 'wisdom.'

Getting rid of cops who don't want to do their jobs is part of that reform that you can't do anything about. That's part of citizen oversight. As stated to you earlier by another poster, cops work for the community, not the other way around. You appear to have no concept of that. Regardless of your blinders, community policing arrived in Cleveland in 2015.

Unless an officer refuses to take a call, he is doing his job. Like I said, it's the extras to prevent crime what they are not going to do any longer, and they don't have to. How are you going to prove any officer is ignoring situations that could get worse?

Furthermore, how can you blame the police officers? If the blacks in the community are going to act like animals if an officer is forced to protect himself, then WTF should he put himself in that position if he doesn't have to?

Let the guy with the loud muffler go on his way. Forget about that drug sale you seen. If somebody is doped up and talking to themselves, they aren't legally bothering anybody. The guy who can barely get back into his car at the gas station because he's so drunk, forget about it until he kills somebody. Those thugs you seen that you are familiar with because you arrested them so many times, look the other way and don't mind what they are doing until somebody calls. Did you see the butt of a gun sticking out of a punks trousers? You didn't see anything.
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

where does it say she was invited to speak with the police and declined?

as to BLM, let me know when your ilk stop cheering for the murder of unarmed black males.

Nobody cheers for the murder of unarmed Black males. What is the percentage of unarmed Black males being murdered by police vs. other Black Males?

you could have fooled me.

and i like the deflection because that isn't the discussion and it's not the point.
The propensity for lying common to most on the right is further evidence as to why conservatives have no business being in positions of power and policy-making – this thread premise being one of many examples.

And what lie might you be talking about here?
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting
This piece of shit is possibly going to be our next POTUS. America is fucked.

nominate candidates who aren't mentally ill.
where does it say she was invited to speak with the police and declined?

as to BLM, let me know when your ilk stop cheering for the murder of unarmed black males.

Let us know when you and your ilk stop cheering when police officers are shot.
Just because you kind cheers the murder of unarmed black males doesn't mean other people cheer the police when they are shot. I don't see how you can make that leap.
Link to that? Word of advice, if pulled over do as the cop says and you will live. But you stupid nig$ers can't seem to get that through your heads. Yes, Dean you are the n word. Most others are respectable black folks.

We've seen many example where cops still shoot people even while cooperating .

Do tell moron.. do tell... Be sure to include links so I can beat you over the dam head with your lies..

you mean the unarmed guy guy who was on his back with this hands up who was shot three time wasn't cooperating?

And it just shows where Americans are today. They don't give a fuck about their police, they don't give a fuck about their nations borders or it's sovereignty.

Hillary can do this, because she knows a slight majority of Americans will agree with her on this.

Hillary can do this because she is going to win in a landslide and will incorrectly interpret that as a mandate for her Vote Whoring agenda.

She will have no mandate - merely a super-majority, attributable to the ghost of Benito Mussolini being the only other choice; not support for her agenda.
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

A while back, the Association decided to endorse Trump......The association has made its choice for president.....Tell me WHY Clinton should accept an invitation from a group that obviously dislikes her.

Organizations calls for Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association to rescind its endorsement of Donald Trump
A while back, the Association decided to endorse Trump......The association has made its choice for president.....Tell me WHY Clinton should accept an invitation from a group that obviously dislikes her.

Organizations calls for Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association to rescind its endorsement of Donald Trump

Why? Because she is running for President, that's why; to show the pubic that she actually cares about police issues. And who knows, maybe if she sweet talked them enough, they might have pulled their endorsement.

Blacks by a strong majority will vote for Hillary, but that didn't stop Trump from doing as they asked which was appear inside of the black community itself, and perhaps attend a church. Bush did the same thing. He addressed the NAACP.

If you want to only be the President of Americans that support you, then you have no business running for President. A President is supposed to be the President of all Americans regardless what party they patronize or who they voted for.
It was investigated by the Cuyahoga County Sheriffs department and they issued a 224 page report on their findings.

YOu can fit that much horseshit into 224 pages?

Pretty simple. It was a kid and Officer McShooty shot him. And then didn't have the common decency to eat his gun.
Then we advance to the conspiracy theories. The prosecutor didn't want to indict. The Grand Jury was cheated out of information yet Joe can't tell us what was left out.

sure I did. The Grand Jury never heard about how your boy, Officer McShooty was fired for incompetence on the gun range.

Sure, because it's dangerous. You know how the animals of the Democrat party are. They are violent people. That's why we all need guns in America, because we have Democrats living among us.

Well, you might have a point. The guy might face justice some day.
Blacks by a strong majority will vote for Hillary, but that didn't stop Trump from doing as they asked which was appear inside of the black community itself, and perhaps attend a church. Bush did the same thing. He addressed the NAACP.

Trump refuses invitation to talk to the NAACP saying he doesn't have time because of Republican convention

Read more: Donald Trump refuses invitation to talk to the NAACP saying he doesn’t have time | Daily Mail Online
Blacks by a strong majority will vote for Hillary, but that didn't stop Trump from doing as they asked which was appear inside of the black community itself, and perhaps attend a church. Bush did the same thing. He addressed the NAACP.

Trump refuses invitation to talk to the NAACP saying he doesn't have time because of Republican convention

Read more: Donald Trump refuses invitation to talk to the NAACP saying he doesn’t have time | Daily Mail Online

And this is to prove what again???
sure I did. The Grand Jury never heard about how your boy, Officer McShooty was fired for incompetence on the gun range.

Don't you know anything about our justice system? You can't bring up things that have nothing to do with the case. One mans opinion of the officer is not evidence of anything.

When you have a hearing, only pertinent information is to be brought to the court.
he killed a kid. I'm not sure how a normal person lives with that.

That's why police work is a tough job. He probably will be hounded by that shooting the rest of his life. The police know that killing another human being messes with your head. That's why all police officers involved in a shooting get pulled off the street. They need time to clear their head.
sure I did. The Grand Jury never heard about how your boy, Officer McShooty was fired for incompetence on the gun range.

Don't you know anything about our justice system? You can't bring up things that have nothing to do with the case. One mans opinion of the officer is not evidence of anything.

When you have a hearing, only pertinent information is to be brought to the court.

I think the fact the man showed really shitty judgement on a firing exercise- so awful that he was disarmed by the training officer and they moved to fire him, that's kind of relevant in a case that is ultimately about whether or not he showed good judgment in discharging his weapon.
That's why police work is a tough job. He probably will be hounded by that shooting the rest of his life. The police know that killing another human being messes with your head. That's why all police officers involved in a shooting get pulled off the street. They need time to clear their head.

Well,no this guy will never work as a police officer ever again, anywhere. Because when one police department fires you for incompetence and another one fires you for killing a kid, no one is going to be up to hiring you.

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