Hillary glad to meet BLM in Cleveland. Refuses to meet with Cleveland Police

Seems little Timmy has an aversion to facts and lives in a fantasy world..

Nothing you can do about it. MSM is good at brainwashing. Liberals believe that you can't use deadly force against a person who is not armed. It seems they don't understand the laws of the land they live in.
What facts ? They facts that police target blacks more than others ?

How about the fact that more whites get shot and killed by police than blacks every year? Yet you never hear nothing about it on the MSM. They are local stories at best, and usually die in a day or two.
I don't care for BLM, but don't blame her for not meeting with the CPPA. They already endorsed Trump almost a month ago. The first Presidential candidate they have ever endorsed.

True, but do you just snub them like that?

She could have met with them, explained her point of view for supporting anti-police groups, and perhaps try to win their confidence. Instead, she just reinforced their beliefs about what she actually stands for.

Blacks heavily support any Democrat candidate including Hillary. But Trump at least made an attempt to do what they asked. He went into their neighborhood and churches and talked with them.
Blacks support Democrats because they know Republicans hate them. Republicans work to deny blacks the vote. Republicans cheer unarmed black men and boys when they are shot. Republicans accuse blacks of living on a plantation. Republicans have dissed the first black president saying they would do ANYTHING to bring him down even before he was sworn in the first time.

Geeeezus you guys have your talking points down.
I am embarrassed for you.
What facts ? They facts that police target blacks more than others ?

How about the fact that more whites get shot and killed by police than blacks every year? Yet you never hear nothing about it on the MSM. They are local stories at best, and usually die in a day or two.

Police shoot people all the time . There are obvious justified shootings and everyone is cool wh that .
The real stat is what's the makeup of shootings of unarmed
People .
What facts ? They facts that police target blacks more than others ?

How about the fact that more whites get shot and killed by police than blacks every year? Yet you never hear nothing about it on the MSM. They are local stories at best, and usually die in a day or two.

Police shoot people all the time . There are obvious justified shootings and everyone is cool wh that .
The real stat is what's the makeup of shootings of unarmed
People .
And this last year there was ONE unjustified police shooting and the woman is in jail awaiting trial....

SO tell me again little Timmy where are your facts?
Police shoot people all the time . There are obvious justified shootings and everyone is cool wh that .
The real stat is what's the makeup of shootings of unarmed
People .

Just what I got done saying; your subject doesn't have to be armed in order to justify deadly force.

If I as an armed citizen can use deadly force against an unarmed attacker, why shouldn't police be allowed to do the same?
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

Describing an anti discrimination group as "radicals "? This coming from the union head only goes to prove BLM is right .

burning and looting your neighborhood is radical, doesn't matter what color you are
True, but do you just snub them like that?

She could have met with them, explained her point of view for supporting anti-police groups, and perhaps try to win their confidence. Instead, she just reinforced their beliefs about what she actually stands for.

Blacks heavily support any Democrat candidate including Hillary. But Trump at least made an attempt to do what they asked. He went into their neighborhood and churches and talked with them.

Last time I checked, the cops worked for us, not the other way around. If the community has a problem with the way they are doing their jobs, they need to listen.
What facts ? They facts that police target blacks more than others ?

How about the fact that more whites get shot and killed by police than blacks every year? Yet you never hear nothing about it on the MSM. They are local stories at best, and usually die in a day or two.

Police shoot people all the time . There are obvious justified shootings and everyone is cool wh that .
The real stat is what's the makeup of shootings of unarmed
People .

I'm sure you have a link because you are making the accusation.
True, but do you just snub them like that?

She could have met with them, explained her point of view for supporting anti-police groups, and perhaps try to win their confidence. Instead, she just reinforced their beliefs about what she actually stands for.

Blacks heavily support any Democrat candidate including Hillary. But Trump at least made an attempt to do what they asked. He went into their neighborhood and churches and talked with them.

Last time I checked, the cops worked for us, not the other way around. If the community has a problem with the way they are doing their jobs, they need to listen.
The police are paid for from your tax monies. They are to enforce the law whether or not you agree with them.. You're advocating mob rule and no laws.. We work for the system not individuals and their whims..
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Last time I checked, the cops worked for us, not the other way around. If the community has a problem with the way they are doing their jobs, they need to listen.

Or they can do the jobs themselves. Fat chance of that happening.

Do you think just because a handful of lowlifes protest in the street, that means every black person is behind them? Of course not. The media focuses on them only and never ventures out to find out what other people in the community think about police actions.

Allowing people to tell trained police officers how to do their job makes about as much sense as the citizens telling their professional football team how to play the game.
The police are paid for from your tax monies. They are to enforce the law whether or not you agree with them.. You're advocating mob rule and no laws.. We work for the system not individuals and their whims..

Guy, nobody has a problem with the police enforcing laws.

We have a problem with them shooting 12 year olds in the park playing with toys.

With choking street vendors to death.

With threatening kids with guns at a pool party.


This is what people have problems with. And they should.
Guy, nobody has a problem with the police enforcing laws.

We have a problem with them shooting 12 year olds in the park playing with toys.

With choking street vendors to death.

With threatening kids with guns at a pool party.

And do you know what every one of these situations had in common? They didn't listen to the orders of the police officer. And what is it about your brain that stops reality from sinking in? Rice had a realistic looking gun and pulled it out on police officers. You keep trying to make it sound like he was in the park playing with his remote control car.
And do you know what every one of these situations had in common? They didn't listen to the orders of the police officer. And what is it about your brain that stops reality from sinking in? Rice had a realistic looking gun and pulled it out on police officers. You keep trying to make it sound like he was in the park playing with his remote control car.

There's no way Officer McShooty could have jumped out of the car, assessed the situation adequately, gave a command and then shot the kid when he failed to comply in 1.7 seconds.

Again, this was a guy who was fired for weeping on a gun range and had to have his weapon taken away from him.
There's no way Officer McShooty could have jumped out of the car, assessed the situation adequately, gave a command and then shot the kid when he failed to comply in 1.7 seconds.

Again, this was a guy who was fired for weeping on a gun range and had to have his weapon taken away from him.

So you just decide to take the side of one persons claim. Sorry, but we have a video of the exchange. The Grand Jury sifted through the video frame by frame, and they determined that the shooting took place exactly as the officer said it did.

We as a society don't prosecute people because of something we don't like, we prosecute based on if any laws were broken or not. This officer didn't break any laws in his line of duty.
There's no way Officer McShooty could have jumped out of the car, assessed the situation adequately, gave a command and then shot the kid when he failed to comply in 1.7 seconds.

Again, this was a guy who was fired for weeping on a gun range and had to have his weapon taken away from him.

So you just decide to take the side of one persons claim. Sorry, but we have a video of the exchange. The Grand Jury sifted through the video frame by frame, and they determined that the shooting took place exactly as the officer said it did.

We as a society don't prosecute people because of something we don't like, we prosecute based on if any laws were broken or not. This officer didn't break any laws in his line of duty.
He is a social justice warrior who relies on feelings, not facts.. That is why America is in the position it is today..
There's no way Officer McShooty could have jumped out of the car, assessed the situation adequately, gave a command and then shot the kid when he failed to comply in 1.7 seconds.

Again, this was a guy who was fired for weeping on a gun range and had to have his weapon taken away from him.

So you just decide to take the side of one persons claim. Sorry, but we have a video of the exchange. The Grand Jury sifted through the video frame by frame, and they determined that the shooting took place exactly as the officer said it did.

We as a society don't prosecute people because of something we don't like, we prosecute based on if any laws were broken or not. This officer didn't break any laws in his line of duty.

Facts don't sway the liberal agenda. Never has, never will. They are reactionary morons.
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