Hillary glad to meet BLM in Cleveland. Refuses to meet with Cleveland Police

Last time I checked, the cops worked for us, not the other way around. If the community has a problem with the way they are doing their jobs, they need to listen.

Or they can do the jobs themselves. Fat chance of that happening.

Do you think just because a handful of lowlifes protest in the street, that means every black person is behind them? Of course not. The media focuses on them only and never ventures out to find out what other people in the community think about police actions.

Allowing people to tell trained police officers how to do their job makes about as much sense as the citizens telling their professional football team how to play the game.

Just so you know, there are millions of black people behind the demand for reform of American police departments .. and if think its just "lowlifes" in the streets and behind those demands. then you really don't know as much about black people as you think you do. To suggest that the black community doesn't have serious problems with how we are treated by police is just ridiculous .. and that measure is not judged solely by how many people attend a protest. There is much you don't know about protest.

Irrespective of whatever you think about it, serious change to policing, including citizen oversight review, removing grand juries, and prosecution of rogue officers is coming. The fact that the in-coming president is not only talking about it, but actively and openly supporting it demonstrates the weight the issue holds on the national stage .. AND, no element is more responsible for the weight it holds both nationally and internationally then BLM. It doesn't matter what you think of them .. you don't count. That's not to suggest that white people don't count, of course they do. Just you and all your right-wing comrades. Y'all (eb) don't count. :0)

Trump has lost .. President Clinton needing to remake herself .. will move to enact tougher policing because she needs energized black voters to get re-elected .. Obama to the Supreme Court.

You lose .. again.
Just so you know, there are millions of black people behind the demand for reform of American police departments .. and if think its just "lowlifes" in the streets and behind those demands. then you really don't know as much about black people as you think you do. To suggest that the black community doesn't have serious problems with how we are treated by police is just ridiculous .. and that measure is not judged solely by how many people attend a protest. There is much you don't know about protest.

Irrespective of whatever you think about it, serious change to policing, including citizen oversight review, removing grand juries, and prosecution of rogue officers is coming. The fact that the in-coming president is not only talking about it, but actively and openly supporting it demonstrates the weight the issue holds on the national stage .. AND, no element is more responsible for the weight it holds both nationally and internationally then BLM. It doesn't matter what you think of them .. you don't count. That's not to suggest that white people don't count, of course they do. Just you and all your right-wing comrades. Y'all (eb) don't count. :0)

Trump has lost .. President Clinton needing to remake herself .. will move to enact tougher policing because she needs energized black voters to get re-elected .. Obama to the Supreme Court.

You lose .. again.

Yeah, everybody loses in your mind.

Do you know what happened across the country after Ferguson and Baltimore? The cops sad F it. They are not going the extra mile in black areas anymore. Screw them. Sure, they'll come out if called, but that's only because they have to.

I see the exact same thing happening in my neighborhood. The cops used to pull people over for various violations. Today? They don't care. Wait until after the crime is committed before they do anything. If they see an opportunity to stop a crime before it happens, that is a thing of the past. One of my tenants witnessed yet another drug deal go down in a parking lot of a vacant building. There was a cop sitting right there just looking at the exchange. She told me the cop just drove off like he didn't see a thing.

Your idea of "reform" means more officers getting killed on the job. More opportunity for criminals to regain control over the streets, and that means more crimes and lower property value. Thank you BLM and all the failures in life that support you.

Black people have no idea that they are just cutting off their nose to spite their face. And if that corrupt criminal Hillary does get in and starts dictating the police as dictators do, many good cops will just leave those black areas and find white areas to work in. Then you can have whatever is left at the bottom of the barrel and see where that gets you.

Baltimore Residents Beg Police To Protect Their Neighborhoods
He is a social justice warrior who relies on feelings, not facts.. That is why America is in the position it is today..

This officer had a problem with his department because they knew he wanted to leave and work for Cleveland, so one guy basically blackballed him. But Joe believes this claim of the officer being unfit even after I explained to him that the officer went through the police academy and passed with flying colors. If the trainers at the academy seen any problem with this guy, he would have never gotten a job with the department.
Hillary will do as much as Obama has done for the black community.

What is it to you how much they do or don't do for black people. They get to determine whomever they vote for based on whatever they deem important just like you do.

The reason you're whining about it is because blacks won't vote for your candidates . giving democrats a huge advantage in elections.

Your side offered up a clown for president .. a clown who never wanted to be president .. and here you are giving political advice. :lol: That's funny.
"Hillary glad to meet BLM in Cleveland. Refuses to meet with Cleveland Police"

This is a lie.

Clinton did not 'refuse' to meet with Cleveland police.
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting
The propensity for lying common to most on the right is further evidence as to why conservatives have no business being in positions of power and policy-making – this thread premise being one of many examples.
Just so you know, there are millions of black people behind the demand for reform of American police departments .. and if think its just "lowlifes" in the streets and behind those demands. then you really don't know as much about black people as you think you do. To suggest that the black community doesn't have serious problems with how we are treated by police is just ridiculous .. and that measure is not judged solely by how many people attend a protest. There is much you don't know about protest.

Irrespective of whatever you think about it, serious change to policing, including citizen oversight review, removing grand juries, and prosecution of rogue officers is coming. The fact that the in-coming president is not only talking about it, but actively and openly supporting it demonstrates the weight the issue holds on the national stage .. AND, no element is more responsible for the weight it holds both nationally and internationally then BLM. It doesn't matter what you think of them .. you don't count. That's not to suggest that white people don't count, of course they do. Just you and all your right-wing comrades. Y'all (eb) don't count. :0)

Trump has lost .. President Clinton needing to remake herself .. will move to enact tougher policing because she needs energized black voters to get re-elected .. Obama to the Supreme Court.

You lose .. again.

Yeah, everybody loses in your mind.

Do you know what happened across the country after Ferguson and Baltimore? The cops sad F it. They are not going the extra mile in black areas anymore. Screw them. Sure, they'll come out if called, but that's only because they have to.

I see the exact same thing happening in my neighborhood. The cops used to pull people over for various violations. Today? They don't care. Wait until after the crime is committed before they do anything. If they see an opportunity to stop a crime before it happens, that is a thing of the past. One of my tenants witnessed yet another drug deal go down in a parking lot of a vacant building. There was a cop sitting right there just looking at the exchange. She told me the cop just drove off like he didn't see a thing.

Your idea of "reform" means more officers getting killed on the job. More opportunity for criminals to regain control over the streets, and that means more crimes and lower property value. Thank you BLM and all the failures in life that support you.

Black people have no idea that they are just cutting off their nose to spite their face. And if that corrupt criminal Hillary does get in and starts dictating the police as dictators do, many good cops will just leave those black areas and find white areas to work in. Then you can have whatever is left at the bottom of the barrel and see where that gets you.

Baltimore Residents Beg Police To Protect Their Neighborhoods

Thank you B'wana for your 'wisdom.'

Getting rid of cops who don't want to do their jobs is part of that reform that you can't do anything about. That's part of citizen oversight. As stated to you earlier by another poster, cops work for the community, not the other way around. You appear to have no concept of that. Regardless of your blinders, community policing arrived in Cleveland in 2015.

Cleveland Community Police Commission

The Cleveland Community Police Commission is the second of its kind in the nation.

Emerging out of citizen advocacy and a consent decree with the U.S. Department of Justice and the City of Cleveland announced on May 26, 2015, the Cleveland Community Police Commission is made up of ten civilian representatives and one representative each from the Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association, the Fraternal Order of Police and the Black Shield.

The Cleveland CPC has the broad mandate to:

  • Develop and make recommendations for comprehensive police reform. This includes assessing police policies, procedures, practices and culture; improving community problem-oriented policing, bias-free and constitutional policing; and providing police transparency
  • Represent community voice and interests and develop recommendations that reflect an understanding of the values and priorities of Cleveland residents
  • Publicly report to the City and community and provide transparency on police department reforms
The Cleveland CPC believes the pathway to transforming the Cleveland Division of Police and building legitimacy and transparency must be paved with community input and trust, and a belief in the dignity of human life.
Cleveland Community Police Commission

Sit back and watch this transformation that you can't do anything about.

You won't understand it .. but nobody cares.
You mean other than that 12 year old who was shot playing with a toy, where they cut the cop loose.

The cop who was fired from another police departmetn for gross incompetence.

We already had this argument and listened to your pretzel logic that officer McShooty was totally right to shoot a child playing with a toy even though his supervisor said he had no business being a cop.

And now he isn't.

According to investigators he was. According to the law he was. According to a Grand Jury he was. The only people that think he wasn't are cop haters like yourself.

Joe's going to milk that 12 year old getting shot by the police incident till the cows come home.
So you just decide to take the side of one persons claim. Sorry, but we have a video of the exchange. The Grand Jury sifted through the video frame by frame, and they determined that the shooting took place exactly as the officer said it did.

And the city sifted through it frame by frame and said, "OH SHIT, WE'D BETTER PAY OFF THE FAMILY">

Hey, guy, nobody is putting Officer McShooty back on the street, for some reason.
Hillary will do as much as Obama has done for the black community.

What is it to you how much they do or don't do for black people. They get to determine whomever they vote for based on whatever they deem important just like you do.

The reason you're whining about it is because blacks won't vote for your candidates . giving democrats a huge advantage in elections.

Your side offered up a clown for president .. a clown who never wanted to be president .. and here you are giving political advice. :lol: That's funny.

Sorry "bro", the Black Community has rendered itself a laughing stock. You traded one massa for another and remain stranded on the inner city plantation.They vote Dem because they/you think they'll give you something for nothing, and they will....they'll give you whitey's money, not much mind you, but enough to buy an Obama phone or some such other shit they think is "free".

Andrew Jackson.
Woodrow Wilson.
Barack the Magic Negro.
Hillary Clinton.

Just a long line of Plantation Owners.
Hillary will do as much as Obama has done for the black community.

What is it to you how much they do or don't do for black people. They get to determine whomever they vote for based on whatever they deem important just like you do.

The reason you're whining about it is because blacks won't vote for your candidates . giving democrats a huge advantage in elections.

Your side offered up a clown for president .. a clown who never wanted to be president .. and here you are giving political advice. :lol: That's funny.

It's my opinion dip wad, why can't I have an opinion, and what's it to you what my opinion is? I'm not crying about votes, I don't want Trump any more than I want Clinton, they are two terrible choices. Just the way it is. I don't expect Clinton to be any better than Obama.
We as a society don't prosecute people because of something we don't like, we prosecute based on if any laws were broken or not. This officer didn't break any laws in his line of duty.

No, the prosecutor just didn't want to prosecute him becasue he didn't want the corrupt ass police department to fuck up his cases.

That's really part of the problem with letting the current police and justice systems investigate police misconduct. Nobody is going to prosecute their drinking buddies.

What is needed is a state or national board of review the investigates and prosecutes these cases specifically.
Hillary will do as much as Obama has done for the black community.

What is it to you how much they do or don't do for black people. They get to determine whomever they vote for based on whatever they deem important just like you do.

The reason you're whining about it is because blacks won't vote for your candidates . giving democrats a huge advantage in elections.

Your side offered up a clown for president .. a clown who never wanted to be president .. and here you are giving political advice. :lol: That's funny.

Sorry "bro", the Black Community has rendered itself a laughing stock. You traded one massa for another and remain stranded on the inner city plantation.They vote Dem because they/you think they'll give you something for nothing, and they will....they'll give you whitey's money, not much mind you, but enough to buy an Obama phone or some such other shit they think is "free".

Andrew Jackson.
Woodrow Wilson.
Barack the Magic Negro.
Hillary Clinton.

Just a long line of Plantation Owners.

I applaud your moronic thought. Seriously I do. It's one of the reasons I post on this site. I just love listening to just how incredibly dumb the right-wing truly is. The extent of your intelligence is telling lame 8th grade plantation and watermelon jokes .. while at the same time the light on right-wing political fortunes get dimmer.

"massa" :lol:

The candidate that I support has already won. :0) Amazing, huh?

You on the other hand support an orange clown :0) a clown who lost long before the election .. because the American people see him as a clown .. and you as a fool. A clown who never wanted to be president, but knows you, like most of his supporters, are a fool .. an uneducated fool.

And here you are giving political advice. :lol:

YOU are the laughing stock. :0)

I love it.
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

where does it say she was invited to speak with the police and declined?

as to BLM, let me know when your ilk stop cheering for the murder of unarmed black males.

Nobody cheers for the murder of unarmed Black males. What is the percentage of unarmed Black males being murdered by police vs. other Black Males?
Hillary will do as much as Obama has done for the black community.

What is it to you how much they do or don't do for black people. They get to determine whomever they vote for based on whatever they deem important just like you do.

The reason you're whining about it is because blacks won't vote for your candidates . giving democrats a huge advantage in elections.

Your side offered up a clown for president .. a clown who never wanted to be president .. and here you are giving political advice. :lol: That's funny.

Sorry "bro", the Black Community has rendered itself a laughing stock. You traded one massa for another and remain stranded on the inner city plantation.They vote Dem because they/you think they'll give you something for nothing, and they will....they'll give you whitey's money, not much mind you, but enough to buy an Obama phone or some such other shit they think is "free".

Andrew Jackson.
Woodrow Wilson.
Barack the Magic Negro.
Hillary Clinton.

Just a long line of Plantation Owners.

I applaud your moronic thought. Seriously I do. It's one of the reasons I post on this site. I just love listening to just how incredibly dumb the right-wing truly is. The exztent of your intelligence is plantation and watermelon jokes .. while at the same time the light on right-wing political fortunes get dimmer.

"massa" :lol:

The candidate that I support has already won. :0) Amazing, huh?

You on the other hand support an orange clown :0) a clown who lost long before the election .. because the American people see him as a clown .. and you as a fool. A clown who never wanted to be president, but knows you, like most of his supporters, are a fool .. an uneducated fool.

And here you are giving political advice. :lol:

YOU are the laughing stock. :0)

I love it.

No, actually Sambo you are the laughing stock. You can't see beyond the Welfare Roles they've created for you.
This election is a choice between two shit sandwiches.
This is the same choice they've given us for the last 100 years.

Andrew Jackson.
Woodrow Wilson.
Barack the Magic Negro.

Shine their shoes boy.
You and your people simply do not have the intellectual capacity to see beyond
We as a society don't prosecute people because of something we don't like, we prosecute based on if any laws were broken or not. This officer didn't break any laws in his line of duty.

No, the prosecutor just didn't want to prosecute him becasue he didn't want the corrupt ass police department to fuck up his cases.

That's really part of the problem with letting the current police and justice systems investigate police misconduct. Nobody is going to prosecute their drinking buddies.

What is needed is a state or national board of review the investigates and prosecutes these cases specifically.

It was investigated by the Cuyahoga County Sheriffs department and they issued a 224 page report on their findings.
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

where does it say she was invited to speak with the police and declined?

as to BLM, let me know when your ilk stop cheering for the murder of unarmed black males.
Deaf dumb & BLIND eh?
And the city sifted through it frame by frame and said, "OH SHIT, WE'D BETTER PAY OFF THE FAMILY">

Hey, guy, nobody is putting Officer McShooty back on the street, for some reason.

Sure, because it's dangerous. You know how the animals of the Democrat party are. They are violent people. That's why we all need guns in America, because we have Democrats living among us.
Joe's going to milk that 12 year old getting shot by the police incident till the cows come home.

That's one thing, but to continually lie about the same aspects of the case over and over gets old. Joe knows that the gun was so realistic looking only a professional could tell the difference between that and the real thing. The police were called because of a "guy" waiving a gun around and pointing it at cars. The neighborhood is a very dangerous place where a lot of gang and drug activity takes place. What were the cops supposed to think?

Then we advance to the conspiracy theories. The prosecutor didn't want to indict. The Grand Jury was cheated out of information yet Joe can't tell us what was left out. The investigation was done by "friends" of the police officer even though he'd only been on the force for like a month or so. and the Grand Jury based their ruling on a video tape that's been sourced by dozens of news outlets. I even posted a CNN journalist who said the same thing--Tamir pulled that gun on the officers.

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