Hillary glad to meet BLM in Cleveland. Refuses to meet with Cleveland Police

NOBODY but NOBODY is suggesting that cops not shoot dangerous people. The problem is that they're shooting unarmed people, some accused of no crime whatsoever.

My son is a cop. He's been a cop for 13 years, and he completely stands behind the new rules and policies coming his way and BLM .. as many black cops do.

I don't believe a word you say. If you really had a son that was a cop, he would have explained to you that there is no law stating a suspect (or attacker) has to be armed in order for him to use deadly force. I'm not a cop, and even I can use a firearm against an unarmed attacker.

Who gives a fuck what you believe? I repeat, you don't fucking count. New rules, policies, and regulations are already being put in place regardless of how much you don't like it .. AND, those changes will accelerate as soon as President Clinton takes office.

All the rest of the nonsensical shit you're talking about is just noise.
Ray is terrified that black folks might enjoy the same rights he has...

instead of paying attention to the rights rich people are taking away from him.

You should listen to him whine about how his boss won't give him health insurance, and it's all Obama's fault.
You don't get it .. THEY AREN'T GOOD PEOPLE .. and if they can't do their fucking jobs .. get the fuck off the police force.

If the union wants to strike .. which is illegal in most states .. be my guest. Just a quicker way to get rid of them.

They are all good people. It takes quite a bit to get on a police force--especially like Cleveland. When the standards are lowered, so is the level of people willing to take the job.

As for doing their job, they were doing it fine until these Black Losers Matter got involved. Now they are limited as to what they can do, so they do less.

You can't tell cops to protect you but make sure they don't shoot anybody. Unfortunately violence is part of the job. When you take a job protecting the people, and then the people say they don't want your protection, then the only sensible thing to do is not protect them. Let them protect themselves. If the people don't want the bad guys off the street, then don't take them off the street. Leave them there. But if they do want the bad guys off the street, sometimes it's going to get ugly.

NOBODY but NOBODY is suggesting that cops not shoot dangerous people. The problem is that they're shooting unarmed people, some accused of no crime whatsoever.

My son is a cop. He's been a cop for 13 years, and he completely stands behind the new rules and policies coming his way and BLM .. as many black cops do.

Black Shield Police Association president says Cleveland should hire more minority police officers
Black Shield Police Association president says Cleveland should hire more minority police officers

Cleveland police's Black Shield calls on union to rescind Trump endorsement
Cleveland police's Black Shield calls on union to rescind Trump endorsement

Why should they have to take back the endorsement for crying out loud. He support all who wear the uniform.

You would have no understanding of it .. and that's OK.

From what I have read from you, you seem to have little understanding and that's ok.
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

where does it say she was invited to speak with the police and declined?

as to BLM, let me know when your ilk stop cheering for the murder of unarmed black males.

Get someone to explain what this means to you.

she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio,
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

Yeah, you'd think she'd go have a cup of tea in every house in the whole city, because she's probably not going to be pressed for time at all. I mean, she also got invited to the gay puppies association and turned that down too, just because she wanted to spend her free time sunbathing on the beach in Cleveland.
Yeah, you'd think she'd go have a cup of tea in every house in the whole city, because she's probably not going to be pressed for time at all. I mean, she also got invited to the gay puppies association and turned that down too, just because she wanted to spend her free time sunbathing on the beach in Cleveland.

Typical lib, comparing the gay puppies association with the Cleveland Police. Good work.

But funny how she had all the time in the world to spend with Black Losers Matter, huh??? I mean, if you are going to vote for a President, shouldn't what their priorities are be a major consideration???
Ray is terrified that black folks might enjoy the same rights he has...

instead of paying attention to the rights rich people are taking away from him.

You should listen to him whine about how his boss won't give him health insurance, and it's all Obama's fault.

So what "rights" have the rich taken away from me? Do you even understand what a right is? And what rights to I have that blacks don't? Name me one!
Who gives a fuck what you believe? I repeat, you don't fucking count. New rules, policies, and regulations are already being put in place regardless of how much you don't like it .. AND, those changes will accelerate as soon as President Clinton takes office.

All the rest of the nonsensical shit you're talking about is just noise.

There is nothing nonsensical about what I say, you just don't like the truth which is pretty typical for a liberal.

And who gives a fuck what you believe anyway?
He resigned, he wasn't fired. It's one thing to lie and get caught, it's quite another level when you continue to lie even though proven wrong.

You mean he "resigned" after paperwork had already been filed to fire him, meaning he could never work as a cop again.

Same thing. But this guy was a super-dooper Cop. Look what a bang up job he did! Oh wait. Sorry. Dead Child with a toy!

Again, only evidence that is directly related to the case is allowed in court. Not opinions, not disgruntled former coworkers. Even if it were allowed, he passed the Police Academy, he was given a good reference to the Cleveland Police department by the city of Independence.

Guy, he wasn't given a good recommendation. Cleveland never asked Indepenence about this guy. that was the problem.

If the Grand Jury had found out that he was WEEPING ON THE GUN RANGE, and had to be disarmed by the training officer, they might not have taken his word that the child with his hands in his pockets was presenting an immediate threat to him.

You mean he "resigned" after paperwork had already been filed to fire him, meaning he could never work as a cop again.


Same thing. But this guy was a super-dooper Cop. Look what a bang up job he did! Oh wait. Sorry. Dead Child with a toy!

Yes, a dead child playing with a toy. He was in his pink shorts, licking a giant lolly pop, and bouncing his yoyo up and down off the sidewalk.

I'm so glad God didn't made me a liberal. I couldn't imagine going through life with such a distorted view of my world; imagination of things that really aren't there.

Guy, he wasn't given a good recommendation. Cleveland never asked Indepenence about this guy. that was the problem.

If the Grand Jury had found out that he was WEEPING ON THE GUN RANGE, and had to be disarmed by the training officer, they might not have taken his word that the child with his hands in his pockets was presenting an immediate threat to him.

You are so clueless it's amazing. THEY HAD A VDIEO JOE! They didn't need the opinion of some suburban goofball who had it out for the officer since he found out the officer really wanted to get a job in Cleveland.

Yes, Cleveland did call Independence Human Resources department. They said that the city had no problems or issues with the officer or his conduct.
So what "rights" have the rich taken away from me? Do you even understand what a right is? And what rights to I have that blacks don't? Name me one!

How about "the right to not be shot in the middle of the street by a bully with a gun who'll suffer no consequences."

I'm still waiting for you to find the case of a white child who was shot playing with a toy by a cop.
Yeah, you'd think she'd go have a cup of tea in every house in the whole city, because she's probably not going to be pressed for time at all. I mean, she also got invited to the gay puppies association and turned that down too, just because she wanted to spend her free time sunbathing on the beach in Cleveland.

Typical lib, comparing the gay puppies association with the Cleveland Police. Good work.

But funny how she had all the time in the world to spend with Black Losers Matter, huh??? I mean, if you are going to vote for a President, shouldn't what their priorities are be a major consideration???

Typical conservative, taking something that is just designed to be a little bit of humor and turning it into something it's not.

Surely right now Hillary's priorities are to play this stupid game that the electorate wants the politicians to play. It's hilarious, you all go gaga for some guy who talks crap all the time, plays on the media, does anything he can to not talk politics, then you expect his opponent to do the same thing, then you slam her for not meeting with one group out of MILLIONS in the US.

You can never win. Typical conservatism. If we're going to start slinging the "typical *******" at each other.
Typical conservative, taking something that is just designed to be a little bit of humor and turning it into something it's not.

Surely right now Hillary's priorities are to play this stupid game that the electorate wants the politicians to play. It's hilarious, you all go gaga for some guy who talks crap all the time, plays on the media, does anything he can to not talk politics, then you expect his opponent to do the same thing, then you slam her for not meeting with one group out of MILLIONS in the US.

You can never win. Typical conservatism. If we're going to start slinging the "typical *******" at each other.

That's all the police are to you (and Hillary more than likely) is "just one group?"

This one group has hundreds of their people killed by thugs every year. This one group had to be there for the riots that broke out because of the differences between this one group and the group Hillary obviously supports. This one group puts their lives on the line so the rest of us can be safe. Yeah, I would say "this one group" is pretty transcending among most all other groups. But Hillary had time to meet with the good or the evil, and she chose the evil to meet with.
How about "the right to not be shot in the middle of the street by a bully with a gun who'll suffer no consequences."

I'm still waiting for you to find the case of a white child who was shot playing with a toy by a cop.

I just gave you a story about a white guy who was "playing with a toy gun" that got shot down by white cops, and you didn't even respond. Gee......I wonder why that is?

No, nobody has the right to pull out a realistic gun on police. If there is such a right, please tell me where the right is written, because apparently the police and jury don't know where it's at either.
So what "rights" have the rich taken away from me? Do you even understand what a right is? And what rights to I have that blacks don't? Name me one!

How about "the right to not be shot in the middle of the street by a bully with a gun who'll suffer no consequences."

I'm still waiting for you to find the case of a white child who was shot playing with a toy by a cop.
THIS is one of the top stupidest comments I have EVER read.
So what "rights" have the rich taken away from me? Do you even understand what a right is? And what rights to I have that blacks don't? Name me one!

How about "the right to not be shot in the middle of the street by a bully with a gun who'll suffer no consequences."

I'm still waiting for you to find the case of a white child who was shot playing with a toy by a cop.

The Rich aren't the ones gunning down people in the street, nimrod.
Typical conservative, taking something that is just designed to be a little bit of humor and turning it into something it's not.

Surely right now Hillary's priorities are to play this stupid game that the electorate wants the politicians to play. It's hilarious, you all go gaga for some guy who talks crap all the time, plays on the media, does anything he can to not talk politics, then you expect his opponent to do the same thing, then you slam her for not meeting with one group out of MILLIONS in the US.

You can never win. Typical conservatism. If we're going to start slinging the "typical *******" at each other.

That's all the police are to you (and Hillary more than likely) is "just one group?"

This one group has hundreds of their people killed by thugs every year. This one group had to be there for the riots that broke out because of the differences between this one group and the group Hillary obviously supports. This one group puts their lives on the line so the rest of us can be safe. Yeah, I would say "this one group" is pretty transcending among most all other groups. But Hillary had time to meet with the good or the evil, and she chose the evil to meet with.
There was also a fatal shooting on the east side in an area suburb i frequent.
The perp ( now dead)tried to run over the motorcycle cop with his car.
GUESS WHAT?? He was white!!!!
Gues what? No 24/7 news coverage......
No riots........
What an idiot.
There was also a fatal shooting on the east side in an area suburb i frequent.
The perp ( now dead)tried to run over the motorcycle cop with his car.
GUESS WHAT?? He was white!!!!
Gues what? No 24/7 news coverage......
No riots........
What an idiot.

Joe made the claim that a white person would have never been shot by the cops the way Rice was. That was until I brought up that Westlake story a week or so ago of the guy with the toy gun that the cops put in the grave. Add to that he was running away from the cops when they shot him.

Never made national news.
Two day news story here in Cleveland.
Nobody formed a group called White Lives Matter.
That's all the police are to you (and Hillary more than likely) is "just one group?"

This one group has hundreds of their people killed by thugs every year.

That's simply not true.


This is all fatalities, including traffic.

I just gave you a story about a white guy who was "playing with a toy gun" that got shot down by white cops, and you didn't even respond. Gee......I wonder why that is?

Because I specified CHILD, and not "GUY". A grown man playing with a toy gun is just weird.

But Hillary had time to meet with the good or the evil, and she chose the evil to meet with.

Yes, parents complaining about their children being shot without due process because of their race are clearly evil.
Joe made the claim that a white person would have never been shot by the cops the way Rice was. That was until I brought up that Westlake story a week or so ago of the guy with the toy gun that the cops put in the grave. Add to that he was running away from the cops when they shot him.

Never made national news.
Two day news story here in Cleveland.
Nobody formed a group called White Lives Matter.

No, I made the comment that a WHITE CHILD wouldn't be shot without due process. Obviously you looked for a child and couldn't find one, so you decided to go with an adult, and hoped I owuldn't notice.
There was also a fatal shooting on the east side in an area suburb i frequent.
The perp ( now dead)tried to run over the motorcycle cop with his car.
GUESS WHAT?? He was white!!!!
Gues what? No 24/7 news coverage......
No riots........
What an idiot.

Joe made the claim that a white person would have never been shot by the cops the way Rice was. That was until I brought up that Westlake story a week or so ago of the guy with the toy gun that the cops put in the grave. Add to that he was running away from the cops when they shot him.

Never made national news.
Two day news story here in Cleveland.
Nobody formed a group called White Lives Matter.
This was in Willoughby.
You better be watching the game with a Molson nearby buddy!!

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