Hillary glad to meet BLM in Cleveland. Refuses to meet with Cleveland Police

Yes, this game is like watching Obama Care. But it's important that we kick their ass in the series because Joe BS is from Chicago. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Lefty (also Joe) is okay in my book, but like most of his ilk, just confused in life.

No, I'm not confused. I used to vote Republican, until my Romney-loving boss told me he could completely screw me over at work because "he didn't have to deal with a union".

NOw I know who my enemies are.

Oh, yeah, and the Cubs are going to slaughter the Indians...
No, I'm not confused. I used to vote Republican, until my Romney-loving boss told me he could completely screw me over at work because "he didn't have to deal with a union".

NOw I know who my enemies are.

Oh, yeah, and the Cubs are going to slaughter the Indians...

No, Scorp and I were talking about another blog we used to belong to here in Cleveland and another liberal named Joe.

We're tied right now so don't go counting your chickens. It's only the second game we lost since the start of the playoffs.

So you don't like Republicans because one of your former supervisors was a Republicans? That makes a lot of sense, and yeah, like I believe that too. Did you ever think that he screwed you over because of your work performance and not because he was a Republican?????
No I didn't. I said how many of those who had been killed and became headline news were presenting a threat.

All of them apparently. An officer is only allowed to use deadly force if he or she believes they or the public are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. That's the law. Any officer using deadly force without those threats face a grand jury and likely prosecution.
How many people do you think invite Hillary to go speak to them? Do you think it's possible to go speak to everyone? Also, for Hillary the important thing is to win votes, so she's going to go meet with those people who she thinks are worth meeting in order to get those votes, rather than going to visit those who want her to go visit them. It's not a hard concept.

She had time? Do you know how much time she has? Really?

Whatever time she had, she chose to spend with BLM. This isn't rocket science no matter how much you try to spin it.

You are correct, she chose to meet with BLM to buy votes because that's what her presidency is all about. It's not about doing the right thing. BLM is anti-police. BLM is for crime and riots. So my point still stands, Hillary chose evil over good like most all Democrats do.
We're tied right now so don't go counting your chickens. It's only the second game we lost since the start of the playoffs.

Next three games are at Wrigley. Good luck with that.

So you don't like Republicans because one of your former supervisors was a Republicans? That makes a lot of sense, and yeah, like I believe that too. Did you ever think that he screwed you over because of your work performance and not because he was a Republican?????

Nope. I got exemplary reviews the six years I worked there. He was the one who lost our biggest account and 60% of our business and then used that as an opportunity to screw over his employees, because that was the kind of swell guy he was.

That's when I realized that the REpublican do a very good job dividing us on Race, Religion and gender issues in order to get us to vote against our own economic interests.

You see, if he had to deal with a union, the first question is, "Who has seniority?" And the answer would have been , "I did", because in the six years I was there, he managed to alienate or fire nearly everyone else on his team who came in before I did. this included firing women who got pregnant, because, again, this was the kind of guy he was.

The second question would have been "What do work records look like?" Well, I had six years of exemplary reviews working on the most important account we had at that point. (The one we lost because his side of the house -sales - didn't do their job. My side of the house did it's job. We never ran them out of a part, not once.)

But this guy realized he could save money by firing the folks who had been with the company for years and keeping the people with no experience because they didn't make as much.

So, yeah, that guy made it very clear what we've lost by letting the wealthy run roughshod over working people.

It's just stupid people like you still think that Negro is after half your cookie when they've wolfed down the other 10.
We're tied right now so don't go counting your chickens. It's only the second game we lost since the start of the playoffs.

Next three games are at Wrigley. Good luck with that.

So you don't like Republicans because one of your former supervisors was a Republicans? That makes a lot of sense, and yeah, like I believe that too. Did you ever think that he screwed you over because of your work performance and not because he was a Republican?????

Nope. I got exemplary reviews the six years I worked there. He was the one who lost our biggest account and 60% of our business and then used that as an opportunity to screw over his employees, because that was the kind of swell guy he was.

That's when I realized that the REpublican do a very good job dividing us on Race, Religion and gender issues in order to get us to vote against our own economic interests.

You see, if he had to deal with a union, the first question is, "Who has seniority?" And the answer would have been , "I did", because in the six years I was there, he managed to alienate or fire nearly everyone else on his team who came in before I did. this included firing women who got pregnant, because, again, this was the kind of guy he was.

The second question would have been "What do work records look like?" Well, I had six years of exemplary reviews working on the most important account we had at that point. (The one we lost because his side of the house -sales - didn't do their job. My side of the house did it's job. We never ran them out of a part, not once.)

But this guy realized he could save money by firing the folks who had been with the company for years and keeping the people with no experience because they didn't make as much.

So, yeah, that guy made it very clear what we've lost by letting the wealthy run roughshod over working people.

It's just stupid people like you still think that Negro is after half your cookie when they've wolfed down the other 10.

That has nothing to do with political affiliation.
What it is tho, is is an owner with poor business skills.
He, apparently, makes his decisions in the short term and has little concern for the business in the long term.
In other words, it's not a reflection of a group but on an ill informed selfish individual.
You hear stories like this every now and again.
That has nothing to do with political affiliation.
What it is tho, is is an owner with poor business skills.
He, apparently, makes his decisions in the short term and has little concern for the business in the long term.
In other words, it's not a reflection of a group but on an ill informed selfish individual.
You hear stories like this every now and again.

Well, he wasn't the owner, he was someone the owners who lived in Houston and had no clue hired.

The point wasn't whether or not he was a good manager. Early on, he made some okay decisions. He currently runs a company I deal with in my current job, and as much as I despise the man, he does good work. (It's kind of akward to deal with him, but not as bad as I thought.)

But the 2008 Recession was kind of like a Zombie Outbreak. We found out who the real jerks are when the Zombies show up.

The point is that in the political sense, there is only one real divide in this country, the divide between those of us who do the work and those who have the money. The Republican Party is on the side of those who have the money. They use race, religion and sex to scare us into fighting amongst ourselves, but that's who they are. When I figured that out (maybe fairly late in life) it was a moment of clarity.

Now, it didn't always be this way. There used to be a time when Republicans got that there had to be a balance between labor and capital. You know, like THIS guy.


I think Teddy Roosevelt, Ike, Nixon and yes, I think even Reagan kind of got this. I think where it went south is when the Bush Crime Family took over the GOP.
No I didn't. I said how many of those who had been killed and became headline news were presenting a threat.

All of them apparently. An officer is only allowed to use deadly force if he or she believes they or the public are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. That's the law. Any officer using deadly force without those threats face a grand jury and likely prosecution.

Yeah, but also the people feel like the Police is doing this too often, and so they get angry, and you'd think rightly so, right?
How many people do you think invite Hillary to go speak to them? Do you think it's possible to go speak to everyone? Also, for Hillary the important thing is to win votes, so she's going to go meet with those people who she thinks are worth meeting in order to get those votes, rather than going to visit those who want her to go visit them. It's not a hard concept.

She had time? Do you know how much time she has? Really?

Whatever time she had, she chose to spend with BLM. This isn't rocket science no matter how much you try to spin it.

You are correct, she chose to meet with BLM to buy votes because that's what her presidency is all about. It's not about doing the right thing. BLM is anti-police. BLM is for crime and riots. So my point still stands, Hillary chose evil over good like most all Democrats do.

Yes, and she probably did this because she thought she could get votes out of it. That doesn't seem to be too hard either. So someone made the decision that they'd get more votes from that than from the police. So what?

The presidency clearly isn't about doing the right thing, it's fucked up, and yet 98% of voters are going to REINFORCE this crap. Great.

So, if "most all" Democrats choose evil over good, then you'd have to suggest that "most all" Republicans do too.

So, don't follow evil, vote 3rd party.
Yes, and she probably did this because she thought she could get votes out of it. That doesn't seem to be too hard either. So someone made the decision that they'd get more votes from that than from the police. So what?

The presidency clearly isn't about doing the right thing, it's fucked up, and yet 98% of voters are going to REINFORCE this crap. Great.

So, if "most all" Democrats choose evil over good, then you'd have to suggest that "most all" Republicans do too.

So, don't follow evil, vote 3rd party.

Vote third party? Might as well stay home and clean the basement. You'd get the same election results and actually accomplish something at home.

The presidency clearly isn't about doing the right thing? Then why did Donald not meet with BLM?
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

where does it say she was invited to speak with the police and declined?

as to BLM, let me know when your ilk stop cheering for the murder of unarmed black males.
never happened, next statement.
Yeah, but also the people feel like the Police is doing this too often, and so they get angry, and you'd think rightly so, right?

No, I never get angry over people doing their job. That's what I pay my taxes for.

And what is too often, how much the MSM reports it??? That seems to be where you're getting that idea from. After all, how many police shootings a year do you have where you live???
That's when I realized that the REpublican do a very good job dividing us on Race, Religion and gender issues in order to get us to vote against our own economic interests.

You see, if he had to deal with a union, the first question is, "Who has seniority?" And the answer would have been , "I did", because in the six years I was there, he managed to alienate or fire nearly everyone else on his team who came in before I did. this included firing women who got pregnant, because, again, this was the kind of guy he was.

My Lord is your head screwed on backwards. Nobody divides this country like the Democrat party. Rich vs poor, employer vs employee, black vs white, gay vs straight, all these are Democrat platforms that they've used (and still use) to try and defeat the Republicans.

Yes, unions forced companies to promote based on tenure and not on performance. That's what drove so many companies down. A good employee doesn't need a union because he or she realizes their work will speak for itself. With a union, it doesn't matter if the employee is a great worker or good for shit. They all make the same money, they still get that promotion you speak of, they never lose their job because they are worthless.

Remember I worked with companies that were unionized. If I had a delivery to a company I knew nothing about, I could tell you in five minutes if they were union or not. Union guys had an entirely different attitude about work. The worst was the UAW. My employer finally decided to refuse deliveries to auto plants because the union retards that worked there would take all day to unload a truck--something a non-union employee could do in about a half-hour.
Ray is terrified that black folks might enjoy the same rights he has...

instead of paying attention to the rights rich people are taking away from him.

You should listen to him whine about how his boss won't give him health insurance, and it's all Obama's fault.
well that is a fact.
I guess there is really no surprise here, but I thought it might be fodder for a discussion.

If you don't have time to go to the link, here are the highlights:

Following the meeting, President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association Steve Loomis released the following statement:

Hillary Clinton shows where her priorities lie when she meets with radicals from Black Lives Matters but refuses requests to meet with our local police officers here in Cleveland, Ohio, and the nation. By accepting an endorsement from this racially exclusive and divisive group that encourages attacks against police officers, she sets back our efforts to restore trust with the law-abiding citizens we serve in our communities. The result of Hillary Clinton's decision to fuel animosity against police is that cops will stop proactively policing in the neighborhoods where their presence is needed the most. The law-abiding citizens will continue to suffer and the only ones who will benefit will be those who continue to victimize them.

Cleveland police union rep rips Hillary Clinton after Black Lives Matter meeting

Yeah, you'd think she'd go have a cup of tea in every house in the whole city, because she's probably not going to be pressed for time at all. I mean, she also got invited to the gay puppies association and turned that down too, just because she wanted to spend her free time sunbathing on the beach in Cleveland.
so that's your take on the OP. wow. you are in the line with the stoops.
Ray is terrified that black folks might enjoy the same rights he has...

instead of paying attention to the rights rich people are taking away from him.

You should listen to him whine about how his boss won't give him health insurance, and it's all Obama's fault.
what right was taken away by the rich?
He resigned, he wasn't fired. It's one thing to lie and get caught, it's quite another level when you continue to lie even though proven wrong.

You mean he "resigned" after paperwork had already been filed to fire him, meaning he could never work as a cop again.

Same thing. But this guy was a super-dooper Cop. Look what a bang up job he did! Oh wait. Sorry. Dead Child with a toy!

Again, only evidence that is directly related to the case is allowed in court. Not opinions, not disgruntled former coworkers. Even if it were allowed, he passed the Police Academy, he was given a good reference to the Cleveland Police department by the city of Independence.

Guy, he wasn't given a good recommendation. Cleveland never asked Indepenence about this guy. that was the problem.

If the Grand Jury had found out that he was WEEPING ON THE GUN RANGE, and had to be disarmed by the training officer, they might not have taken his word that the child with his hands in his pockets was presenting an immediate threat to him.

You mean he "resigned" after paperwork had already been filed to fire him, meaning he could never work as a cop again.


Same thing. But this guy was a super-dooper Cop. Look what a bang up job he did! Oh wait. Sorry. Dead Child with a toy!

Yes, a dead child playing with a toy. He was in his pink shorts, licking a giant lolly pop, and bouncing his yoyo up and down off the sidewalk.

I'm so glad God didn't made me a liberal. I couldn't imagine going through life with such a distorted view of my world; imagination of things that really aren't there.

Guy, he wasn't given a good recommendation. Cleveland never asked Indepenence about this guy. that was the problem.

If the Grand Jury had found out that he was WEEPING ON THE GUN RANGE, and had to be disarmed by the training officer, they might not have taken his word that the child with his hands in his pockets was presenting an immediate threat to him.

You are so clueless it's amazing. THEY HAD A VDIEO JOE! They didn't need the opinion of some suburban goofball who had it out for the officer since he found out the officer really wanted to get a job in Cleveland.

Yes, Cleveland did call Independence Human Resources department. They said that the city had no problems or issues with the officer or his conduct.
but these libturd fks don't want the kids to get as old as that kid. They let the mothers kill them while they're carrying them. what is that abortion rate at anyway. They only care when? after they pop out, not while they're actually growing.
So what "rights" have the rich taken away from me? Do you even understand what a right is? And what rights to I have that blacks don't? Name me one!

How about "the right to not be shot in the middle of the street by a bully with a gun who'll suffer no consequences."

I'm still waiting for you to find the case of a white child who was shot playing with a toy by a cop.
where's one with a black child playing with a toy?
Yeah, you'd think she'd go have a cup of tea in every house in the whole city, because she's probably not going to be pressed for time at all. I mean, she also got invited to the gay puppies association and turned that down too, just because she wanted to spend her free time sunbathing on the beach in Cleveland.

Typical lib, comparing the gay puppies association with the Cleveland Police. Good work.

But funny how she had all the time in the world to spend with Black Losers Matter, huh??? I mean, if you are going to vote for a President, shouldn't what their priorities are be a major consideration???

Typical conservative, taking something that is just designed to be a little bit of humor and turning it into something it's not.

Surely right now Hillary's priorities are to play this stupid game that the electorate wants the politicians to play. It's hilarious, you all go gaga for some guy who talks crap all the time, plays on the media, does anything he can to not talk politics, then you expect his opponent to do the same thing, then you slam her for not meeting with one group out of MILLIONS in the US.

You can never win. Typical conservatism. If we're going to start slinging the "typical *******" at each other.
know what's sad is someone thinking a murderer is good for our country as president. that is extremely sad.

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