Hillary has silenced WikiLeaks

Now, after so many Americans found out that Hillary wanted to kill Assange with a drone strike, some of them may stop calling Edward Snowden a traitor.
No, Snowden is a traitor and his betrayal costs us dozens of lives of patriotic people, mostly recruits over seas but many were case agents. Most ofthe agents he exposed cant go over seas any more.

US officials say Snowden disclosures will lead to deaths, plead for an end to leaks

If I had the chance I would drone strike Snowden in a heart beat.
its not going to be more emails too her assistant, asking to get her coffee, like the last dump is it?

He needs to go back to "releasing information" about aliens and UFO's

Hopefully he has learned to speak Spanish, because he ain't getting out of the Ecuadorian embassy for a long time.....

Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange has been holed up in the Ecuadorean embassy in London since 2012, after seeking asylum there in his bid to avoid extradition to Sweden on a rape allegation.

In his defense. I spent a few weeks in London this year, and that's not the worst place in the world to be hold up.
Assange is a foreign commie interloper who is butt hurt his fellow traveler Bernie Sanders didn't win the nomination. It is amazing how wet between the legs Trump's Chumps are about foreigners interfering in our election process!

There literally is no standard too low for Trump's Chumps to crawl under.

You've got it backwards. His interference could stop the most corrupt people from cheating and stealing the election. How is that not doing us a favor? I know that kind of involvement pisses off some people who would rather carry on their plot in secret. Hey, people from both sides could be involved. If he was about to expose something about Trump, Obama already would have given him immunity.
Thank you for confirming there literally is no standard too low for you.
Report: WikiLeaks Founder Won't Make Announcement Because of 'Security Concerns'

Assange was going to release some more dirt this week, but thought better of it. He seems scared for his life now.
So when Assange releases his video tomorrow that will mean you are either ignorant or a liar.

Got it...can't wait until tomorrow now.

By the way, with as high of a body count as the Clintons are credited with, Assange's silence would mean he is a very smart man.
Why would you call him ignorant when every press outlet is saying he won't make the release tomorrow? Perhaps you should call Assange a coward or get informed yourself least you look like a complete jackass
Report: WikiLeaks Founder Won't Make Announcement Because of 'Security Concerns'

Assange was going to release some more dirt this week, but thought better of it. He seems scared for his life now.
its not going to be more emails too her assistant, asking to get her coffee, like the last dump is it?

He needs to go back to "releasing information" about aliens and UFO's

Which ones were those?
More Wikileaks Documents Surface Confirming The Existence Of Extraterrestrial Life & UFOs

You dumbass. Those are from the cables. He didn't confirm anything.
So happy that I'm not the only one who knows that.
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Well, I don't know......

Let others take out their little scale and weigh on one side the reputation of Newsweek versus the "reputation of a right wing blogger.....


Hon, my site is a liberal site.

Image (1).jpg
Assange is a foreign commie interloper who is butt hurt his fellow traveler Bernie Sanders didn't win the nomination. It is amazing how wet between the legs Trump's Chumps are about foreigners interfering in our election process!

There literally is no standard too low for Trump's Chumps to crawl under.

He is a libertarian.
its not going to be more emails too her assistant, asking to get her coffee, like the last dump is it?

He needs to go back to "releasing information" about aliens and UFO's

Hopefully he has learned to speak Spanish, because he ain't getting out of the Ecuadorian embassy for a long time.....

Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange has been holed up in the Ecuadorean embassy in London since 2012, after seeking asylum there in his bid to avoid extradition to Sweden on a rape allegation.

In his defense. I spent a few weeks in London this year, and that's not the worst place in the world to be hold up.
I agree now that Brexit freed them from you fascists,,,
Report: WikiLeaks Founder Won't Make Announcement Because of 'Security Concerns'

Assange was going to release some more dirt this week, but thought better of it. He seems scared for his life now.
So when Assange releases his video tomorrow that will mean you are either ignorant or a liar.

Got it...can't wait until tomorrow now.

By the way, with as high of a body count as the Clintons are credited with, Assange's silence would mean he is a very smart man.

^^^^crazy talk^^^^
Report: WikiLeaks Founder Won't Make Announcement Because of 'Security Concerns'

Assange was going to release some more dirt this week, but thought better of it. He seems scared for his life now.
So when Assange releases his video tomorrow that will mean you are either ignorant or a liar.

Got it...can't wait until tomorrow now.

By the way, with as high of a body count as the Clintons are credited with, Assange's silence would mean he is a very smart man.

^^^^crazy talk^^^^

I'm sorry, now back to your talking points.

Trump is Hitler.

Trump is Hitler.
Assange ends up having nothing more to say, after already exposing Hillary's scandals, lies, and crimes using her own e-mails to do so, and out of your arse you pull the statement 'Trump is Hitler'.


This is, in part, why no one can take Liberals, such as yourself, seriously. It's like a bit of LSD from earlier in your life that had been trapped in a fat cell suddenly broke loose and entered your blood stream, forcing you to have a momentary delusional mental spasm during which you yell out Gibberish.

It's like a mental version of Turrets where you involuntarily just spew out insane crap from time to time.

It's sad.


But back to the OP / issue...

IMO Assange has dumped the worst of what he has...he, like any 'normal' person, probably believed that exposing the fact that Hillary has lied, conducted Foundation Business from the State Department , needlessly abandoned 4 Americans to die, endangered our national security, violated laws, perpetrated perjury would all be enough to completely sink her. After all, there has never been a more scandalous Presidential Candidate in our nation's history, one who has had multiple scandals / crimes / unethical behavior revealed almost daily less than 90 days out from an election and STILL not only be allowed to remain in the race but be so rabidly defended by their partisan followers.

Like many, Assange is probably dumbfounded at how such knowledge of a candidate's immoral, unethical, illegal, and treasonous acts have had seemingly no effect on her campaign....Assange is flustered...and coming to grips that the NEW America - divided partisan America - is willing to embrace such disastrous politicians...and he's having a hard time accepting it.

Assange just proved he has nothing more to offer, nothing anyone cares about. He is no longer important...no one is hanging on her every word or what he might release next. Instead of the 'End of hillary', this press conference signaled the End of Assange.

...and Hilllary just exhaled a large sigh of relief.
Assange just proved he has nothing more to offer, nothing anyone cares about. He is no longer important...no one is hanging on her every word or what he might release next. Instead of the 'End of hillary', this press conference signaled the End of Assange.

...and Hilllary just exhaled a large sigh of relief.

True, your futile hopes, linked to an Australian sex offender's promises, just fizzled out........LOL
B-b-b-b-but he put a Death Key™ on it!

H-h-h-h-hillary was going to drone him!


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