Hillary has silenced WikiLeaks

Report: WikiLeaks Founder Won't Make Announcement Because of 'Security Concerns'

Assange was going to release some more dirt this week, but thought better of it. He seems scared for his life now.

I read today that he plans to go ahead with it but will not risk stepping outside. He also stated that he has emails with all the information set to be sent to media all over the world in the event something happens to him. The claim is that he has proof of election fraud going way back and plans to steal this election. We shall see if he goes through with it. If true that he has a backup plan for releasing the information, killing him with a drone or other means won't help.
I remember how euphoric leftards were when Wikileaks exposed what a sorry POS GW Bush and Tony Blair were (and they were) but now that it's happening to their sacred sow? All of the sudden Wikileaks isn't credible....how fucking funny is that??? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

These people could give two shits about any of this.
I remember how euphoric leftards were when Wikileaks exposed what a sorry POS GW Bush and Tony Blair were (and they were) but now that it's happening to their sacred sow? All of the sudden Wikileaks isn't credible....how fucking funny is that??? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's what happens when people don't use their heads (except for eating) or are seriously brainwashed (up to the brain damage) and repeat after their Media like a bunch of parrots.

The shame and the danger of the situation is: those people may elect the lying crook again just like they have elected moron/traitor Obama twice. And if that happens, all Americans will kiss their country good bye. So, we all are dependent on those Americans who are brainless and clueless. How fricken disgusting it is!
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Roger Stone is working closely with Assange, so Mr Stone says....and roger Stone is a close trump advisor for decades now....so, I would imagine he will make certain Assange drops Trump's october surprise on Hillary....even if late....there is 3 more weeks in October...
Roger Stone is working closely with Assange, so Mr Stone says....and roger Stone is a close trump advisor for decades now....so, I would imagine he will make certain Assange drops Trump's october surprise on Hillary....even if late....there is 3 more weeks in October...

Assange doesn't like Trump.

Lots of right wingers find this new revelation about Trump, "funny"....Hopefully for them, so will OH and PA steel-workers.

Not half as funny as left wingers find this:
In Leaked Docs, Honeywell Cites Obama Ties As Key to Anti-Union Strategy - Working In These Times
Assange is a foreign commie interloper who is butt hurt his fellow traveler Bernie Sanders didn't win the nomination. It is amazing how wet between the legs Trump's Chumps are about foreigners interfering in our election process!

There literally is no standard too low for Trump's Chumps to crawl under.
Assange's sauce is obviously weak. If whatever he has was all that powerful, he would have released it a long time ago.

He clearly doesn't think it was strong enough to finish off Clinton back then. It's just strong enough to cause a sensation for a couple of news cycles. So he had to time it just before the election.

It's also a way to release fake information without anyone having time to validate it before the election.

His rubes are building up a lot of hype without even knowing what it is.

It's a Hail Mary pass.
If I know the Clintons, and I do, they reached Assange and promised him amnesty if he stands down with Wikileaks. We'll see.

That would be their only hope of hiding something this bad. He was willing to risk his life to get info out there so let's hope he stays the course. Even if they offered him a deal, how on earth could he trust them? He and others would still have damning evidence they could leak. I think that is why he is prepared to share the information worldwide even if he dies. He wants this out.
Assange is a foreign commie interloper who is butt hurt his fellow traveler Bernie Sanders didn't win the nomination. It is amazing how wet between the legs Trump's Chumps are about foreigners interfering in our election process!

There literally is no standard too low for Trump's Chumps to crawl under.

You've got it backwards. His interference could stop the most corrupt people from cheating and stealing the election. How is that not doing us a favor? I know that kind of involvement pisses off some people who would rather carry on their plot in secret. Hey, people from both sides could be involved. If he was about to expose something about Trump, Obama already would have given him immunity.

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