Hillary Horror! 'Get those F-ing retards out of here'

Yes, racism is cultural. and yes, it doesn't always correlate to political parties.

But you on the left continually accuse republicans of being racists, when the facts prove that most racists in history have been democrats, socialists, or dictators.

:eusa_clap: Excellent. Not content with ipse dixit, bogus quotes and bogus claims that strangely have no links and demonstrably unworkable Association Fallacies, he retreats to calling out a strawmanned Hasty Generalization Fallacy by means of -------- a Hasty Generalization Fallacy.

Can't make this up.

Partisan hacks.... bless their pea-pickin' hearts.

Racists = democrats, socialists, and dictators

  1. Proof: Idi Amin, Hitler, Obama, Robert KKK Byrd, Bull Conner, Mohammed, all Ayatollahs, LBJ, George Wallace, Lester Maddox, David Duke, Saddam, Mao. I could go on, but maybe you get the idea now-----------no, you probably don't.

LBJ devoted his presidency to fighting for equal rights for blacks.

Bwahahahaha, your ignorance on display once again. LBJ was a racist, a pervert, and a womanizer.

Convince me that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 doesn't exist.

Convince me that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 doesn't exist.

When did I say that they didn't exist? The fact that LBJ signed them does not change who and what he was. He was a corrupt politician, much like the current democrat front runner, crooked Hillary.
Yes, racism is cultural. and yes, it doesn't always correlate to political parties.

But you on the left continually accuse republicans of being racists, when the facts prove that most racists in history have been democrats, socialists, or dictators.

:eusa_clap: Excellent. Not content with ipse dixit, bogus quotes and bogus claims that strangely have no links and demonstrably unworkable Association Fallacies, he retreats to calling out a strawmanned Hasty Generalization Fallacy by means of -------- a Hasty Generalization Fallacy.

Can't make this up.

Partisan hacks.... bless their pea-pickin' hearts.

Racists = democrats, socialists, and dictators

  1. Proof: Idi Amin, Hitler, Obama, Robert KKK Byrd, Bull Conner, Mohammed, all Ayatollahs, LBJ, George Wallace, Lester Maddox, David Duke, Saddam, Mao. I could go on, but maybe you get the idea now-----------no, you probably don't.

LBJ devoted his presidency to fighting for equal rights for blacks.

Bwahahahaha, your ignorance on display once again. LBJ was a racist, a pervert, and a womanizer.


I don't have to provide links to commonly known historical facts. Do you need a link to know that the Japanese bombed pearl harbor? or that kennedy was shot in Dallas?

take your foolish "link this" and shove it up your ignorant ass, hoppystick.
:eusa_clap: Excellent. Not content with ipse dixit, bogus quotes and bogus claims that strangely have no links and demonstrably unworkable Association Fallacies, he retreats to calling out a strawmanned Hasty Generalization Fallacy by means of -------- a Hasty Generalization Fallacy.

Can't make this up.

Partisan hacks.... bless their pea-pickin' hearts.

Racists = democrats, socialists, and dictators

  1. Proof: Idi Amin, Hitler, Obama, Robert KKK Byrd, Bull Conner, Mohammed, all Ayatollahs, LBJ, George Wallace, Lester Maddox, David Duke, Saddam, Mao. I could go on, but maybe you get the idea now-----------no, you probably don't.

LBJ devoted his presidency to fighting for equal rights for blacks.

Bwahahahaha, your ignorance on display once again. LBJ was a racist, a pervert, and a womanizer.


I don't have to provide links to commonly known historical facts. Do you need a link to know that the Japanese bombed pearl harbor? or that kennedy was shot in Dallas?

take your foolish "link this" and shove it up your ignorant ass, hoppystick.

Then I've just proved your assertions have no legs.

Or really --- you did.
:eusa_clap: Excellent. Not content with ipse dixit, bogus quotes and bogus claims that strangely have no links and demonstrably unworkable Association Fallacies, he retreats to calling out a strawmanned Hasty Generalization Fallacy by means of -------- a Hasty Generalization Fallacy.

Can't make this up.

Partisan hacks.... bless their pea-pickin' hearts.

Racists = democrats, socialists, and dictators

  1. Proof: Idi Amin, Hitler, Obama, Robert KKK Byrd, Bull Conner, Mohammed, all Ayatollahs, LBJ, George Wallace, Lester Maddox, David Duke, Saddam, Mao. I could go on, but maybe you get the idea now-----------no, you probably don't.

LBJ devoted his presidency to fighting for equal rights for blacks.

Bwahahahaha, your ignorance on display once again. LBJ was a racist, a pervert, and a womanizer.

Convince me that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 doesn't exist.

Convince me that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 doesn't exist.

When did I say that they didn't exist? The fact that LBJ signed them does not change who and what he was. He was a corrupt politician, much like the current democrat front runner, crooked Hillary.

So now that you're called on it you've moved from "a racist, a pervert and a womanizer" to "a corrupt politician".

Posting for you must be a lot of work.


I dunno dood, it's like your purpose is to just fling turds, and what the content of those turds actually is seems to be inconsequential.

Racists = democrats, socialists, and dictators

  1. Proof: Idi Amin, Hitler, Obama, Robert KKK Byrd, Bull Conner, Mohammed, all Ayatollahs, LBJ, George Wallace, Lester Maddox, David Duke, Saddam, Mao. I could go on, but maybe you get the idea now-----------no, you probably don't.

LBJ devoted his presidency to fighting for equal rights for blacks.

Bwahahahaha, your ignorance on display once again. LBJ was a racist, a pervert, and a womanizer.

Convince me that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 doesn't exist.

Convince me that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 doesn't exist.

When did I say that they didn't exist? The fact that LBJ signed them does not change who and what he was. He was a corrupt politician, much like the current democrat front runner, crooked Hillary.

So now that you're called on it you've moved from "a racist, a pervert and a womanizer" to "a corrupt politician".

Posting for you must be a lot of work.


I dunno dood, it's like your purpose is to just fling turds, and what the content of those turds actually is seems to be inconsequential.


LBJ was all of the things I mentioned: corrupt, pervert, liar, racist, and womanizer. History proves that. Ignore historical facts if you choose. Your arrogant ignorance will not set you free----------sorry.
LBJ devoted his presidency to fighting for equal rights for blacks.

Bwahahahaha, your ignorance on display once again. LBJ was a racist, a pervert, and a womanizer.

Convince me that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 doesn't exist.

Convince me that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 doesn't exist.

When did I say that they didn't exist? The fact that LBJ signed them does not change who and what he was. He was a corrupt politician, much like the current democrat front runner, crooked Hillary.

So now that you're called on it you've moved from "a racist, a pervert and a womanizer" to "a corrupt politician".

Posting for you must be a lot of work.


I dunno dood, it's like your purpose is to just fling turds, and what the content of those turds actually is seems to be inconsequential.


LBJ was all of the things I mentioned: corrupt, pervert, liar, racist, and womanizer. History proves that. Ignore historical facts if you choose. Your arrogant ignorance will not set you free----------sorry.

So you can't support your point. The old "everybody knows" fallacy.
Already noted that. You're repeating yourself.
Bwahahahaha, your ignorance on display once again. LBJ was a racist, a pervert, and a womanizer.

Convince me that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 doesn't exist.

Convince me that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 doesn't exist.

When did I say that they didn't exist? The fact that LBJ signed them does not change who and what he was. He was a corrupt politician, much like the current democrat front runner, crooked Hillary.

So now that you're called on it you've moved from "a racist, a pervert and a womanizer" to "a corrupt politician".

Posting for you must be a lot of work.


I dunno dood, it's like your purpose is to just fling turds, and what the content of those turds actually is seems to be inconsequential.


LBJ was all of the things I mentioned: corrupt, pervert, liar, racist, and womanizer. History proves that. Ignore historical facts if you choose. Your arrogant ignorance will not set you free----------sorry.

So you can't support your point. The old "everybody knows" fallacy.
Already noted that. You're repeating yourself.

History supports my point. Your ignorance of history does not excuse you. But you are free to continue to post partisan lies and bullshit, no one is really paying attention to your asinine postings.
Convince me that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 doesn't exist.

Convince me that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 doesn't exist.

When did I say that they didn't exist? The fact that LBJ signed them does not change who and what he was. He was a corrupt politician, much like the current democrat front runner, crooked Hillary.

So now that you're called on it you've moved from "a racist, a pervert and a womanizer" to "a corrupt politician".

Posting for you must be a lot of work.


I dunno dood, it's like your purpose is to just fling turds, and what the content of those turds actually is seems to be inconsequential.


LBJ was all of the things I mentioned: corrupt, pervert, liar, racist, and womanizer. History proves that. Ignore historical facts if you choose. Your arrogant ignorance will not set you free----------sorry.

So you can't support your point. The old "everybody knows" fallacy.
Already noted that. You're repeating yourself.

History supports my point. Your ignorance of history does not excuse you. But you are free to continue to post partisan lies and bullshit, no one is really paying attention to your asinine postings.

Perhaps the only thing lamer than leaning on the Everybody Knows fallacy in lieu of actual documentation --- is doing it over and over expecting some kind of different results.
OK dipshit, capital D. The point is that the KKK and BLM were and are, made up of members of the Democrat party----------the party of racism, the party of LBJ who famously said "I'll have them niggras voting democrat for the next 200 years". Was that a racist statement? yes or no.

LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act. Goldwater, the Father of Modern Conservatism, opposed it.

Who's the racist?

yep, he signed it, democrats tried to filibuster it. It would not have passed without republican votes.

quess you answered your own question: yes, democrats have been consistently racist.

Actually I got yer pattern right here, and this is not a secret --- this is your cue to go :lalala: until it's over --

The original House version:
  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • >>> ALL SOUTHERNERS: 7-97 (6.7%--93.3%)

  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94 – 6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85 – 15%)
  • >>> ALL NON-SOUTHERNERS: 283-33 (89.6%--11.4%)
The Senate version:
  • Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%)
  • Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)
  • ALL SOUTHERNERS: 1--21 (4.5%--95.5%)
  • ALL NON-SOUTHERNERS: 72--6 (92.3%--7.7%)

Slight, but not significant, plurality by party; SCREAMING and very significant plurality by region.

Democrats from the south were racist, Do you think that's a revelation to anyone? The point is that they were Democrats and racists.

Parse it however you choose, the most racist people in our history were, and are, democrats.

"Racism" is a cultural thing -- it's got nothing to do with political parties.

So you're melting down into blatant Association Fallacies, even when already faced with data that pre-disprove them.


And still no links to prior claims. Also predictable.

Leftwing douche bags pretend that racism is part of the Republican Party platform.
When did I say that they didn't exist? The fact that LBJ signed them does not change who and what he was. He was a corrupt politician, much like the current democrat front runner, crooked Hillary.

So now that you're called on it you've moved from "a racist, a pervert and a womanizer" to "a corrupt politician".

Posting for you must be a lot of work.


I dunno dood, it's like your purpose is to just fling turds, and what the content of those turds actually is seems to be inconsequential.


LBJ was all of the things I mentioned: corrupt, pervert, liar, racist, and womanizer. History proves that. Ignore historical facts if you choose. Your arrogant ignorance will not set you free----------sorry.

So you can't support your point. The old "everybody knows" fallacy.
Already noted that. You're repeating yourself.

History supports my point. Your ignorance of history does not excuse you. But you are free to continue to post partisan lies and bullshit, no one is really paying attention to your asinine postings.

Perhaps the only thing lamer than leaning on the Everybody Knows fallacy in lieu of actual documentation --- is doing it over and over expecting some kind of different results.

are you claiming that the historical record of LBJ does not support what I said about him?
So now that you're called on it you've moved from "a racist, a pervert and a womanizer" to "a corrupt politician".

Posting for you must be a lot of work.


I dunno dood, it's like your purpose is to just fling turds, and what the content of those turds actually is seems to be inconsequential.


LBJ was all of the things I mentioned: corrupt, pervert, liar, racist, and womanizer. History proves that. Ignore historical facts if you choose. Your arrogant ignorance will not set you free----------sorry.

So you can't support your point. The old "everybody knows" fallacy.
Already noted that. You're repeating yourself.

History supports my point. Your ignorance of history does not excuse you. But you are free to continue to post partisan lies and bullshit, no one is really paying attention to your asinine postings.

Perhaps the only thing lamer than leaning on the Everybody Knows fallacy in lieu of actual documentation --- is doing it over and over expecting some kind of different results.

are you claiming that the historical record of LBJ does not support what I said about him?

I don't know of one, but what I'm claiming (pointing out) is that you made assertions you can't back up. Going "history shows", "history shows!" over and over without actually showing it ---- makes no point.

The weird thing is --- you keep calling attention to that liability.
:) she seems so nice in those bill and hillary role model ads.

Search Results
Hillary horror! 'Get those f-ing retards out of here' - WND.com
May 15, 2016 - ... their Easter eggs quickly enough on the lawn of the Arkansas governor's mansion. “[T]he children were having a wonderful time. ... and a longtime advocate of what was then the Arkansas Association for Retarded Citizens. ... Brower said White House staffers believe Hillarywalloped her husband over the ...
Hillary Horror! 'Get Those F-ing Retards Out Of Here' » Alex Jones ...
Alex Jones
May 16, 2016 - Those are said to be the infamous words of Hillary Clinton – also known as ... eggs quickly enough on the lawn of the Arkansas governor's mansion. ... advocate of what was then the Arkansas Association for Retarded Citizens. .... When are they going to get these f---ing retards out of the white house?
Hillary Clinton Lost Patience With Handicapped Children - 'When Are ...
May 16, 2016 - Home · Political Cartoons · Funny Photoshops · Feed ... Hillary Clinton apparently has no patience with handicapped children, ... Hillary got angry that the handicapped kids on her lawnwere taking too ... use the word “retard” or “retarded” when speaking about a handicapped person – especially children.
VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Caught Making Fun Of Retarded Man In 1995 ...
Mar 9, 2016 - VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Caught Making Fun Of Retarded Man In 1995 For Laughs. Posted by ... “Hillary Gump” was a Clinton Feature Film presented at the 1995 Gridiron Dinner. ...White Teen Beaten By Gang of Black Teens After Saying 'Blue Lives Matter' ... HOME · ABOUT · CONTACT · PRIVACY · TERMS.
Hillary In Hot Water After Offensive Rant Goes Viral – 'Get Those F ...
May 16, 2016 - Home · Advertisers · Contact ... children over for Easter to collect Easter eggs on their lawn. However, when the children weren't finding the eggs fast enough, Hillary ... yelled Hillary, who was inexplicably named as Arkansas' “Mother of the ... of what was then the Arkansas Association for Retarded Citizens.
Hillary Grows Impatient With Handicapped Children: “Get Those F ...
May 15, 2016 - The Patriot Nation recently reported on Hillary Clinton's outburst at a 4-H event, ... eggs quickly enough on the lawn of the Arkansas governor's mansion. ... of what was then the Arkansas Association for Retarded Citizens.
As they left the White House, the Clintons Defaced Walls, Stole ...
truthfeed.com › Culture
Sep 22, 2016 - In 2001, the Clintons were moving out of the White House to make way for ... Besides the stolen furniture, Hillary Clinton and her lackeys defaced walls, ...... truck, on your trailer house on your kids so I can fuck them all up you idiot. ..... Have an inipi ceremony on the south lawn and remove all evil from the ...
Hillary Horror! 'Get those F-ing retards out of here' - Free Republic
Free Republic
May 15, 2016 - Those are said to be the infamous words of Hillary Clinton – also known ... quickly enough on the lawn of the Arkansas governor's mansion. “[T]he children were having a wonderful time. ... of what was then the Arkansas Association for Retarded Citizens. ... We HAVE to keep Hillary out of our White House!
Hillary Horror: “Get those f*cking retards out of here.” | saboteur365
May 15, 2016 - retarded. There can be no doubt about the truth of this story. Hillary ... Hillaryreportedly grew frustrated that handicapped children weren't collecting their Easter eggs quickly enough on the lawn of the Arkansas governor's mansion. ... Christ comes again and visits the Congress, Senate or White House in ...
Humiliating 1995 Video Captures Hillary Spoofing Retarded Man for ...
Mar 9, 2016 - It's called “Hillary Gump,” a short the White House did for the 1995 Gridiron dinner which is very loosely based on “Forrest Gump.” It was ...

as far as i recall, and i don't.... ahhh... what was the question ??

Last edited:
This is the real Hillary. No wonder she has to be coached on when and how to smile and otherwise act like a real human being. Without the coaching, she is herself, which is to say she is a total narcissistic bitch.

There have been countless reports over the years about how horrible she is when the cameras aren't rolling. I've head plenty of firsthand accounts from military people who had to deal with her.

Hillary's supporters are buying into the fake public image, the one she herself admitted is a far cry from who she really is. What you see in public is 100% fake. This is Hillary in real life:

"Dolly Kyle – who was just 11 when she first crossed paths with Bill, dated him through high school and began sleeping with him once they graduated – published the claims about the Clinton couple’s racial epithets and politics in her new book, Hillary: The Other Woman, published by WND Books.

She writes of one occasion, when developmentally challenged children were having difficulty picking up the eggs at a traditional Easter egg hunt on the grounds of the governor’s mansion during Bill’s tenure in the Arkansas state house.

Reluctant hostess Hillary had enough.

‘The frustrated Me-First Lady demanded, “When are they going to get those f*****g ree-tards out of here?”‘ Dolly writes."

HILLARY ON DISABLED CHILDREN During Easter Egg Hunt: "When are they going to get those f*****g ree-tards out of here?" » 100percentfedUp.com
Great book! I thought Kyle's description of her initial introduction by Bill to Hillary Rodham was a hoot!!

Frankly, I'm getting real tired of her current TV ads saying how she has dedicated her life to helping children.

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