Hillary Horror! 'Get those F-ing retards out of here'

Pogo, everyone knows the Democrats created the KKK. The DNC is the proud party of 2 Ex-KKK Grand Wizards. Democrats have been showing up at Trump rally's wearing sheets. The KKK bragged about donating to Hillary. Don't try to hide who you are - embrace it.
Pogo, everyone knows the Democrats created the KKK. The DNC is the proud party of 2 Ex-KKK Grand Wizards. Democrats have been showing up at Trump rally's wearing sheets. The KKK bragged about donating to Hillary. Don't try to hide who you are - embrace it.

Ah, so we melt down into the old "Everybody Knows" fallacy. How predictable is that.

Well unfortunately for you mythmongering assholes, "everybody knows" no such thing, but the history books DO know otherwise. That's why you can't come up with any links; they don't exist.

You're full of rhetorical bovine diarrhea. You know, that stuff "everybody knows".

Ah, so we melt down into the old "Everybody Knows" fallacy. How predictable is that..

It's documented in history, Pogo, but you libs keep trying to re-write the history books. I understand. If I were a liberal...wait. I WOULDN'T be a liberal. :p
Ah, so we melt down into the old "Everybody Knows" fallacy. How predictable is that..

It's documented in history, Pogo, but you libs keep trying to re-write the history books. I understand. If I were a liberal...wait. I WOULDN'T be a liberal. :p

It's so "documented" that you've amassed a total of Zero links.

Dumbass. Fuck you. :fu:
It's so "documented" that you've amassed a total of Zero links.

Dumbass. Fuck you. :fu:

Resorting to personal attacks during a debate is evidence that you have just run out of 'ammo' in the intellectual contest. I accept your surrender. Come back when you 're-load'. Have a nice weekend.
It's so "documented" that you've amassed a total of Zero links.

Dumbass. Fuck you. :fu:

Resorting to personal attacks during a debate is evidence that you have just run out of 'ammo' in the intellectual contest. I accept your surrender. Come back when you 're-load'. Have a nice weekend.

So........... STILL no link.

And yes, I'll reiterate --- Fuck you and everybody who lies like you.
Don't like it? Then learn to stop lying, you illiterate hack. Sayofuckingnara. And good riddance.
And yes, I'll reiterate --- Fuck you and everybody who lies like you.
Don't like it? Then learn to stop lying, you illiterate hack. Sayofuckingnara. And good riddance.

Careful, Pogo, you don't want to use your entire vocabulary in one post. You will have nothing to say afterwards. :p

The KKK was the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party.

"In 1915, the second Klan was founded in Atlanta, Georgia. .... In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party..."
- https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjri-v0qOnMAhUJxYMKHbssCyAQFghEMAU&url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan&usg=AFQjCNHeBEfT0p_nQaXPbbCUxWeGoJGfGw

The Racist History of the Democratic Party
"Re-load"? :rofl: You new here boy? I *own* this history on this board. I've got my "load" bookmarked from all the previous times I dismissed mythmongering dipshits like you. It isn't even work any more --- it's a simple cut 'n' paste:

>> “Confederate veterans formed a little group with no ideological connection at first, but quickly they started to go around and pull little pranks—malicious pranks—against African Americans,” said Mark Pitcavage, director of investigative research for the Anti-Defamation League, the nation’s top agency for defending civil and human rights. “This started them on the ball to develop ideology of opposing reconstitution and black civil rights, essentially leading an insurrection to try to reinstitute conservative white rule in the former confederate states.” -- Native History: Ku Klux Klan Formed as a Secret Fraternity in Tennessee

Want another?

>> Its very name struck terror in the hearts of its victims. However, the beginning of the Ku Klux Klan was innocent enough. In December 1865, eight months after the South’s surrender, a group of six young men living in the village of Pulaski near Nashville, Tennessee decided to relieve their boredom by organizing a social club. All were veterans of the Confederate Army and some had attended college where fraternities with three-letter, Greek-based names were popular. In mock-imitation, they came up with the alliterative title Ku Klux Klan for their group. Their meetings would be secret and devoted to elaborate ceremonies. Members would disguise themselves with a costume made up of a sheet to cover their bodies, fanciful masks to hide their faces and pointed headgear that heightened their stature. Their leader would be known as the Grand Cyclops.


Two Army officers pose
in KKK costumes captured in
a raid in Alabama, 1868​

Although their motives may have been innocent, the appearance of these white-sheeted, horse-mounted apparitions on the town’s darkened streets triggered a panic-driven flight for safety by the community’s recently freed slaves. Soon, terrorizing Blacks became a prime sport and the transition of the KKK from an innocuous social club to a ruthless vigilance committee began.

Transmitted by word-of-mouth and newspaper articles; knowledge of the Klan rapidly spread through the South. Post-war conditions in the former Confederacy were chaotic. The rapid expansion of the Klan was fueled by a wide-spread fear among many Southern Whites of an insurrection by former slaves and seething resentment against Northern “carpet-baggers” who had invaded the South since the end of the war. Local organizations mimicking the original group’s secrecy and costumes sprang up in various communities. It wasn’t long before the Klan evolved into one of the South’s most powerful organizations. However, there was no hierarchal chain of command – merely a loose-knit association of independent local groups that shared common goals and tactics. Former slaves and carpet-baggers were favorite targets for intimidation backed up by violent night-time raids that could end in death.

The KKK’s reign was short-lived, its decline hastened by the revulsion of many southerners to its extreme methods and suppression by local governments. By 1868, its power was beginning to wane. In 1871 Congress passed the Klu Klux Klan Act that authorized the use of federal troops in the Klan’s suppression and for the trial of its members in federal court. The Klan melted away, or a least did not make any further public appearances until its revival in 1915. << --- The Ku Klux Klan, 1868

>> In fact, the most feared terrorist organization in American history actually began with skits and jokes and costumes. In historian Elaine Frantz Parsons’ new book Ku-Klux: The Birth of the Klan During Reconstruction, she re-traces the organization’s first steps. During a few short years from the mid 1860s to the early 1870s, the Klan went from an inside joke among a gang of a friends to a secret empire rumored to control to the entire country. But no matter how many assaults and murders the Reconstruction Klan committed, somehow it never stopped being a joke.

The widespread violence of the early Klan lasted only five years, from 1867 to 1872. The group formed in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866, and its founders don’t conform to the toothless hick caricature that developed in the 20th century. “The idea of the Ku-Klux was not the product of plantation culture,” Parsons writes. “Neither its founders nor many of its key early supporters were the sort of southerners that southerners themselves considered typical.” These were Confederate veterans, but not Lost-Causers or Southern gentlemen. They were college boys, and they were dealing with a brand new historical phenomenon: They were bored.

Without its more modern innovations, the Klan would have been just one of many gangs of white jerks that plagued the Reconstruction South. The first innovation was bureaucratic organization. The name Ku Klux is a goofy play on the Greek kuklos, to which they added “Klan” — Walter Scott’s story of Scottish clansmen being popular at the time. It’s like you and your friends calling yourselves “The Group Gang,” and it was always supposed to sound silly. The Pulaski group played on contemporary conventions of organization, doling out mysterious titles and inventing shadowy boss figures. With their wizards and cyclops, the Klan was mocking bureaucracy while giving bored Southern white men their own in which to participate. Plus, there were no real requirements to start a chapter — though different local Klans did occasionally spar over territorial claims.

The Klan was not really an invisible empire, but they played one in the newspapers. They didn’t invent Southern white hooliganism, wearing costumes, or nighttime anti-black harassment, but the Pulaski gang happened on the right historical circumstances to unify those impulses into a national brand. The brothers Frank and Luther McCord not only helped form the first Klan chapter, Luther also owner and edited the local paper, the Pulaski Citizen. As a moderate antebellum paper, the Citizen opposed secession. As the Klan organized, the Citizen published “mysterious” missives from the “Grand Cyclops,” feigning ignorance of the larger group. The McCords were writing both sides, but they were able to stir up their own media controversy around the incipient Klan. This would set the pattern for the group’s expansion: Local chapters would claim the KKK identity autonomously rather than being organized by some national body. “A Ku-Klux was a man,” Parsons writes, “who decided to adopt as his own an identity he had read about in the paper.” Forced to confront a rapidly changing social, cultural, and economic environment, Southern white men were looking for someone to be and something to do. The Klan offered both. << -- The Birth of the Ku Klux Brand

Had enough?

>> Ex-Confederate soldiers established the Ku Klux Klan in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866. They developed the first two words of the group's name from the Greek word kuklos, meaning "group or band," and took the third as a variant of the word clan. Starting as a largely recreational group, the Klan soon turned to intimidating newly freed African Americans. Riding at night, the Klan terrorized and sometimes murdered those it opposed. Members adopted a hooded white costume—a guise intended to represent the ghosts of the Confederate dead—to avoid identification and to frighten victims during nighttime raids.

The Klan fed off the post-Civil War resentments of white southerners—resentment that centered on the Reconstruction programs imposed on the South by a Republican Congress. Under Reconstruction, the North sought to restructure southern society on the basis of racial equality. Under this new regime, leading southern whites were disfranchised, while inexperienced African Americans, carpetbaggers (northerners who had migrated to the South following the war), and scalawags (southerners who cooperated with the North) occupied major political offices. << --- "Origins and Initial Growth", Encyclopedia.com

Are we there yet? I got LOTS more. And unlike your Whittle Bill videos (Whittle Bill -- a pilot who thinks he's a pundit and unlike the above can cite no source) these are documented history.

That's the original Klan, 1865 to roughly 1873. The revival of the Klan in 1915 was founded basically to milk money off the xenophobia of the time via membership fees and selling robes by the aforementioned opportunist Simmons. That's why it targeted immigrants, and Jews, and communists, and labor unions and Catholics -- along with alcohol and homosexuality and "loose women" and of course the traditional black people target.

If that sounds like it's "founded by Democrats" then it's interesting you can come up with no evidence whatsoever of any political affiliation for John C. Lester, Captain John B. Kennedy, James R. Crowe, Frank O. McCord, Richard R. Reed, or J. Calvin Jones -- the six who founded it in 1865 --- nor for William Simmons, who re-founded it in 1915. No record of political activity at all. For any of them.

Prove me wrong.

It's interesting too that Jews, Catholics, immigrants and labor unions are all constituents of the Democratic party. Now why would the DP be running a group in opposition to its own base?


If that sounds like it's "founded by Democrats" then it's odd that the organization worked to oust Jack Walton (Democrat) out of the governorship of Oklahoma for trying to drive the Klan out of the state (1923). If that sounds like it's "founded by Democrats" then it's bizarre the KKK rallied to keep the leading voice condemning the Klan, Alabama Senator Underwood; from getting the Democratic nomination for POTUS (1924, successfully) and to keep NY Gov Al Smith, because he was a Catholic, from the same nomination (1928, unsuccessfully) -- and then went on to support Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover in the GEs of those years. And then in later years went on to oppose FDR's New Deal.

If that sounds like it's "founded by Democrats" then it's weird that its then-leader Hiram Evans threatened to go to Louisiana to campaign against Huey Long's Presidential campaign but relented when Democrat Long declared that if Evans came he'd be leaving the state "with his toes turned up" (1935). And of course the aforementioned altercation with Sam Johnson in post 175. If that sounds like it's "founded by Democrats", then it's confounding that Stetson Kennedy, writer and 1952 Democratic candidate for Governor in Florida, infiltrated the Klan, wrote an exposé about it, and worked with the writers of the national radio show "Superman" to write scripts denouncing the organization for the terrorist bullshit it was (1954 and 1946 respectively).

Also makes this kind of hard to explain....

Whittle Bill on YouTube. :lmao:


Now why would the Democratic Party (or any party) be running an organization that terrorizes its own base, threatens a Texas legislator with death, gets its own party's governor removed, and runs Republicans against it for high office?

Perhaps Whittle Bill can whittle an answer.

Perhaps not.
Now why would the Democratic Party (or any party) be running an organization that terrorizes its own base....

CONTROL. The proven racist LBJ saw that with the passage of civil rights the KKK, the water cannons, the rocks, killing MLK, etc... had failed to 'keep blacks in their place'. His plan of economic slavery - giving them something but not enough to matter - was the new plan. Give blacks a little something, get them dependent on hand-outs, convince them they are victims and are OWED these hand outs, and keep them voting Democrat for the next '200 years'. It's worked.

Civil Rights passed approx. 60 years ago. Blacks are no better off than when Civil Rights passed, when Democrats put LBJ's plan into gear.

Obama - the 1st Black President in US history - has not created 1 single program to help improve blacks' status...but the handouts that continue to ensure dependency on the govt - on Democrats - keep coming. Black unemployment is almost DOUBLE that of whites. Food Stamps reached record numbers. Detroit, which he promised not to abandon, has collapsed...and racial division, in large part caused by this President...is as bad as it was since the passage of civil rights.

And you can bet that if the 1st Black President of the United States did nothing to help improve the plight of blacks in the US there is no way in hell a white, female, self-serving elitist isn't going to do a damn thing for them.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. After 60 years of putting all their faith and belief in Liberals and getting the same ol' BS you would think blacks would decide it's about time to face reality and try something else.
Apparently we're going with "perhaps not". And desperately lunging to change the subject.

Again, predictable as a sunset.
Apparently we're going with "perhaps not". And desperately lunging to change the subject.

Again, predictable as a sunset.
I understand...the subject / truth makes you uncomfortable. No worries. have a good weekend.

Oh, back to the thread topic.....

''Get those F-ing retards out of here''

Hillary is a class act, issuing racial slurs and insensitive comments against Jews, blacks, and Native Americans; demonizing her husband's victims...the only people she won't offend are the people who gives her tons of cash...at least not to their face.
Democrats from the south were racist, Do you think that's a revelation to anyone? The point is that they were Democrats and racists.

Parse it however you choose, the most racist people in our history were, and are, democrats.

"Racism" is a cultural thing -- it's got nothing to do with political parties.

So you're melting down into blatant Association Fallacies, even when already faced with data that pre-disprove them.


And still no links to prior claims. Also predictable.

Yes, racism is cultural. and yes, it doesn't always correlate to political parties.

But you on the left continually accuse republicans of being racists, when the facts prove that most racists in history have been democrats, socialists, or dictators.

:eusa_clap: Excellent. Not content with ipse dixit, bogus quotes and bogus claims that strangely have no links and demonstrably unworkable Association Fallacies, he retreats to calling out a strawmanned Hasty Generalization Fallacy by means of -------- a Hasty Generalization Fallacy.

Can't make this up.

Partisan hacks.... bless their pea-pickin' hearts.

Racists = democrats, socialists, and dictators

  1. Proof: Idi Amin, Hitler, Obama, Robert KKK Byrd, Bull Conner, Mohammed, all Ayatollahs, LBJ, George Wallace, Lester Maddox, David Duke, Saddam, Mao. I could go on, but maybe you get the idea now-----------no, you probably don't.

LBJ devoted his presidency to fighting for equal rights for blacks.

Bwahahahaha, your ignorance on display once again. LBJ was a racist, a pervert, and a womanizer.
"Racism" is a cultural thing -- it's got nothing to do with political parties.

So you're melting down into blatant Association Fallacies, even when already faced with data that pre-disprove them.


And still no links to prior claims. Also predictable.

Yes, racism is cultural. and yes, it doesn't always correlate to political parties.

But you on the left continually accuse republicans of being racists, when the facts prove that most racists in history have been democrats, socialists, or dictators.

:eusa_clap: Excellent. Not content with ipse dixit, bogus quotes and bogus claims that strangely have no links and demonstrably unworkable Association Fallacies, he retreats to calling out a strawmanned Hasty Generalization Fallacy by means of -------- a Hasty Generalization Fallacy.

Can't make this up.

Partisan hacks.... bless their pea-pickin' hearts.

Racists = democrats, socialists, and dictators

  1. Proof: Idi Amin, Hitler, Obama, Robert KKK Byrd, Bull Conner, Mohammed, all Ayatollahs, LBJ, George Wallace, Lester Maddox, David Duke, Saddam, Mao. I could go on, but maybe you get the idea now-----------no, you probably don't.

LBJ devoted his presidency to fighting for equal rights for blacks.

Bwahahahaha, your ignorance on display once again. LBJ was a racist, a pervert, and a womanizer.

Convince me that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 doesn't exist.

Convince me that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 doesn't exist.
"Racism" is a cultural thing -- it's got nothing to do with political parties.

So you're melting down into blatant Association Fallacies, even when already faced with data that pre-disprove them.


And still no links to prior claims. Also predictable.

Yes, racism is cultural. and yes, it doesn't always correlate to political parties.

But you on the left continually accuse republicans of being racists, when the facts prove that most racists in history have been democrats, socialists, or dictators.

:eusa_clap: Excellent. Not content with ipse dixit, bogus quotes and bogus claims that strangely have no links and demonstrably unworkable Association Fallacies, he retreats to calling out a strawmanned Hasty Generalization Fallacy by means of -------- a Hasty Generalization Fallacy.

Can't make this up.

Partisan hacks.... bless their pea-pickin' hearts.

Racists = democrats, socialists, and dictators

  1. Proof: Idi Amin, Hitler, Obama, Robert KKK Byrd, Bull Conner, Mohammed, all Ayatollahs, LBJ, George Wallace, Lester Maddox, David Duke, Saddam, Mao. I could go on, but maybe you get the idea now-----------no, you probably don't.

LBJ devoted his presidency to fighting for equal rights for blacks.

Bwahahahaha, your ignorance on display once again. LBJ was a racist, a pervert, and a womanizer.

You spelled Donald Trump wrong.
"Racism" is a cultural thing -- it's got nothing to do with political parties.

So you're melting down into blatant Association Fallacies, even when already faced with data that pre-disprove them.


And still no links to prior claims. Also predictable.

Yes, racism is cultural. and yes, it doesn't always correlate to political parties.

But you on the left continually accuse republicans of being racists, when the facts prove that most racists in history have been democrats, socialists, or dictators.

:eusa_clap: Excellent. Not content with ipse dixit, bogus quotes and bogus claims that strangely have no links and demonstrably unworkable Association Fallacies, he retreats to calling out a strawmanned Hasty Generalization Fallacy by means of -------- a Hasty Generalization Fallacy.

Can't make this up.

Partisan hacks.... bless their pea-pickin' hearts.

Racists = democrats, socialists, and dictators

  1. Proof: Idi Amin, Hitler, Obama, Robert KKK Byrd, Bull Conner, Mohammed, all Ayatollahs, LBJ, George Wallace, Lester Maddox, David Duke, Saddam, Mao. I could go on, but maybe you get the idea now-----------no, you probably don't.

LBJ devoted his presidency to fighting for equal rights for blacks.

Bwahahahaha, your ignorance on display once again. LBJ was a racist, a pervert, and a womanizer.

Oh look who answers --- the link-challenged asswipe who already left, twice -- having failed to link any of his own bullshit.

You're in deep enough doodoo without jumping in to other people's posts, Hunior.
Provided quite a few links, but thanks for confirming you have a reading comprehension problem.. I''m in deep doodoo?! What are you, 5?
Oh look who answers --- the link-challenged asswipe who already left, twice -- having failed to link any of his own bullshit.

You're in deep enough doodoo without jumping in to other people's posts, Hunior.
Provided quite a few links, but thanks for confirming you have a reading comprehension problem.. I''m in deep doodoo?! What are you, 5?

You posted two links which were the same thing to Whittle Bill, as if somehow a guy who puts on a suit and stands in front of a camera becomes some kind of authority, even though every historical source, as well as the commentary in the video itself, says he's full of shit. I already gave you several links that did just that. As Whittle Bill likes to say, "don't believe me? Look it up". I already had looked all this up before Whittle Bill knew what a video camera was. You should take his challenge though. You might actually learn something.

Oh fuck, then you'd have to crawl back here and admit you were full of shit. Which the whole world knows by now anyway, but it would be the right thing to do.

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