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Hillary Is A Warmonger

It was a republican president GW Bush who launched us into the quagmire that is Iraq, and is responsible for the rise of ISIS in the region.
As for Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam is a terrorist group.
Now go back to your trekkie dolls.

And there comes the 15+ year old debunked far left drone religious dogma..

Far left drones can not admit that ISIS grew by leaps and bounds after 2009 with the Obama cut and run.

See how the far left will always vote for worse than Bush every chance they get..
Obama wouldn't have had to "cut and run" if GW doesn't make the biggest military blunder since Custer and invade Iraq for no reason after 9/11.
Well, Big-ears wasn't forced to take the frigging job. He could have stayed a Senator.
the guy who names himself after an anal body function is willing to give violent activist Louis Farrakhan the benefit of the doubt on veracity over a US Secretary of State, NY State Senator, and First Lady... pffffft

Sometimes bad people tell the truth.
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It was a republican president GW Bush who launched us into the quagmire that is Iraq, and is responsible for the rise of ISIS in the region.
As for Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam is a terrorist group.
Now go back to your trekkie dolls.
^ that

W provided sexed-up *cough* "Intel" to people like Hillary so I hold W & Cheney & their kool aid- drinking sycophants like OP 1000% responsible for vietraq
Yet let every Democrat that signed on to it slide?

Obama voted "present " most of the time when he was a Senator. I didn't see him filibustering anything, including Iraq.
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5 years after he left office...you're certainly consistent in your partisan hack beliefs.

Your link states that ISIS grew out of the Iraq insurgency after Bush's war began in 2003.

Thanks for proving my point.

You have no point. You completely ignore the fact that it was created in 2013, after Obama's premature withdrawal from Iraq. All you're doing is trying to find a way to blame Bush for Obama's failure to contain it to being "second string".

No, your link says ISIS was created in Iraq during the Iraq war.

Again, thanks for proving my point.

You need to read it again. "Under its former name Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), it was formed in April 2013, growing out of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI)."

It must be such a burden to be you.

It may have started in Iraq but it could not get a foothold, thus, it rose to prominence in Syria where they were supplied weapons by Obama.
Saddam's Republican Guard invaded Kuwait and sacked the place. Some of the same cowards that raped and pillaged Kuwait are running ISIS.
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the guy who names himself after an anal body function is willing to give violent activist Louis Farrakhan the benefit of the doubt on veracity over a US Secretary of State, NY State Senator, and First Lady... pffffft

Yet you have to admit it's more clever than "Valerie ".
It was a republican president GW Bush who launched us into the quagmire that is Iraq, and is responsible for the rise of ISIS in the region.
As for Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam is a terrorist group.
Now go back to your trekkie dolls.

Wow, that Bush was SO powerful that he allowed ISIS for form FIVE years after he left office. As a result, Obama and John Kerry are blameless.

Syria Iraq: The Islamic State militant group - BBC News
Obama, Hillary, and John FU Kerry are powerless turds floating down a stream that Bush created to destroy the world.

Let's elect Hillary so she can continue to float downstream and see what happens.
Let's face it folks. A Hillary White House does not mean peace on Earth. If she maintains the policies of the current administration, you can expect not only a continued presence of American troops in the Middle-East, but an expansion into other areas.

She's responsible for the Russian reset, but the truth is, Russia doesn't respect her.

The fact is, at least half of the scandals during the Obama Administration were caused by Hillary.

oh really? like what?

like when Republicans jumped to the podium before ambassador Stevens body was even cold, just to shamelessly politicize the event and immediately fabricate international talking points against political opponents, despite the best interest of our country..?

the real scandal was Republicans putting their political aspirations ahead of national security and international diplomacy.
how much did rethuglicans waste proving that there was, of course, no wrong doing at all...??

no matter, that doesn't stop dishonest hacks from now continuing to lie about hillary in 2016.

nothing like counting on unformed emotional voters for political WINNING ! ^

but yeah sure, hillary is the liar.. not you assholes...no no no :eusa_hand:

A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and asserted no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees. . . .

House Intel Investigation on Benghazi Clears Administration, Intelligence Community of Wrongdoing, by Ian Tuttle, National Review
go tell it on the mountain how you can't trust America, dummies...
how much did rethuglicans waste proving that there was, of course, no wrong doing at all...??

no matter, that doesn't stop dishonest hacks from now continuing to lie about hillary in 2016.

nothing like counting on unformed emotional voters for political WINNING ! ^

but yeah sure, hillary is the liar.. not you assholes...no no no :eusa_hand:

A two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and asserted no wrongdoing by Obama administration appointees. . . .

House Intel Investigation on Benghazi Clears Administration, Intelligence Community of Wrongdoing, by Ian Tuttle, National Review

Your vulgarity proved nothing. And, your post is refuted:

List of 10 Verified Hillary Clinton Lies

Presented for your enjoyment is a list of 10 of Hillary Clinton’s recent and past lies.

Note that this list doesn’t include any of the misrepresentations relating to any of the many scandals she was involved in when while in the White House.

1. Hillary Clinton lied as a staff member of the House Judiciary Committee

Dan Calabrese reveals in his column that former general counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, Jerry Zeifman, indicated that he fired the 27 year old Hillary Rodham from the House Judiciary Committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation due to her lying and unethical conduct. Zeifman said that during the Watergate investigation Hillary lied in a legal brief, them removed evidence from public access that would document her conduct. (Source)

2. Hillary Clinton lied about flying into Bosina under sniper fire

“I remember landing under sniper fire,” she said in Washington on Monday. “There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”

News footage of the event however showed her claims to have been wide of the mark, and reporters who accompanied her stated that there was no sniper fire. Her account was ridiculed by ABC News as “like a scene from Saving Private Ryan”. (Source)

3. Hillary Clinton Misrepresented her Record opposing the Iraq War

In Eugene, Ore., Saturday, April 5, 2008, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., attempted to change the measure by which anyone might assess who criticized the Iraq war first, her or Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., by saying those keeping records should start in January 2005, when Obama joined the Senate. (A measure that conveniently avoids her October 2002 vote to authorize use of force against Iraq at a time that Obama was speaking out against the war.) She claimed that using that measure, she criticized the war in Iraq before Obama did.

But Clinton’s claim was false. (Source)

4. Hillary Clinton Misrepresented her Role in the Irish Peace Accord

The historian Tim Pat Coogan told The Chicago Tribune: “It was a nice thing to see her there, with the women’s groups. It helped, I suppose. But it was ancillary to the main thing. It was part of the stage effects, the optics.” Former SDLP man Brian Feeney said pithily: “The road to peace was carefully documented, and she wasn’t on it.” (Source)

5. Hillary Clinton Misrepresented the extent to which her daughter was in danger on 9/11

Clinton said Chelsea had gone on “what she thought was going to be a great jog. She was going to go down to Battery Park, she was going to go around the towers. She went to get a cup of coffee and, and, that’s when the plane hit.”

Responding to a question about whether her daughter heard the “rumble,” Clinton said, “She did hear it.”

Weeks later, Chelsea Clinton told a magazine that she was in an apartment 12 blocks away when the first plane hit. A UPI article said she was outdoors closer to the site when “she heard the rumble of the second tower collapsing.” (Source)

6. Hillary Clinton Claimed she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary

During a stop in Nepal while on a south Asian goodwill tour in April 1995, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton engaged in a brief (and reportedly coincidental) meeting with Sir Edmund Hillary (who, along with Tenzing Norgay, became the first person to reach the summit of the world’s highest mountain, Mt. Everest, in 1953) and told reporters she had been named after the famed mountain climber. The notion that Ms. Clinton’s given name was inspired by the man who conquered Everest was almost certainly a bit of fiction invented for political expediency (as many critics have noted, Edmund Hillary didn’t become world-famous until six years after Hillary Rodham was born). (Source)

7. Hillary Clinton Lied about supporting NAFTA

On November 1, 1996, United Press International reported that on a trip to Brownsville, Texas, Clinton “touted the president’s support for the North American Free Trade Agreement, saying it would reap widespread benefits in the region.”

The Associated Press followed up the next day noting that Hillary Clinton touted the fact that “the president would continue to support economic growth in South Texas through initiatives such as the North American Free Trade Agreement.”

In her memoir, Clinton wrote, “Senator Dole was genuinely interested in health care reform but wanted to run for president in 1996. He couldn’t hand incumbent Bill Clinton any more legislative victories, particularly after Bill’s successes on the budget, the Brady bill and NAFTA.”

Yes, we are all expected to just forget that, so that Hillary Clinton’s campaign can manufacture supposed “outrage” that anyone would say she supported NAFTA – all at a time her chief strategist, Mark Penn, simultaneously heads a firm that is right now pushing to expand NAFTA into South America.

Penn was recently fired by both Columbia and the Clinton campaign. (Source)

8. Hillary Clinton Lied about her role in the passage of the Family and Medical Leave Act

Her campaign Web site boasts that her record includes “helping to pass the Family and Medical Leave Act.”

But the bill was pushed in Congress for years and passed twice, only to be vetoed by former President George H.W. Bush. Congress passed it a third time as Bill Clinton took office. He signed it into law on Feb. 5, 1993, barely two weeks after he became president.

Hillary Clinton’s own White House schedules, recently released, make no mention of any meetings on the bill. (Source)

9. Hillary Clinton Lied about her trip to Africa

Speaking in Pennsylvania two weeks ago, Clinton introduced former U.S. Ambassador Joe Wilson. “He and I did travel together to Africa and, sort of, paved the way for the president’s trip the following year, which was historic,” Clinton said.

But Wilson didn’t accompany Clinton on her March 1997 trip to Africa. Wilson did accompany both Clintons on the president’s 1998 Africa visit.

“She made a mistake on that,” Wilson said. “She misspoke on that. I worked closely with her and her staff on the president’s trip, which she went on.”

The Clinton administration official who accompanied Clinton on her 1997 trip was Susan Rice, who’s now a senior foreign policy adviser to the Obama campaign. (Source)

10. Hillary Clinton Lied about the “uninsured” woman who died after childbirth

Over the last five weeks, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York has featured in her campaign stump speeches the story of a health care horror: an uninsured pregnant woman who lost her baby and died herself after being denied care by an Ohio hospital because she could not come up with a $100 fee.

The woman, Trina Bachtel, did die last August, two weeks after her baby boy was stillborn at O’Bleness Memorial Hospital in Athens, Ohio. But hospital administrators said Friday that Ms. Bachtel was under the care of an obstetrics practice affiliated with the hospital, that she was never refused treatment and that she was, in fact, insured…

Linda M. Weiss, a spokeswoman for the not-for-profit hospital, said the Clinton campaign had never contacted the hospital to check the accuracy of the story, which Mrs. Clinton had first heard from a Meigs County, Ohio, sheriff’s deputy in late February 2008.

A Clinton spokesman, Mo Elleithee, said candidates would frequently retell stories relayed to them, vetting them when possible. “In this case, we did try but were not able to fully vet it,” Mr. Elleithee said. “If the hospital claims it did not happen that way, we respect that. (Source)

April 7, 2008, Clinton partly vindicated.

Clinton erred in telling audiences that the Ohio woman lacked insurance when seeking help for her troubled pregnancy. But according to Casto’s account, Bachtel’s medical tragedy began with circumstances very close to the essence of Clinton’s now-abandoned account: the lack of insurance created a $100 barrier to needed medical attention close to home. (Source)
each and every one of those parroted talking points has already been debunked.

your list is filled with lies :thup:
each and every one of those parroted talking points has already been debunked.

your list is filled with lies :thup:

Easy to say...you should prove it. Remember, your "rebuttal" should be sourced.

already been proven all over this forum, and elsewhere...

i'm not going to waste my time on convincing those who have no interest in facts.
each and every one of those parroted talking points has already been debunked.

your list is filled with lies :thup:

Easy to say...you should prove it. Remember, your "rebuttal" should be sourced.

already been proven all over this forum, and elsewhere...

i'm not going to waste my time on convincing those who have no interest in facts.

Ah, the whine of the defeated troll. "i'm not going to waste my time on convincing those who have no interest in facts"

You may go, you have no credibility.
each and every one of those parroted talking points has already been debunked.

your list is filled with lies :thup:

And your claims they are should be enough, even though you failed to provide any citation to support your bold claims.

i posted in all those benghazi threads since day one... see quantum windbag's challenge thread, for one.

you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him think.

echo chamber threads may be so soothing for your ilk, but rational people who know the facts are laughing at you.
Ah, the whine of the defeated troll. "i'm not going to waste my time on convincing those who have no interest in facts"

You may go, you have no credibility.

your silly list has no credibility...

Forum List
