Hillary is Done and she knows it.

Let’s face it: The democrits biggest problem isn’t Trump – it’s Hillary. She is hugely unpopular — nearly 70% of all voters think she is untrustworthy and dishonest. She represents the old way of politics, not really believing in anything other than what can get you elected. That’s why she fights against gays getting married one moment, and the next she’s officiating a gay marriage. Young women are among her biggest detractors, which has to hurt considering it’s the sacrifices and the battles that Hillary and other women of her generation endured so that this younger generation would never have to be told by the Barbara Bushes of the world that they should just shut up and go bake some cookies. But the kids don’t like her, and not a day goes by that a millennial doesn’t tell me they aren’t voting for her. No Democrat, and certainly no independent, is waking up on November 8th excited to run out and vote for Hillary the way they did the day Obama became president or when Bernie was on the primary ballot. The enthusiasm just isn’t there. And because this election is going to come down to just one thing — who drags the most people out of the house and gets them to the polls — Trump right now is in the catbird seat.
Hillary can't be that much of a problem for democrats since she leads Trump in virtual all national polls by a wide margin. She's even beating Trump in all battleground states. Granted if the Democrats had nominated someone with less baggage, Trump would probably be down 20 points or more in the polls.

Trump is apparently pretty concerned if he's considering revamping his immigration policy which has been a centerpiece in his campaign. Since Trump is putting off his announcement on immigration, he must be looking at what he has to gain or lose by changing course. If he drops his deportation promise, that will certainly bring some backlash from many supporters but will it attract enough Hispanics. One of the biggest issues with Trump supporters was a president not willing to enforce the law so it's hard to see Trump going down that road, but he has to do something because what he's doing now isn't working
The new centerpiece of the Trump campaign: SAY ANYTHING (to get elected--even if it is in complete contrast to what he said previously).
It appears, Trump is not changing anything in regard to immigration. He's just decide to play nice. His handlers have already warned him to stay away from immigration and just attack Hillary. This makes good political sense. He's captured xenophobes, anti-Hispanic, and anti-Muslims. Why run others voters away?
It's obvious Hillary is on her way to trial for perjury and and felony influence peddling with the coming release of her emails re Benghazi and investigations of the fake 'foundation', so this is another thread that's moot now. Time to start discussions on who the DNC criminal syndicates and their GOP associates will try and peddle as the Anti-Trump next. They have a very thin field of hacks they can trust now.
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Let’s face it: The democrits biggest problem isn’t Trump – it’s Hillary. She is hugely unpopular — nearly 70% of all voters think she is untrustworthy and dishonest. She represents the old way of politics, not really believing in anything other than what can get you elected. That’s why she fights against gays getting married one moment, and the next she’s officiating a gay marriage. Young women are among her biggest detractors, which has to hurt considering it’s the sacrifices and the battles that Hillary and other women of her generation endured so that this younger generation would never have to be told by the Barbara Bushes of the world that they should just shut up and go bake some cookies. But the kids don’t like her, and not a day goes by that a millennial doesn’t tell me they aren’t voting for her. No Democrat, and certainly no independent, is waking up on November 8th excited to run out and vote for Hillary the way they did the day Obama became president or when Bernie was on the primary ballot. The enthusiasm just isn’t there. And because this election is going to come down to just one thing — who drags the most people out of the house and gets them to the polls — Trump right now is in the catbird seat.
Hillary can't be that much of a problem for democrats since she leads Trump in virtual all national polls by a wide margin. She's even beating Trump in all battleground states. Granted if the Democrats had nominated someone with less baggage, Trump would probably be down 20 points or more in the polls.

Trump is apparently pretty concerned if he's considering revamping his immigration policy which has been a centerpiece in his campaign. Since Trump is putting off his announcement on immigration, he must be looking at what he has to gain or lose by changing course. If he drops his deportation promise, that will certainly bring some backlash from many supporters but will it attract enough Hispanics. One of the biggest issues with Trump supporters was a president not willing to enforce the law so it's hard to see Trump going down that road, but he has to do something because what he's doing now isn't working
The new centerpiece of the Trump campaign: SAY ANYTHING (to get elected--even if it is in complete contrast to what he said previously).
It appears, Trump is not changing anything in regard to immigration. He's just decide to play nice. His handlers have already warned him to stay away from immigration and just attack Hillary. This makes good political sense. He's captured xenophobes, anti-Hispanic, and anti-Muslims. Why run others voters away?

Seriously, what would be the point? Its so obviously a political ploy. And Trump lacks all credibility with minorities.

He should just stick with trying to frightened white guys....and hope for the best.
With Hillary dead in the water, Trump is a shoo in now. Hopefully all the assorted degenerates, racists, and gangsters will follow their leaders like Ginzburg and the Hollywood vermin out of the country, but I suspect they will just stay and whine.
"I wasn’t born a Democrat," Hillary Rodham Clinton writes on page one of her autobiography, "Living History."

She grew up in Park Ridge, Ill., a Republican suburb of Chicago, and describes her father, Hugh Rodham Jr., as a "rock-ribbed, up-by-your-bootstraps, conservative Republican and proud of it" (page 11). Her 9th-grade history teacher was also a very conservative Republican who encouraged her to read Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater’s 1960 book, "Conscience of a Conservative," which inspired Clinton to write a term paper on the American conservative movement.

Hillary Clinton ("Living History," page 21): I was also an active Young Republican and, later, a Goldwater girl, right down to my cowgirl outfit and straw cowboy hat emblazoned with the slogan "AuH20." … I liked Senator Goldwater because he was a rugged individualist who swam against the political tide.

Goldwater is remembered for saying, in his speech accepting the Republican nomination for president in 1964, "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice … and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."
It's obvious Hillary is on her way to trial for perjury and and felony influence peddling with the coming release of her emails re Benghazi and investigations of the fake 'foundation', so this is another thread that's moot now. Time to start discussions on who the DNC criminal syndicates and their GOP associates will try and peddle as the Anti-Trump next. They have a very thin field of hacks they can trust now.

Hillary is above the law, pure and simple. Neither she, nor any democratic - socialist party boss will ever face charges or trial for anything - regardless of what they do.

Our laws only apply to commoners and Republicans.

The liberal media has done everything it can possibly do to prop up hillary and put out false information regarding the polls trying to convince folks Trump cannot win...........yet still it is a neck and neck race.

Wayne Allyn Root - Hillary's Done... And She Knows It
(sigh)...so sad but true...I wish the white bitch would just drop the fuck out and let Biden take over....what a waste of senior power...two washed up white fucks, completely void of character and conscious, running for president.
It's obvious Hillary is on her way to trial for perjury and and felony influence peddling with the coming release of her emails re Benghazi and investigations of the fake 'foundation', so this is another thread that's moot now. Time to start discussions on who the DNC criminal syndicates and their GOP associates will try and peddle as the Anti-Trump next. They have a very thin field of hacks they can trust now.

Hillary is above the law, pure and simple. Neither she, nor any democratic - socialist party boss will ever face charges or trial for anything - regardless of what they do.

Our laws only apply to commoners and Republicans.

Kinda like that Bush guy, that lied and got us into a war...above the law shit?....gotcha!!
The election is over and I didn't even get a chance to vote.
The election is not over, and you’ll have your opportunity to vote.

But an objective, factual, non-partisan accounting of the election thus far indicates Trump has little chance of winning.

Clinton has a clear EC advantage, with different scenarios getting her to 270 – Trump doesn’t.

Clinton has sizable leads in key battleground states such as Pennsylvania and Virginia – Trump doesn’t.

Clinton has an effective, sophisticated ground game designed to get likely democratic voters to the polls – Trump doesn’t.

For these and other reasons it’s perfectly warranted and appropriate to project Clinton winning the election.
This entire election will all stem from voter turn out. Polls had Obama losing up until the very end.......I predict nothing, except....we have lines drawn....white people against minorities, may the best man win..
Hillary makes a terrible personal appearance. Men are forgiven much of their appearance. Women are forgiven nothing. She's old, her last facelift is already fading. She's gone from overweight to morbidly fat. She moves with difficulty. She falls, needs to be held up, propped up by pillows when she sits. She has seizures.

Hilly is one event away from a complete collapse of her campaign. As it is, her inability to handle the rigors of the ordinary campaign are bleeding her.

what a sad election, if there was an alternative like a Reagan this one would be in the bag, I think Romney could have won this one. The fact is neither party has put forward anybody decent for along time, politics is changing fast for the worse.
You considered Romney a good catch?

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