Hillary is Done and she knows it.

You made the claims, YOU provide the proof...

Those are the rules, and they apply to anyone (with the exception of someone so retarded they're practically a vegetable)....

So put up or lose...

It's that simple....

Disagree with me on a specific point and I'll happily show you you're wrong.

But I'm not positing links for something we both recognize is accurate. I want you on record that a specific claim is *wrong*....so I can rub your nose in it with the evidence.

Pick a claim, any claim.
I don't recognize ANYTHING as "accurate" without proof, Jackass...

So post the links...

Or admit that we're just listening to the insane ramblings of a drunk idiot...

Disagree with a point I've made and I'll gladly prove it to you. As I did Roshi and his blithering idiocy that there was 'nothing' backing the claim that Trump called for US citizens to be tried in military courts.

But why am I going to start posting links for a claim that you don't even disagree with?
Who said I agree with ANY of your insane notions???

Post the links, or be branded a liar...

Your choice...

Talk to me when you can even disagree with any specific point I've made.

You can't. As we both know I'm right.
Post the links to prove those points...

You can't???

You lied, shortbus....
Again back up your claims with links. I gave you the courts findings and you have nothing more than your own personal insane ramblings.

I just did. I even linked to a video where Trump *says* exactly what I attributed to him.

But as we all knew you would.....you refused to follow it. And refusing, insist that the claims haven't been backed up. Ah, Argument from Ignorance. Its a classic fallacy of logic for a reason.

And of course, you never did explain how Trump would 'know more about ISIS than the generals do.

Laughing.....good luck with that.
I don't need to explain where Trump gets his knowledge or his intel as I am not the one running for president.

Your best explanation for why a person would reasonably conclude that Trump knows more about ISIS than the generals ....is that you don't need to explain?

Holy shit, dude! That's it?

Lets be clear: You *can't* explain why Trump would have more knowledge about ISIS than the generals do. As Trump has no basis of knowledge that would credibly provide him with that insight.

But keep trying to convince yourself that the only reason you can't polish that turd....is that you don't have to.

Oh, and can I take your complete abandonment of any discussion of Trump calling for US Citizens to be tried in military tribunals as you conceding the point?

So much for me having 'nothing' to back up the claim. I have Trump citing Trump. Which, of course, you ignored.
Damn it is hard to get something through to you. You gotta be brain dead dude!
FindLaw's United States Supreme Court case and opinions.

Laughing...so much for your claim that there was 'nothing' backing my assertion that Trump called for US citizens to be tried in military courts.

Trump backed my claims with his own quote. And now you're arguing for WHY I'm right.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?
You can't run me off the claim that you have a lower IQ than a sand flea...

Got those links I asked for yet, retard???
I just did. I even linked to a video where Trump *says* exactly what I attributed to him.

But as we all knew you would.....you refused to follow it. And refusing, insist that the claims haven't been backed up. Ah, Argument from Ignorance. Its a classic fallacy of logic for a reason.

And of course, you never did explain how Trump would 'know more about ISIS than the generals do.

Laughing.....good luck with that.
I don't need to explain where Trump gets his knowledge or his intel as I am not the one running for president.

Your best explanation for why a person would reasonably conclude that Trump knows more about ISIS than the generals ....is that you don't need to explain?

Holy shit, dude! That's it?

Lets be clear: You *can't* explain why Trump would have more knowledge about ISIS than the generals do. As Trump has no basis of knowledge that would credibly provide him with that insight.

But keep trying to convince yourself that the only reason you can't polish that turd....is that you don't have to.

Oh, and can I take your complete abandonment of any discussion of Trump calling for US Citizens to be tried in military tribunals as you conceding the point?

So much for me having 'nothing' to back up the claim. I have Trump citing Trump. Which, of course, you ignored.
Damn it is hard to get something through to you. You gotta be brain dead dude!
FindLaw's United States Supreme Court case and opinions.

Laughing...so much for your claim that there was 'nothing' backing my assertion that Trump called for US citizens to be tried in military courts.

Trump backed my claims with his own quote. And now you're arguing for WHY I'm right.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?
You can't run me off the claim that you have a lower IQ than a sand flea...

Got those links I asked for yet, retard???

When you have a specific point I've made that you even disagree with, I'll be around.

You know what you have to do to get the evidence you're coming hat in hand for. Do it, and you'll get it. Don't, and you get nothing.

And there's not a damn thing you can do it about.
I don't need to explain where Trump gets his knowledge or his intel as I am not the one running for president.

Your best explanation for why a person would reasonably conclude that Trump knows more about ISIS than the generals ....is that you don't need to explain?

Holy shit, dude! That's it?

Lets be clear: You *can't* explain why Trump would have more knowledge about ISIS than the generals do. As Trump has no basis of knowledge that would credibly provide him with that insight.

But keep trying to convince yourself that the only reason you can't polish that turd....is that you don't have to.

Oh, and can I take your complete abandonment of any discussion of Trump calling for US Citizens to be tried in military tribunals as you conceding the point?

So much for me having 'nothing' to back up the claim. I have Trump citing Trump. Which, of course, you ignored.
Damn it is hard to get something through to you. You gotta be brain dead dude!
FindLaw's United States Supreme Court case and opinions.

Laughing...so much for your claim that there was 'nothing' backing my assertion that Trump called for US citizens to be tried in military courts.

Trump backed my claims with his own quote. And now you're arguing for WHY I'm right.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?
You are confused I did not say what you are saying. I told you provide links. You really are a confused lil dweeb. Got get those links for all that bull your shoveling.

Show me a claim that you disagree with, and I will. Exactly as I did with your blithering idiocy about there being 'nothing' to back my citation of Trump calling for US citizens to be tried in military courts.

There was Trump to back it.

How did you not know that?
Again you confuse lil' dweeb go back through your own rantings and quit accusing people out of your own lil' confused brain dead mind.
That's an enormous 'if'. You're insisting that we pull a US Citizen out of the civilian court system and hand them over to the military on the ACCUSATION of terrorism.
Not the conviction.
No, doofus, it is a two step process.

1) The military presents its case to the Department of Homeland security for the need for a military trial.

2) The DHS then goes to a judge to get clearance for said trial.

This falls under war time laws, not civilian.

And exactly as I described, you're arguing for WHY I'm right in my claims against Trump.

He did call for US citizens to be tried by military tribunals. And you've abandoned any pretense of denying it.

The miltiary doesn't arrest US citizens, dip. The US government does. Take a look at the case of Jose Padilla. He wasn't arrested by the military. Nor did the military 'present' his case to DHS.

Quite the opposite. He was being tried by US civilian court when the President 'declared' him an unlawful combatant and had him transferred to a military court. There was no judges approval. This was done entirely on the authority of the Executive.

Where they then tortured Padilla with waterboarding. A practice that Trump also insists we should bring back. And 'worse'.

Padilla was then held for 6 years without any charges.

And this is what you want to bring back? No thank you.

Let's unpack the military tribunal. If the citizens are charged with terrorism, espionage, etc then a military tribunal is appropriate. As soon as you commit these crimes against the state then your citizenship can be revoked.

Honestly trump isn't wrong about the military tribunals he isn't going to violate anyone's rights but it is appropriate to do this and precedent has been set. Progressive FDR tried German Americans by military tribunal who plotted against the state in WW2.
Your best explanation for why a person would reasonably conclude that Trump knows more about ISIS than the generals ....is that you don't need to explain?

Holy shit, dude! That's it?

Lets be clear: You *can't* explain why Trump would have more knowledge about ISIS than the generals do. As Trump has no basis of knowledge that would credibly provide him with that insight.

But keep trying to convince yourself that the only reason you can't polish that turd....is that you don't have to.

Oh, and can I take your complete abandonment of any discussion of Trump calling for US Citizens to be tried in military tribunals as you conceding the point?

So much for me having 'nothing' to back up the claim. I have Trump citing Trump. Which, of course, you ignored.
Damn it is hard to get something through to you. You gotta be brain dead dude!
FindLaw's United States Supreme Court case and opinions.

Laughing...so much for your claim that there was 'nothing' backing my assertion that Trump called for US citizens to be tried in military courts.

Trump backed my claims with his own quote. And now you're arguing for WHY I'm right.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?
You are confused I did not say what you are saying. I told you provide links. You really are a confused lil dweeb. Got get those links for all that bull your shoveling.

Show me a claim that you disagree with, and I will. Exactly as I did with your blithering idiocy about there being 'nothing' to back my citation of Trump calling for US citizens to be tried in military courts.

There was Trump to back it.

How did you not know that?
Again you confuse lil' dweeb go back through your own rantings and quit accusing people out of your own lil' confused brain dead mind.

I backed up my assertions with evidence. Trump citing Trump.

How did you not know that Trump had called for US citizens to be tried in military courts?
That's an enormous 'if'. You're insisting that we pull a US Citizen out of the civilian court system and hand them over to the military on the ACCUSATION of terrorism.
Not the conviction.
No, doofus, it is a two step process.

1) The military presents its case to the Department of Homeland security for the need for a military trial.

2) The DHS then goes to a judge to get clearance for said trial.

This falls under war time laws, not civilian.

And exactly as I described, you're arguing for WHY I'm right in my claims against Trump.

He did call for US citizens to be tried by military tribunals. And you've abandoned any pretense of denying it.

The miltiary doesn't arrest US citizens, dip. The US government does. Take a look at the case of Jose Padilla. He wasn't arrested by the military. Nor did the military 'present' his case to DHS.

Quite the opposite. He was being tried by US civilian court when the President 'declared' him an unlawful combatant and had him transferred to a military court. There was no judges approval. This was done entirely on the authority of the Executive.

Where they then tortured Padilla with waterboarding. A practice that Trump also insists we should bring back. And 'worse'.

Padilla was then held for 6 years without any charges.

And this is what you want to bring back? No thank you.

Let's unpack the military tribunal. If the citizens are charged with terrorism, espionage, etc then a military tribunal is appropriate. As soon as you commit these crimes against the state then your citizenship can be revoked.

But we haven't legally determined they have committed those crimes. So your argument puts the cart before the horse. As you're using a convinction that hasn't happened as a justification for a military court.

Look at Jose Padilla. They plucked him out of civilian court, tortured him for years and didn't charge him with anything for 6 YEARS.

And that's the kind of legal system you want in the US?

Honestly trump isn't wrong about the military tribunals he isn't going to violate anyone's rights but it is appropriate to do this and precedent has been set. Progressive FDR tried German Americans by military tribunal who plotted against the state in WW2.[/QUOTE]
Damn it is hard to get something through to you. You gotta be brain dead dude!
FindLaw's United States Supreme Court case and opinions.

Laughing...so much for your claim that there was 'nothing' backing my assertion that Trump called for US citizens to be tried in military courts.

Trump backed my claims with his own quote. And now you're arguing for WHY I'm right.

Is there any claim I can't run you off of?
You are confused I did not say what you are saying. I told you provide links. You really are a confused lil dweeb. Got get those links for all that bull your shoveling.

Show me a claim that you disagree with, and I will. Exactly as I did with your blithering idiocy about there being 'nothing' to back my citation of Trump calling for US citizens to be tried in military courts.

There was Trump to back it.

How did you not know that?
Again you confuse lil' dweeb go back through your own rantings and quit accusing people out of your own lil' confused brain dead mind.

I backed up my assertions with evidence. Trump citing Trump.

How did you not know that Trump had called for US citizens to be tried in military courts?
Why would I care if Jihadis' and illegals are tossed? I don't. Illegal is illegal. Brain dead dweebs don't get that.

Jihadis' won't ever get my sympathy no matter who they are. They fit into that category along with pedophiles that should live in that dry desert area where they can't ever get loose.
what a sad election, if there was an alternative like a Reagan this one would be in the bag, I think Romney could have won this one. The fact is neither party has put forward anybody decent for along time, politics is changing fast for the worse.

Hillary is a remarkably weak candidate, probably the worse the Dems have run since maybe McGovern. But in defiance of all reason the GOP nominated the one guy she can beat easily.

A guy that conservatives weren't happy with. And the general electorate can't stand.

Who is hated and despised by the Political Class, the very people who shit on the middle class every single time and yet the middle class has been voting for them since time began. I can't stand trump but i have to say I LIKE the fact that the political class is afraid of him. And i think that is why he actually has a 50/50 shot at winning. It is becoming clear that hilary isn't crushing him, as she should be, considering she has outspent him 60 million to maybe 1 million so far.
People around the world are afraid of Trump because they are afraid of what such a fascist will do to the world. Americans are afraid of Trump because they are afraid of what an ignorant man, a shallow thinker, a reactionary and racist will do to America.

No one is 'afraid' of him because he has a distant chance of winning the election. The fear is about the harm he will do if he actually gets elected. Even major GOP members 'fear' him.

Really? He's now a fascist? He is a capitalist. Although I'm sure in your book that's worse.

you're just learning this?

Is Donald Trump a Fascist? A Historian of Fascism Weighs In.

btw, one isn't automatically a fascist if one is a capitalist. that's just silly.

A lame comparison. A strong immigration policy doesn't constitute fascism. Are the Japanese fascists?

The anti-immigrant laws passed by Germans were anti-Jewish because they viewed Jews as owning too much of their wealth. In Europe at that time Jews made up a small minority and yet owned the majority of wealth and held positions of power as a result. Laws were passed that mandated quotas so that certain people wouldn't be over represented. Jews were removed from teaching positions in universities.

This isn't even comparable to what Muslims are doing in Western countries. They are bottom feeders that are only migrating in to get free welfare from their host country, as well as stay and multiply until they can overtake the countries in numbers to spread Islam and drive infidels out.

Common sense tells us that an enemy that intends to destroy us should not be let in. Nothing so sinister as 'fascism'.
The liberal media has done everything it can possibly do to prop up hillary and put out false information regarding the polls trying to convince folks Trump cannot win...........yet still it is a neck and neck race.

Wayne Allyn Root - Hillary's Done... And She Knows It

I used to have a lot of respect for Wayne Allyn Root. In fact, he lives like ten minutes from me, but he's flown over the cuckoos nest in recent years.
I used to have a lot of respect for Wayne Allyn Root. In fact, he lives like ten minutes from me, but he's flown over the cuckoos nest in recent years.

I am sure he will be simply crushed to learn of this, Taz, lol.

I'll let him down easy next time I see him.
Maybe you could offer to buy him a beer so you can tell him how much he suxors now?

lol, seriously, do you really expect everyone to agree with you?

I have a ton of respect, for example, for Dukakis, Kucinich, Sanders, Webb, even though I have some serious disagreements with them on many issues. In fact I was supporting Sanders for POTUS.

Why do you have to agree with a person to respect them for being solid thinkers? I guess that is what you imply when you say they have flown the nest.
Let’s face it: The democrits biggest problem isn’t Trump – it’s Hillary. She is hugely unpopular — nearly 70% of all voters think she is untrustworthy and dishonest. She represents the old way of politics, not really believing in anything other than what can get you elected. That’s why she fights against gays getting married one moment, and the next she’s officiating a gay marriage. Young women are among her biggest detractors, which has to hurt considering it’s the sacrifices and the battles that Hillary and other women of her generation endured so that this younger generation would never have to be told by the Barbara Bushes of the world that they should just shut up and go bake some cookies. But the kids don’t like her, and not a day goes by that a millennial doesn’t tell me they aren’t voting for her. No Democrat, and certainly no independent, is waking up on November 8th excited to run out and vote for Hillary the way they did the day Obama became president or when Bernie was on the primary ballot. The enthusiasm just isn’t there. And because this election is going to come down to just one thing — who drags the most people out of the house and gets them to the polls — Trump right now is in the catbird seat.
Hillary can't be that much of a problem for democrats since she leads Trump in virtual all national polls by a wide margin. She's even beating Trump in all battleground states. Granted if the Democrats had nominated someone with less baggage, Trump would probably be down 20 points or more in the polls.

Trump is apparently pretty concerned if he's considering revamping his immigration policy which has been a centerpiece in his campaign. Since Trump is putting off his announcement on immigration, he must be looking at what he has to gain or lose by changing course. If he drops his deportation promise, that will certainly bring some backlash from many supporters but will it attract enough Hispanics. One of the biggest issues with Trump supporters was a president not willing to enforce the law so it's hard to see Trump going down that road, but he has to do something because what he's doing now isn't working
Let’s face it: The democrits biggest problem isn’t Trump – it’s Hillary. She is hugely unpopular — nearly 70% of all voters think she is untrustworthy and dishonest. She represents the old way of politics, not really believing in anything other than what can get you elected. That’s why she fights against gays getting married one moment, and the next she’s officiating a gay marriage. Young women are among her biggest detractors, which has to hurt considering it’s the sacrifices and the battles that Hillary and other women of her generation endured so that this younger generation would never have to be told by the Barbara Bushes of the world that they should just shut up and go bake some cookies. But the kids don’t like her, and not a day goes by that a millennial doesn’t tell me they aren’t voting for her. No Democrat, and certainly no independent, is waking up on November 8th excited to run out and vote for Hillary the way they did the day Obama became president or when Bernie was on the primary ballot. The enthusiasm just isn’t there. And because this election is going to come down to just one thing — who drags the most people out of the house and gets them to the polls — Trump right now is in the catbird seat.
Hillary can't be that much of a problem for democrats since she leads Trump in virtual all national polls by a wide margin. She's even beating Trump in all battleground states. Granted if the Democrats had nominated someone with less baggage, Trump would probably be down 20 points or more in the polls.

Trump is apparently pretty concerned if he's considering revamping his immigration policy which has been a centerpiece in his campaign. Since Trump is putting off his announcement on immigration, he must be looking at what he has to gain or lose by changing course. If he drops his deportation promise, that will certainly bring some backlash from many supporters but will it attract enough Hispanics. One of the biggest issues with Trump supporters was a president not willing to enforce the law so it's hard to see Trump going down that road, but he has to do something because what he's doing now isn't working
The new centerpiece of the Trump campaign: SAY ANYTHING (to get elected--even if it is in complete contrast to what he said previously).

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