Hillary is Officially 'F*ED': Guccifer - 'I hacked Hillary's server'

Not all of 'em. Her and her "team" deleted huge amounts before turning them over.

The asshole knows the Dept of State didn't have her emails...that was the whole point of the private server....so she could peddle influence for money for her foundation.
Oh like how you "know" that they didn't have her e-mails.

The server was used to send info to and from the State Department genius.
Just out of curiosity, assuming there IS a recommendation for indictment , would you then say "yeah there's a problem here" or would you continue to support Hillary? Because I actually think the Director is a man of integrity and if after a thorough investigation he decides that no there is no need for indictment that people should respect that, he's earned that trust in his career.

Uh, I think before you get there, you should actually tell me why I should give a fuck.

No, seriously, a pissing contest between State and the CIA doesn't interest most people that much.

If I have to tell you why you should give a fuck that the person you are considering electing as President should not be violating the law , especially in regards to correctly handling classified material, you are a lost cause.
She won't be their boss if she's indicted. I don't think she could even continue running if there is a recommendation for indictment. Or at least I would hope the Dem Party would have at least that much integrity.

Why should they? Frankly, you guys debased the whole concept of investigations when you decided to spend 70 Million to find out if Clinotn lied about getting a beej.

Here's the thing, you can show me tape of Hillary shooting Vince Foster, and if she was still the only thing separating Crazy Trump from the nukes, I'd still vote for her.
She won't be their boss if she's indicted. I don't think she could even continue running if there is a recommendation for indictment. Or at least I would hope the Dem Party would have at least that much integrity.

Why should they? Frankly, you guys debased the whole concept of investigations when you decided to spend 70 Million to find out if Clinotn lied about getting a beej.

Here's the thing, you can show me tape of Hillary shooting Vince Foster, and if she was still the only thing separating Crazy Trump from the nukes, I'd still vote for her.

I had nothing to do with Bill's perjury trial.

But your last sentence confirms you're a fucking idiot anyway, so good day sir.
She won't be their boss if she's indicted. I don't think she could even continue running if there is a recommendation for indictment. Or at least I would hope the Dem Party would have at least that much integrity.

Why should they? Frankly, you guys debased the whole concept of investigations when you decided to spend 70 Million to find out if Clinotn lied about getting a beej.

Here's the thing, you can show me tape of Hillary shooting Vince Foster, and if she was still the only thing separating Crazy Trump from the nukes, I'd still vote for her.

I had nothing to do with Bill's perjury trial.

But your last sentence confirms you're a fucking idiot anyway, so good day sir.
^ Still can't name a law
If I have to tell you why you should give a fuck that the person you are considering electing as President should not be violating the law , especially in regards to correctly handling classified material, you are a lost cause.

Again, I think you are the one who is confused here.

Using the wrong e-mail server - just not a big deal.

Sending thousands of men to die looking for weapons that didn't exist- Really a big deal.

But you guys will make all sorts of excused for Bush and want to crucify Hillary.

Show me where someone died because Hillary used teh wrong e-mail server, and then we'll talk.
If I have to tell you why you should give a fuck that the person you are considering electing as President should not be violating the law , especially in regards to correctly handling classified material, you are a lost cause.

Again, I think you are the one who is confused here.

Using the wrong e-mail server - just not a big deal.

Sending thousands of men to die looking for weapons that didn't exist- Really a big deal.

But you guys will make all sorts of excused for Bush and want to crucify Hillary.

Show me where someone died because Hillary used teh wrong e-mail server, and then we'll talk.

LOL Here's how fucking stupid you are. Hillary is ON RECORD as having supported the War in Iraq, therefor by your own logic you should not vote for Hillary.

What a fucking moron.
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)
How's that indictment coming? Wasn't it you who said it would be out by 5 May? Well, guess what today is.......
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)
How's that indictment coming? Wasn't it you who said it would be out by 5 May? Well, guess what today is.......
Reminds you of this thread:
BREAKING: Rep. Steve Stockman: Sgt. At Arms to Arrest Lois Lerner

Doesn't it? :rofl:
The fact is there was no law about private servers during her tenure.

You're getting even weaker if that's possible. The issue is the mishandling of classified information and covering up illegal activities by destroying records...PERIOD. A law attempting to include every possible means of that isn't necessary.

How's that indictment coming? Wasn't it you who said it would be out by 5 May? Well, guess what today is.......

Well well, look who shows up. You claim to be former military and here you are trying to run cover for a woman who's spit on every oath you've ever taken.
LOL Here's how fucking stupid you are. Hillary is ON RECORD as having supported the War in Iraq, therefor by your own logic you should not vote for Hillary.

What a fucking moron.

Hillary supported the troops. She's not the one who sent them in on what she KNEW to be a lie.

That was Bush and Cheney.
The fact is there was no law about private servers during her tenure.

You're getting even weaker if that's possible. The issue is the mishandling of classified information and covering up illegal activities by destroying records...PERIOD. A law attempting to include every possible means of mishandling that information isn't necessary.


You're getting even weaker if that's possible. The issue is the mishandling of classified information no rule about a private server = no crime and covering up illegal activities by destroying records the State Department has all her records. It is common sense to wipe your personal information off of your computer when you're done with it. Had it happened AFTER the investigation, you'd have a point. But, of course, you don't....PERIOD. A law attempting to include every possible means of mishandling that information isn't necessary. So you want the government to have the ability to put people in prison who have not broken any laws?

In today's world, it is more likely than not that her stupidly unsecured server was hacked. That's why it's so ludicrous for the sycophantic Hillary weasels to run around piously proclaiming that it was not. And, as for Benhazi, they also trusted that their superiors would reduce that risk whenever possible. You know, things like heightened security on the anniversary of 9/11.

Uh, you seem to keep wanting to not hold Stevens responsible for his own actions.

He's the one who left his nice safe Embassy in Tripoli to meet with a Turkish diplomat in Benghazi on the day of 9/11 after it was known a lot of folks were upset about the video you all like to pretend doesn't exist.
LOL. You make it sound like you actually believe the video caused the attack.
LOL Here's how fucking stupid you are. Hillary is ON RECORD as having supported the War in Iraq, therefor by your own logic you should not vote for Hillary.

What a fucking moron.

Hillary supported the troops. She's not the one who sent them in on what she KNEW to be a lie.

That was Bush and Cheney.

She didn't support the troops you fucking idiot, she voted to go to war in Iraq.

And what's more, it wasn't the "wrong call" that so many want to pretend it was all these years later. At the time, EVERYONE believed that Saddam has WMDs and that he was crazy enough to allow them to fall into terrorist hands.

Hindsight is great, but it is what it is , Hillary shouldn't be faulted for her vote then, but neither should she be able to deny that she did vote for the war.
Exposing TSecret messaging to a non-secure communications environment. Same as if she picked up a TS convo on her blackberry phone. .That level material NEVER LEAVES a CERTIFIED secured environment. And she KNOWS by looking at it whether it is subject to classification or not. You do not need proof of hacking or interception. You only need proof that the comm traffic left CERTIFIED containment.

Any other questions?
What law did she break? Especially now that it's accepted that none of the information in the e-mails was classified as certified at the time it was sent?

You just don't know how this stuff works. Folks who are cleared are BRIEFED and CERTIFIED to recognize classified info when they SEE IT.. They don't NEED to have a stamp on every concept, idea or discussion that ensues. Doesn't MATTER whether it was marked. YOU can generate a classified conversation anytime you wish if you CONTAIN IT within the bounds of a CERTIFIED secure environment.

THAT's how it works.. There's a MULTITUDE of protocols broken here. I'll rely on the FBI to quote chapter and verse. But from what the public is GONNA know (which is little of what actually happened) -- it's quite clear that this "convienience she designed for herself is MORE than "bad judgement". It's a serious breach of National Security..
E-mails on a private server. None of the info marked as classified at the time it was sent.

What. Law. Was. Broken?

It would fall under Security Protocols. Some of those "laws" themselves are probably classified. Because they disclose HOW classified information is protected. But I'm sure there are codes to cover the violations -- even if they can't state EXACTLY what she was SUPPOSED to do.. The media is doing a shitty job here because they don't understand the AGREEMENTS that folks sign in order to get access to classified materials in the 1st place.
The fact is there was no law about private servers during her tenure.

That is a steaming heap of BS. There is ALWAYS a prohibition about allowing classified material to travel ANYWHERE outside of protected CERTIFIED channels of communications.

Don't make shit up please..
What law did she break? Especially now that it's accepted that none of the information in the e-mails was classified as certified at the time it was sent?

You just don't know how this stuff works. Folks who are cleared are BRIEFED and CERTIFIED to recognize classified info when they SEE IT.. They don't NEED to have a stamp on every concept, idea or discussion that ensues. Doesn't MATTER whether it was marked. YOU can generate a classified conversation anytime you wish if you CONTAIN IT within the bounds of a CERTIFIED secure environment.

THAT's how it works.. There's a MULTITUDE of protocols broken here. I'll rely on the FBI to quote chapter and verse. But from what the public is GONNA know (which is little of what actually happened) -- it's quite clear that this "convienience she designed for herself is MORE than "bad judgement". It's a serious breach of National Security..
E-mails on a private server. None of the info marked as classified at the time it was sent.

What. Law. Was. Broken?

It would fall under Security Protocols. Some of those "laws" themselves are probably classified. Because they disclose HOW classified information is protected. But I'm sure there are codes to cover the violations -- even if they can't state EXACTLY what she was SUPPOSED to do.. The media is doing a shitty job here because they don't understand the AGREEMENTS that folks sign in order to get access to classified materials in the 1st place.
The fact is there was no law about private servers during her tenure.

That is a steaming heap of BS. There is ALWAYS a prohibition about allowing classified material to travel ANYWHERE outside of protected CERTIFIED channels of communications.

Don't make shit up please..

I'm beginning to believe the liberals who post here can't help themselves. I've never seen so many people just out and out deny reality and truth in all my life. Truly disturbing.

I even seen one guy suggest that perhaps she just didn't know how she was supposed to handle classified information, as if the SoS didn't receive proper training in that regard .

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