Hillary is Officially 'F*ED': Guccifer - 'I hacked Hillary's server'

"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)
didn't you ODS- types post this weeks ago AND your using Drudge as a source? :rofl:

Looks like some rw echo chamber chain mail repost.
What law did she break? Especially now that it's accepted that none of the information in the e-mails was classified as certified at the time it was sent?

You just don't know how this stuff works. Folks who are cleared are BRIEFED and CERTIFIED to recognize classified info when they SEE IT.. They don't NEED to have a stamp on every concept, idea or discussion that ensues. Doesn't MATTER whether it was marked. YOU can generate a classified conversation anytime you wish if you CONTAIN IT within the bounds of a CERTIFIED secure environment.

THAT's how it works.. There's a MULTITUDE of protocols broken here. I'll rely on the FBI to quote chapter and verse. But from what the public is GONNA know (which is little of what actually happened) -- it's quite clear that this "convienience she designed for herself is MORE than "bad judgement". It's a serious breach of National Security..
E-mails on a private server. None of the info marked as classified at the time it was sent.

What. Law. Was. Broken?

It would fall under Security Protocols. Some of those "laws" themselves are probably classified. Because they disclose HOW classified information is protected. But I'm sure there are codes to cover the violations -- even if they can't state EXACTLY what she was SUPPOSED to do.. The media is doing a shitty job here because they don't understand the AGREEMENTS that folks sign in order to get access to classified materials in the 1st place.
The fact is there was no law about private servers during her tenure.

That is a steaming heap of BS. There is ALWAYS a prohibition about allowing classified material to travel ANYWHERE outside of protected CERTIFIED channels of communications.

Don't make shit up please..
What are the rules about materials that are not considered classified? And what was the law about State Department officials having private servers prior to 2 years ago?
You just don't know how this stuff works. Folks who are cleared are BRIEFED and CERTIFIED to recognize classified info when they SEE IT.. They don't NEED to have a stamp on every concept, idea or discussion that ensues. Doesn't MATTER whether it was marked. YOU can generate a classified conversation anytime you wish if you CONTAIN IT within the bounds of a CERTIFIED secure environment.

THAT's how it works.. There's a MULTITUDE of protocols broken here. I'll rely on the FBI to quote chapter and verse. But from what the public is GONNA know (which is little of what actually happened) -- it's quite clear that this "convienience she designed for herself is MORE than "bad judgement". It's a serious breach of National Security..
E-mails on a private server. None of the info marked as classified at the time it was sent.

What. Law. Was. Broken?

It would fall under Security Protocols. Some of those "laws" themselves are probably classified. Because they disclose HOW classified information is protected. But I'm sure there are codes to cover the violations -- even if they can't state EXACTLY what she was SUPPOSED to do.. The media is doing a shitty job here because they don't understand the AGREEMENTS that folks sign in order to get access to classified materials in the 1st place.
The fact is there was no law about private servers during her tenure.

That is a steaming heap of BS. There is ALWAYS a prohibition about allowing classified material to travel ANYWHERE outside of protected CERTIFIED channels of communications.

Don't make shit up please..

I'm beginning to believe the liberals who post here can't help themselves. I've never seen so many people just out and out deny reality and truth in all my life. Truly disturbing.

I even seen one guy suggest that perhaps she just didn't know how she was supposed to handle classified information, as if the SoS didn't receive proper training in that regard .
You still have not said what crime was committed.
E-mails on a private server. None of the info marked as classified at the time it was sent.

What. Law. Was. Broken?

It would fall under Security Protocols. Some of those "laws" themselves are probably classified. Because they disclose HOW classified information is protected. But I'm sure there are codes to cover the violations -- even if they can't state EXACTLY what she was SUPPOSED to do.. The media is doing a shitty job here because they don't understand the AGREEMENTS that folks sign in order to get access to classified materials in the 1st place.
The fact is there was no law about private servers during her tenure.

That is a steaming heap of BS. There is ALWAYS a prohibition about allowing classified material to travel ANYWHERE outside of protected CERTIFIED channels of communications.

Don't make shit up please..

I'm beginning to believe the liberals who post here can't help themselves. I've never seen so many people just out and out deny reality and truth in all my life. Truly disturbing.

I even seen one guy suggest that perhaps she just didn't know how she was supposed to handle classified information, as if the SoS didn't receive proper training in that regard .
You still have not said what crime was committed.

I dismissed you from consideration for serious conversation pages ago. Good day.
It would fall under Security Protocols. Some of those "laws" themselves are probably classified. Because they disclose HOW classified information is protected. But I'm sure there are codes to cover the violations -- even if they can't state EXACTLY what she was SUPPOSED to do.. The media is doing a shitty job here because they don't understand the AGREEMENTS that folks sign in order to get access to classified materials in the 1st place.
The fact is there was no law about private servers during her tenure.

That is a steaming heap of BS. There is ALWAYS a prohibition about allowing classified material to travel ANYWHERE outside of protected CERTIFIED channels of communications.

Don't make shit up please..

I'm beginning to believe the liberals who post here can't help themselves. I've never seen so many people just out and out deny reality and truth in all my life. Truly disturbing.

I even seen one guy suggest that perhaps she just didn't know how she was supposed to handle classified information, as if the SoS didn't receive proper training in that regard .
You still have not said what crime was committed.

I dismissed you from consideration for serious conversation pages ago. Good day.
But you love to post running commentary about the things I say. Thanks bud :wink:
You just don't know how this stuff works. Folks who are cleared are BRIEFED and CERTIFIED to recognize classified info when they SEE IT.. They don't NEED to have a stamp on every concept, idea or discussion that ensues. Doesn't MATTER whether it was marked. YOU can generate a classified conversation anytime you wish if you CONTAIN IT within the bounds of a CERTIFIED secure environment.

THAT's how it works.. There's a MULTITUDE of protocols broken here. I'll rely on the FBI to quote chapter and verse. But from what the public is GONNA know (which is little of what actually happened) -- it's quite clear that this "convienience she designed for herself is MORE than "bad judgement". It's a serious breach of National Security..
E-mails on a private server. None of the info marked as classified at the time it was sent.

What. Law. Was. Broken?

It would fall under Security Protocols. Some of those "laws" themselves are probably classified. Because they disclose HOW classified information is protected. But I'm sure there are codes to cover the violations -- even if they can't state EXACTLY what she was SUPPOSED to do.. The media is doing a shitty job here because they don't understand the AGREEMENTS that folks sign in order to get access to classified materials in the 1st place.
The fact is there was no law about private servers during her tenure.

That is a steaming heap of BS. There is ALWAYS a prohibition about allowing classified material to travel ANYWHERE outside of protected CERTIFIED channels of communications.

Don't make shit up please..
What are the rules about materials that are not considered classified? And what was the law about State Department officials having private servers prior to 2 years ago?

I can see instances of using non-secure comm links for State Dept biz that IS NOT classified. If you log into the State Dept server from a HOTEL -- that's an unsecured link. Might not even be allowed for some parts of the INTRA-Nets at State.

State Dept was in the STONE age 5 yrs ago. The only secure EXTERNAL comm links existed at embassies, military, intelligience depots. You literally had to carry a secure link with you or visit one of those places to discuss classified info.. So when email first started to appear -- I'm certain that it was segregated for non-classified convos only..
For fuck's sakes, of course there is.
What is the crime?

Exposing TSecret messaging to a non-secure communications environment. Same as if she picked up a TS convo on her blackberry phone. .That level material NEVER LEAVES a CERTIFIED secured environment. And she KNOWS by looking at it whether it is subject to classification or not. You do not need proof of hacking or interception. You only need proof that the comm traffic left CERTIFIED containment.

Any other questions?
What law did she break? Especially now that it's accepted that none of the information in the e-mails was classified as certified at the time it was sent?

You just don't know how this stuff works. Folks who are cleared are BRIEFED and CERTIFIED to recognize classified info when they SEE IT.. They don't NEED to have a stamp on every concept, idea or discussion that ensues. Doesn't MATTER whether it was marked. YOU can generate a classified conversation anytime you wish if you CONTAIN IT within the bounds of a CERTIFIED secure environment.

THAT's how it works.. There's a MULTITUDE of protocols broken here. I'll rely on the FBI to quote chapter and verse. But from what the public is GONNA know (which is little of what actually happened) -- it's quite clear that this "convienience she designed for herself is MORE than "bad judgement". It's a serious breach of National Security..

It isn't that he doesn't see how it works, he doesn't care. This is all just a minor inconvenience of a conspiracy designed to keep Hillary out of the White House in their eyes.

Well it's not like there's 20+ years of precedent informing the position that it may be just another empty claim by her detractors or anything.
E-mails on a private server. None of the info marked as classified at the time it was sent.

What. Law. Was. Broken?

It would fall under Security Protocols. Some of those "laws" themselves are probably classified. Because they disclose HOW classified information is protected. But I'm sure there are codes to cover the violations -- even if they can't state EXACTLY what she was SUPPOSED to do.. The media is doing a shitty job here because they don't understand the AGREEMENTS that folks sign in order to get access to classified materials in the 1st place.
The fact is there was no law about private servers during her tenure.

That is a steaming heap of BS. There is ALWAYS a prohibition about allowing classified material to travel ANYWHERE outside of protected CERTIFIED channels of communications.

Don't make shit up please..
What are the rules about materials that are not considered classified? And what was the law about State Department officials having private servers prior to 2 years ago?

I can see instances of using non-secure comm links for State Dept biz that IS NOT classified. If you log into the State Dept server from a HOTEL -- that's an unsecured link. Might not even be allowed for some parts of the INTRA-Nets at State.

State Dept was in the STONE age 5 yrs ago. The only secure EXTERNAL comm links existed at embassies, military, intelligience depots. You literally had to carry a secure link with you or visit one of those places to discuss classified info.. So when email first started to appear -- I'm certain that it was segregated for non-classified convos only..

Yes, in fact when she first arrived as Sec State Hillary wanted a secure BlackBerry similar to the one BO has and she was refused. Now why they refused is strange, but would not have made a damn bit of difference since she was using an unsecure email server.
E-mails on a private server. None of the info marked as classified at the time it was sent.

What. Law. Was. Broken?

It would fall under Security Protocols. Some of those "laws" themselves are probably classified. Because they disclose HOW classified information is protected. But I'm sure there are codes to cover the violations -- even if they can't state EXACTLY what she was SUPPOSED to do.. The media is doing a shitty job here because they don't understand the AGREEMENTS that folks sign in order to get access to classified materials in the 1st place.
The fact is there was no law about private servers during her tenure.

That is a steaming heap of BS. There is ALWAYS a prohibition about allowing classified material to travel ANYWHERE outside of protected CERTIFIED channels of communications.

Don't make shit up please..

I'm beginning to believe the liberals who post here can't help themselves. I've never seen so many people just out and out deny reality and truth in all my life. Truly disturbing.

I even seen one guy suggest that perhaps she just didn't know how she was supposed to handle classified information, as if the SoS didn't receive proper training in that regard .

You still have not said what crime was committed.

You should search Google for "improper handling of classified material" US Code. You'll find DOZENS of possibilities. Like...

18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material
Current through Pub. L. 114-38. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)

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Pub. L. 103–359, title VIII, § 808(a), Oct. 14, 1994, 108 Stat. 3453; amended Pub. L. 107–273, div. B, title IV, § 4002(d)(1)(C)(i), Nov. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 1809.)

Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.
Pub. L. 103–359, title VIII, § 808(a), Oct. 14, 1994, 108 Stat. 3453; amended Pub. L. 107–273, div. B, title IV, § 4002(d)(1)(C)(i), Nov. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 1809.)

For purposes of this section, the provision of documents and materials to the Congress shall not constitute an offense under subsection (a).
In this section, the term “classified information of the United States” means information originated, owned, or possessed by the United States Government concerning the national defense or foreign relations of the United States that has been determined pursuant to law or Executive order to require protection against unauthorized disclosure in the interests of national security.

You put me at a disadvantage because I have to be careful of what I disclose.. So it is best for YOU to educate yourself if you want to know what POTENTIAL SPECIFIC charges can be filed.

Like I said -- most FITTING charge -- would be to revoke her clearances and PREVENT her from ever being cleared at that level again...
You're getting even weaker if that's possible. The issue is the mishandling of classified information no rule about a private server = no crime and covering up illegal activities by destroying records the State Department has all her records. It is common sense to wipe your personal information off of your computer when you're done with it. Had it happened AFTER the investigation, you'd have a point. But, of course, you don't....PERIOD. A law attempting to include every possible means of mishandling that information isn't necessary. So you want the government to have the ability to put people in prison who have not broken any laws?


You got nuthin...idiot wind. :rolleyes-41:
You're getting even weaker if that's possible. The issue is the mishandling of classified information no rule about a private server = no crime and covering up illegal activities by destroying records the State Department has all her records. It is common sense to wipe your personal information off of your computer when you're done with it. Had it happened AFTER the investigation, you'd have a point. But, of course, you don't....PERIOD. A law attempting to include every possible means of mishandling that information isn't necessary. So you want the government to have the ability to put people in prison who have not broken any laws?


You got nuthin...idiot wind. :rolleyes-41:
Well if you're right and I do have nothing, I'd rather be 0 for 1 that 1 for 1000 like you guys with all of your fake scandals :thup:
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

Even though the FBI is investigating, the DOJ is the only ones that can bring her to court. And Obama is not going to do that. Even if Trump gets elected, he will not do it either.

Just like all the past Clinton crimes, they will get to walk away without any punishment.

And the far left will still love them.
LOL. You make it sound like you actually believe the video caused the attack.

Of course not. The Attack in Benghazi was totally unrelated to the video that cause RIOTS in 30 other countries the same week. I know you guys really need to believe that.
There are not many people still clinging to that idea.
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

Even though the FBI is investigating, the DOJ is the only ones that can bring her to court. And Obama is not going to do that. Even if Trump gets elected, he will not do it either.

Just like all the past Clinton crimes, they will get to walk away without any punishment.

And the far left will still love them.
That's fairly easily predicted. The best we can hope for out of this is that the whole thing will finally be toxic enough to retire the Clinton brand from politics. That would be good.
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

The State Department computers were hacked too. So what?
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

The State Department computers were hacked too. So what?
Your question perfectly illustrates the sycophant Hillary weasel position on anything and everything she does.
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

The State Department computers were hacked too. So what?
Your question perfectly illustrates the sycophant Hillary weasel position on anything and everything she does.

All I'm pointing out is that if Clinton's account had been where it should have been, it probably would have been hacked anyway.
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

The State Department computers were hacked too. So what?
Your question perfectly illustrates the sycophant Hillary weasel position on anything and everything she does.

All I'm pointing out is that if Clinton's account had been where it should have been, it probably would have been hacked anyway.

That is irrelevant to the question of Hillary using non government secured servers to transmit classified information.
So Hillary's crime is 'excusable' because Hackers also hacked the State Department and accessed files, too?

Sure, sure...if you want to ignore the laws she broke / that she broke the law, which was not the case of State Department employees whie accounts were accessed when hackers illegally hacked the State Department.

So we should suspend the enforcenent of some laws at times based on curcumstances and who is involved.

Sort of like how Charlie Rangel was caught in several different occassioms defrauding the government / IRS by hiding money, failing to claim all money, and refusing to pay all the taxes he owed yet never faced criminal charges, never had to pay fines, and never had to pay interest on the back taxes he owed...

Liberal justifications and attempts to excuse their leaders for their crimes...wow.

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