Hillary is Officially 'F*ED': Guccifer - 'I hacked Hillary's server'

There's no proof he hacked Hillary's account. He would have posted it online, like he did the other hacks, if he had.

He did hack a lot of accounts of high level people. From the Smoking Gun, almost three years ago:

"As reported here in March, Powell’s e-mail and Facebook accounts were illegally accessed by “Guccifer,” the hacker who has spent the last eight months breaking into the online accounts of Clinton, Bush, and Obama administration officials; former FBI agents; defense contractors; Bush family members and friends
and assorted public figures, including journalist Carl Bernstein, author Candace Bushnell, and John Doerr, the billionaire venture capitalist.

Immediately after the Powell hacks, “Guccifer” sent some of the pilfered e-mails and photos to a variety of news outlets (and the anti-secrecy site cryptome.org, which posted the material)."

Anyone remember this former SOS who was hacked, and the lil broo-haha...?

Hacker Forces Colin Powell To Deny Affair

Ex-Secretary of State told diplomat to delete e-mails

Hacker Forces Colin Powell To Deny Affair

"AUGUST 1, 2013 --As a notorious hacker seeks to distribute “very personal” e-mails sent to Colin Powell by a female Romanian diplomat, the retired general is denying that he engaged in an extramarital affair with the woman while he served as Secretary of State, though he recently advised her to delete all their online exchanges, The Smoking Gun has learned. "
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

The State Department computers were hacked too. So what?
Your question perfectly illustrates the sycophant Hillary weasel position on anything and everything she does.

All I'm pointing out is that if Clinton's account had been where it should have been, it probably would have been hacked anyway.
While that is likely true, it's irrelevant.
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

The State Department computers were hacked too. So what?
GOLD STAR! asshole. At least you now admit Hillary's email server was in fact hacked.
Good start.
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

No evidence of hack in Hillary Clinton's email, former tech aide tells FBI

You need to quit reading FOX and the National Enquirer, in that order. They are both lying rags.
OF COURSE HILLARY'S TECH AIDE claims there was no successful hack into her server because HE was the guy responsible for ensuring it was not hacked!

Based on the gravity of what has happened and how SOMEONE has to 'go down' for all of this it would be un-imaginable to think he would claim otherwise.
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

No evidence of hack in Hillary Clinton's email, former tech aide tells FBI

You need to quit reading FOX and the National Enquirer, in that order. They are both lying rags.
You need to get your stupid head out of Hillary's ass pal.
So YOU believe some fucking 'anonymous source' who is not part of the FBI investigation is privy to the results of the FBI investigation?
How fucking dumb can you be?
The FBI didn't extradite the hacker to the US for no reason. He has repeatedly proven how good he is by hacking the top politicians and US officials email accounts then putting their personal information complete with photos all over the internet. If you think he could hack 'secure' US Government sites but not be able to get into Hillary's stupid 'homebrew' server you're fucking delusional.
Use your fucking brain.........was there is of it!
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

No evidence of hack in Hillary Clinton's email, former tech aide tells FBI

You need to quit reading FOX and the National Enquirer, in that order. They are both lying rags.
You need to get your stupid head out of Hillary's ass pal.
So YOU believe some fucking 'anonymous source' who is not part of the FBI investigation is privy to the results of the FBI investigation?
How fucking dumb can you be?
The FBI didn't extradite the hacker to the US for no reason. He has repeatedly proven how good he is by hacking the top politicians and US officials email accounts then putting their personal information complete with photos all over the internet. If you think he could hack 'secure' US Government sites but not be able to get into Hillary's stupid 'homebrew' server you're fucking delusional.
Use your fucking brain.........was there is of it!

Poor stupid RWer...why do you think it disappeared off foxnews.com?

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

She will be the first female President of the United States and you will whine and cry and whine and cry....just like Karl Rove did on election night, 2012.....I WILL WILL LAUGH AND LAUGH AND LAUGH!
The FBI didn't extradite the hacker to the US for no reason. He has repeatedly proven how good he is by hacking the top politicians and US officials email accounts then putting their personal information complete with photos all over the internet. If you think he could hack 'secure' US Government sites but not be able to get into Hillary's stupid 'homebrew' server you're fucking delusional.
Use your fucking brain.........was there is of it!

You don't have your facts right (what's new?).

He didn't hack secure US Gov't sites -- he hacked AOL, Yahoo, Flickr, Facebook, and other private mail accounts.

No proof he got into Hillary's account.

"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

And by 'proven', you mean backed by jack shit?

When pressed by NBC News, Lazar, 44, could provide no documentation to back up his claims, nor did he ever release anything online supporting his allegations, as he had frequently done with past hacks. The FBI's review of the Clinton server logs showed no sign of hacking, according to a source familiar with the case.

Hacker 'Guccifer': I Got Inside Hillary Clinton's Server

Sigh......don't let the evidence interfere with your rant. It rarely does anyway.
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

No evidence of hack in Hillary Clinton's email, former tech aide tells FBI

You need to quit reading FOX and the National Enquirer, in that order. They are both lying rags.
You need to get your stupid head out of Hillary's ass pal.
So YOU believe some fucking 'anonymous source' who is not part of the FBI investigation is privy to the results of the FBI investigation?
How fucking dumb can you be?
The FBI didn't extradite the hacker to the US for no reason. He has repeatedly proven how good he is by hacking the top politicians and US officials email accounts then putting their personal information complete with photos all over the internet. If you think he could hack 'secure' US Government sites but not be able to get into Hillary's stupid 'homebrew' server you're fucking delusional.
Use your fucking brain.........was there is of it!

Poor stupid RWer...why do you think it disappeared off foxnews.com?

Some of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, including her longtime adviser Huma Abedin, have provided interviews to federal investigators, as the FBI probe into the security of her private email server nears completion, U.S. officials briefed on the investigation tell CNN. The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven’t found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

She will be the first female President of the United States and you will whine and cry and whine and cry....just like Karl Rove did on election night, 2012.....I WILL WILL LAUGH AND LAUGH AND LAUGH!
Do you really believe the FBI has "briefed" US officials' about an ongoing investigation?
That's the fucking dumbest thing I've ever heard.
So who are these "US officials"? Name them. Or are they 'anonymous sources' you like to pull out of your ass?
You make 'Baghdad Bob' look like Mother Teresa.
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

The State Department computers were hacked too. So what?

Here's WHAT ......................

Hackers never made it to any CLASSIFIED secure networks in the State Dept. Those links are designed and MAINTAINED by separate groups..So it's not the same deal at all..

Three Months Later, State Department Hasn’t Rooted Out Hackers

It isn’t clear how much data the hackers have taken, the people said. They reaffirmed what the State Department said in November: that the hackers appear to have access only to unclassified email. Still, unclassified material can contain sensitive intelligence.
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

The State Department computers were hacked too. So what?

Here's WHAT ......................

Hackers never made it to any CLASSIFIED secure networks in the State Dept. Those links are designed and MAINTAINED by separate groups..So it's not the same deal at all..

Three Months Later, State Department Hasn’t Rooted Out Hackers

It isn’t clear how much data the hackers have taken, the people said. They reaffirmed what the State Department said in November: that the hackers appear to have access only to unclassified email. Still, unclassified material can contain sensitive intelligence.
Has there been a FOIA request for these emails?

It helps to understand how this whole thing works...
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

The State Department computers were hacked too. So what?

Here's WHAT ......................

Hackers never made it to any CLASSIFIED secure networks in the State Dept. Those links are designed and MAINTAINED by separate groups..So it's not the same deal at all..

Three Months Later, State Department Hasn’t Rooted Out Hackers

It isn’t clear how much data the hackers have taken, the people said. They reaffirmed what the State Department said in November: that the hackers appear to have access only to unclassified email. Still, unclassified material can contain sensitive intelligence.
Has there been a FOIA request for these emails?

It helps to understand how this whole thing works...
Bodecca said the exact same thing!
Watergate Reporter: 'Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy' Didn't Put Hillary's Server In Her Damn Closet

Daily Caller ^
Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein called out Hillary Clinton on Wednesday for continually blaming a "vast right-wing conspiracy" for her campaign woes. "I think she has to acknowledge she's made some terrible misjudgments and errors, particularly on the server," Bernstein said during an interview on CNN. "The vast right-wing conspiracy didn't put the server in her damn closet. She's going to have to get by this thing, and she's going to have to acknowledge a terrible misjudgment it seems to be here."
Watergate Reporter: 'Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy' Didn't Put Hillary's Server In Her Damn Closet

Daily Caller ^
Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein called out Hillary Clinton on Wednesday for continually blaming a "vast right-wing conspiracy" for her campaign woes. "I think she has to acknowledge she's made some terrible misjudgments and errors, particularly on the server," Bernstein said during an interview on CNN. "The vast right-wing conspiracy didn't put the server in her damn closet. She's going to have to get by this thing, and she's going to have to acknowledge a terrible misjudgment it seems to be here."

too bad you didn't get unfucked .
Watergate Reporter: 'Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy' Didn't Put Hillary's Server In Her Damn Closet

Daily Caller ^
Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein called out Hillary Clinton on Wednesday for continually blaming a "vast right-wing conspiracy" for her campaign woes. "I think she has to acknowledge she's made some terrible misjudgments and errors, particularly on the server," Bernstein said during an interview on CNN. "The vast right-wing conspiracy didn't put the server in her damn closet. She's going to have to get by this thing, and she's going to have to acknowledge a terrible misjudgment it seems to be here."

You gotta do better than that Virgin....:banana:
Watergate Reporter: 'Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy' Didn't Put Hillary's Server In Her Damn Closet

Daily Caller ^
Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein called out Hillary Clinton on Wednesday for continually blaming a "vast right-wing conspiracy" for her campaign woes. "I think she has to acknowledge she's made some terrible misjudgments and errors, particularly on the server," Bernstein said during an interview on CNN. "The vast right-wing conspiracy didn't put the server in her damn closet. She's going to have to get by this thing, and she's going to have to acknowledge a terrible misjudgment it seems to be here."

too bad you didn't get unfucked .

Unlike you that's only been fucked by guys!
Watergate Reporter: 'Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy' Didn't Put Hillary's Server In Her Damn Closet

Daily Caller ^
Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein called out Hillary Clinton on Wednesday for continually blaming a "vast right-wing conspiracy" for her campaign woes. "I think she has to acknowledge she's made some terrible misjudgments and errors, particularly on the server," Bernstein said during an interview on CNN. "The vast right-wing conspiracy didn't put the server in her damn closet. She's going to have to get by this thing, and she's going to have to acknowledge a terrible misjudgment it seems to be here."

You gotta do better than that Virgin....:banana:
I did, YOU simply divert! As usual when you have been beaten.
Watergate Reporter: 'Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy' Didn't Put Hillary's Server In Her Damn Closet

Daily Caller ^
Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein called out Hillary Clinton on Wednesday for continually blaming a "vast right-wing conspiracy" for her campaign woes. "I think she has to acknowledge she's made some terrible misjudgments and errors, particularly on the server," Bernstein said during an interview on CNN. "The vast right-wing conspiracy didn't put the server in her damn closet. She's going to have to get by this thing, and she's going to have to acknowledge a terrible misjudgment it seems to be here."

too bad you didn't get unfucked .

Unlike you that's only been fucked by guys!

awwwwww . poor virgil ... FBI didnt make your RW lie come true ....

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