Hillary is Officially 'F*ED': Guccifer - 'I hacked Hillary's server'

You are wrong on that.... This is PRECISELY how it works...and how it has worked from the beginning of time.

Throughout the govt, there has ALWAYS BEEN classifying information to be released on FOIA, AFTER THE FACT, after the original transmission, sometimes even a year or two later. Every govt official has STATED this....over and over and over again.

truth will set you free...

What the hell does a FOIA have to do with whether material was classified or not?

And it's YOU that doesn't understand how this applies to the most restricted and secret levels. If in the process of a FOIA request someone accidentally discovers ANY classified content -- it is redacted. If that communication traveled over an UNSECURE channel it then a CRIME..

The way it's supposed to work is that CLASSIFIED info travels over it's own methods. And NONE of that stuff is subject to FOIA at all. Not without an expiration date or Executive order. . The only time this matters is when a crime has ALREADY been committed.

You're missing the point. None of those emails had classified content at the time of their transmittal. The content of the emails was later classified upon review for public release. Why is that so hard to understand?

No --- you don't understand that classified conversations don't REQUIRE markings. No more than a person to person classified convo requires a marking. The procedures are suppose to identify the people at both ends and verify that they are ENTITLED to that convo.. And ALL of it was SUPPOSED to flow ONLY in certified secure channels..

It is the CONTENT that determines the classifications. NOT the markings. And CONTENT resides mostly in people's heads. They were selected and trained to recognize the boundaries.

Whatever dude. Even routine correspondence among staffers can become classified or redacted if later released. That doesn't mean it was classified at the time or that anyone did anything wrong.

Oh they can redact a LOT of stuff. They can claim Executive Privilege and redact it.. They can claim it's SENSITIVE (like all those TPP trade papers. But if it is redacted for CLASSIFICATION. It was ALWAYS classified. There is no discretion, interpretation or whim involved. And if those communications appeared outside of security containment -- it IS a crime..

Sensitive is a classification. Something is only classified from the date of the classification forward. None of these were classified until they were reviewed for release years after Clinton's tenure had ended and her server was no more. To suggest anything other than that is wishful thinking.
What the hell does a FOIA have to do with whether material was classified or not?

And it's YOU that doesn't understand how this applies to the most restricted and secret levels. If in the process of a FOIA request someone accidentally discovers ANY classified content -- it is redacted. If that communication traveled over an UNSECURE channel it then a CRIME..

The way it's supposed to work is that CLASSIFIED info travels over it's own methods. And NONE of that stuff is subject to FOIA at all. Not without an expiration date or Executive order. . The only time this matters is when a crime has ALREADY been committed.

You're missing the point. None of those emails had classified content at the time of their transmittal. The content of the emails was later classified upon review for public release. Why is that so hard to understand?

No --- you don't understand that classified conversations don't REQUIRE markings. No more than a person to person classified convo requires a marking. The procedures are suppose to identify the people at both ends and verify that they are ENTITLED to that convo.. And ALL of it was SUPPOSED to flow ONLY in certified secure channels..

It is the CONTENT that determines the classifications. NOT the markings. And CONTENT resides mostly in people's heads. They were selected and trained to recognize the boundaries.

Whatever dude. Even routine correspondence among staffers can become classified or redacted if later released. That doesn't mean it was classified at the time or that anyone did anything wrong.

Oh they can redact a LOT of stuff. They can claim Executive Privilege and redact it.. They can claim it's SENSITIVE (like all those TPP trade papers. But if it is redacted for CLASSIFICATION. It was ALWAYS classified. There is no discretion, interpretation or whim involved. And if those communications appeared outside of security containment -- it IS a crime..

Sensitive is a classification. Something is only classified from the date of the classification forward. None of these were classified until they were reviewed for release years after Clinton's tenure had ended and her server was no more. To suggest anything other than that is wishful thinking.

The CONTENT was classified when the communications were GENERATED,.. That definition NEVER changed. It was improperly channeled and handled. In fact -- that IS THE Crime right there.

Material at that level being SCI means that it should NEVER have been outside of secure containment.
You're missing the point. None of those emails had classified content at the time of their transmittal. The content of the emails was later classified upon review for public release. Why is that so hard to understand?

No --- you don't understand that classified conversations don't REQUIRE markings. No more than a person to person classified convo requires a marking. The procedures are suppose to identify the people at both ends and verify that they are ENTITLED to that convo.. And ALL of it was SUPPOSED to flow ONLY in certified secure channels..

It is the CONTENT that determines the classifications. NOT the markings. And CONTENT resides mostly in people's heads. They were selected and trained to recognize the boundaries.

Whatever dude. Even routine correspondence among staffers can become classified or redacted if later released. That doesn't mean it was classified at the time or that anyone did anything wrong.

Oh they can redact a LOT of stuff. They can claim Executive Privilege and redact it.. They can claim it's SENSITIVE (like all those TPP trade papers. But if it is redacted for CLASSIFICATION. It was ALWAYS classified. There is no discretion, interpretation or whim involved. And if those communications appeared outside of security containment -- it IS a crime..

Sensitive is a classification. Something is only classified from the date of the classification forward. None of these were classified until they were reviewed for release years after Clinton's tenure had ended and her server was no more. To suggest anything other than that is wishful thinking.

The CONTENT was classified when the communications were GENERATED,.. That definition NEVER changed. It was improperly channeled and handled. In fact -- that IS THE Crime right there.

Material at that level being SCI means that it should NEVER have been outside of secure containment.

What the hell does a FOIA have to do with whether material was classified or not?

And it's YOU that doesn't understand how this applies to the most restricted and secret levels. If in the process of a FOIA request someone accidentally discovers ANY classified content -- it is redacted. If that communication traveled over an UNSECURE channel it then a CRIME..

The way it's supposed to work is that CLASSIFIED info travels over it's own methods. And NONE of that stuff is subject to FOIA at all. Not without an expiration date or Executive order. . The only time this matters is when a crime has ALREADY been committed.

You're missing the point. None of those emails had classified content at the time of their transmittal. The content of the emails was later classified upon review for public release. Why is that so hard to understand?

No --- you don't understand that classified conversations don't REQUIRE markings. No more than a person to person classified convo requires a marking. The procedures are suppose to identify the people at both ends and verify that they are ENTITLED to that convo.. And ALL of it was SUPPOSED to flow ONLY in certified secure channels..

It is the CONTENT that determines the classifications. NOT the markings. And CONTENT resides mostly in people's heads. They were selected and trained to recognize the boundaries.

Whatever dude. Even routine correspondence among staffers can become classified or redacted if later released. That doesn't mean it was classified at the time or that anyone did anything wrong.

Oh they can redact a LOT of stuff. They can claim Executive Privilege and redact it.. They can claim it's SENSITIVE (like all those TPP trade papers. But if it is redacted for CLASSIFICATION. It was ALWAYS classified. There is no discretion, interpretation or whim involved. And if those communications appeared outside of security containment -- it IS a crime..

Sensitive is a classification. Something is only classified from the date of the classification forward. None of these were classified until they were reviewed for release years after Clinton's tenure had ended and her server was no more. To suggest anything other than that is wishful thinking.

Sensitive is different than Classified. Sensitive info is the Govt equivalent of "Company proprietary". Whereby contacts and contracts and assistance and programs are protected from the scrutiny of other nations. Or it's just a whim of an Agency that doesn't want the public to know it's internal squabbles or process...
No --- you don't understand that classified conversations don't REQUIRE markings. No more than a person to person classified convo requires a marking. The procedures are suppose to identify the people at both ends and verify that they are ENTITLED to that convo.. And ALL of it was SUPPOSED to flow ONLY in certified secure channels..

It is the CONTENT that determines the classifications. NOT the markings. And CONTENT resides mostly in people's heads. They were selected and trained to recognize the boundaries.

Whatever dude. Even routine correspondence among staffers can become classified or redacted if later released. That doesn't mean it was classified at the time or that anyone did anything wrong.

Oh they can redact a LOT of stuff. They can claim Executive Privilege and redact it.. They can claim it's SENSITIVE (like all those TPP trade papers. But if it is redacted for CLASSIFICATION. It was ALWAYS classified. There is no discretion, interpretation or whim involved. And if those communications appeared outside of security containment -- it IS a crime..

Sensitive is a classification. Something is only classified from the date of the classification forward. None of these were classified until they were reviewed for release years after Clinton's tenure had ended and her server was no more. To suggest anything other than that is wishful thinking.

The CONTENT was classified when the communications were GENERATED,.. That definition NEVER changed. It was improperly channeled and handled. In fact -- that IS THE Crime right there.

Material at that level being SCI means that it should NEVER have been outside of secure containment.


So you believe that SOMEONE -- on a WHIM --- decided to SUDDENLY classify material as TS SCI??? Long after it was generated.. That's how you believe poor Hilary was TRAPPED into having it on a unprotected commercial network and equipment. Now THAT's ridiculous.. And it shows how little the public understands about the process and the rules.
I think hilary set up the server specifically so it could be easilly hacked.....and she sold information to foreign governments and then let them go into her server to get it......she got cash, they got the info. and she didn't have to hand it to them........that is the story not getting covered.....
Whatever dude. Even routine correspondence among staffers can become classified or redacted if later released. That doesn't mean it was classified at the time or that anyone did anything wrong.

Oh they can redact a LOT of stuff. They can claim Executive Privilege and redact it.. They can claim it's SENSITIVE (like all those TPP trade papers. But if it is redacted for CLASSIFICATION. It was ALWAYS classified. There is no discretion, interpretation or whim involved. And if those communications appeared outside of security containment -- it IS a crime..

Sensitive is a classification. Something is only classified from the date of the classification forward. None of these were classified until they were reviewed for release years after Clinton's tenure had ended and her server was no more. To suggest anything other than that is wishful thinking.

The CONTENT was classified when the communications were GENERATED,.. That definition NEVER changed. It was improperly channeled and handled. In fact -- that IS THE Crime right there.

Material at that level being SCI means that it should NEVER have been outside of secure containment.


So you believe that SOMEONE -- on a WHIM --- decided to SUDDENLY classify material as TS SCI??? Long after it was generated.. That's how you believe poor Hilary was TRAPPED into having it on a unprotected commercial network and equipment. Now THAT's ridiculous.. And it shows how little the public understands about the process and the rules.

Yes because it was being released to the public. State said as much. They said they were upgraded to prevent release. How do you not know this?
The CONTENT was classified when the communications were GENERATED,.. That definition NEVER changed. It was improperly channeled and handled. In fact -- that IS THE Crime right there.

Material at that level being SCI means that it should NEVER have been outside of secure containment.

The problem is, the 'classified' designation is largely subjective.What YOU might consider classified someone else might not.

But I'm still waiting for you to point out an example of someone going to prison because someone else sent them an e-mail they shouldn't have seen.
I think hilary set up the server specifically so it could be easilly hacked.....and she sold information to foreign governments and then let them go into her server to get it......she got cash, they got the info. and she didn't have to hand it to them........that is the story not getting covered.....

I see why you need to repeat NRA talking points. You take the train to crazytown when left to your own devices.
The CONTENT was classified when the communications were GENERATED,.. That definition NEVER changed. It was improperly channeled and handled. In fact -- that IS THE Crime right there.

Material at that level being SCI means that it should NEVER have been outside of secure containment.

The problem is, the 'classified' designation is largely subjective.What YOU might consider classified someone else might not.

But I'm still waiting for you to point out an example of someone going to prison because someone else sent them an e-mail they shouldn't have seen.
'Classified' is 'subjective'?! WTF? You're an idiot!

The WH declared there was information on Hillary's private server so secret it could not be released in any form because it would cause grave damage to our national security.

Does that sound 'subjective'?

And now today it is being reported that the State Department is suddenly, and conveniently, claiming not only all e-mails and Hillary-associated documents but also the entire '.pst' file of Hillary's IT Tech - Pagluano, who maintained Hillary's private server, are suddenly 'missing'...at the time he is being called to testify before the FBI.

Only Hillary supporters / liberals can continue to claim 'nothing to see here'...
'Classified' is 'subjective'?! WTF? You're an idiot!

The WH declared there was information on Hillary's private server so secret it could not be released in any form because it would cause grave damage to our national security.

Does that sound 'subjective'?

Until I see what is in the e-mail, um, yeah, that's just one guy's opinion. It might be Huma saying "Man, Barry really seems full of himself" to Hillary.

I find it amusing that a serious ODS sufferer such as yourself is so willing to take the Obama Administration's word on something.

And now today it is being reported that the State Department is suddenly, and conveniently, claiming not only all e-mails and Hillary-associated documents but also the entire '.pst' file of Hillary's IT Tech - Pagluano, who maintained Hillary's private server, are suddenly 'missing'...at the time he is being called to testify before the FBI.

YOu know what, I'm not seeing the shock here. We aren't even talking bout things that exist as real physical documents, are we. We are talking about a bunch of code, at the end of the day, stored in electrons on a medium.

But I'm sure you think they contain the video of Hillary shooting Vince Foster, ordering a hit on Chris Stevens, and kidnapping the Lindbergh baby after stealing the Doctor's TARDIS.
Whatever dude. Even routine correspondence among staffers can become classified or redacted if later released. That doesn't mean it was classified at the time or that anyone did anything wrong.

Oh they can redact a LOT of stuff. They can claim Executive Privilege and redact it.. They can claim it's SENSITIVE (like all those TPP trade papers. But if it is redacted for CLASSIFICATION. It was ALWAYS classified. There is no discretion, interpretation or whim involved. And if those communications appeared outside of security containment -- it IS a crime..

Sensitive is a classification. Something is only classified from the date of the classification forward. None of these were classified until they were reviewed for release years after Clinton's tenure had ended and her server was no more. To suggest anything other than that is wishful thinking.

The CONTENT was classified when the communications were GENERATED,.. That definition NEVER changed. It was improperly channeled and handled. In fact -- that IS THE Crime right there.

Material at that level being SCI means that it should NEVER have been outside of secure containment.


So you believe that SOMEONE -- on a WHIM --- decided to SUDDENLY classify material as TS SCI??? Long after it was generated.. That's how you believe poor Hilary was TRAPPED into having it on a unprotected commercial network and equipment. Now THAT's ridiculous.. And it shows how little the public understands about the process and the rules.
there was a couple articles on it, stating Kerry's State department was arguing with the Intelligence community over whether the email truly contained top secret info....they argued for months over it, but the Intelligence community won the battle and designated it T/S, and another of the T/S emails that the intelligence community wanted top secret was supplied info to her from Blumenthal, and Blumenthal got the info from PUBLIC sources, initially the intelligence community thought it was classified as T.S before she received the email on it, but when they researched it, the FBI found that they did not get this info and decide it would be designated T/s until a week after she had received the info.
And there was another email chain that was later designated as T/S by the Intelligence dept that had been circulated on the State.gov email system to one another for over a year before they even forwarded this email chain to Hillary....

What you don't seem to understand is that if Hillary chose to have the State.gov email address instead of her clintonemail.com address, the State.gov email server was ALSO an UNCLASSIFIED email system.

You are jumping the gun with all of your accusations.
The WH declared information was found in Hillary's server SO secret it can not be released in any form because it would cause grave danage to our National Security....

'Until I see what's in the e-mail that's just one guy's opinion.' - JoeB

Good grief, Gruber was right!

It is obvious you have NO CLUE about classified information, what makes it classified, and how it becomes classified. Documents are not classified based on OPINION. Source, content, and more effect the classification level of information. It isn't based on one or two people sitting around a table giving their OPINION.

And 'Until I read it...' - SERIOUSLY?! What part of 'can not be released (to anyone)' do you not understand?!

That has to be one of the most embarassing posts I have read in a long time...if not ever.
The WH declared information was found in Hillary's server SO secret it can not be released in any form because it would cause grave danage to our National Security....

'Until I see what's in the e-mail that's just one guy's opinion.' - JoeB

Good grief, Gruber was right!

It is obvious you have NO CLUE about classified information, what makes it classified, and how it becomes classified. Documents are not classified based on OPINION. Source, content, and more effect the classification level of information. It isn't based on one or two people sitting around a table giving their OPINION.

And 'Until I read it...' - SERIOUSLY?! What part of 'can not be released (to anyone)' do you not understand?!

That has to be one of the most embarassing posts I have read in a long time...if not ever.

What part of it was only classified prior to being released don't you understand? You can't classify something years after a person's tenure ends and claim they had classified material during that time.
It is obvious you have NO CLUE about classified information, what makes it classified, and how it becomes classified. Documents are not classified based on OPINION. Source, content, and more effect the classification level of information. It isn't based on one or two people sitting around a table giving their OPINION.

Guy, I used to have a Secret Clearence. stuff that is "classified' even back in the 1980's was stuff you could find out through careful research. And that was before we had an "information age".

The thing is, we live in an age of government not keeping secrets from our enemies, but from us.

And 'Until I read it...' - SERIOUSLY?! What part of 'can not be released (to anyone)' do you not understand?!

That has to be one of the most embarassing posts I have read in a long time...if not ever.

No, guy, what's embarrassing is that you think you are going to get Hillary on some legal technicality.

It's like you guys learned not a fucking thing from the 1990's, when you spent 70 million dollars, came up with a jizz-stained dress and said, "See, see, we told you they were dirty!" and the rest of us said, "Dude, it was only a blow job!"
Another far right wing nut story that fizzles out and goes no where.

You guys really suck at this political discussion thing.
It is obvious you have NO CLUE about classified information, what makes it classified, and how it becomes classified. Documents are not classified based on OPINION. Source, content, and more effect the classification level of information. It isn't based on one or two people sitting around a table giving their OPINION.

Guy, I used to have a Secret Clearence. stuff that is "classified' even back in the 1980's was stuff you could find out through careful research. And that was before we had an "information age".

The thing is, we live in an age of government not keeping secrets from our enemies, but from us.

And 'Until I read it...' - SERIOUSLY?! What part of 'can not be released (to anyone)' do you not understand?!

That has to be one of the most embarassing posts I have read in a long time...if not ever.

No, guy, what's embarrassing is that you think you are going to get Hillary on some legal technicality.

It's like you guys learned not a fucking thing from the 1990's, when you spent 70 million dollars, came up with a jizz-stained dress and said, "See, see, we told you they were dirty!" and the rest of us said, "Dude, it was only a blow job!"
A secret clearance is basically issued. Every 18 Series Special Forces operator has one. A TS takes an FBI investigation.

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