Hillary is Officially 'F*ED': Guccifer - 'I hacked Hillary's server'

Irrelevant. She was responsible to know and the information is under her control. She set this environment up and it was hers.

Again, please cite another case of someone being sent to prison for receiving 'classified' material unknowingly.

Dude, you seem incapable of seeing anything beyond the narrowest of things that conveniently spin things positively for Hillary. Your laughable post only slightly reaches the level of deserving a reply, but here goes.

1. I didn't ever say Hillary would be sent to prison. I have, however, stated that any ordinary person who did what she did would have been charged long ago. I don't think that's even controversial.
2. If you are seriously saying that Hillary received emails containing classified information and DID NOT KNOW IT, you are not defending her, because you're basically saying she was incompetent as Sec State and should never see the inside of the White House again without a visitor's pass.
3. I do not believe Hillary will go to prison. The best outcome we can hope for from this is for her to be nominated, then this to make her so toxic that she cannot possibly win the White House and democrat hopes for totalitarian control will be dashed for another generation.
Well that's provably false. Colin Powell, when Secretary of State, used a private email account.

No charges.

So it's not true that if it were anyone else, they would have been charged.
Irrelevant. She was responsible to know and the information is under her control. She set this environment up and it was hers.

Again, please cite another case of someone being sent to prison for receiving 'classified' material unknowingly.

Dude, you seem incapable of seeing anything beyond the narrowest of things that conveniently spin things positively for Hillary. Your laughable post only slightly reaches the level of deserving a reply, but here goes.

1. I didn't ever say Hillary would be sent to prison. I have, however, stated that any ordinary person who did what she did would have been charged long ago. I don't think that's even controversial.
2. If you are seriously saying that Hillary received emails containing classified information and DID NOT KNOW IT, you are not defending her, because you're basically saying she was incompetent as Sec State and should never see the inside of the White House again without a visitor's pass.
3. I do not believe Hillary will go to prison. The best outcome we can hope for from this is for her to be nominated, then this to make her so toxic that she cannot possibly win the White House and democrat hopes for totalitarian control will be dashed for another generation.
Well that's provably false. Colin Powell, when Secretary of State, used a private email account.

No charges.

So it's not true that if it were anyone else, they would have been charged.
Did he leave classified information on the server, and did he handle classified information incorrectly?
Irrelevant. She was responsible to know and the information is under her control. She set this environment up and it was hers.

Again, please cite another case of someone being sent to prison for receiving 'classified' material unknowingly.

Dude, you seem incapable of seeing anything beyond the narrowest of things that conveniently spin things positively for Hillary. Your laughable post only slightly reaches the level of deserving a reply, but here goes.

1. I didn't ever say Hillary would be sent to prison. I have, however, stated that any ordinary person who did what she did would have been charged long ago. I don't think that's even controversial.
2. If you are seriously saying that Hillary received emails containing classified information and DID NOT KNOW IT, you are not defending her, because you're basically saying she was incompetent as Sec State and should never see the inside of the White House again without a visitor's pass.
3. I do not believe Hillary will go to prison. The best outcome we can hope for from this is for her to be nominated, then this to make her so toxic that she cannot possibly win the White House and democrat hopes for totalitarian control will be dashed for another generation.
Well that's provably false. Colin Powell, when Secretary of State, used a private email account.

No charges.

So it's not true that if it were anyone else, they would have been charged.

Did he send on classified information through said private email? If he did, charge him with espionage as well.
Irrelevant. She was responsible to know and the information is under her control. She set this environment up and it was hers.

Again, please cite another case of someone being sent to prison for receiving 'classified' material unknowingly.

Dude, you seem incapable of seeing anything beyond the narrowest of things that conveniently spin things positively for Hillary. Your laughable post only slightly reaches the level of deserving a reply, but here goes.

1. I didn't ever say Hillary would be sent to prison. I have, however, stated that any ordinary person who did what she did would have been charged long ago. I don't think that's even controversial.
2. If you are seriously saying that Hillary received emails containing classified information and DID NOT KNOW IT, you are not defending her, because you're basically saying she was incompetent as Sec State and should never see the inside of the White House again without a visitor's pass.
3. I do not believe Hillary will go to prison. The best outcome we can hope for from this is for her to be nominated, then this to make her so toxic that she cannot possibly win the White House and democrat hopes for totalitarian control will be dashed for another generation.
Well that's provably false. Colin Powell, when Secretary of State, used a private email account.

No charges.

So it's not true that if it were anyone else, they would have been charged.

Did he send on classified information through said private email? If he did, charge him with espionage as well.
I fail to see why "Somebody else did it too" excuses Hillary from being responsible with classified information. The only thing I can think of is that they are desperately hoping that those who oppose Hillary would have a problem with Powell being held accountable as well. Very odd.

"...In addition to the classified email system used in SCIFs, there are personal email accounts.

Prior to 2013, these could be accounts inside the relatively unsecure State Department system or private email accounts. If they are private—running through a commercial or personal server—they have to follow some rules set up in the Federal Register. There are no guards, no red-black procedures, no construction rules, no special rooms, no TEMPEST, no TSCM. And most important:

Until 2013, there was no rule against using them. In fact, the rules specifically allowed for them. Check out the relevant section in the Code of Federal Regulations (36 CFR Chapter XII, Subchapter B, section 1236.22b) for the rules regarding the use of personal email accounts by any State Department official.

To give an idea of how insecure these communications could be, Powell’s personal email is an AOL account, and he used it on a laptop when he communicated with foreign officials and ambassadors, unless the information qualified for a SCIF. ...

So did Powell and the aides to Rice violate rules governing classified information, since the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) staff has recently determined that some of their years-old personal emails contain top-secret material? No. The rules...."

Rest at link:


I found it most surprising Powell used a grampsy AOL account to conduct his business. AOL!
Irrelevant. She was responsible to know and the information is under her control. She set this environment up and it was hers.

Again, please cite another case of someone being sent to prison for receiving 'classified' material unknowingly.

Dude, you seem incapable of seeing anything beyond the narrowest of things that conveniently spin things positively for Hillary. Your laughable post only slightly reaches the level of deserving a reply, but here goes.

1. I didn't ever say Hillary would be sent to prison. I have, however, stated that any ordinary person who did what she did would have been charged long ago. I don't think that's even controversial.
2. If you are seriously saying that Hillary received emails containing classified information and DID NOT KNOW IT, you are not defending her, because you're basically saying she was incompetent as Sec State and should never see the inside of the White House again without a visitor's pass.
3. I do not believe Hillary will go to prison. The best outcome we can hope for from this is for her to be nominated, then this to make her so toxic that she cannot possibly win the White House and democrat hopes for totalitarian control will be dashed for another generation.

I've posted this numerous times:

Clinton emails reveal murky world of "top secret" documents | TheHill
"Information in a message can be declared classified years after it was initially sent. And the State Department and Intelligence Community can also look at the same text and come to opposite conclusions over whether it contains secret information.

And that’s where the discrepancies are arising between the Office of the Inspector General (IG) of Intelligence Community, Clinton’s campaign and the State Department


"The watchdog said it found a number of Clinton’s emails that currently contained “classified intelligence community information.” But the State Department has said it did not consider that language classified at the time those emails were sent.

Both sides can be correct, said several former officials.

Not only is each side entitled to different standards of classification, but information can become classified almost retroactively, as situations and guidelines change over the years.

An IG could decide “it is a completely different scenario,” and that certain details must now be protected, said Michael Brown, a former DHS director of cybersecurity coordination and current vice president at security firm RSA.

And culturally, intelligence agencies tend to lean toward classification more than an agency like State would, several former employees on both sides agreed."

"...In addition to the classified email system used in SCIFs, there are personal email accounts.

Prior to 2013, these could be accounts inside the relatively unsecure State Department system or private email accounts. If they are private—running through a commercial or personal server—they have to follow some rules set up in the Federal Register. There are no guards, no red-black procedures, no construction rules, no special rooms, no TEMPEST, no TSCM. And most important:

Until 2013, there was no rule against using them. In fact, the rules specifically allowed for them. Check out the relevant section in the Code of Federal Regulations (36 CFR Chapter XII, Subchapter B, section 1236.22b) for the rules regarding the use of personal email accounts by any State Department official.

To give an idea of how insecure these communications could be, Powell’s personal email is an AOL account, and he used it on a laptop when he communicated with foreign officials and ambassadors, unless the information qualified for a SCIF. ...

So did Powell and the aides to Rice violate rules governing classified information, since the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) staff has recently determined that some of their years-old personal emails contain top-secret material? No. The rules...."

Rest at link:


I found it most surprising Powell used a grampsy AOL account to conduct his business. AOL!
Nice deflection. Let's deal with it and move on. If Powell mishandled classified information he should be held accountable.

Now, back to more relevant things, like how a presidential candidate's sycophants apparently think she is not responsible to mark and handle properly classified information when she sees it.
Irrelevant. She was responsible to know and the information is under her control. She set this environment up and it was hers.

Again, please cite another case of someone being sent to prison for receiving 'classified' material unknowingly.

Dude, you seem incapable of seeing anything beyond the narrowest of things that conveniently spin things positively for Hillary. Your laughable post only slightly reaches the level of deserving a reply, but here goes.

1. I didn't ever say Hillary would be sent to prison. I have, however, stated that any ordinary person who did what she did would have been charged long ago. I don't think that's even controversial.
2. If you are seriously saying that Hillary received emails containing classified information and DID NOT KNOW IT, you are not defending her, because you're basically saying she was incompetent as Sec State and should never see the inside of the White House again without a visitor's pass.
3. I do not believe Hillary will go to prison. The best outcome we can hope for from this is for her to be nominated, then this to make her so toxic that she cannot possibly win the White House and democrat hopes for totalitarian control will be dashed for another generation.

I've posted this numerous times:

Clinton emails reveal murky world of "top secret" documents | TheHill
"Information in a message can be declared classified years after it was initially sent. And the State Department and Intelligence Community can also look at the same text and come to opposite conclusions over whether it contains secret information.

And that’s where the discrepancies are arising between the Office of the Inspector General (IG) of Intelligence Community, Clinton’s campaign and the State Department


"The watchdog said it found a number of Clinton’s emails that currently contained “classified intelligence community information.” But the State Department has said it did not consider that language classified at the time those emails were sent.

Both sides can be correct, said several former officials.

Not only is each side entitled to different standards of classification, but information can become classified almost retroactively, as situations and guidelines change over the years.

An IG could decide “it is a completely different scenario,” and that certain details must now be protected, said Michael Brown, a former DHS director of cybersecurity coordination and current vice president at security firm RSA.

And culturally, intelligence agencies tend to lean toward classification more than an agency like State would, several former employees on both sides agreed."
Hillary had information on her server that was so sensitive that it could not be released in any form. That's not a gray area. Sorry, but to claim this is a defense is to, as I said before, admit that she is grossly incompetent to hold office.
"As an example of how silly this can get, State Department employees are banned from reading WikiLeaks cables or articles that quote them, as the cables include classified information. So the people responsible for guiding American foreign policy are barred from reading foreign policy coverage that you and I may access freely. Virtually no one in the State Department likes this policy, by the way, but it is a product of the government's larger, and largely broken, system of assigning and dealing with classifications."

The Hillary Clinton top-secret email controversy, explained
"The information in the emails “was not obtained through a classified product, but is considered ‘per se’ classified” because it pertains to drones, the official added. The U.S. treats drone operations conducted by the CIA as classified, even though in a 2012 internet chat Presidential Barack Obama acknowledged U.S.-directed drone strikes in Pakistan.

The source noted that the intelligence community considers information about classified operations to be classified even if it appears in news reports or is apparent to eyewitnesses on the ground.

For example, U.S. officials with security clearances have been warned not to access classified information leaked to WikiLeaks and published in the New York Times.

“Even though things are in the public domain, they still retain their classification level,” the official said. “The ICIG maintains its position that it’s still ‘codeword’ classified.

Read more: Watchdog: Clinton's server

You're going to bust a vein when she is declared to not have violated any laws, arncha?
Irrelevant. She was responsible to know and the information is under her control. She set this environment up and it was hers.

Again, please cite another case of someone being sent to prison for receiving 'classified' material unknowingly.

Dude, you seem incapable of seeing anything beyond the narrowest of things that conveniently spin things positively for Hillary. Your laughable post only slightly reaches the level of deserving a reply, but here goes.

1. I didn't ever say Hillary would be sent to prison. I have, however, stated that any ordinary person who did what she did would have been charged long ago. I don't think that's even controversial.
2. If you are seriously saying that Hillary received emails containing classified information and DID NOT KNOW IT, you are not defending her, because you're basically saying she was incompetent as Sec State and should never see the inside of the White House again without a visitor's pass.
3. I do not believe Hillary will go to prison. The best outcome we can hope for from this is for her to be nominated, then this to make her so toxic that she cannot possibly win the White House and democrat hopes for totalitarian control will be dashed for another generation.
Well that's provably false. Colin Powell, when Secretary of State, used a private email account.

No charges.

So it's not true that if it were anyone else, they would have been charged.
Did he leave classified information on the server, and did he handle classified information incorrectly?
He did what Hillary did ... used a private email account.

He was never charged with anything.

So no, it's not true that if it were anybody else, they would have been charged.

"...In addition to the classified email system used in SCIFs, there are personal email accounts.

Prior to 2013, these could be accounts inside the relatively unsecure State Department system or private email accounts. If they are private—running through a commercial or personal server—they have to follow some rules set up in the Federal Register. There are no guards, no red-black procedures, no construction rules, no special rooms, no TEMPEST, no TSCM. And most important:

Until 2013, there was no rule against using them. In fact, the rules specifically allowed for them. Check out the relevant section in the Code of Federal Regulations (36 CFR Chapter XII, Subchapter B, section 1236.22b) for the rules regarding the use of personal email accounts by any State Department official.

To give an idea of how insecure these communications could be, Powell’s personal email is an AOL account, and he used it on a laptop when he communicated with foreign officials and ambassadors, unless the information qualified for a SCIF. ...

So did Powell and the aides to Rice violate rules governing classified information, since the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) staff has recently determined that some of their years-old personal emails contain top-secret material? No. The rules...."

Rest at link:


I found it most surprising Powell used a grampsy AOL account to conduct his business. AOL!
Nice deflection. Let's deal with it and move on. If Powell mishandled classified information he should be held accountable.

Now, back to more relevant things, like how a presidential candidate's sycophants apparently think she is not responsible to mark and handle properly classified information when she sees it.
It's not a question of charging Powell too. The point is -- neither one apparently committed a crime.

"...In addition to the classified email system used in SCIFs, there are personal email accounts.

Prior to 2013, these could be accounts inside the relatively unsecure State Department system or private email accounts. If they are private—running through a commercial or personal server—they have to follow some rules set up in the Federal Register. There are no guards, no red-black procedures, no construction rules, no special rooms, no TEMPEST, no TSCM. And most important:

Until 2013, there was no rule against using them. In fact, the rules specifically allowed for them. Check out the relevant section in the Code of Federal Regulations (36 CFR Chapter XII, Subchapter B, section 1236.22b) for the rules regarding the use of personal email accounts by any State Department official.

To give an idea of how insecure these communications could be, Powell’s personal email is an AOL account, and he used it on a laptop when he communicated with foreign officials and ambassadors, unless the information qualified for a SCIF. ...

So did Powell and the aides to Rice violate rules governing classified information, since the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) staff has recently determined that some of their years-old personal emails contain top-secret material? No. The rules...."

Rest at link:


I found it most surprising Powell used a grampsy AOL account to conduct his business. AOL!
Nice deflection. Let's deal with it and move on. If Powell mishandled classified information he should be held accountable.

Now, back to more relevant things, like how a presidential candidate's sycophants apparently think she is not responsible to mark and handle properly classified information when she sees it.
It's not a question of charging Powell too. The point is -- neither one apparently committed a crime.

Exactly. Secetaries of State are given wide latitude on how they handle classified information within their own department. Clinton will be treated the same as Powell, the same as Rice.

And that infuriates many conservatives.
Dude, you seem incapable of seeing anything beyond the narrowest of things that conveniently spin things positively for Hillary. Your laughable post only slightly reaches the level of deserving a reply, but here goes.

1. I didn't ever say Hillary would be sent to prison. I have, however, stated that any ordinary person who did what she did would have been charged long ago. I don't think that's even controversial.

except, again, please point out a case where an "ordinary person" has ever been charged with receiving "classified" e-mails. not sending, but merely receiving them.

You can't. I know, you'll go back tot he fallback position that no one would send an ordinary person a classified e-mail.

2. If you are seriously saying that Hillary received emails containing classified information and DID NOT KNOW IT, you are not defending her, because you're basically saying she was incompetent as Sec State and should never see the inside of the White House again without a visitor's pass.

Again, until we know what is actually IN those e-mails that were retroactively classified, we don't know if they were really that sensitive or not. The government classifies a LOT of information that it probably shouldn't.

3. I do not believe Hillary will go to prison. The best outcome we can hope for from this is for her to be nominated, then this to make her so toxic that she cannot possibly win the White House and democrat hopes for totalitarian control will be dashed for another generation.

Except, no, not really. Here's the thing, unless they've got footage of her roasting puppies in Chapaqua, there's nothing you can get on her that doesn't make her as toxic as Trump already is.

Trump can't even get Republicans behind him, much less anyone else.
Nice deflection. Let's deal with it and move on. If Powell mishandled classified information he should be held accountable.

Now, back to more relevant things, like how a presidential candidate's sycophants apparently think she is not responsible to mark and handle properly classified information when she sees it.

It would seem to me that the person down in HR who sent her the classified information in an e-mail should be the one held accountable.

Here's the thing. I get about 200 emails every day. I do not read all of them all the way through. I probably should, but I just don't have the time.

I imagine Hillary got a lot more than 200 a day. I imagine she was doing more important stuff than I do every day.
Irrelevant. She was responsible to know and the information is under her control. She set this environment up and it was hers.

Again, please cite another case of someone being sent to prison for receiving 'classified' material unknowingly.

Dude, you seem incapable of seeing anything beyond the narrowest of things that conveniently spin things positively for Hillary. Your laughable post only slightly reaches the level of deserving a reply, but here goes.

1. I didn't ever say Hillary would be sent to prison. I have, however, stated that any ordinary person who did what she did would have been charged long ago. I don't think that's even controversial.
2. If you are seriously saying that Hillary received emails containing classified information and DID NOT KNOW IT, you are not defending her, because you're basically saying she was incompetent as Sec State and should never see the inside of the White House again without a visitor's pass.
3. I do not believe Hillary will go to prison. The best outcome we can hope for from this is for her to be nominated, then this to make her so toxic that she cannot possibly win the White House and democrat hopes for totalitarian control will be dashed for another generation.
Well that's provably false. Colin Powell, when Secretary of State, used a private email account.

No charges.

So it's not true that if it were anyone else, they would have been charged.
Did he leave classified information on the server, and did he handle classified information incorrectly?
He did what Hillary did ... used a private email account.

He was never charged with anything.

So no, it's not true that if it were anybody else, they would have been charged.
Like I said, if he did not leave classified information on an unprotected server, he did not do what Hillary did. If he did, then he needs to be held accountable as well.

"...In addition to the classified email system used in SCIFs, there are personal email accounts.

Prior to 2013, these could be accounts inside the relatively unsecure State Department system or private email accounts. If they are private—running through a commercial or personal server—they have to follow some rules set up in the Federal Register. There are no guards, no red-black procedures, no construction rules, no special rooms, no TEMPEST, no TSCM. And most important:

Until 2013, there was no rule against using them. In fact, the rules specifically allowed for them. Check out the relevant section in the Code of Federal Regulations (36 CFR Chapter XII, Subchapter B, section 1236.22b) for the rules regarding the use of personal email accounts by any State Department official.

To give an idea of how insecure these communications could be, Powell’s personal email is an AOL account, and he used it on a laptop when he communicated with foreign officials and ambassadors, unless the information qualified for a SCIF. ...

So did Powell and the aides to Rice violate rules governing classified information, since the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) staff has recently determined that some of their years-old personal emails contain top-secret material? No. The rules...."

Rest at link:


I found it most surprising Powell used a grampsy AOL account to conduct his business. AOL!
Nice deflection. Let's deal with it and move on. If Powell mishandled classified information he should be held accountable.

Now, back to more relevant things, like how a presidential candidate's sycophants apparently think she is not responsible to mark and handle properly classified information when she sees it.
It's not a question of charging Powell too. The point is -- neither one apparently committed a crime.
That is not the sole criteria by which to judge Hillary's actions. If she is careless with classified information, she should not be anywhere near the White House without a visitor's pass, whether she technically committed a crime or not.
Dude, you seem incapable of seeing anything beyond the narrowest of things that conveniently spin things positively for Hillary. Your laughable post only slightly reaches the level of deserving a reply, but here goes.

1. I didn't ever say Hillary would be sent to prison. I have, however, stated that any ordinary person who did what she did would have been charged long ago. I don't think that's even controversial.

except, again, please point out a case where an "ordinary person" has ever been charged with receiving "classified" e-mails. not sending, but merely receiving them.

You can't. I know, you'll go back tot he fallback position that no one would send an ordinary person a classified e-mail.

Your foil hat is on too tight. I wasn't even thinking that. Are you sure you've done this before?

2. If you are seriously saying that Hillary received emails containing classified information and DID NOT KNOW IT, you are not defending her, because you're basically saying she was incompetent as Sec State and should never see the inside of the White House again without a visitor's pass.

Again, until we know what is actually IN those e-mails that were retroactively classified, we don't know if they were really that sensitive or not. The government classifies a LOT of information that it probably shouldn't.

We do know that several of those emails contained information so sensitive that they cannot be released in any form. Are you maintaining that Hillary is so incompetent that she did not recognize them as such? If so, you're not really defending her, are you?

3. I do not believe Hillary will go to prison. The best outcome we can hope for from this is for her to be nominated, then this to make her so toxic that she cannot possibly win the White House and democrat hopes for totalitarian control will be dashed for another generation.

Except, no, not really. Here's the thing, unless they've got footage of her roasting puppies in Chapaqua, there's nothing you can get on her that doesn't make her as toxic as Trump already is.

Hillary's sycophants (you know who you are) would vote for her even if they saw footage of her roasting puppies in Chappaqua. They simply don't care how corrupt she is.

Trump can't even get Republicans behind him, much less anyone else.

Meh. I don't care about Trump, don't like him, think he's an egotistical bully. That has nothing to do, however, with retiring the Clinton brand. That is a goal worth pursuing. Heck, Hillary is trying to ride Bill's coattails (what feminist, said no one in particular) into the White House, but she's not Bill. He could lie to your face and have you admire him for doing it. She can't.
Nice deflection. Let's deal with it and move on. If Powell mishandled classified information he should be held accountable.

Now, back to more relevant things, like how a presidential candidate's sycophants apparently think she is not responsible to mark and handle properly classified information when she sees it.

It would seem to me that the person down in HR who sent her the classified information in an e-mail should be the one held accountable.

Here's the thing. I get about 200 emails every day. I do not read all of them all the way through. I probably should, but I just don't have the time.

I imagine Hillary got a lot more than 200 a day. I imagine she was doing more important stuff than I do every day.
She was the Secretary of State. Are you telling me that she did not take the time to read emails containing information so sensitive that they cannot be released in any form? Again, you are using incompetence as a defense. That's not a sound strategy.
Again, please cite another case of someone being sent to prison for receiving 'classified' material unknowingly.

Dude, you seem incapable of seeing anything beyond the narrowest of things that conveniently spin things positively for Hillary. Your laughable post only slightly reaches the level of deserving a reply, but here goes.

1. I didn't ever say Hillary would be sent to prison. I have, however, stated that any ordinary person who did what she did would have been charged long ago. I don't think that's even controversial.
2. If you are seriously saying that Hillary received emails containing classified information and DID NOT KNOW IT, you are not defending her, because you're basically saying she was incompetent as Sec State and should never see the inside of the White House again without a visitor's pass.
3. I do not believe Hillary will go to prison. The best outcome we can hope for from this is for her to be nominated, then this to make her so toxic that she cannot possibly win the White House and democrat hopes for totalitarian control will be dashed for another generation.
Well that's provably false. Colin Powell, when Secretary of State, used a private email account.

No charges.

So it's not true that if it were anyone else, they would have been charged.
Did he leave classified information on the server, and did he handle classified information incorrectly?
He did what Hillary did ... used a private email account.

He was never charged with anything.

So no, it's not true that if it were anybody else, they would have been charged.
Like I said, if he did not leave classified information on an unprotected server, he did not do what Hillary did. If he did, then he needs to be held accountable as well.
Again, I'm not questioning if he should or should not be held accountable. I'm pointing out he did the same thing Hillary did and was not charged. Reducing your claim that if it was anyone other than Hillary, they would have be charged, to rhetoric.

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