Hillary is Officially 'F*ED': Guccifer - 'I hacked Hillary's server'

"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

The State Department computers were hacked too. So what?

Here's WHAT ......................

Hackers never made it to any CLASSIFIED secure networks in the State Dept. Those links are designed and MAINTAINED by separate groups..So it's not the same deal at all..

Three Months Later, State Department Hasn’t Rooted Out Hackers

It isn’t clear how much data the hackers have taken, the people said. They reaffirmed what the State Department said in November: that the hackers appear to have access only to unclassified email. Still, unclassified material can contain sensitive intelligence.
Has there been a FOIA request for these emails?

It helps to understand how this whole thing works...

How what thing works?? Classified communications travel over their OWN segregrated methods. You are not likely to gain access by hacking the internet. It would only MAYBE get you closer to sources. What do you thoink a FOIA would accomplish?
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

The State Department computers were hacked too. So what?

Here's WHAT ......................

Hackers never made it to any CLASSIFIED secure networks in the State Dept. Those links are designed and MAINTAINED by separate groups..So it's not the same deal at all..

Three Months Later, State Department Hasn’t Rooted Out Hackers

It isn’t clear how much data the hackers have taken, the people said. They reaffirmed what the State Department said in November: that the hackers appear to have access only to unclassified email. Still, unclassified material can contain sensitive intelligence.
Has there been a FOIA request for these emails?

It helps to understand how this whole thing works...

How what thing works?? Classified communications travel over their OWN segregrated methods. You are not likely to gain access by hacking the internet. It would only MAYBE get you closer to sources. What do you thoink a FOIA would accomplish?

^^^ Really, really doesn't' understand


"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

The State Department computers were hacked too. So what?

Here's WHAT ......................

Hackers never made it to any CLASSIFIED secure networks in the State Dept. Those links are designed and MAINTAINED by separate groups..So it's not the same deal at all..

Three Months Later, State Department Hasn’t Rooted Out Hackers

It isn’t clear how much data the hackers have taken, the people said. They reaffirmed what the State Department said in November: that the hackers appear to have access only to unclassified email. Still, unclassified material can contain sensitive intelligence.
Has there been a FOIA request for these emails?

It helps to understand how this whole thing works...

How what thing works?? Classified communications travel over their OWN segregrated methods. You are not likely to gain access by hacking the internet. It would only MAYBE get you closer to sources. What do you thoink a FOIA would accomplish?

^^^ Really, really doesn't' understand



Wanna Play?? Do you think classified material is directly accessible over the commercial internet?
THink it's kinda like a "secure checkout" at Amazon?

What kind of game you want?? And what were you really going after with a FOIA request?
Still trying to figure out how / why so many liberals rabidly continue to defend a politician so scandal-plagued, so incompetent, so self-serving, who lies as much as her pathelogically lying husband, and who has accomplished NOTHING. Diane Feinstein was asked to name 1 accomplishment...the woman picked up her phone and googled it and STILL couldn't name 1.

Is it because 'you' are TRULY satisfied with her, TRULY thinks she is a 'winner', or are 'you' just defending the 'best' (which isn't saying much) the party to whom 'you' are loyal is offering?
The State Department computers were hacked too. So what?

Here's WHAT ......................

Hackers never made it to any CLASSIFIED secure networks in the State Dept. Those links are designed and MAINTAINED by separate groups..So it's not the same deal at all..

Three Months Later, State Department Hasn’t Rooted Out Hackers

It isn’t clear how much data the hackers have taken, the people said. They reaffirmed what the State Department said in November: that the hackers appear to have access only to unclassified email. Still, unclassified material can contain sensitive intelligence.
Has there been a FOIA request for these emails?

It helps to understand how this whole thing works...

How what thing works?? Classified communications travel over their OWN segregrated methods. You are not likely to gain access by hacking the internet. It would only MAYBE get you closer to sources. What do you thoink a FOIA would accomplish?

^^^ Really, really doesn't' understand



Wanna Play?? Do you think classified material is directly accessible over the commercial internet?
THink it's kinda like a "secure checkout" at Amazon?

What kind of game you want?? And what were you really going after with a FOIA request?
You're not getting it.


No, I know how the SCIF system for classified information. I written on it numerous times here. Also the SIPRNet. (Here, have a WikiLeak.)

What is at hand is the retroactive classification of emails deemed classified or sensitive *because* the FOIA request forces information to be released.

Otherwise we wouldn't know. Just like Powell's emails to his personal .AOL address were found to contain classified information after a review.

Had Clinton used the state.gov address, nothing would have changed what was in the emails. FOIA. Understand how and what it does.

I'm sure you still don't get it, though, so keep flicking that retroactive, overclassified chicken.
Here's WHAT ......................

Hackers never made it to any CLASSIFIED secure networks in the State Dept. Those links are designed and MAINTAINED by separate groups..So it's not the same deal at all..

Three Months Later, State Department Hasn’t Rooted Out Hackers

It isn’t clear how much data the hackers have taken, the people said. They reaffirmed what the State Department said in November: that the hackers appear to have access only to unclassified email. Still, unclassified material can contain sensitive intelligence.
Has there been a FOIA request for these emails?

It helps to understand how this whole thing works...

How what thing works?? Classified communications travel over their OWN segregrated methods. You are not likely to gain access by hacking the internet. It would only MAYBE get you closer to sources. What do you thoink a FOIA would accomplish?

^^^ Really, really doesn't' understand



Wanna Play?? Do you think classified material is directly accessible over the commercial internet?
THink it's kinda like a "secure checkout" at Amazon?

What kind of game you want?? And what were you really going after with a FOIA request?
You're not getting it.


No, I know how the SCIF system for classified information. I written on it numerous times here. Also the SIPRNet. (Here, have a WikiLeak.)

What is at hand is the retroactive classification of emails deemed classified or sensitive *because* the FOIA request forces information to be released.

Otherwise we wouldn't know. Just like Powell's emails to his personal .AOL address were found to contain classified information after a review.

Had Clinton used the state.gov address, nothing would have changed what was in the emails. FOIA. Understand how and what it does.

I'm sure you still don't get it, though, so keep flicking that retroactive, overclassified chicken.

No sir. A FOIA request doesn't and never will change the determination of the classification of ANY SECURE communication.. That content is classified BY RECOGNITION of the content. Not by what some pajama reporter determines that they want to access.

No such thing as " a retro-active" REclassification. This stuff resides in PEOPLE'S HEADs. And those selected people are trained in RECOGNIZING every little part of what content IS classified. Problem with Hilary stuff laying BARE NAKED in a Lawyer shop with DOZEN of assistants pawing through it for WEEKS -- is that NONE of folks should have even been reading it or trying to determine what was and was not "classified" and at what levels. Which is why the FBI swooped in and took possession of ALL of it...
No sir. A FOIA request doesn't and never will change the determination of the classification of ANY SECURE communication.. That content is classified BY RECOGNITION of the content. Not by what some pajama reporter determines that they want to access.

No such thing as " a retro-active" REclassification. This stuff resides in PEOPLE'S HEADs. And those selected people are trained in RECOGNIZING every little part of what content IS classified. Problem with Hilary stuff laying BARE NAKED in a Lawyer shop with DOZEN of assistants pawing through it for WEEKS -- is that NONE of folks should have even been reading it or trying to determine what was and was not "classified" and at what levels. Which is why the FBI swooped in and took possession of ALL of it...

Yes, you keep telling yourself that the FBI is going to save you from Hillary.

I know you really need to believe that.

Here's the reality. If the FBI recommends indicting, the Justice Department will ignore it. Then we will find out every dirty little secret about the FBI agents who engaged in this partisan witch hunt.

Meanwhile, regular Americans will just yawn and vote for Hillary becuase you guys nominated a Reality TV Rodeo Clown that scares the shit out of people.
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

Even though the FBI is investigating, the DOJ is the only ones that can bring her to court. And Obama is not going to do that. Even if Trump gets elected, he will not do it either.

Just like all the past Clinton crimes, they will get to walk away without any punishment.

And the far left will still love them.
That's fairly easily predicted. The best we can hope for out of this is that the whole thing will finally be toxic enough to retire the Clinton brand from politics. That would be good.

That's all it was ever about. Political assassination.
Has there been a FOIA request for these emails?

It helps to understand how this whole thing works...

How what thing works?? Classified communications travel over their OWN segregrated methods. You are not likely to gain access by hacking the internet. It would only MAYBE get you closer to sources. What do you thoink a FOIA would accomplish?

^^^ Really, really doesn't' understand



Wanna Play?? Do you think classified material is directly accessible over the commercial internet?
THink it's kinda like a "secure checkout" at Amazon?

What kind of game you want?? And what were you really going after with a FOIA request?
You're not getting it.


No, I know how the SCIF system for classified information. I written on it numerous times here. Also the SIPRNet. (Here, have a WikiLeak.)

What is at hand is the retroactive classification of emails deemed classified or sensitive *because* the FOIA request forces information to be released.

Otherwise we wouldn't know. Just like Powell's emails to his personal .AOL address were found to contain classified information after a review.

Had Clinton used the state.gov address, nothing would have changed what was in the emails. FOIA. Understand how and what it does.

I'm sure you still don't get it, though, so keep flicking that retroactive, overclassified chicken.

No sir. A FOIA request doesn't and never will change the determination of the classification of ANY SECURE communication.. That content is classified BY RECOGNITION of the content. Not by what some pajama reporter determines that they want to access.

No such thing as " a retro-active" REclassification. This stuff resides in PEOPLE'S HEADs. And those selected people are trained in RECOGNIZING every little part of what content IS classified. Problem with Hilary stuff laying BARE NAKED in a Lawyer shop with DOZEN of assistants pawing through it for WEEKS -- is that NONE of folks should have even been reading it or trying to determine what was and was not "classified" and at what levels. Which is why the FBI swooped in and took possession of ALL of it...

Bullshit. None of those emails let alone all of them were ever meant to be public. Documents to be released publicly are always scrutinized, redacted or otherwise classified if necessary. Nothing is released in it's raw form. How many of those thousands of pages of correspondence were redacted or otherwise classified so as not to reveal the strategies and inner workings of the State Dept? Most of them, if not all were classified after the fact simply because they were to be released.
Last edited:
Has there been a FOIA request for these emails?

It helps to understand how this whole thing works...

How what thing works?? Classified communications travel over their OWN segregrated methods. You are not likely to gain access by hacking the internet. It would only MAYBE get you closer to sources. What do you thoink a FOIA would accomplish?

^^^ Really, really doesn't' understand



Wanna Play?? Do you think classified material is directly accessible over the commercial internet?
THink it's kinda like a "secure checkout" at Amazon?

What kind of game you want?? And what were you really going after with a FOIA request?
You're not getting it.


No, I know how the SCIF system for classified information. I written on it numerous times here. Also the SIPRNet. (Here, have a WikiLeak.)

What is at hand is the retroactive classification of emails deemed classified or sensitive *because* the FOIA request forces information to be released.

Otherwise we wouldn't know. Just like Powell's emails to his personal .AOL address were found to contain classified information after a review.

Had Clinton used the state.gov address, nothing would have changed what was in the emails. FOIA. Understand how and what it does.

I'm sure you still don't get it, though, so keep flicking that retroactive, overclassified chicken.

No sir. A FOIA request doesn't and never will change the determination of the classification of ANY SECURE communication.. That content is classified BY RECOGNITION of the content. Not by what some pajama reporter determines that they want to access.

No such thing as " a retro-active" REclassification. This stuff resides in PEOPLE'S HEADs. And those selected people are trained in RECOGNIZING every little part of what content IS classified. Problem with Hilary stuff laying BARE NAKED in a Lawyer shop with DOZEN of assistants pawing through it for WEEKS -- is that NONE of folks should have even been reading it or trying to determine what was and was not "classified" and at what levels. Which is why the FBI swooped in and took possession of ALL of it...
I was pretty sure you still wouldn't get it -- and there you go - proving me right.

Well done, flac.
"Guccifer: I hacked Hillary's server, and it was easy'

Under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act for, at the very least, 'negligence'...believed to have jeopardized National Security by placing (according to the WH) 'information so classified that it can not be released to anyone in any form' on her personal server....and now that has all but been CONFIRMED.

Her private server was 'encrypted'... illegally because incompetently installed and not in compliance with law regarding storage and handling of classified information. This put Natl Security in jeopardy...resulting in the hacking and compromise of extremely classified information.

Confirmed -- Now a notorious criminal hacker, just extradited from overseas - which is never done unlessserious evidence is involved, is admitting that he easily hacked into Hillary's server and gained access to that so very potentially National Security-damaging information Hillary illegally had on her private server.

Hillary denied having a private server for a time, hiding it to avoid FOIA requests

She denied using multiple devices...claimed she had no classified, sent/received no classified, claimed her server was properly encrypted, and swore NO ONE successfully hacked her server....

The NEXT LIE she will declare is that Guccifer is lying. Once proven to be wrong as well she will declare ONLY Guccifer ever got access to the contents of her server...which she can't prove and which should be completely ignored.

It is all but proven now - Hillary placed information so classified on her server that if obtained by the wrong people it could cause SERIOUS damage to the US...and allowed a hacker to hack her server and get his hands on that data.

He has been arrested before for releasing stolen classified / personal info on the web. Who knows what he has already done with THIS info, who he has potentially sold it to.

This info should all but guarantee Hillary goes to prison!

(RE: Drudgereport.com)

Hillary is NOT under investigation for crimes of any nature. The FBI has confirmed this - more than once.
Has there been a FOIA request for these emails?

It helps to understand how this whole thing works...

How what thing works?? Classified communications travel over their OWN segregrated methods. You are not likely to gain access by hacking the internet. It would only MAYBE get you closer to sources. What do you thoink a FOIA would accomplish?

^^^ Really, really doesn't' understand



Wanna Play?? Do you think classified material is directly accessible over the commercial internet?
THink it's kinda like a "secure checkout" at Amazon?

What kind of game you want?? And what were you really going after with a FOIA request?
You're not getting it.


No, I know how the SCIF system for classified information. I written on it numerous times here. Also the SIPRNet. (Here, have a WikiLeak.)

What is at hand is the retroactive classification of emails deemed classified or sensitive *because* the FOIA request forces information to be released.

Otherwise we wouldn't know. Just like Powell's emails to his personal .AOL address were found to contain classified information after a review.

Had Clinton used the state.gov address, nothing would have changed what was in the emails. FOIA. Understand how and what it does.

I'm sure you still don't get it, though, so keep flicking that retroactive, overclassified chicken.

No sir. A FOIA request doesn't and never will change the determination of the classification of ANY SECURE communication.. That content is classified BY RECOGNITION of the content. Not by what some pajama reporter determines that they want to access.

No such thing as " a retro-active" REclassification. This stuff resides in PEOPLE'S HEADs. And those selected people are trained in RECOGNIZING every little part of what content IS classified. Problem with Hilary stuff laying BARE NAKED in a Lawyer shop with DOZEN of assistants pawing through it for WEEKS -- is that NONE of folks should have even been reading it or trying to determine what was and was not "classified" and at what levels. Which is why the FBI swooped in and took possession of ALL of it...

You are wrong on that.... This is PRECISELY how it works...and how it has worked from the beginning of time.

Throughout the govt, there has ALWAYS BEEN classifying information to be released on FOIA, AFTER THE FACT, after the original transmission, sometimes even a year or two later. Every govt official has STATED this....over and over and over again.

truth will set you free...
How what thing works?? Classified communications travel over their OWN segregrated methods. You are not likely to gain access by hacking the internet. It would only MAYBE get you closer to sources. What do you thoink a FOIA would accomplish?

^^^ Really, really doesn't' understand



Wanna Play?? Do you think classified material is directly accessible over the commercial internet?
THink it's kinda like a "secure checkout" at Amazon?

What kind of game you want?? And what were you really going after with a FOIA request?
You're not getting it.


No, I know how the SCIF system for classified information. I written on it numerous times here. Also the SIPRNet. (Here, have a WikiLeak.)

What is at hand is the retroactive classification of emails deemed classified or sensitive *because* the FOIA request forces information to be released.

Otherwise we wouldn't know. Just like Powell's emails to his personal .AOL address were found to contain classified information after a review.

Had Clinton used the state.gov address, nothing would have changed what was in the emails. FOIA. Understand how and what it does.

I'm sure you still don't get it, though, so keep flicking that retroactive, overclassified chicken.

No sir. A FOIA request doesn't and never will change the determination of the classification of ANY SECURE communication.. That content is classified BY RECOGNITION of the content. Not by what some pajama reporter determines that they want to access.

No such thing as " a retro-active" REclassification. This stuff resides in PEOPLE'S HEADs. And those selected people are trained in RECOGNIZING every little part of what content IS classified. Problem with Hilary stuff laying BARE NAKED in a Lawyer shop with DOZEN of assistants pawing through it for WEEKS -- is that NONE of folks should have even been reading it or trying to determine what was and was not "classified" and at what levels. Which is why the FBI swooped in and took possession of ALL of it...
I was pretty sure you still wouldn't get it -- and there you go - proving me right.

Well done, flac.

All you are doing is blowing smoke about FOIAs somehow FORCING the determination of the Classification of a secret correspondence.. That does not happen. It IS or IS NOT classified as soon as it is transmitted. And by Procedure.. BOTH the sender and the recipient are KNOWN to be cleared for that material and trained to recognize it...

Not your fault.. The lazy ass incompetent media never bothered to figured out how this works either.. .
How what thing works?? Classified communications travel over their OWN segregrated methods. You are not likely to gain access by hacking the internet. It would only MAYBE get you closer to sources. What do you thoink a FOIA would accomplish?

^^^ Really, really doesn't' understand



Wanna Play?? Do you think classified material is directly accessible over the commercial internet?
THink it's kinda like a "secure checkout" at Amazon?

What kind of game you want?? And what were you really going after with a FOIA request?
You're not getting it.


No, I know how the SCIF system for classified information. I written on it numerous times here. Also the SIPRNet. (Here, have a WikiLeak.)

What is at hand is the retroactive classification of emails deemed classified or sensitive *because* the FOIA request forces information to be released.

Otherwise we wouldn't know. Just like Powell's emails to his personal .AOL address were found to contain classified information after a review.

Had Clinton used the state.gov address, nothing would have changed what was in the emails. FOIA. Understand how and what it does.

I'm sure you still don't get it, though, so keep flicking that retroactive, overclassified chicken.

No sir. A FOIA request doesn't and never will change the determination of the classification of ANY SECURE communication.. That content is classified BY RECOGNITION of the content. Not by what some pajama reporter determines that they want to access.

No such thing as " a retro-active" REclassification. This stuff resides in PEOPLE'S HEADs. And those selected people are trained in RECOGNIZING every little part of what content IS classified. Problem with Hilary stuff laying BARE NAKED in a Lawyer shop with DOZEN of assistants pawing through it for WEEKS -- is that NONE of folks should have even been reading it or trying to determine what was and was not "classified" and at what levels. Which is why the FBI swooped in and took possession of ALL of it...

You are wrong on that.... This is PRECISELY how it works...and how it has worked from the beginning of time.

Throughout the govt, there has ALWAYS BEEN classifying information to be released on FOIA, AFTER THE FACT, after the original transmission, sometimes even a year or two later. Every govt official has STATED this....over and over and over again.

truth will set you free...

What the hell does a FOIA have to do with whether material was classified or not?

And it's YOU that doesn't understand how this applies to the most restricted and secret levels. If in the process of a FOIA request someone accidentally discovers ANY classified content -- it is redacted. If that communication traveled over an UNSECURE channel it then a CRIME..

The way it's supposed to work is that CLASSIFIED info travels over it's own methods. And NONE of that stuff is subject to FOIA at all. Not without an expiration date or Executive order. . The only time this matters is when a crime has ALREADY been committed.
^^^ Really, really doesn't' understand



Wanna Play?? Do you think classified material is directly accessible over the commercial internet?
THink it's kinda like a "secure checkout" at Amazon?

What kind of game you want?? And what were you really going after with a FOIA request?
You're not getting it.


No, I know how the SCIF system for classified information. I written on it numerous times here. Also the SIPRNet. (Here, have a WikiLeak.)

What is at hand is the retroactive classification of emails deemed classified or sensitive *because* the FOIA request forces information to be released.

Otherwise we wouldn't know. Just like Powell's emails to his personal .AOL address were found to contain classified information after a review.

Had Clinton used the state.gov address, nothing would have changed what was in the emails. FOIA. Understand how and what it does.

I'm sure you still don't get it, though, so keep flicking that retroactive, overclassified chicken.

No sir. A FOIA request doesn't and never will change the determination of the classification of ANY SECURE communication.. That content is classified BY RECOGNITION of the content. Not by what some pajama reporter determines that they want to access.

No such thing as " a retro-active" REclassification. This stuff resides in PEOPLE'S HEADs. And those selected people are trained in RECOGNIZING every little part of what content IS classified. Problem with Hilary stuff laying BARE NAKED in a Lawyer shop with DOZEN of assistants pawing through it for WEEKS -- is that NONE of folks should have even been reading it or trying to determine what was and was not "classified" and at what levels. Which is why the FBI swooped in and took possession of ALL of it...

You are wrong on that.... This is PRECISELY how it works...and how it has worked from the beginning of time.

Throughout the govt, there has ALWAYS BEEN classifying information to be released on FOIA, AFTER THE FACT, after the original transmission, sometimes even a year or two later. Every govt official has STATED this....over and over and over again.

truth will set you free...

What the hell does a FOIA have to do with whether material was classified or not?

And it's YOU that doesn't understand how this applies to the most restricted and secret levels. If in the process of a FOIA request someone accidentally discovers ANY classified content -- it is redacted. If that communication traveled over an UNSECURE channel it then a CRIME..

The way it's supposed to work is that CLASSIFIED info travels over it's own methods. And NONE of that stuff is subject to FOIA at all. Not without an expiration date or Executive order. . The only time this matters is when a crime has ALREADY been committed.

You're missing the point. None of those emails had classified content at the time of their transmittal. The content of the emails was later classified upon review for public release. Why is that so hard to understand?
Wanna Play?? Do you think classified material is directly accessible over the commercial internet?
THink it's kinda like a "secure checkout" at Amazon?

What kind of game you want?? And what were you really going after with a FOIA request?
You're not getting it.


No, I know how the SCIF system for classified information. I written on it numerous times here. Also the SIPRNet. (Here, have a WikiLeak.)

What is at hand is the retroactive classification of emails deemed classified or sensitive *because* the FOIA request forces information to be released.

Otherwise we wouldn't know. Just like Powell's emails to his personal .AOL address were found to contain classified information after a review.

Had Clinton used the state.gov address, nothing would have changed what was in the emails. FOIA. Understand how and what it does.

I'm sure you still don't get it, though, so keep flicking that retroactive, overclassified chicken.

No sir. A FOIA request doesn't and never will change the determination of the classification of ANY SECURE communication.. That content is classified BY RECOGNITION of the content. Not by what some pajama reporter determines that they want to access.

No such thing as " a retro-active" REclassification. This stuff resides in PEOPLE'S HEADs. And those selected people are trained in RECOGNIZING every little part of what content IS classified. Problem with Hilary stuff laying BARE NAKED in a Lawyer shop with DOZEN of assistants pawing through it for WEEKS -- is that NONE of folks should have even been reading it or trying to determine what was and was not "classified" and at what levels. Which is why the FBI swooped in and took possession of ALL of it...

You are wrong on that.... This is PRECISELY how it works...and how it has worked from the beginning of time.

Throughout the govt, there has ALWAYS BEEN classifying information to be released on FOIA, AFTER THE FACT, after the original transmission, sometimes even a year or two later. Every govt official has STATED this....over and over and over again.

truth will set you free...

What the hell does a FOIA have to do with whether material was classified or not?

And it's YOU that doesn't understand how this applies to the most restricted and secret levels. If in the process of a FOIA request someone accidentally discovers ANY classified content -- it is redacted. If that communication traveled over an UNSECURE channel it then a CRIME..

The way it's supposed to work is that CLASSIFIED info travels over it's own methods. And NONE of that stuff is subject to FOIA at all. Not without an expiration date or Executive order. . The only time this matters is when a crime has ALREADY been committed.

You're missing the point. None of those emails had classified content at the time of their transmittal. The content of the emails was later classified upon review for public release. Why is that so hard to understand?

No --- you don't understand that classified conversations don't REQUIRE markings. No more than a person to person classified convo requires a marking. The procedures are suppose to identify the people at both ends and verify that they are ENTITLED to that convo.. And ALL of it was SUPPOSED to flow ONLY in certified secure channels..

It is the CONTENT that determines the classifications. NOT the markings. And CONTENT resides mostly in people's heads. They were selected and trained to recognize the boundaries.
You're not getting it.


No, I know how the SCIF system for classified information. I written on it numerous times here. Also the SIPRNet. (Here, have a WikiLeak.)

What is at hand is the retroactive classification of emails deemed classified or sensitive *because* the FOIA request forces information to be released.

Otherwise we wouldn't know. Just like Powell's emails to his personal .AOL address were found to contain classified information after a review.

Had Clinton used the state.gov address, nothing would have changed what was in the emails. FOIA. Understand how and what it does.

I'm sure you still don't get it, though, so keep flicking that retroactive, overclassified chicken.

No sir. A FOIA request doesn't and never will change the determination of the classification of ANY SECURE communication.. That content is classified BY RECOGNITION of the content. Not by what some pajama reporter determines that they want to access.

No such thing as " a retro-active" REclassification. This stuff resides in PEOPLE'S HEADs. And those selected people are trained in RECOGNIZING every little part of what content IS classified. Problem with Hilary stuff laying BARE NAKED in a Lawyer shop with DOZEN of assistants pawing through it for WEEKS -- is that NONE of folks should have even been reading it or trying to determine what was and was not "classified" and at what levels. Which is why the FBI swooped in and took possession of ALL of it...

You are wrong on that.... This is PRECISELY how it works...and how it has worked from the beginning of time.

Throughout the govt, there has ALWAYS BEEN classifying information to be released on FOIA, AFTER THE FACT, after the original transmission, sometimes even a year or two later. Every govt official has STATED this....over and over and over again.

truth will set you free...

What the hell does a FOIA have to do with whether material was classified or not?

And it's YOU that doesn't understand how this applies to the most restricted and secret levels. If in the process of a FOIA request someone accidentally discovers ANY classified content -- it is redacted. If that communication traveled over an UNSECURE channel it then a CRIME..

The way it's supposed to work is that CLASSIFIED info travels over it's own methods. And NONE of that stuff is subject to FOIA at all. Not without an expiration date or Executive order. . The only time this matters is when a crime has ALREADY been committed.

You're missing the point. None of those emails had classified content at the time of their transmittal. The content of the emails was later classified upon review for public release. Why is that so hard to understand?

No --- you don't understand that classified conversations don't REQUIRE markings. No more than a person to person classified convo requires a marking. The procedures are suppose to identify the people at both ends and verify that they are ENTITLED to that convo.. And ALL of it was SUPPOSED to flow ONLY in certified secure channels..

It is the CONTENT that determines the classifications. NOT the markings. And CONTENT resides mostly in people's heads. They were selected and trained to recognize the boundaries.

Whatever dude. Even routine correspondence among staffers can become classified or redacted if later released. That doesn't mean it was classified at the time or that anyone did anything wrong.
No sir. A FOIA request doesn't and never will change the determination of the classification of ANY SECURE communication.. That content is classified BY RECOGNITION of the content. Not by what some pajama reporter determines that they want to access.

No such thing as " a retro-active" REclassification. This stuff resides in PEOPLE'S HEADs. And those selected people are trained in RECOGNIZING every little part of what content IS classified. Problem with Hilary stuff laying BARE NAKED in a Lawyer shop with DOZEN of assistants pawing through it for WEEKS -- is that NONE of folks should have even been reading it or trying to determine what was and was not "classified" and at what levels. Which is why the FBI swooped in and took possession of ALL of it...

You are wrong on that.... This is PRECISELY how it works...and how it has worked from the beginning of time.

Throughout the govt, there has ALWAYS BEEN classifying information to be released on FOIA, AFTER THE FACT, after the original transmission, sometimes even a year or two later. Every govt official has STATED this....over and over and over again.

truth will set you free...

What the hell does a FOIA have to do with whether material was classified or not?

And it's YOU that doesn't understand how this applies to the most restricted and secret levels. If in the process of a FOIA request someone accidentally discovers ANY classified content -- it is redacted. If that communication traveled over an UNSECURE channel it then a CRIME..

The way it's supposed to work is that CLASSIFIED info travels over it's own methods. And NONE of that stuff is subject to FOIA at all. Not without an expiration date or Executive order. . The only time this matters is when a crime has ALREADY been committed.

You're missing the point. None of those emails had classified content at the time of their transmittal. The content of the emails was later classified upon review for public release. Why is that so hard to understand?

No --- you don't understand that classified conversations don't REQUIRE markings. No more than a person to person classified convo requires a marking. The procedures are suppose to identify the people at both ends and verify that they are ENTITLED to that convo.. And ALL of it was SUPPOSED to flow ONLY in certified secure channels..

It is the CONTENT that determines the classifications. NOT the markings. And CONTENT resides mostly in people's heads. They were selected and trained to recognize the boundaries.

Whatever dude. Even routine correspondence among staffers can become classified or redacted if later released. That doesn't mean it was classified at the time or that anyone did anything wrong.

Oh they can redact a LOT of stuff. They can claim Executive Privilege and redact it.. They can claim it's SENSITIVE (like all those TPP trade papers. But if it is redacted for CLASSIFICATION. It was ALWAYS classified. There is no discretion, interpretation or whim involved. And if those communications appeared outside of security containment -- it IS a crime..

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