Hillary Is Running For Dictator, Not President

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Looking at promises Hillary is already making if elected it is hard to see she desires to be anything other than a dictator. She is promising to go well beyond even Obama in using EOs and other executive actions as a substitute for laws passed by Congress.
It will be interesting to see if the libs here can defend this proposed shredding of the Constituon. Or will they default to "They all do it" and "BOOSH"
Hillary Clinton Is Already Vowing to Overreach
You would think that, after her Hillarycare disaster of 1993, she would have learned not to tell the truth about what she intends.

Maybe she's stupider than she seems?
She has seen how the current resident has gotten away with it.
She said she would definitely close the gun show loophole through executive order that Obama is planning to do.

Obama has hesitated because he knows he can't legally issue such an executive order, and yet he's going to do it anyway to appeal to his base and to support Hillary.

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