Hillary is so BORING she put Joe Biden to sleep on live TV


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Did Joe Biden fall asleep while Hillary Clinton endorsed him during a live town hall on Tuesday

Hillary Clinton endorsed Joe Biden on Tuesday despite overwhelming evidence he sexually assaulted his former staffer Tara Reade in 1993.

It wouldn’t be the first time Hillary Clinton endorsed a pervert and sexual abuser though.

It appeared Joe Biden fell asleep during his live town hall with Hillary Clinton.


Interesting how all the people who said Bret Kavanaugh should step down as Supreme Court nominee over the allegations made against him are willing to endorse Biden with ease. To be fair to Biden I have no idea if the allegation against him is true nor am I calling for him to give up the nomination over it but the ones who were so sure about the Kavanaugh allegations have sure reversed course. Sad but not surprising.
That's hysterical. It feels and looks like a parody of horrible community theater schtick.... but you have remind yourself.... this is their great white hope. There are fuckwits on this site telling us THAT'S going to win in Nov. :abgg2q.jpg:

Did Joe Biden fall asleep while Hillary Clinton endorsed him during a live town hall on Tuesday

Hillary Clinton endorsed Joe Biden on Tuesday despite overwhelming evidence he sexually assaulted his former staffer Tara Reade in 1993.

It wouldn’t be the first time Hillary Clinton endorsed a pervert and sexual abuser though.

It appeared Joe Biden fell asleep during his live town hall with Hillary Clinton.


maybe Joe "the groper" Biden was praying to God that Hillary would just shut the fuck up, because he didnt want her endorsement since she was a 3 times loser on presidential elections, while Joe has just two losses.

Did Joe Biden fall asleep while Hillary Clinton endorsed him during a live town hall on Tuesday

Hillary Clinton endorsed Joe Biden on Tuesday despite overwhelming evidence he sexually assaulted his former staffer Tara Reade in 1993.

It wouldn’t be the first time Hillary Clinton endorsed a pervert and sexual abuser though.

It appeared Joe Biden fell asleep during his live town hall with Hillary Clinton.


maybe Joe "the groper" Biden was praying to God that Hillary would just shut the fuck up, because he didnt want her endorsement since she was a 3 times loser on presidential elections, while Joe has just two losses.
Endorsements are all well and good, but hopefully she won't be actively campaigning for him. Could sink him if repub can make sound like running against her, as she makes an excellent villain. Hard to see how he could sleep through a speech by her, almost like trying to sleep while somebody drags their nails across a blackboard.

Did Joe Biden fall asleep while Hillary Clinton endorsed him during a live town hall on Tuesday

Hillary Clinton endorsed Joe Biden on Tuesday despite overwhelming evidence he sexually assaulted his former staffer Tara Reade in 1993.

It wouldn’t be the first time Hillary Clinton endorsed a pervert and sexual abuser though.

It appeared Joe Biden fell asleep during his live town hall with Hillary Clinton.


maybe Joe "the groper" Biden was praying to God that Hillary would just shut the fuck up, because he didnt want her endorsement since she was a 3 times loser on presidential elections, while Joe has just two losses.
Endorsements are all well and good, but hopefully she won't be actively campaigning for him. Could sink him if repub can make sound like running against her, as she makes an excellent villain. Hard to see how he could sleep through a speech by her, almost like trying to sleep while somebody drags their nails across a blackboard.
Joe "the groper" is already sunk. He is tired. He doesnt know where he is. He doesnt know what day it is. Calls his constituents pony dog face. You have to have an IQ around 70 to want to vote for that idiot.

Did Joe Biden fall asleep while Hillary Clinton endorsed him during a live town hall on Tuesday

Hillary Clinton endorsed Joe Biden on Tuesday despite overwhelming evidence he sexually assaulted his former staffer Tara Reade in 1993.

It wouldn’t be the first time Hillary Clinton endorsed a pervert and sexual abuser though.

It appeared Joe Biden fell asleep during his live town hall with Hillary Clinton.


maybe Joe "the groper" Biden was praying to God that Hillary would just shut the fuck up, because he didnt want her endorsement since she was a 3 times loser on presidential elections, while Joe has just two losses.
Endorsements are all well and good, but hopefully she won't be actively campaigning for him. Could sink him if repub can make sound like running against her, as she makes an excellent villain. Hard to see how he could sleep through a speech by her, almost like trying to sleep while somebody drags their nails across a blackboard.
Joe "the groper" is already sunk. He is tired. He doesnt know where he is. He doesnt know what day it is. Calls his constituents pony dog face. You have to have an IQ around 70 to want to vote for that idiot.

Nope. He will beat the lying low, character trump. I am pretty sure all Democrats, most indendents and even some of the normal republicans have had enough.
The internet is an amazing place for comedy. Sadly the OP is not an example of comedy.
That's not Hillary, it's a double. Theresa Bardwell She gets $10K a month to be Hillary. Hillary has no neck, her head sits on her shoulders like the vulture she is. Where is the plastic surgery chipmunk ckeeks she had done. Not her. Biden has a double too.


Did Joe Biden fall asleep while Hillary Clinton endorsed him during a live town hall on Tuesday

Hillary Clinton endorsed Joe Biden on Tuesday despite overwhelming evidence he sexually assaulted his former staffer Tara Reade in 1993.

It wouldn’t be the first time Hillary Clinton endorsed a pervert and sexual abuser though.

It appeared Joe Biden fell asleep during his live town hall with Hillary Clinton.


maybe Joe "the groper" Biden was praying to God that Hillary would just shut the fuck up, because he didnt want her endorsement since she was a 3 times loser on presidential elections, while Joe has just two losses.
Endorsements are all well and good, but hopefully she won't be actively campaigning for him. Could sink him if repub can make sound like running against her, as she makes an excellent villain. Hard to see how he could sleep through a speech by her, almost like trying to sleep while somebody drags their nails across a blackboard.
Joe "the groper" is already sunk. He is tired. He doesnt know where he is. He doesnt know what day it is. Calls his constituents pony dog face. You have to have an IQ around 70 to want to vote for that idiot.

Nope. He will beat the lying low, character trump. I am pretty sure all Democrats, most indendents and even some of the normal republicans have had enough.
bwaaaahhhaaaaa....So what you are saying is that people of 70 IQ or lower are all going to vote for the groper even with a woman who has charged that son of a bitch with assault, and all the liberals have to run on is that the NY Slimes says Joe is clear of all charges? Since when is the NY Slime a court of law? Damn you fuckers are so stupid.
bwaaaahhhaaaaa....So what you are saying is....
You can always tell snowflake BS is coming when they attempt to re-word and change the meaning of what someone said in an attempt to spin it.

When you read, 'SO WHAT YOU ARE SAYING IS....' a snowflake is about to spin what was REALLY said.


Did Joe Biden fall asleep while Hillary Clinton endorsed him during a live town hall on Tuesday

Hillary Clinton endorsed Joe Biden on Tuesday despite overwhelming evidence he sexually assaulted his former staffer Tara Reade in 1993.

It wouldn’t be the first time Hillary Clinton endorsed a pervert and sexual abuser though.

It appeared Joe Biden fell asleep during his live town hall with Hillary Clinton.


maybe Joe "the groper" Biden was praying to God that Hillary would just shut the fuck up, because he didnt want her endorsement since she was a 3 times loser on presidential elections, while Joe has just two losses.
Endorsements are all well and good, but hopefully she won't be actively campaigning for him. Could sink him if repub can make sound like running against her, as she makes an excellent villain. Hard to see how he could sleep through a speech by her, almost like trying to sleep while somebody drags their nails across a blackboard.
Joe "the groper" is already sunk. He is tired. He doesnt know where he is. He doesnt know what day it is. Calls his constituents pony dog face. You have to have an IQ around 70 to want to vote for that idiot.

Nope. He will beat the lying low, character trump. I am pretty sure all Democrats, most indendents and even some of the normal republicans have had enough.
bwaaaahhhaaaaa....So what you are saying is that people of 70 IQ or lower are all going to vote for the groper even with a woman who has charged that son of a bitch with assault, and all the liberals have to run on is that the NY Slimes says Joe is clear of all charges? Since when is the NY Slime a court of law? Damn you fuckers are so stupid.
Probably a great many with higher than 70 IQ. Doubt it is because people have a high regard for the Times. It is probably because the Republicans ran with their lowest common denominator in 2016 against a grasping, flawed, Hill, also of low character. Trump proved to the country he could live down to their lowest expectations. Keep trying. He's outa here.

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