Joe Biden Fell Asleep during live town hall with Hillary Clinton

Ole sleepy joe knew what she said was b.s. anyhow hehheh

Ah yes, another attack on VP Biden, and no mention of how Trump's mental state has deteriorated. Below is where the President was seen by the author of this link in 2016,

Trump Is Not Well

and how he appears to him at this time.
Trump has beaten you at your own game, multiple times. Biden can't remember what he is running for.
she's a perfect endorser for Joe Biden, after al, she spent a lifetime covering up for a rapist, pervert, sexual assaulter which happened to be her husband. I wonder if she'll attack rapist Joe Biden's women victims like she did for her husband, or maybe she should ask Harvey Weinstein for an opinion here.

You're a disgusting dirt bag. You attack the character of Joe Biden and Bill Clinton when Trump is the lounge lizard, perverted misogynist, racist and serial liar.

Biden is a pedophile.
Ah yes, another attack on VP Biden, and no mention of how Trump's mental state has deteriorated.

That's the problem with the idiot left. They think the shortcomings of their guy are perfectly acceptable as long as they're trying to point out the failings of the other guy.

Biden actually belched up the phrase "economic intercourse".

There's nothing Trump could ever do to surpass the idiocy of that. Biden wins the great Dementia Wars of 2020...
So you haven`t heard about the Clorox/Lysol treatment Dear Leader suggested? We really can`t help willful ignorance.
she's a perfect endorser for Joe Biden, after al, she spent a lifetime covering up for a rapist, pervert, sexual assaulter which happened to be her husband. I wonder if she'll attack rapist Joe Biden's women victims like she did for her husband, or maybe she should ask Harvey Weinstein for an opinion here.

You're a disgusting dirt bag. You attack the character of Joe Biden and Bill Clinton when Trump is the lounge lizard, perverted misogynist, racist and serial liar.
TDS alert! But but but I thought all women were to be believed?!

What's disgusting is the fact that you show no concern or empathy towards a woman that has incontrovertible, corroborated evidence that Biden raped her. Funny how the Left accuses other's of things they are most guilty of. Party of woman's rights, my ass.

What women? For the record I wrote two VAWA Grants, managed my agencies Domestic Violence Unit and my staff put many abusers in St. Prison and all other abusers in County Jail.
That's interesting! Yet you managed to put aside your fine work with Domestic violence against women and support Hillary Clinton.

President Bill Clinton was not a domestic violence abuser. Men who cheat on their wives are not abusers in the eyes of the law. Donald Trump was according to his first wife, and his recent behavior (words and supposed deeds he shared with Billy Bush). And in fact trump is a bully, in words, deeds and actions.
she's a perfect endorser for Joe Biden, after al, she spent a lifetime covering up for a rapist, pervert, sexual assaulter which happened to be her husband. I wonder if she'll attack rapist Joe Biden's women victims like she did for her husband, or maybe she should ask Harvey Weinstein for an opinion here.

You're a disgusting dirt bag. You attack the character of Joe Biden and Bill Clinton when Trump is the lounge lizard, perverted misogynist, racist and serial liar.

You said "wacist". You are a retarded child.
Ah yes, another attack on VP Biden, and no mention of how Trump's mental state has deteriorated.

That's the problem with the idiot left. They think the shortcomings of their guy are perfectly acceptable as long as they're trying to point out the failings of the other guy.

Biden actually belched up the phrase "economic intercourse".

There's nothing Trump could ever do to surpass the idiocy of that. Biden wins the great Dementia Wars of 2020...
So you haven`t heard about the Clorox/Lysol treatment Dear Leader suggested? We really can`t help willful ignorance.

Obviously you're too stupid to get the point I was making.

If Trump said "Eat your own shit and bathe in canola oil" it would do nothing to diminish the idiocy of Biden using the phrase "economic intercourse". You're trying to mitigate the idiocy of that by pointing out what you see as idiocy in something else, and that always fails.

And, by the way, Trump never said to drink Clorox or Lysol. Only flathead dipshits insist he did.

But, hey, maybe you should give it a try!
What a spectacle..... hmm?

Plugs can't help that the Beast called during nap time. Jill should get a shock collar for Joe and when he needs to mumble hit him with a couple hundred volts. If he falls asleep while his face is buried in a 10-year old girl's hair crank it up a few volts.
she's a perfect endorser for Joe Biden, after al, she spent a lifetime covering up for a rapist, pervert, sexual assaulter which happened to be her husband. I wonder if she'll attack rapist Joe Biden's women victims like she did for her husband, or maybe she should ask Harvey Weinstein for an opinion here.
So she should be endorsing trump according to you. Because he's a rapist, pervert, and sexual assaulter who cheated on his pregnant wife.
The accusations against Trump were fake and concocted by Democrat controlled. Moreover he was never accused, nor was there overwhelming corroborated proof of PHYSICALLY assaulting anybody, like there is with Biden. How about you phonies hold Biden to the same standards that you held Cavanaugh to? You should find it very interesting that non of the usual suspects in the media have uttered a peep about the accusation against Biden. That's why the Left is just good at PRETENDING they're for all these "causes" in reality they are the quite the opposite
Why didn`t the woman go after Biden when he was VP? Because the Russian troll farms hadn`t been set up yet. As a govt. employee she certainly should have known to file a report at that time. She told other people but she told them all a different story. In 1993, Reade was 29 years old, not some teeny bopper.
She did file a report which is in the Senate records, which Biden and the Democrat refuse to release. You just proved that the entire Democratic Party and Me Too movement is a complete fraud.
Ole sleepy joe knew what she said was b.s. anyhow hehheh

I like a leader who remains calm under pressure, Biden will never budge. I would also like to be in a poker game with Biden.

Obama is no leader.

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Gates--Secretary of defense under obama----Stands By Statement That Biden Has Been Wrong On Nearly Every Major Foreign Policy Question

In a nutshell obama is and always has been a fake, a phoney not even to mention creepy and ridiculous and add to that 2 major brain surgeries which more than likely are the reasons for the confused, incoherent and stupid comments he makes just about every time he opens his mouth.

The only thing he should be a candidate for is a nursing home.

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