Hillary is Toast

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
The history of presidential elections in this country are pretty consistent. The younger upbeat fresh-faced/fresh ideas candidate beats out the older establishment candidate.
Jimmy Carter beat Ford
Reagan beat Carter
GHW Bush won but mostly on Reagan's coattails.
Clinton was the young upstart with the cool saxophone so he won
GW Bush was the outsider from Texas against the insider dour Gore
Obama the fresh audacious guy from outside beat McCain, the crabby old guy
Obama won a second time mainly due to vote suppression and fraud.
So this time it's Hillary, in public life for over 25 years with no ideas and a history of scandal wider than her tuchas vs whoever the GOP picks. And virtually all the GOP candidates are fresh, young faces with new ideas and enthusiasm.
It wont be a contest.
It all about money. The Clinton's will become billionaires if she is elected.
Bottom line is she needs a coronation because she's too old for a real campaign. She was too old in 2008....I hope she tries it....and during a appearance in the bone-chilling cold of Iowa next winter... drops dead.
The democrats always say they have the youth vote. They are the party of young ideas. They are the champions of minorities.

All that isn't available to them this time. Hillary is an old woman. Old women don't get hired. They don't get the good parts in the movies. Old women are not leading ladies.

The entire democratic party is the party of the old and tired. Their youngest standard bearer is the dewy eyed Elizabeth Warren at 65. They have a distinct lack of minority representation.

The republicans have two high profile latinos. If one of them is either a candidate for president or vice president the democrats will be wiped out.
The democrats always say they have the youth vote. They are the party of young ideas. They are the champions of minorities.

All that isn't available to them this time. Hillary is an old woman. Old women don't get hired. They don't get the good parts in the movies. Old women are not leading ladies.

The entire democratic party is the party of the old and tired. Their youngest standard bearer is the dewy eyed Elizabeth Warren at 65. They have a distinct lack of minority representation.

The republicans have two high profile latinos. If one of them is either a candidate for president or vice president the democrats will be wiped out.
Someone bookmark this quote for 2016 after the Democrat candidate wins the youth vote. :rofl:
Rubio is going to steal the hispanic and women voters....he'll be the next president. :cool-45:

I think he'll be the VP candidate

Nice family -- Wife's a former Dolphins Cheerleader

The history of presidential elections in this country are pretty consistent. The younger upbeat fresh-faced/fresh ideas candidate beats out the older establishment candidate.
Jimmy Carter beat Ford
Reagan beat Carter
GHW Bush won but mostly on Reagan's coattails.
Clinton was the young upstart with the cool saxophone so he won
GW Bush was the outsider from Texas against the insider dour Gore
Obama the fresh audacious guy from outside beat McCain, the crabby old guy
Obama won a second time mainly due to vote suppression and fraud.
So this time it's Hillary, in public life for over 25 years with no ideas and a history of scandal wider than her tuchas vs whoever the GOP picks. And virtually all the GOP candidates are fresh, young faces with new ideas and enthusiasm.
It wont be a contest.

Reagan (1911) was older than Carter (1924).

GW Bush (1946) is older than Gore (1948).

HW Bush (1924) is older than Dukakis (1933).

In sum, you're full of crap.
I think he'll be the VP candidate

Nice family -- Wife's a former Dolphins Cheerleader


Maybe but I doubt he'd leave the Senate to be VP....if Jeb gets the nomination he'll want an easterner for VP. If Walker gets the nod I think Rubio would be too flashy for him on the ticket....we'll see...it's between those 3.
This will be her downfall, more and more people are asking what she has ever accomplished.

Clay Aiken Was Asked on C-SPAN to Name One Thing Hillary Clinton Has Ever Done — Watch Him Struggle

Clay Aiken Was Asked on C-SPAN to Name One Thing Hillary Clinton Has Ever Done Watch Him Struggle TheBlaze.com

Uhg! That reminds me why I want to bitch slap Clay Aiken. Thank you. As painful as that is to watch, one needs to be reminded of how pitiful the opposition really is, from time to time.
The history of presidential elections in this country are pretty consistent. The younger upbeat fresh-faced/fresh ideas candidate beats out the older establishment candidate.
Jimmy Carter beat Ford
Reagan beat Carter
GHW Bush won but mostly on Reagan's coattails.
Clinton was the young upstart with the cool saxophone so he won
GW Bush was the outsider from Texas against the insider dour Gore
Obama the fresh audacious guy from outside beat McCain, the crabby old guy
Obama won a second time mainly due to vote suppression and fraud.
So this time it's Hillary, in public life for over 25 years with no ideas and a history of scandal wider than her tuchas vs whoever the GOP picks. And virtually all the GOP candidates are fresh, young faces with new ideas and enthusiasm.
It wont be a contest.
History is your paradigm for this argument?

Dewey Beats Truman

Now there was a headline!

Roosevelt elected to Fourth term

Eisenhower beats Stevenson to win Second Term

Boy! They sure knew how to write headlines!

Let history be your guide.
This will be her downfall, more and more people are asking what she has ever accomplished.

Clay Aiken Was Asked on C-SPAN to Name One Thing Hillary Clinton Has Ever Done — Watch Him Struggle

Clay Aiken Was Asked on C-SPAN to Name One Thing Hillary Clinton Has Ever Done Watch Him Struggle TheBlaze.com

Uhg! That reminds me why I want to bitch slap Clay Aiken. Thank you. As painful as that is to watch, one needs to be reminded of how pitiful the opposition really is, from time to time.

So far there isn't a loon on this board who has offered up an accomplishment by the Hildabeast, not one
The history of presidential elections in this country are pretty consistent. The younger upbeat fresh-faced/fresh ideas candidate beats out the older establishment candidate.
Jimmy Carter beat Ford
Reagan beat Carter
GHW Bush won but mostly on Reagan's coattails.
Clinton was the young upstart with the cool saxophone so he won
GW Bush was the outsider from Texas against the insider dour Gore
Obama the fresh audacious guy from outside beat McCain, the crabby old guy
Obama won a second time mainly due to vote suppression and fraud.
So this time it's Hillary, in public life for over 25 years with no ideas and a history of scandal wider than her tuchas vs whoever the GOP picks. And virtually all the GOP candidates are fresh, young faces with new ideas and enthusiasm.
It wont be a contest.

Reagan (1911) was older than Carter (1924).

GW Bush (1946) is older than Gore (1948).

HW Bush (1924) is older than Dukakis (1933).

In sum, you're full of crap.

Golly... if that was in ANY WAY relevant. What a GREAT POINT THAT WOULD'VE BEEN!
I didn't think Hillary could win... until The Rabbi said she was toast. He has NEVER been right about a single prediction.

Rick Perry 2012?
This will be her downfall, more and more people are asking what she has ever accomplished.

Clay Aiken Was Asked on C-SPAN to Name One Thing Hillary Clinton Has Ever Done — Watch Him Struggle

Clay Aiken Was Asked on C-SPAN to Name One Thing Hillary Clinton Has Ever Done Watch Him Struggle TheBlaze.com

Uhg! That reminds me why I want to bitch slap Clay Aiken. Thank you. As painful as that is to watch, one needs to be reminded of how pitiful the opposition really is, from time to time.

So far there isn't a loon on this board who has offered up an accomplishment by the Hildabeast, not one

Well, if one manages to do so, they'll be the first. I mean even Monica Lewinsky's Ex-boyfriend's wife can't site a Hillary accomplishment.

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