Hillary is Toast

LOL Now name one thing she's done to help this nation. You can't, you're just a lowly loon on a message board and better people than you have tried...and failed.

Nice attempt though

brilliant reply...that was even downright, SASSY! :itsok:
LOL Now name one thing she's done to help this nation. You can't, you're just a lowly loon on a message board and better people than you have tried...and failed.

Nice attempt though

brilliant reply...that was even downright, SASSY! :itsok:

Name one thing....tick tock tick tock.

I actually feel sorry for people like you. You waste your vote, sad really
So far there isn't a loon on this board who has offered up an accomplishment by the Hildabeast, not one

not one?? woweee

well then, of course that must mean..gasp! Hillary hasn't accomplished ANYthing at all !!!

or does it...........?


1962 April 15 — Goes with church youth group to Chicago to hear Rev. Martin Luther King. Hillary’s minister, Don Jones, takes Hillary and others backstage where she meets Rev. King.

1964 — In the fall goes door-to-door for conservative presidential candidate Barry Goldwater.

1965 — Graduates from Maine South High School in Park Ridge, IL.

1965 — Attends Wellesley College, an all-female college outside of Boston, and majors in political science and psychology. Elected president of the campus Republican Club.

1968 — Hilary watches on television as the Democratic Convention in Chicago disintegrates into chaos when thousands of anti-war protesters are attacked with tear gas and billy clubs. Rev. Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy assassinated. Protests grow against Vietnam War.

1969 May — Graduates from Wellesley College and becomes the first student to address the graduating class at commencement. Her criticism of the “official” speaker, Republican Senator Edward Brooke of Massachusetts, landed an excerpt of her speech and her picture in Life magazine.

1969 — Attends Yale Law School In New Haven, Connecticut.

1970 Spring — Moves into small house with fellow Yale University Law student Bill Clinton.

1970 Summer — Works at Children’s Defense Fund.

1971 Summer — Works on migrant problems for Sen. Walter Mondale subcommittee.

1972 — Works on Sen. George McGovern’s presidential campaign.

1973 May — Receives Juris Doctor degree from Yale Law School, where she served on the editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action. During her second year, she worked at the Yale Child Study Center.

1974 — Appointed to Staff of House Judiciary Committee during Watergate. Teaches at Univ. of Ark. Law School.

1975 October 11 — Hillary and Bill Clinton are married by Methodist minister Vic Nixon in a house Bill Clinton bought in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

1976 — Joins the Rose Law Firm. Bill Clinton elected Attorney General of Arkansas.

1977 — President Jimmy Carter appoints Hillary to the board of the Legal Services Corporation.

1978 — Appointed to board of the Legal Services Corp. Bill Clinton elected Governor of Arkansas.

1979 — Made full partner of the Rose Law Firm.

1980 February 27 — Daughter Chelsea Victoria born by caesarean at Baptist Medical Center in Little Rock.

1980 — Bill Clinton defeated in re-election bid.

1982 — Bill Clinton again elected Governor.

1983 — Bill Clinton appoints Hillary head of the Arkansas Education Standards Committee.

1991 October 3 — Bill Clinton announces he is running for president.

1992 — While campaigning in Chicago she defends her work for Bill’s presidential campaign by saying, “I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas.”

1992 — Bill Clinton elected president with 43% of the vote.

1993 January 20 — Bill Clinton sworn in and Hillary becomes First Lady.

1993 January 25 — Bill Clinton names Hillary chair of health care task force.

1993 January — The Hillary Clinton Quarterly publishes its first issue. Hillary is the first First Lady to have her own national publication.

1996 January 18 — It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Our Children Teach Us is published.

2000 — Elected to the U.S. Senate from New York def. Rep. Rick Lazio by 55% to 43%.

2001-2009 — As New York senator sponsored 363 bills between Jan 22, 2001. and Jan 14, 2009 of which 324 did not make it out of committee; 11 were successfully enacted. Hillary co-sponsored 1,530 bills during the same time period.

2002 October 11 — Votes “Yes” on U.S. Senate Iraq War Resolution

2003 June 9 — Living History is published.

2006 November 7 — Re-elected to US Senate from New York.

2009 January 29 — Nominated by Barack Obama to be the 67th U.S. Secretary of State.

Hillary Clinton biographical timeline. - Hillary Clinton Quarterly Hillary Clinton Quarterly

LOL Now name one thing she's done to help this nation. You can't, you're just a lowly loon on a message board and better people than you have tried...and failed.

Nice attempt though
Well, she hasn't just sat there popping out babies. I guess that's bad.
So, she's done next to nothing on her own. Her sponsored bills passed just 3%. She had ghost writers put her name on a couple of books and she killed a deputy White House Council and an ambassador.

Yup she's qualified.
I didn't think Hillary could win... until The Rabbi said she was toast. He has NEVER been right about a single prediction.

Rick Perry 2012?
Please post your past predictions and how they turned out.
Yeah, I thought so.

I don't vote either party, and I don't make predictions over a year away from an election. You just ask to make an ass of yourself when people drudge up your old prediction threads. :thup:
The history of presidential elections in this country are pretty consistent. The younger upbeat fresh-faced/fresh ideas candidate beats out the older establishment candidate.
Jimmy Carter beat Ford
Reagan beat Carter
GHW Bush won but mostly on Reagan's coattails.
Clinton was the young upstart with the cool saxophone so he won
GW Bush was the outsider from Texas against the insider dour Gore
Obama the fresh audacious guy from outside beat McCain, the crabby old guy
Obama won a second time mainly due to vote suppression and fraud.
So this time it's Hillary, in public life for over 25 years with no ideas and a history of scandal wider than her tuchas vs whoever the GOP picks. And virtually all the GOP candidates are fresh, young faces with new ideas and enthusiasm.
It wont be a contest.
so Reagan was "young and upbeat" :eusa_eh: :rofl: Can't you EVER start a non-hack thread? EVER?!!!
The democrats always say they have the youth vote. They are the party of young ideas. They are the champions of minorities.

You have to agree that the ideas of the democrats are childish, so that would be "young."

All that isn't available to them this time. Hillary is an old woman. Old women don't get hired. They don't get the good parts in the movies. Old women are not leading ladies.

The entire democratic party is the party of the old and tired. Their youngest standard bearer is the dewy eyed Elizabeth Warren at 65. They have a distinct lack of minority representation.

The republicans have two high profile latinos. If one of them is either a candidate for president or vice president the democrats will be wiped out.

Hillary is a crook. democrats LOVE crooks, the more corrupt the better. Obama is essentially a Chicago mobster, in the pocket of Moe Green - er Rahm Emanuel. While the DNC core is basically organized crime, selling the conspiracy to the public is a little tougher. Hillary is well known as a crook. The dims intend to leverage sexism the way they did racism with Obama (setting race relations back 50 years) but it's unlikely to have to same results.

dimocraps are disconnected from reality.

I serve this up as an example --

LOL Now name one thing she's done to help this nation. You can't, you're just a lowly loon on a message board and better people than you have tried...and failed.

Nice attempt though

brilliant reply...that was even downright, SASSY! :itsok:

Name one thing....tick tock tick tock.

I actually feel sorry for people like you. You waste your vote, sad really

Good point Ernie... and it should be pointed out that "IT" in "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE"... IS "THE TRUTH".

Meaning that what she was asserting what "THE TRUTH IS IRRELEVANT".

As I've pointed out MANY TIMES... THIS is the nature of Relativism... which axiomatically REJECTS the objectivity that is essential to knowing TRUTH.
The history of presidential elections in this country are pretty consistent. The younger upbeat fresh-faced/fresh ideas candidate beats out the older establishment candidate.
Jimmy Carter beat Ford
Reagan beat Carter
GHW Bush won but mostly on Reagan's coattails.
Clinton was the young upstart with the cool saxophone so he won
GW Bush was the outsider from Texas against the insider dour Gore
Obama the fresh audacious guy from outside beat McCain, the crabby old guy
Obama won a second time mainly due to vote suppression and fraud.
So this time it's Hillary, in public life for over 25 years with no ideas and a history of scandal wider than her tuchas vs whoever the GOP picks. And virtually all the GOP candidates are fresh, young faces with new ideas and enthusiasm.
It wont be a contest.

Reagan (1911) was older than Carter (1924).

GW Bush (1946) is older than Gore (1948).

HW Bush (1924) is older than Dukakis (1933).

In sum, you're full of crap.
In sum you dont know what the fuck you're talking about.
It isnt chronological age, dipshit. Bush was 2 years older than Gore. Big deal.
It is the upbeat optimistic candidate from the outside beats the sober establishment candidate. Reagan was Mr Optimism with Morning in America etc. Bush was all about compassionate conservatism and a thousand points of light. Gore was all about polar bears were going to have us for lunch. GHW Bush I already explained as riding on Reagan's coattails but he wasnt so lucky against Clinton.

Well if it isn't about chronological age....you might consider using terms other than "Younger" and "Older" .....you know, might cause a bit of confusion somewhere.

And if you want "Fresh Faced" I don't think it gets much more fresh than being the first female nominee in history next to a bunch of (mostly white) men.

At least the Democrats have "something" to run on, the GOP are just flying blind and screaming "stop Obama" every turn.
The history of presidential elections in this country are pretty consistent. The younger upbeat fresh-faced/fresh ideas candidate beats out the older establishment candidate.
Jimmy Carter beat Ford
Reagan beat Carter
GHW Bush won but mostly on Reagan's coattails.
Clinton was the young upstart with the cool saxophone so he won
GW Bush was the outsider from Texas against the insider dour Gore
Obama the fresh audacious guy from outside beat McCain, the crabby old guy
Obama won a second time mainly due to vote suppression and fraud.
So this time it's Hillary, in public life for over 25 years with no ideas and a history of scandal wider than her tuchas vs whoever the GOP picks. And virtually all the GOP candidates are fresh, young faces with new ideas and enthusiasm.
It wont be a contest.

Reagan (1911) was older than Carter (1924).

GW Bush (1946) is older than Gore (1948).

HW Bush (1924) is older than Dukakis (1933).

In sum, you're full of crap.
In sum you dont know what the fuck you're talking about.
It isnt chronological age, dipshit. Bush was 2 years older than Gore. Big deal.
It is the upbeat optimistic candidate from the outside beats the sober establishment candidate. Reagan was Mr Optimism with Morning in America etc. Bush was all about compassionate conservatism and a thousand points of light. Gore was all about polar bears were going to have us for lunch. GHW Bush I already explained as riding on Reagan's coattails but he wasnt so lucky against Clinton.

Well if it isn't about chronological age....you might consider using terms other than "Younger" and "Older" .....you know, might cause a bit of confusion somewhere.

And if you want "Fresh Faced" I don't think it gets much more fresh than being the first female nominee in history next to a bunch of (mostly white) men.

At least the Democrats have "something" to run on, the GOP are just flying blind and screaming "stop Obama" every turn.

Bad news scamp... Hillary isn't the first woman to do anything.
The history of presidential elections in this country are pretty consistent. The younger upbeat fresh-faced/fresh ideas candidate beats out the older establishment candidate.
Jimmy Carter beat Ford
Reagan beat Carter
GHW Bush won but mostly on Reagan's coattails.
Clinton was the young upstart with the cool saxophone so he won
GW Bush was the outsider from Texas against the insider dour Gore
Obama the fresh audacious guy from outside beat McCain, the crabby old guy
Obama won a second time mainly due to vote suppression and fraud.
So this time it's Hillary, in public life for over 25 years with no ideas and a history of scandal wider than her tuchas vs whoever the GOP picks. And virtually all the GOP candidates are fresh, young faces with new ideas and enthusiasm.
It wont be a contest.

Reagan (1911) was older than Carter (1924).

GW Bush (1946) is older than Gore (1948).

HW Bush (1924) is older than Dukakis (1933).

In sum, you're full of crap.
In sum you dont know what the fuck you're talking about.
It isnt chronological age, dipshit. Bush was 2 years older than Gore. Big deal.
It is the upbeat optimistic candidate from the outside beats the sober establishment candidate. Reagan was Mr Optimism with Morning in America etc. Bush was all about compassionate conservatism and a thousand points of light. Gore was all about polar bears were going to have us for lunch. GHW Bush I already explained as riding on Reagan's coattails but he wasnt so lucky against Clinton.

Well if it isn't about chronological age....you might consider using terms other than "Younger" and "Older" .....you know, might cause a bit of confusion somewhere.

And if you want "Fresh Faced" I don't think it gets much more fresh than being the first female nominee in history next to a bunch of (mostly white) men.

At least the Democrats have "something" to run on, the GOP are just flying blind and screaming "stop Obama" every turn.
By "something to run on", you mean a vagina?
Well if it isn't about chronological age....you might consider using terms other than "Younger" and "Older" .....you know, might cause a bit of confusion somewhere.

And if you want "Fresh Faced" I don't think it gets much more fresh than being the first female nominee in history next to a bunch of (mostly white) men.

At least the Democrats have "something" to run on, the GOP are just flying blind and screaming "stop Obama" every turn.

Yeah. dimocrap filth want to do for ALL of America what they've done for Black America

So is OP still on the Perry bandwagon? He was one of the first last time around. Yanno, the time Perry dropped-out quickly? :DOP isn't known for his electoral predictions. He's known for being a partisan rw loudmouth :thup:
The history of presidential elections in this country are pretty consistent. The younger upbeat fresh-faced/fresh ideas candidate beats out the older establishment candidate.
Jimmy Carter beat Ford
Reagan beat Carter
GHW Bush won but mostly on Reagan's coattails.
Clinton was the young upstart with the cool saxophone so he won
GW Bush was the outsider from Texas against the insider dour Gore
Obama the fresh audacious guy from outside beat McCain, the crabby old guy
Obama won a second time mainly due to vote suppression and fraud.
So this time it's Hillary, in public life for over 25 years with no ideas and a history of scandal wider than her tuchas vs whoever the GOP picks. And virtually all the GOP candidates are fresh, young faces with new ideas and enthusiasm.
It wont be a contest.
so Reagan was "young and upbeat" :eusa_eh: :rofl: Can't you EVER start a non-hack thread? EVER?!!!
And look what happened during his two terms....
The democrats always say they have the youth vote. They are the party of young ideas. They are the champions of minorities.

You have to agree that the ideas of the democrats are childish, so that would be "young."

All that isn't available to them this time. Hillary is an old woman. Old women don't get hired. They don't get the good parts in the movies. Old women are not leading ladies.

The entire democratic party is the party of the old and tired. Their youngest standard bearer is the dewy eyed Elizabeth Warren at 65. They have a distinct lack of minority representation.

The republicans have two high profile latinos. If one of them is either a candidate for president or vice president the democrats will be wiped out.

Hillary is a crook. democrats LOVE crooks, the more corrupt the better. Obama is essentially a Chicago mobster, in the pocket of Moe Green - er Rahm Emanuel. While the DNC core is basically organized crime, selling the conspiracy to the public is a little tougher. Hillary is well known as a crook. The dims intend to leverage sexism the way they did racism with Obama (setting race relations back 50 years) but it's unlikely to have to same results.


Interesting comment considering how many people in both Nixon and Reagan's administrations were convicted for crimes.

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