Hillary is Toast

Isn't this the sixty-second "Hillary is Toast" topic in the past few years?

I actually had to check the date on the OP. Not kidding.
No. It's the first since she announced. And she is done.
If she was done, she would not be ahead of the entire pack, and she would not have announced.

You are seriously delusional. I think it is time to dry your tears, put some Preparation H on your butt hurt, and face REALITY.
Stale, moldy, toxic bread. But a lot of rubes seem to find it very tasty.

Go figure.
Isn't this the sixty-second "Hillary is Toast" topic in the past few years?

I actually had to check the date on the OP. Not kidding.
No. It's the first since she announced. And she is done.
If she was done, she would not be ahead of the entire pack, and she would not have announced.

You are seriously delusional. I think it is time to dry your tears, put some Preparation H on your butt hurt, and face REALITY.
Men see the stars after darkness falls.
The writing is on the wall. The same people who think she will get elected are the same people who think Obama's deal with Iran will keep them from getting a nuke.
The history of presidential elections in this country are pretty consistent. The younger upbeat fresh-faced/fresh ideas candidate beats out the older establishment candidate.
Jimmy Carter beat Ford
Reagan beat Carter
GHW Bush won but mostly on Reagan's coattails.
Clinton was the young upstart with the cool saxophone so he won
GW Bush was the outsider from Texas against the insider dour Gore
Obama the fresh audacious guy from outside beat McCain, the crabby old guy
Obama won a second time mainly due to vote suppression and fraud.
So this time it's Hillary, in public life for over 25 years with no ideas and a history of scandal wider than her tuchas vs whoever the GOP picks. And virtually all the GOP candidates are fresh, young faces with new ideas and enthusiasm.
Hillary Clinton: First Democrat In History who will not be campaigning at any public event. Just will make videos and leave a cassette player by the podium mike at her rallies of 200 teen-agers.
Stale, moldy, toxic bread. But a lot of rubes seem to find it very tasty.

Go figure.

Hmmmm...considering how the Dems are hallucinating, I suspect its rye bread poisoned with ergot.

Just sayin'.
if you guys could place a bet, how much would you bet that Hillary will not bring up "Taking Out Iran" during her campaign. {just being conservative, don't want to use the "B" word just yet}

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