Hillary is what’s wrong with politics, Trump is what’s wrong with society.

Wrong. Trump shows how corrupt our government has become. Trump is the cure. Democrats are the veneral disease.
The republicans are bad too. Anyone who's interested in bloating government for their own personal gain, be it to make money or get votes, is part of the problem. And Trump hasn't really shown much of a willingness to drain the swamp. He's a deal maker and a slimeball himself: he fits right in despite him being on the correct side of some of the issues.

So he's like a Democrat ---- but with benefits.
Saying Republicans are bad too is a diversion. Yeah, they are far from perfect, but that's like comparing jaywalking with mass murder.
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Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
I don't find Trump diseased at all.

I find the people who think of him as *deviant* or *diseased* are probably the deviants themselves.
Wrong. Trump shows how corrupt our government has become. Trump is the cure. Democrats are the veneral disease.
The republicans are bad too. Anyone who's interested in bloating government for their own personal gain, be it to make money or get votes, is part of the problem. And Trump hasn't really shown much of a willingness to drain the swamp. He's a deal maker and a slimeball himself: he fits right in despite him being on the correct side of some of the issues.
Being a deal-maker doesn't automatically make a person a criminal.
Except in Dem circles, where deals are always shady.
Obama and his gang of thugs are trying to undo an election because they don't like the winner....a new low in America...nothing as bad as this has happened in the US....we warned you libs not to vote for Obama he was and is corrupt as hell....
The timing of Trump is perfect. Nice guys who want to be liked are not going to drain the swamp, only add to it. Trump doesn't give a flying leap what anyone thinks as he surprisingly continues to do the right things to slice and dice the DC elite club to size.
Obama and his gang of thugs are trying to undo an election because they don't like the winner....a new low in America...nothing as bad as this has happened in the US....we warned you libs not to vote for Obama he was and is corrupt as hell....
Obama has been undermining our nation and the nature of our political body since before his presidency. He deliberately took criminal MS13 members..who were captured at the border and known to be ms13...and seeded them into our schools. He placed and funded the MS13s who are now brutalizing school children.
Obama and his gang of thugs are trying to undo an election because they don't like the winner....a new low in America...nothing as bad as this has happened in the US....we warned you libs not to vote for Obama he was and is corrupt as hell....
Obama has been undermining our nation and the nature of our political body since before his presidency. He deliberately took criminal MS13 members..who were captured at the border and known to be ms13...and seeded them into our schools. He placed and funded the MS13s who are now brutalizing school children.
Check this out;

Spying On Trump: Was Obama Behind CIA, FBI Plan To Elect Hillary?
Obama and his gang of thugs are trying to undo an election because they don't like the winner....

More than that, they are trying to undo or impeach him because unlike their claim that his changes are "easily fixed," the Left realizes that after four or eight years of Trump, there will be nothing of their agenda left to fix and the cat will have been left escape from the bag that the grass is much greener over here as well, and little of the country will have a taste to go back to the way they had it set up.
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
That ain't bad.

Hillary is a symbol of what people don't like about politics, Trump is a symptom of a culture in decay.

I'd like to think we deserve better, but those we choose to "lead" us are a reflection of us.

Not a good sign.
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
That ain't bad.

Hillary is a symbol of what people don't like about politics, Trump is a symptom of a culture in decay.

I'd like to think we deserve better, but those we choose to "lead" us are a reflection of us.

Not a good sign.

You are a good poster, but you got this one wrong.
Trump is a symptom, or I like the word "result" better, of a society that is getting fed up.
As I noted earlier, all but a couple of the conservative posters here did not go out of their way to compliment Trump, rather, all stated he won because people are angry.
Trump knew it. He ran on it. And he won on it. And the left still don't get it.
Pelosi and others on the left, including the media actually defending MS13????? They would rather use them as an attempt to make Trump look bad??? You know how stupid that is?
They are not only not getting it - they are digging in!!
And this is why Trump will probably win again.
Obama and his gang of thugs are trying to undo an election because they don't like the winner....a new low in America...nothing as bad as this has happened in the US....we warned you libs not to vote for Obama he was and is corrupt as hell....
Obama did a lot of shady shit that the left seem to ignore.
Because as criminals and cynical scum with no morality or honor, they don't care.
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
That ain't bad.

Hillary is a symbol of what people don't like about politics, Trump is a symptom of a culture in decay.

I'd like to think we deserve better, but those we choose to "lead" us are a reflection of us.

Not a good sign.

You are a good poster, but you got this one wrong.
Trump is a symptom, or I like the word "result" better, of a society that is getting fed up.
As I noted earlier, all but a couple of the conservative posters here did not go out of their way to compliment Trump, rather, all stated he won because people are angry.
Trump knew it. He ran on it. And he won on it. And the left still don't get it.
Pelosi and others on the left, including the media actually defending MS13????? They would rather use them as an attempt to make Trump look bad??? You know how stupid that is?
They are not only not getting it - they are digging in!!
And this is why Trump will probably win again.
I can see that element in it, and it can actually be both. I'm certainly aware of the frustration, and didn't realize how strong it was until he won. But at the same time. his supporters had to forgive a great deal about him, and they still have to. Holy crap, look at what the Christian Right has to overlook/forgive. Seems to me we constantly find excuses to lower our standards, and that's a reflection of our culture.
Hillary is totally dishonest and corrupt.
The Democratic Party is filled with lying racist demagogues and class demagogue politicians who work hard to divide this nation.
Trump is not a life long polished politician.
He is just too honest about things sometimes, like when he called third world countries "shitholes", everyone knows that he was telling the truth.
They aren’t what’s wrong. They are symptoms.

The problem is with the people
Part of what is wrong with the people of America is that they honestly believe that Trump is horrible..despite the fact that there is absolutely no evidence that establishes it. The people of the US are lazy and gullible.
I can see that element in it, and it can actually be both. I'm certainly aware of the frustration, and didn't realize how strong it was until he won. But at the same time. his supporters had to forgive a great deal about him, and they still have to. Holy crap, look at what the Christian Right has to overlook/forgive. Seems to me we constantly find excuses to lower our standards, and that's a reflection of our culture.

No doubt. (my emphasis)
I used the example of the Democrats actually defending MS13 in order to not agree with Trump. That is the most ridiculous thing I have seen in politics for years. And there has been a lot of it.
I talk all the time about all people are doing is simply standing in line lobbing rocks at the "other side" because someone is standing on a pedestal with a megaphone telling us to. And that someone is politicians and the news media.
You can condition people to accept any situation. Any. No matter how bad or ridiculous.
And that is exactly what has happened.
People have become conditioned to not expect anything out of Washington. To expect corruption and collusion with corporations.
We got use to it.
But I think Hillary was just too much. Too much she represented the corruption, too much she represented the double speak and flip flopping opinions. Too much.
Same went for the crowd of people who ran on the Republican side against Trump. They were just more of the same.
And here was this outlandish guy giving them hell...saying whatever the hell he wanted to. Refreshing.
And he won.

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