Hillary is what’s wrong with politics, Trump is what’s wrong with society.

Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
I don't find Trump diseased at all.

I find the people who think of him as *deviant* or *diseased* are probably the deviants themselves.
So it's perfectly normal to want to fuck your own daughter? It's perfectly normal to go to screw porn starlets after your wife just gave birth to your son? Trump makes Bill Clinton look like a piker.
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.

Can you give us a specific example or do you just hate that Trump won?
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.

If anything has shown "just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become".

it is the hate that anti-Trumpers have been consumed with, for no reason, other than they lost an election.
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.

If anything has shown "just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become".

it is the hate that anti-Trumpers have been consumed with, for no reason, other than they lost an election.

I think its because Trump constantly mocks the left that drives them insane.
Trump is not what's wrong with SOCIETY.

What's wrong with society are: SJW Bullies on College campuses, Gansta Rap, The Kardashians, FaceGOOGTwit, The Logical Results of the Great Society Program, the Logical Results of the 16th Amendment, and the Logical Results of the New Deal.

For Starters.
The kind of people who are running for office, regardless of who wins, is an indication of the underlying sickness of society.

Both Trump and Clinton are examples of what happens when society stops being virtuous.

We are a society of mentally ill individuals who demand instant gratification and strict adherence to what we believe.

There is no tolerance in society.

To blame one or the other is just another symptom.
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
Wrong. Trump shows how corrupt our government has become. Trump is the cure. Democrats are the veneral disease.

Trump is a disease.

Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
Wrong. Trump shows how corrupt our government has become. Trump is the cure. Democrats are the veneral disease.

Trump is a disease.

and you think HITLERY is Not?:abgg2q.jpg: you voted for someone who is a mass murderer and is pals with the Bush crime family? Hitlery is just as much of a zionist as Trump is that you put him down all the time for being.:haha:.surely you are not THAT dense to be unaware of that?:abgg2q.jpg::cuckoo:

you voted for a family that has so many connections to a crime family over trump and yet you are saying you would do it AGAIN? what crack you been smoking?:cuckoo::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

The bush and clintons have a longstanding friendship that goes back to at least the early 80's when they were involved in drug smuggling together for the CIA and you would vote for an evil monster like that who had ties to the evil organization the CIA over someone who was not a career politician? :cuckoo:

so you would vote for a career politician AGAIN over someone who has never been one before? that makes sense.:rolleyes: Only an idiot would have voted for clinton over trump. With Clinton,you KNEW nothing would change,Trump not being a career politician,you at least had some kind of hope.:rolleyes:

with Clinton,you KNEW there was no chance that we would ever get rid of the CIA,FBI,or the fed,she backed EVERYONE of Mr Clintons criminal traiterous activities when he was in office and yet you voted for HER?:rolleyes: Jesus Christ.

the logical people voted for trump because unlike the Bushs,Mccain,or Romney,he looked to be a RINO.not part of the roundtable group that all those guys and Clinton and Obama are all part of.It is a corrupt ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two so the sheep think they have a choice on who gets elected,apparently you are dense of that little fact though.

Had Romney or another Bush been the republican nominee,I would have voted for neither as i ALWAYS have with past elections because both parties are corrupt but as i said.I only decided to vote this tiem for the first time since the early 90's when i became awake to how both parties are corrupt and there is no difference in the two,is only because like i said,Trump is not a career politician so like any one with logic and common sense,I of course voted for him as they did.:rolleyes:
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Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.

If anything has shown "just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become".

it is the hate that anti-Trumpers have been consumed with, for no reason, other than they lost an election.
Oh they were consumed with hatred long, long before that.
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.

If anything has shown "just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become".

it is the hate that anti-Trumpers have been consumed with, for no reason, other than they lost an election.

I think its because Trump constantly mocks the left that drives them insane.

I actually think it is LESS than that.

He is not concerned by their Political Correctness. THAT is the aspect of him, that most directly challenges the self identity of the Left.

If they cannot be arbiters of who is "good" and who is "bad", then they have nothing. THey are nothing.

ANd they know it.
I indeed agree Hillary is what is wrong with politics, but Trump is the result of that overall corruption and failure. (Both sides)
He has virtually nothing in common with the vast majority of society.
The saying may have a good ring to it, but it is plainly wrong.

Trump won because neither the Democrats or the Republicans understood, or even knew of the dissatisfaction the general public has of their government.
Trump did. And he ran on it. And he won.
He is the RESULT of the Hillary'sk oligarchy and corruption.

I can't disagree with that. I believe it to be true.
The kind of people who are running for office, regardless of who wins, is an indication of the underlying sickness of society.

Both Trump and Clinton are examples of what happens when society stops being virtuous.

We are a society of mentally ill individuals who demand instant gratification and strict adherence to what we believe.

There is no tolerance in society.

To blame one or the other is just another symptom.

Normally i would say that if you voted for either you are part of the problem because as i said, both parties are corrupt.It is a one party system designed to look like two so the sheep think they have a choice in who gets elected.

Voting is a waste of time.we dont elect these people.they are selected for us by the establishment.whoever they want in gets in,the president is just a puppet to do their bidding and if he does not do so,they end up like kennedy. our last REAL president because he followed the constitution the establishment has burned.

The establishment was clever,they knew america was awake to the corruption of the clintons and what pathalogical liars they are so they put someone in who LOOKED like he was for them in the Donald since he is not a career politician.

we all thought he was different than traiters the Bushs,Obama and the Clintons since there is nothing on his record of past criminal activities.However they have cleverly hidden his long baggage he has of shady characters he has associated with in the past.that was all repressed from all of us.

WHY anybody would vote for a women who is so much connected to evil,to a crime syndicate is beyond me. I am sure people around here have seen these pics of what chums the clintons and Bushs have always been? Barbara is on record saying Bill was like a second son to her.

Looks like the Clintons,Bushs,and Obama are all close pals to me.:rolleyes:

Americans have been conditioned sadly with the mindset_ i think i will vote for Clinton instead of Bush because he is the lesser evil. Well than YOU are the problem why the world is the mess that it is because evil is evil and you are willing to vote for it.I did not see ANYTHING on Trumps record him not being a career politician is they only reason i made the exception this time to put in a write in vote for him.



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Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
That ain't bad.

Hillary is a symbol of what people don't like about politics, Trump is a symptom of a culture in decay.

I'd like to think we deserve better, but those we choose to "lead" us are a reflection of us.

Not a good sign.

It's all part of a larger problem: There is a huge amount of disinformation and misinformation being peddled to Republicans, most of them too uneducated and unsophisticated to know this. Couple that with a deliberate war on education by Republicans, who are making higher education unaffordable for most, and middle America keeps getting dumber and dumber, and will continue to vote for people like Trump.

Trump has enriched billionaires and could care less about the white trash who voted for him, but he loves their adulation, and these folks practically worship him. They say he can do no wrong, all while Goldman Sachs, banksters and billionaires are laughing their asses all the way to the bank.
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
That ain't bad.

Hillary is a symbol of what people don't like about politics, Trump is a symptom of a culture in decay.

I'd like to think we deserve better, but those we choose to "lead" us are a reflection of us.

Not a good sign.

It's all part of a larger problem: There is a huge amount of disinformation and misinformation being peddled to Republicans, most of them too uneducated and unsophisticated ....

Yeah, I stopped reading here.

YOu are an ignorant fool.
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
That ain't bad.

Hillary is a symbol of what people don't like about politics, Trump is a symptom of a culture in decay.

I'd like to think we deserve better, but those we choose to "lead" us are a reflection of us.

Not a good sign.

It's all part of a larger problem: There is a huge amount of disinformation and misinformation being peddled to Republicans, most of them too uneducated and unsophisticated to know this. Couple that with a deliberate war on education by Republicans, who are making higher education unaffordable for most, and middle America keeps getting dumber and dumber, and will continue to vote for people like Trump.

Trump has enriched billionaires and could care less about the white trash who voted for him, but he loves their adulation, and these folks practically worship him. They say he can do no wrong, all while Goldman Sachs, banksters and billionaires are laughing their asses all the way to the bank.

Oh look, it's the "they're just insignificant rubes" bigotry.

Like we've ever dealt with that before. You people are worthless.
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
I don't find Trump diseased at all.

I find the people who think of him as *deviant* or *diseased* are probably the deviants themselves.
So it's perfectly normal to want to fuck your own daughter? It's perfectly normal to go to screw porn starlets after your wife just gave birth to your son? Trump makes Bill Clinton look like a piker.
Is there anything so sleazy that you won't say it? Is there any bar so low that you won't slither under it?
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
That ain't bad.

Hillary is a symbol of what people don't like about politics, Trump is a symptom of a culture in decay.

I'd like to think we deserve better, but those we choose to "lead" us are a reflection of us.

Not a good sign.

It's all part of a larger problem: There is a huge amount of disinformation and misinformation being peddled to Republicans, most of them too uneducated and unsophisticated to know this. Couple that with a deliberate war on education by Republicans, who are making higher education unaffordable for most, and middle America keeps getting dumber and dumber, and will continue to vote for people like Trump.

Trump has enriched billionaires and could care less about the white trash who voted for him, but he loves their adulation, and these folks practically worship him. They say he can do no wrong, all while Goldman Sachs, banksters and billionaires are laughing their asses all the way to the bank.

I dont know much about that first paragraph you made but I have done enough research on your second one to know you hit the nail on the head.I could not have said it better myself.:beer:

Trump is just as much a traiter as Obama,the Bushs and Clintons are.the only difference between those clowns and Trump i see is I love Trumps domestic policys but his foreing policys suck.same as Obama,he lied about getting us out of the middle east war and people STILL incredibly defend this murderer.He is just that,a mass murderer same as Bush and Obama.no difference. I notice the troll always posts a smiley when she cant refute the evidence just lie she did with you just now.

Trump has YET to show he has any intentions of getting rid of those evil organizations the CIA,FBI,FED and all these other three letter alphabet organizations and yet people STILL worship this criminal asshole. how people cannot be awake on his corruption STILL at this point is beyond me.:rolleyes: He had me fooled until two months ago or so but no more.I see what his true agenda is now.I am finally awake.i am afraid that by the time the others wake up to his corruption it will be too late though.
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Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.

If anything has shown "just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become".

it is the hate that anti-Trumpers have been consumed with, for no reason, other than they lost an election.

I think its because Trump constantly mocks the left that drives them insane.
The left doesn't mind being hated, but they just can't tolerate being ridiculed and laughed at, especially by a President.
The kind of people who are running for office, regardless of who wins, is an indication of the underlying sickness of society.

Both Trump and Clinton are examples of what happens when society stops being virtuous.

We are a society of mentally ill individuals who demand instant gratification and strict adherence to what we believe.

There is no tolerance in society.

To blame one or the other is just another symptom.

Normally i would say that if you voted for either you are part of the problem because as i said, both parties are corrupt.It is a one party system designed to look like two so the sheep think they have a choice in who gets elected.

Voting is a waste of time.we dont elect these people.they are selected for us by the establishment.whoever they want in gets in,the president is just a puppet to do their bidding and if he does not do so,they end up like kennedy. our last REAL president because he followed the constitution the establishment has burned.

The establishment was clever,they knew america was awake to the corruption of the clintons and what pathalogical liars they are so they put someone in who LOOKED like he was for them in the Donald since he is not a career politician.

we all thought he was different than traiters the Bushs,Obama and the Clintons since there is nothing on his record of past criminal activities.However they have cleverly hidden his long baggage he has of shady characters he has associated with in the past.that was all repressed from all of us.

WHY anybody would vote for a women who is so much connected to evil,to a crime syndicate is beyond me. I am sure people around here have seen these pics of what chums the clintons and Bushs have always been? Barbara is on record saying Bill was like a second son to her.

Looks like the Clintons,Bushs,and Obama are all close pals to me.:rolleyes:

Americans have been conditioned sadly with the mindset_ i think i will vote for Clinton instead of Bush because he is the lesser evil. Well than YOU are the problem why the world is the mess that it is because evil is evil and you are willing to vote for it.I did not see ANYTHING on Trumps record him not being a career politician is they only reason i made the exception this time to put in a write in vote for him.



We know the Bushes are corrupt. That's why Jeb was shown the door.
Has anyone heard this before? Isn’t this statement entirely true, especially the last part? Hillary was bad, but Trump shows just how diseased the souls of millions of Americans has become.
I don't find Trump diseased at all.

I find the people who think of him as *deviant* or *diseased* are probably the deviants themselves.
So it's perfectly normal to want to fuck your own daughter? It's perfectly normal to go to screw porn starlets after your wife just gave birth to your son? Trump makes Bill Clinton look like a piker.
Is there anything so sleazy that you won't say it? Is there any bar so low that you won't slither under it?
Is there anything so sleazy that you won't give Trump a pass for? I don't think so.

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