Hillary knocked it out of the park.

This beast lied for her sexual predator husband. Unbelievable corruption.

let us take this one apart. the accusation itself is a woman lied about her husband having an extramarital affair, ok.
now what kind of a sick mind cares so much about it and how in the whacky whack-a-doodle would Sally lives in does that equal -- gulp -- corruption?

question: Does Sally like cigars?
Hillary is the most cheated on wife in american history. That is a democrat achievement!
And here I thought it was Jackie O!!!

You killjoy
Nope at least Kennedy actually cared if people didn't find out. Clinton doesn't care.
and neither do most normal people
So you don't care if your spouse openly cheats on you?
What a contrast for the American people. The Republican party is full of whackjobs like Trump bloviating about 'rapists' and 'I'll build a wall so huge god wouldn't be able to climb it', and Republicans in Congress admitting they used Benghazi's dead for political purposes and no ability to choose a Speaker.

The Democrats are normal calm people who actually talk about what working people want discussed and doing it in a generally friendly way.

The contrast presented to the American electorate couldn't be clearer.

Which basically?

Is kind of sad.
Say what?

The Republican debates consisted on the "evil Muslim" encroachment of the American Culture, bashing Immigrants, cutting taxes on the rich, "rebuilding" the American Military and sending troops to the Middle East, Science bashing, Theocracy, vaccines causing Autism and a million other stellar moments that should be relegated to any fine mental institute in this country.
Typical hyper-partisan nonsense, when your team sucks claim that the other team sucks more, confirmation bias hard at work.... :rolleyes:

And that was in between personal snipes between the candidates about hair and other bullshit.
Probably something to do with the "moderators" continually throwing out questions purposefully designed to provoke confrontation between candidates.

These guys aren't candidates. They are reality stars on the "Trump Show".
The GOP should be sued for malpractice.
Wow, does that mean you're NOT going to vote for any of the GOP candidates? color me shocked :eek:

That wasn't a "your team sucks more" observation. That was basically shock.

And that you casually brush off some very serious defects in the current GOP is telling.

There are some "marginally" serious candidates like Kasich, Pataki and to some extent, Rand Paul.

But none of those guys are even getting to the starting line.
From what I'm reading, Hillary pretty clearly won, all the predictable hearts are a-flutter.

Imagine a Hillary-Trump campaign. Gawd. The nastiest, slimiest, most embarrassing campaign in the history of histories.

Our real Best & Brightest know to stay the fuck out of politics.
From what I'm reading, Hillary pretty clearly won, all the predictable hearts are a-flutter.

Imagine a Hillary-Trump campaign. Gawd. The nastiest, slimiest, most embarrassing campaign in the history of histories.

Our real Best & Brightest know to stay the fuck out of politics.

So, you watched the debates, I take it.
From what I'm reading, Hillary pretty clearly won, all the predictable hearts are a-flutter.

Imagine a Hillary-Trump campaign. Gawd. The nastiest, slimiest, most embarrassing campaign in the history of histories.

Our real Best & Brightest know to stay the fuck out of politics.

So, you watched the debates, I take it.
As I said, "from what I'm reading". I watched a total of about 5 minutes of the Dem debate while surfing. I watched more of the GOP debates for the pure crazy/hockey fight/NASCAR crash potential.
Say what?

The Republican debates consisted on the "evil Muslim" encroachment of the American Culture, bashing Immigrants, cutting taxes on the rich, "rebuilding" the American Military and sending troops to the Middle East, Science bashing, Theocracy, vaccines causing Autism and a million other stellar moments that should be relegated to any fine mental institute in this country.
Typical hyper-partisan nonsense, when your team sucks claim that the other team sucks more, confirmation bias hard at work.... :rolleyes:

And that was in between personal snipes between the candidates about hair and other bullshit.
Probably something to do with the "moderators" continually throwing out questions purposefully designed to provoke confrontation between candidates.

These guys aren't candidates. They are reality stars on the "Trump Show".
The GOP should be sued for malpractice.
Wow, does that mean you're NOT going to vote for any of the GOP candidates? color me shocked :eek:

That wasn't a "your team sucks more" observation. That was basically shock.

And that you casually brush off some very serious defects in the current GOP is telling.

There are some "marginally" serious candidates like Kasich, Pataki and to some extent, Rand Paul.

But none of those guys are even getting to the starting line.
You like them because you know they can't win.
That wasn't a "your team sucks more" observation.
Oh okay.. it wasn't a "your team sucks more" observation, it just looked and sounded exactly like one. :p

And that you casually brush off some very serious defects in the current GOP is telling.
I "casually brush off very serious defects" in both parties, both parties are tee totally corrupt organizations but there's nothing I can do about it except derive a modicum of amusement by making fun of them and their legions of blind, politician worshiping, partisan loyalists.

That being said if you can summon up a molecule of objectivity you'll recognize that my response to your comment regarding "sniping" during the GOP debate was wholly appropriate, the sniping was exactly what the CNN moderators intended to foment.

There are some "marginally" serious candidates like Kasich, Pataki and to some extent, Rand Paul.

But none of those guys are even getting to the starting line.
LOL, define "serious". Serious like her Majesty the Queen of Corruption? I'll never understand what you Democrats are thinking when you say you want to nominate her don't you recall that you came to your senses and passed on her in 2008, do you remember why? The only thing in American Politics that is more ridiculous than the two major parties is this whole American Royal Families nonsense (Bush and Clinton both). Fuck the Clintons (and the Bushs) show you have at least a little bit of capacity for independent thought left and vote to nominate somebody that is actually worthy of respect.
As I said, "from what I'm reading". I watched a total of about 5 minutes of the Dem debate while surfing.

Wow, that's impressive Mac where'd you get the waterproof television? 'cause he wants one too......

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