Hillary lead is due to irrelevant attacks and Democratic control of the Media.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
Take away Khan's constitution waving speech and the Herman Cain attack version 2.0 and she is behind. The election process should be based on plans and relevant issues and all candidates should be covered with equal skepticism by the media.
Take away Khan's constitution waving speech and the Herman Cain attack version 2.0 and she is behind. The election process should be based on plans and relevant issues and all candidates should be covered with equal skepticism by the media.

Got your "Trump Lost Because People Were Mean to Him" talking points all lined up, eh?
Shockingly, in 2012, there was no talk about genitals in the debates. Shockingly in 2016 on the Democrat side, there was no talk of genitals. Shockingly, before Donald Trump got into the race, there was no talk about it. Candidates didn’t encourage violence at their rallies, wonder aloud if “2nd Amendment people” can “do something about it”, use profanity on the stump.

This is a phenomenon that only came with one person… Donald Trump. l
Being mean is fine as long as the topics are relevant and the media is equally mean to all candidates which clearly is not the case.
Let's not forget who owns that "independent" Media:

Hillary leads because Trump sucks bigly!
Hillary leads because the media is corrupt.
You fuckers will pay a price for Hillary getting that power. We won't be the only ones paying that price.
Stupid pieces of shit.

I just wish that a bunch of thugs kick down your doors and beat you to death and take your shit because Hillary rendered you defenseless. Or even better, you're sitting at your desk and Muhammed decides he doesn't like living with Infidels anymore so he caps your motherfucking ass. He's all upset because he wants America to follow Sharia Law and if he wants to rape a woman all he has to do is get a bunch of his friends together and grab the first 12 year old they see.
Take away Khan's constitution waving speech and the Herman Cain attack version 2.0 and she is behind. The election process should be based on plans and relevant issues and all candidates should be covered with equal skepticism by the media.

24/7 Hillary news sycophants spreading lies, innuendo, crazy extrapolations and suppressing any negative news in relation to Hillary is the best we can expect anymore. Democrat voters are nothing more than suckholing political imbeciles nowadays, absolutely no integrity or patriotism remains.
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Hillary leads because Trump sucks bigly!
Hillary leads because the media is corrupt.
You fuckers will pay a price for Hillary getting that power. We won't be the only ones paying that price.
Stupid pieces of shit.

I just wish that a bunch of thugs kick down your doors and beat you to death and take your shit because Hillary rendered you defenseless. Or even better, you're sitting at your desk and Muhammed decides he doesn't like living with Infidels anymore so he caps your motherfucking ass. He's all upset because he wants America to follow Sharia Law and if he wants to rape a woman all he has to do is get a bunch of his friends together and grab the first 12 year old they see.

You're losing it more than usual today. Have you forgotten to take your meds?
r better
Take away Khan's constitution waving speech and the Herman Cain attack version 2.0 and she is behind. The election process should be based on plans and relevant issues and all candidates should be covered with equal skepticism by the media.

24/7 Hillary news sycophants spreading lies, innuendo, crazy extrapolations and suppressing any negative news in relation to Hillary is the best we can expect anymore. Democrat voters are nothing more than suckholing political imbeciles nowadays, absolutely no integrity or patriotism remains.
When I was in the Army my A Team medic told me the only solution in Washington was take all of the Democrats out back and shoot em.
I thought back then that this was kind of harsh.
How times change.
Take away Khan's constitution waving speech and the Herman Cain attack version 2.0 and she is behind. The election process should be based on plans and relevant issues and all candidates should be covered with equal skepticism by the media.

24/7 Hillary news sycophants spreading lies, innuendo, crazy extrapolations and suppressing any negative news in relation to Hillary is the best we can expect anymore. Democrat voters are nothing more than suckholing political imbeciles nowadays, absolutely no integrity or patriotism remains.
What do repugs have besides lies, innuendo, crazy extrapolations, and made up "scandals"? Perhaps the problem isn't the media. Maybe the problem is your horrible candidate.
golden man KHAN was promoted as a victim. What Khan is may be a part of that open borders goal of the Democrat Socialist Party because he is a lawyer who gets visas for wealthy Saudis.
Hillary leads because Trump sucks bigly!
Hillary leads because the media is corrupt.
You fuckers will pay a price for Hillary getting that power. We won't be the only ones paying that price.
Stupid pieces of shit.

I just wish that a bunch of thugs kick down your doors and beat you to death and take your shit because Hillary rendered you defenseless. Or even better, you're sitting at your desk and Muhammed decides he doesn't like living with Infidels anymore so he caps your motherfucking ass. He's all upset because he wants America to follow Sharia Law and if he wants to rape a woman all he has to do is get a bunch of his friends together and grab the first 12 year old they see.
^^ this.

Libs think they are amune. They still haven't figured out that their party thinks they are peasants too.
Take away Khan's constitution waving speech and the Herman Cain attack version 2.0 and she is behind. The election process should be based on plans and relevant issues and all candidates should be covered with equal skepticism by the media.

24/7 Hillary news sycophants spreading lies, innuendo, crazy extrapolations and suppressing any negative news in relation to Hillary is the best we can expect anymore. Democrat voters are nothing more than suckholing political imbeciles nowadays, absolutely no integrity or patriotism remains.
What do repugs have besides lies, innuendo, crazy extrapolations, and made up "scandals"? Perhaps the problem isn't the media. Maybe the problem is your horrible candidate.
And you project. Because I was thinking the same exact thing about your sorry ass.
Hillary's lead is due to her opponent being a narcissistic sociopath, who is now ranting and raving like a lunatic.
Take away Khan's constitution waving speech and the Herman Cain attack version 2.0 and she is behind. The election process should be based on plans and relevant issues and all candidates should be covered with equal skepticism by the media.

Then why does Trump keep talking about his sexual assault victims at his rallies?
Trump sucks and his supporters are blaming everyone else but him and themselves. They wallow in bizarre anti-intellectual conspiracy theories. And, as this thread demonstrates, they are prone to violence.

Sane Republicans said in the primaries that he would get crushed in the general, but his supporters closed their eyes, stuck their fingers in the ears, and refused to believe anyone outside their Swamp of Crazy.

They're going to get crushed. They are getting everything they deserve. They weren't interested in winning the election. They were interested in teaching the Republican "establishment" a lesson.

So welcome to four years of Hillary. It's all on them for nominating the worst Republican candidate in history.
Hillary leads because Trump sucks bigly!
Hillary leads because the media is corrupt.
You fuckers will pay a price for Hillary getting that power. We won't be the only ones paying that price.
Stupid pieces of shit.

I just wish that a bunch of thugs kick down your doors and beat you to death and take your shit because Hillary rendered you defenseless. Or even better, you're sitting at your desk and Muhammed decides he doesn't like living with Infidels anymore so he caps your motherfucking ass. He's all upset because he wants America to follow Sharia Law and if he wants to rape a woman all he has to do is get a bunch of his friends together and grab the first 12 year old they see.

Trump sucks and his supporters are blaming everyone else but him and themselves. They wallow in bizarre anti-intellectual conspiracy theories.
Are you really trying to tell us Hillary isn't an incompetent warmonger, a tool of Wall Street, and a liar? Do you acknowledge that she persecutes the victims of her sexual predator husband?

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