Hillary LOSES....AGAIN

Hillary's big win in Nov...Based on what? Her numbers are tanking, liberal voter turn out is lower than 2014, when the Libs were handed a record-setting historical a$$-whoopin'....

i would rather see her run against Trump then bernie
What's the difference to all you lol patriots ?? Both should beat drumpf easily

bernie would hilllary will not

face it she sucks
because lice is easier to get rid of

Rachel Maddow: Trump is so unpopular voters like him less than lice — by nearly 30 points
Never mind Hillary Clinton; as MSNBC host Rachel Maddow reported on Monday, Donald Trump is viewed more negatively than lice — by 26 points. And it got…
The fact that she is a pandering twat doesn't help, but you can't win West Virginia by saying such shit about coal. Obama's similar comments cost him the state twice in the general election.

Agreed but she is in trouble, she'll get the nod because the fix is in with super delegates but she's in trouble, make no mistake about that

I love that Bernie is holding her feet to the fire. It shouldn't be a cakewalk for Hillary.

I see Sanders is polling better than Clinton in Oregon and Kentucky.

Bernie's populism plays well with both urban and rural folks alike. In my opinion, he is the most genuine candidate running from either party.

He may be genuine but he's economically illiterate, there is no way he can ever come up with a plan to pay for all his free shit he's advocating

Something he shares with Hillary and Trump. Larger military, larger social safety net, larger walls...all of it requires money we don't have. There isn't some silver bullet when it comes to our crushing debt and there are too many scared cows when it comes to spending cuts. To me, nothing should be off the table when it comes to getting a handle on our debt.
Hillary's big win in Nov...Based on what? Her numbers are tanking, liberal voter turn out is lower than 2014, when the Libs were handed a record-setting historical a$$-whoopin'....

i would rather see her run against Trump then bernie
What's the difference to all you lol patriots ?? Both should beat drumpf easily

bernie would hilllary will not

face it she sucks
because lice is easier to get rid of

Rachel Maddow: Trump is so unpopular voters like him less than lice — by nearly 30 points
Never mind Hillary Clinton; as MSNBC host Rachel Maddow reported on Monday, Donald Trump is viewed more negatively than lice — by 26 points. And it got…

did you get rid of you bed bug problem yet
Agreed but she is in trouble, she'll get the nod because the fix is in with super delegates but she's in trouble, make no mistake about that

I love that Bernie is holding her feet to the fire. It shouldn't be a cakewalk for Hillary.

I see Sanders is polling better than Clinton in Oregon and Kentucky.

Bernie's populism plays well with both urban and rural folks alike. In my opinion, he is the most genuine candidate running from either party.

He may be genuine but he's economically illiterate, there is no way he can ever come up with a plan to pay for all his free shit he's advocating

he can for awhile

but we end up like the folks in Venezuela

waiting in line for days for such things as toilet paper

and when we are not waiting in line we are chasing down dogs cats and pigeons

for the next meal

That's socialism in a nutshell, starts out just peachy...then they run out of other people's money to fund their pipe dream
Agreed but she is in trouble, she'll get the nod because the fix is in with super delegates but she's in trouble, make no mistake about that

I love that Bernie is holding her feet to the fire. It shouldn't be a cakewalk for Hillary.

I see Sanders is polling better than Clinton in Oregon and Kentucky.

Bernie's populism plays well with both urban and rural folks alike. In my opinion, he is the most genuine candidate running from either party.

He may be genuine but he's economically illiterate, there is no way he can ever come up with a plan to pay for all his free shit he's advocating

Something he shares with Hillary and Trump. Larger military, larger social safety net, larger walls...all of it requires money we don't have. There isn't some silver bullet when it comes to our crushing debt and there are too many scared cows when it comes to spending cuts. To me, nothing should be off the table when it comes to getting a handle on our debt.

Well proposing more free shit isn't going to solve anything
I love that Bernie is holding her feet to the fire. It shouldn't be a cakewalk for Hillary.

I see Sanders is polling better than Clinton in Oregon and Kentucky.

Bernie's populism plays well with both urban and rural folks alike. In my opinion, he is the most genuine candidate running from either party.

He may be genuine but he's economically illiterate, there is no way he can ever come up with a plan to pay for all his free shit he's advocating

he can for awhile

but we end up like the folks in Venezuela

waiting in line for days for such things as toilet paper

and when we are not waiting in line we are chasing down dogs cats and pigeons

for the next meal

That's socialism in a nutshell, starts out just peachy...then they run out of other people's money to fund their pipe dream

and millions upon millions end up dead

Bernie 51%
Hillary 36%

Of course EVERYONE knew Hillary was going to have her ass handed to her in coal country. Gruber and the Libs were at least partially wrong - not all Democrats are as stupid as Gruber/the libs think they are.

The only think keeping her in the race is the DNC and its 'Super Delegates'.

West Virginia Primary Results: 2016 Election - NBC News
If she can't beat an old funny looking washed up socialist from the 1960s, how do Ds think she can win the general?

The left MSM loves to proclaim Trump can't win without the women vote, yet they never report that Hillary can't get any men to vote for her....other than the usual few suspects.
I see Sanders is polling better than Clinton in Oregon and Kentucky.

Bernie's populism plays well with both urban and rural folks alike. In my opinion, he is the most genuine candidate running from either party.

He may be genuine but he's economically illiterate, there is no way he can ever come up with a plan to pay for all his free shit he's advocating

he can for awhile

but we end up like the folks in Venezuela

waiting in line for days for such things as toilet paper

and when we are not waiting in line we are chasing down dogs cats and pigeons

for the next meal

That's socialism in a nutshell, starts out just peachy...then they run out of other people's money to fund their pipe dream

and millions upon millions end up dead

The thing is even though socialism has never worked, never in all of history they keep saying "this time will be different". It won't, it's a tried and failed concept
I love that Bernie is holding her feet to the fire. It shouldn't be a cakewalk for Hillary.

I see Sanders is polling better than Clinton in Oregon and Kentucky.

Bernie's populism plays well with both urban and rural folks alike. In my opinion, he is the most genuine candidate running from either party.

He may be genuine but he's economically illiterate, there is no way he can ever come up with a plan to pay for all his free shit he's advocating

Something he shares with Hillary and Trump. Larger military, larger social safety net, larger walls...all of it requires money we don't have. There isn't some silver bullet when it comes to our crushing debt and there are too many scared cows when it comes to spending cuts. To me, nothing should be off the table when it comes to getting a handle on our debt.

Well proposing more free shit isn't going to solve anything

It won't, but the American electorate doesn't want to hear that is far past time for their medicine. Panem et crucenses plays better.
I see Sanders is polling better than Clinton in Oregon and Kentucky.

Bernie's populism plays well with both urban and rural folks alike. In my opinion, he is the most genuine candidate running from either party.

He may be genuine but he's economically illiterate, there is no way he can ever come up with a plan to pay for all his free shit he's advocating

Something he shares with Hillary and Trump. Larger military, larger social safety net, larger walls...all of it requires money we don't have. There isn't some silver bullet when it comes to our crushing debt and there are too many scared cows when it comes to spending cuts. To me, nothing should be off the table when it comes to getting a handle on our debt.

Well proposing more free shit isn't going to solve anything

It won't, but the American electorate doesn't want to hear it that is far past time for their medicine. Panem et crucenses plays better.

We're on the same page
  • Thanks
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Hillary's big win in Nov...Based on what? Her numbers are tanking, liberal voter turn out is lower than 2014, when the Libs were handed a record-setting historical a$$-whoopin'....

i would rather see her run against Trump then bernie
What's the difference to all you lol patriots ?? Both should beat drumpf easily

bernie would hilllary will not

face it she sucks
because lice is easier to get rid of

Rachel Maddow: Trump is so unpopular voters like him less than lice — by nearly 30 points
Never mind Hillary Clinton; as MSNBC host Rachel Maddow reported on Monday, Donald Trump is viewed more negatively than lice — by 26 points. And it got…

did you get rid of you bed bug problem yet
Yes sent them to drumph
(I) At least 2/3 of Sanders' votes are "Anyone-But-Hillary" protest votes. I have two co-workers from Morgantown who told me as much this morning. The question is, how many of those ABH votes are going to vote for Trump, and how many will just stay home in November?

(B) Bernie knows he can promise anything he wants because he will never be President. It's like me saying, "If I win the Power Ball, I will give all the money to charity." Yeah, right.

(iii) The perversity of the results (Bernie wins, but HRC gets closer to victory) is pissing off a lot of Democrats, and driving them toward wanting to throw EVERYBODY out, because "the System is rigged." What this means for November is yet to be seen.

(d) The MSM is scared shitless because they have been mounting a Full Court Press against Trump for the past year, and he is getting more popular by the day. The MSM can't be voted out of office, but they can be made to look silly and irrelevant.
You won't win too many hearts in Appalachia while talking shit about coal. For many of us here, our livelihoods are dependent on coal.
Don't worry mdk, If you're a coal miner Hillary promises to replace your job with a government welfare state "program" , ain't it great? :wtf:
Yeah she really stuck her foot in her mouth with respect to her remarks regarding Coal Companies and Coal Miners, doesn't really matter much though, she's pretty much got the Democrat Nomination locked up.

I'd rather see Bernie as the next President, so Hillary will have to do. The burnt offerings from the rightwingers don't even come close to presidential material so they might as well quit now just to save themselves the embarrassment of losing by a landslide.
Personally I'd rather see Forrest Gump as President than any of the douche bags that the major parties are offering up.

Every Sander supporter who says: "Fuck It The Game Is Rigged" and consequently stays home is a vote for Trump.

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