Hillary/North Korea: The Height of Hypocracy...


Senior Member
Apr 10, 2004

In response to a series of questions on North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile capability asked by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton at Thursday’s Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, Vice Admiral Lowell Jacoby, Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, confirmed for the first time publicly by any Administration official that North Korea has the ability to arm a missile with a nuclear device. Admiral Jacoby also confirmed the Administration’s assessment that North Korea has the ability to deploy a two-stage intercontinental missile that could reach the continental United States.

Click HERE to view the exchange.

Later Thursday, Senator Clinton and Senator Carl Levin of Michigan, the Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, sent the following letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice:

April 28, 2005

Dear Secretary Rice,

We are writing today to express our concern over disclosures today in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee that the Administration assesses that North Korea is capable of arming a missile with a nuclear device. This is most disturbing coupled with the assessment that North Korean missiles have the capability to reach the continental United States. This latest revelation motivates us to renew our strong recommendation to this Administration to engage in bilateral diplomatic efforts with North Korea to address this serious threat.

At today’s public Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, Senator Clinton asked Vice Admiral Lowell F. Jacoby, Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, whether it was his assessment that “North Korea has the ability to arm a missile with a nuclear device?” In response, Admiral Jacoby said “my assessment is that they have the capability to do that, yes…” Admiral Jacoby also confirmed prior assessments by Administration officials that North Korean two stage intermediate intercontinental missiles could reach the United States.

Admiral Jacoby’s assessment that North Korea has the ability to arm a missile with a nuclear device is, we believe, the first such public assessment by an Administration official. This assessment is only the latest development, coming after four years of North Korean escalatory action, including their declaration in February that they have nuclear weapons, and that they no longer consider themselves bound by their self-declared missile-testing moratorium, as well as recent press accounts of unusual activity at nuclear and missile sites, that could presage nuclear or missile tests. All of this continues to strongly suggest that the threat posed by the North Korean nuclear program is increasing. Yet we have not seen an aggressive diplomatic effort to address this threat. (are you fucking kidding me?)

We urge you to engage in further diplomacy with the North Koreans to address this threat – both within the multilateral context of the Six Party Talks, and bilaterally. It is important to include our allies and friends in Northeast Asia in our diplomatic effort, but this does not mean that we cannot hold bilateral talks with North Korea. Indeed, our allies in South Korea would like us to engage in bilateral talks, and have even stated that the North Korean proposal of a nuclear freeze is a good first step. In short, we urge you to pursue all avenues of negotiation.

We look forward to your response.

Senator Carl Levin
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton


Politicians have the biggest gall of any human beings throughout history. they simply expect nothing less from the people than to be mindless robots that only listen to what is said on that particular day and forget any past trangressions. She and her husband GAVE NORTH KOREA THEIR NUCLEAR CAPABILITIES!!!! Now its Bush's fault that this has escalated for not negotiating with them?

Par for the course i suppose.
insein said:

Politicians have the biggest gall of any human beings throughout history. they simply expect nothing less from the people than to be mindless robots that only listen to what is said on that particular day and forget any past trangressions. She and her husband GAVE NORTH KOREA THEIR NUCLEAR CAPABILITIES!!!! Now its Bush's fault that this has escalated for not negotiating with them?

Par for the course i suppose.

If Hillary runs I (being a moderate) would definately not vote for her, not because of any personal shortcoming, but because other country's would view us as soft if we had her as president.
insein said:


Politicians have the biggest gall of any human beings throughout history. they simply expect nothing less from the people than to be mindless robots that only listen to what is said on that particular day and forget any past trangressions. She and her husband GAVE NORTH KOREA THEIR NUCLEAR CAPABILITIES!!!! Now its Bush's fault that this has escalated for not negotiating with them?

Par for the course i suppose.

WTF ever happened to "not going it alone"! What a loser.
insein said:

Now Insein, you forgot to add Jimmy Carter in there... he actually subverted Clinton, the Japanese and the South Koreans with his "shuttle diplomacy" in 1994 that produced the terrible compromise we're stuck with today.
Meet the Press, anywaaaayyy, the lefties, socialists,er,democrats/media were reporting that under Clinton N Korea deveoloped 0 nukes. But under Bush they now have 6-9 nukes.. Friggin gawdamn Dems and press of course FAIL to mention it was Clinton and Carter that made the deal and got hoodwinked.. Bejesus these people have no shame, no morals, no ideas, and NO FRIGGIN PATRIOTISM whatsoever.... Now we are to kiss N. Korea's backside? I say put the screws to them. And send them some of our cruise missiles with neat warheads... And put Hillary Clinton in one of the warheads, 'bout time she was of some use...

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