Hillary: 'Nothing to the VA Scandal'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hillary, on the Rachel Maddow show, declared there was nothing much to the VA Scandal, where administrators were given huge bonuses and 'cooked' the books while veterans were left waiting for treatment, some who died before ever being seen.

Yeah, 'What does it matter', right Hillary?!

LINK: Hillary: hey, that VA scandal wasn’t that big of a deal « Hot Air

Despite being run by the Liberals, Hillary said it was a GOP ideological agenda for the VA to fail.

The GOP, huh Hillary?

Senate Democrats blocked a bill to fund the VA earlier this month in order to negotiate a larger budget deal.

This bit@h has no shame and can't stop lying.
Yeah but, she's going to make sure she takes care of the ILLEGAL immigrants even if she has to STEP over your Representation in CONGRESS the same way that thug Obama did.
Hillary Clinton: “I Will Go As Far As I Can” Beyond Obama to Welcome Illegals to America
Hillary Clinton: "I Will Go As Far As I Can" Beyond Obama to Welcome Illegals to America - The Gateway Pundit

can you imagine voting for a person like that who cares more about illegal immigrants. Obama was the same way. when do these Democrats STAND up for THE LEGAL American citizens and our Vets?
...all aboard the Socialist Train, destination: The FORMER United States of America....
Hillary, on the Rachel Maddow show, declared there was nothing much to the VA Scandal, where administrators were given huge bonuses and 'cooked' the books while veterans were left waiting for treatment, some who died before ever being seen.

Yeah, 'What does it matter', right Hillary?!

LINK: Hillary: hey, that VA scandal wasn’t that big of a deal « Hot Air

Despite being run by the Liberals, Hillary said it was a GOP ideological agenda for the VA to fail.

The GOP, huh Hillary?

Senate Democrats blocked a bill to fund the VA earlier this month in order to negotiate a larger budget deal.

This bit@h has no shame and can't stop lying.

The Democrats have always been against the military and the veterans. They're always the ones who gut the military. They're the ones who did their very best to not count the military votes in the last election. The veterans and active duty personnel know this fact and overwhelmingly vote Republican.

Yes indeed, it was brought out at the debate that the Democrats will support tuition free college and Obamacare coverage for illegal aliens.
...all aboard the Socialist Train, destination: The FORMER United States of America....
There is a lie, imo. ^^^ Let's see some evidence.
Only a fool thinks we are not living on borrowed time, with so much debt it can't ever be payed back(not enough money in all of world to pay just our debt), morals that are not in the gutter, but under the gutter, a military who's morale is many, many times lower than in our history.

No one know the date/time... Game set match
Embrace the suck
I just heard something interesting on the news. they were talking about the IRS being cleared. Evidently there is still a lawsuit going on over it and this woman was talking about how they are stonewalling, Obstructing, etc just like they did with Benghazi. she said they are trying to make it seem there was NOTHING to any of these charges because they have a BIG ELECTION coming up.
so that is why Hillary is out on a campaign to BLAME Republicans for all of this and downplaying it. EVEN with the lives of our VETS. Lives don't matter to this party as you saw with the Benghazi hearings

I hope you've had enough of the lies, the obstruction of justice from these snake Progressive/Democrats and VOTE THEM OUT come 2016

they are walking all over us and using this Government against us at the same time

wake up
Yeah but, she's going to make sure she takes care of the ILLEGAL immigrants even if she has to STEP over your Representation in CONGRESS the same way that thug Obama did.
Hillary Clinton: “I Will Go As Far As I Can” Beyond Obama to Welcome Illegals to America
Hillary Clinton: "I Will Go As Far As I Can" Beyond Obama to Welcome Illegals to America - The Gateway Pundit

can you imagine voting for a person like that who cares more about illegal immigrants. Obama was the same way. when do these Democrats STAND up for THE LEGAL American citizens and our Vets?
Mexicans are now the majority in California. 13% are illegal.
Yeah but, she's going to make sure she takes care of the ILLEGAL immigrants even if she has to STEP over your Representation in CONGRESS the same way that thug Obama did.
Hillary Clinton: “I Will Go As Far As I Can” Beyond Obama to Welcome Illegals to America
Hillary Clinton: "I Will Go As Far As I Can" Beyond Obama to Welcome Illegals to America - The Gateway Pundit

can you imagine voting for a person like that who cares more about illegal immigrants. Obama was the same way. when do these Democrats STAND up for THE LEGAL American citizens and our Vets?
Mexicans are now the majority in California. 13% are illegal.

I know it. Most of my family has moved out of California after living there for 20+ years. and that is what these Democrats wants too do to the rest of us in the country. Look at Moonbeam up there being Mr.Dictator and nobody is challenging any of the crap. they are going after wood burning stoves, they are giving Illegal immigrants drivers licenses, health care and making the legal citizens there PAY FOR IT ALL. I don't know if it's not already too late the way this administration has been doing things behind our back. it's not been good for us anyway
Can't you imagine Hillary screeching "what difference does it make"? Nothing to Benghazi, E-mail, IRS, the V.A. or the stain on Monica's dress. Hillary must be brain dead.
Can't you imagine Hillary screeching "what difference does it make"? Nothing to Benghazi, E-mail, IRS, the V.A. or the stain on Monica's dress. Hillary must be brain dead.

just listening to her speak now is like fingernails scratching down a chalk board. can you imagine Four years or OMG EIGHT years of that. People will be asking to poke their eardrums out to make it stop.
You see folks, her going on that station for one that nobody watches and for two stating our VA problems is nothing but just Republicans trying to make it to use against her and the Democrats

right there shows she is just another SNAKE politician who will spew the standard line than admit there is a problem with our VA that serves our VETS.

my gawd you vote for that you vote for more the NASTY we got these eight years from obama

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