Hillary predictions for 2016


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Hillary has once again consulted her medium and her crystal ball for predictions for 2016.

1. Hillary will win the Oval Office and the Dims will sweep into power in Congress.

2. Cap and trade will pass as energy prices skyrocket and the global temperatures go down one degree, causing terrorists around the world to lay down their arms and embrace peace. This will piss off big oil and cause Americans to celebrate the end of big oil.

3. With higher taxation on energy prices the new revenue will create millions of shovel ready jobs causing unemployment to dip below 5%.

4. Monica will return to the Oval Office as an intern so they can play with some more cigars.

5. Hillary will make college free for everyone by offering a "guns for diploma's" deal. If you bring in a gun you get one free year of college. Bernie Sanders will be put in charge of the Fed to generate the revenue needed to not pay for it all. This will make college free and, at the same time, take all the guns off the streets.

6. Not one black person will be appointed to Hillary's cabinet. It looks like black lives really don't matter after all, who knew?

7. Terrorists around the world have no more movies to make for propaganda use since Trump was beaten in the 2016 election.

8. Not only will Hillary win a Nobel Peace Prize, they will strip Obama of his Nobel Prize and give it to her cuz she is the one who really deserves it.

9. Bill takes an 8 year vacation to New Amsterdam's Red Light District.

10. Jesus returns and bows down to Hillary and places his own crown on her head, thus ushering in the 1000 year reign of peace on earth.
11. Queen of England steps aside.

queen hillary.jpg
12. Hillary hires one of Obama's many half brothers as her own personal butler. At least she seems to care more about them than Obama.

On a serious note, I predict Hillary will:

Lie about the lie.
Further ruin the economy.
Lie about it.
Screw up foreign policy more.
Lie about it.
Accuse falsely, anyone who criticizes her as misogynist.
Lie about it.
Lie about the lies.
Wash rinse repeat.

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