Hillary Presidential Resume; 'Honesty' (Or the LACK thereof)

Shit-e said:
Clinton has a pussy, RW's are pussies.

See the difference?

now go hide behind something, a Muslim will get you.


If you close your eyes real real tight, shit-e, then there will be no folks out there who do desire to lob your fucking stupid infidel head off.

I can't close my eyes to all the Putin loving RW's that disgrace Americans.

Lop my head off sweetheart, I'll make you famous.

No, bitch. YOU choose to close your eyes to reality.

Putin talks shit about Trump. Trump embraces the positive PR. YOU wet your panties, daisy.

My comment, you pathetic imbecile, was simply to note that your mocking of the RW's is premised on the ridiculously shallow notion of yours that any expression of concern about the actions of jihadists is a display of childish cowardice.

Well, dip shit, you are flatly wrong. Saying "BOO" doesn't work, you drip. Even showing Islamist Jihadist videos of their filthy vile murderous behavior doesn't work. Even when they pull off an attack (ala Paris or San Bernadino) that, too, doesn't work. We aren't cowering in terror.

But unlike you, WE recognize that it would be irresponsible to NOT take some reasonable actions to avoid threats which can be reasonably avoided.

Try to stop simpering. Not only did I not threaten to lob your fool infidel head off, I'm on the side of the folks who think you actually have a right (worthy of defending) to keep your melon attached. I believe it is prudent to take note of threats and to take action to prevent them from accomplishing their agenda.

Now try real hard to stop being a fucking moron. Buy a clue. Your first ever.

the reality is really simple

Modern day republicans love Putin
Modern day Republicans are scared to death of ISIS
Modern day Republicans cry wolf 24/7/365
Modern day Republicans are now a minority and no longer a majority
Modern day Republicans have a pipe dream of a Revolution to overthrow the government.

Modern day Republicans have forced ME, a Reagan Republican, to vote for Hillary.

The End.


YOU are very simple. Simple minded. A simpleton.

Modern Day Republicans cannot abide Putin.

Modern Day Republicans recognize that Jihadists DO represent a threat even though ass clowns like you refuse to even admit as much.

Modern Day Republicans don't cry wolf at all, much less 24/7.

Modern Day Republicans are sometimes in the minority. Sometimes they are the majority. When you look at the composition of Congress, you begin to see how moronic and dishonest your claim was.

Modern Day Republicans harbor no such pipe dream. That is your feverish delusion. BUT, some Modern Day Republicans do recognize (and are even willing to admit) that one of the original purposes of the 2d Amendment right to bear arms does involve an ability of the People to overthrow the government if it becomes tyrannical. Big if. But you, BEING A SIMPLETON, gloss right over that part of it.

And nobody forces even a dim bulb like you to vote for Shrillary. YOU, being an asshole simpleton, make such dangerously stupid asinine CHOICES.

It aint over until it's over. Fact.
Hillary has been playing Trump masterfully. Just as Hillary intended, Trump and his groupies have gone into public meltdown mode.

Trumpwusses, the choice you now face is whether to maintain your hysterical crying over the spanking Hillary just inflicted on you. I understand that crying makes you feel better, and that all your friends are crying, so you feel peer pressure to cry along with them. You just need to understand that your crying makes you and DearLeaderDonald look like wimps.

Trump just masterfully played the Shrillary claim.

I noted this yesterday. He may "demand" an apology. She may have lied her ass off (tell me THAT's NOT a major undertaking). She might objectively OWE Trump an apology. She absolutely owes American an apology for her endless lies, too.

Nobody expects a lowlife like Shrillary, that cross between a pig and a skunk, to actually apologize though. That was never Trump's point.

Instead, he raises the American people's awareness yet again that she IS just a lying sack of shit. And he gets HER to discuss HIM some more.

Played that sow like a fiddle he did.
Shit-e said:
Clinton has a pussy, RW's are pussies.

See the difference?

now go hide behind something, a Muslim will get you.


If you close your eyes real real tight, shit-e, then there will be no folks out there who do desire to lob your fucking stupid infidel head off.

I can't close my eyes to all the Putin loving RW's that disgrace Americans.

Lop my head off sweetheart, I'll make you famous.

No, bitch. YOU choose to close your eyes to reality.

Putin talks shit about Trump. Trump embraces the positive PR. YOU wet your panties, daisy.

My comment, you pathetic imbecile, was simply to note that your mocking of the RW's is premised on the ridiculously shallow notion of yours that any expression of concern about the actions of jihadists is a display of childish cowardice.

Well, dip shit, you are flatly wrong. Saying "BOO" doesn't work, you drip. Even showing Islamist Jihadist videos of their filthy vile murderous behavior doesn't work. Even when they pull off an attack (ala Paris or San Bernadino) that, too, doesn't work. We aren't cowering in terror.

But unlike you, WE recognize that it would be irresponsible to NOT take some reasonable actions to avoid threats which can be reasonably avoided.

Try to stop simpering. Not only did I not threaten to lob your fool infidel head off, I'm on the side of the folks who think you actually have a right (worthy of defending) to keep your melon attached. I believe it is prudent to take note of threats and to take action to prevent them from accomplishing their agenda.

Now try real hard to stop being a fucking moron. Buy a clue. Your first ever.

the reality is really simple

Modern day republicans love Putin
Modern day Republicans are scared to death of ISIS
Modern day Republicans cry wolf 24/7/365
Modern day Republicans are now a minority and no longer a majority
Modern day Republicans have a pipe dream of a Revolution to overthrow the government.

Modern day Republicans have forced ME, a Reagan Republican, to vote for Hillary.

The End.


YOU are very simple. Simple minded. A simpleton.

Modern Day Republicans cannot abide Putin.

Modern Day Republicans recognize that Jihadists DO represent a threat even though ass clowns like you refuse to even admit as much.

Modern Day Republicans don't cry wolf at all, much less 24/7.

Modern Day Republicans are sometimes in the minority. Sometimes they are the majority. When you look at the composition of Congress, you begin to see how moronic and dishonest your claim was.

Modern Day Republicans harbor no such pipe dream. That is your feverish delusion. BUT, some Modern Day Republicans do recognize (and are even willing to admit) that one of the original purposes of the 2d Amendment right to bear arms does involve an ability of the People to overthrow the government if it becomes tyrannical. Big if. But you, BEING A SIMPLETON, gloss right over that part of it.

And nobody forces even a dim bulb like you to vote for Shrillary. YOU, being an asshole simpleton, make such dangerously stupid asinine CHOICES.

It aint over until it's over. Fact.

modern day Republicans are full if shit ... take you for instance.
Shit-e said:
* * *

modern day Republicans are full if shit ... take you for instance.

Listen, shit-e, you are the one here who is full of shit. You exude shit. You ARE shit.

And I am not.

Also, you fucking ignorant uninformed moron, I am NOT a Republican.

You are incapable of being right or honest or intelligent.

You are capable of posting while being shit. Shame, really.
I am not standing up for Hillary, but I am saying that every single politician bold face lies or stretches the truth.

Cruz's statements by ruling

Click on the ruling to see all of Cruz's statements for that ruling.

Rubio's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Rubio's statements for that ruling.

Trump's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Trump's statements for that ruling. :lmao:

PolitiFact | Fact-checking the 2016 GOP presidential candidates

There is a huge difference between an outright manufactured lie and some journalist twisting facts to claim exaggerations.
Shit-e said:
* * *

modern day Republicans are full if shit ... take you for instance.

Listen, shit-e, you are the one here who is full of shit. You exude shit. You ARE shit.

And I am not.

Also, you fucking ignorant uninformed moron, I am NOT a Republican.

You are incapable of being right or honest or intelligent.

You are capable of posting while being shit. Shame, really.

grow up.
Shit-e said:

Coming from a piece of shit brain dead maggot fucking childish twat, such as you, that's ^ funny. :lol:

And before I forget, I should hasten to add:

Go fuck yourself.

Wouldn't want to forget that, shit-e.
I agree. The Dems are pretty much stuck with that POS Hitlery.

The DNC threw her under the bus in 2008 and now she's all they have.

She's Not much but they will take what they can get.
Trump just masterfully played the Shrillary claim.

Understood, you're not going to take your spanking like a man. But then, given your long history of raging crybaby wussitude here, nobody expected adult behavior from you.

Trumpskyites, please continue your with crying, delusions and generally vile behavior. We Democrats thank you for the votes you bring us.
Unless you are writing a comedy, Hillary Clinton and the word "honesty" should never be used in the same sentence.
Trump just masterfully played the Shrillary claim.

Understood, you're not going to take your spanking like a man. But then, given your long history of raging crybaby wussitude here, nobody expected adult behavior from you.

Trumpskyites, please continue your with crying, delusions and generally vile behavior. We Democrats thank you for the votes you bring us.

Another completely baseless and wholly dishonest claim of a beat down from manboob.

Refuting your always hackish and forever unpersuasive posts, little manboob, as many (like me) have done to you on a consistent (almost constant) basis is not the same thing as crying, you phony.

Meanwhile, we get the fact that YOU don't care for Trump. Ok. But, Nobody really cares who you favor. And Trump has played Shillary like a fiddle. Learn to deal with it.

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