Hillary’s Nightmare: An Unintentionally Hilarious View From The Left…


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
oh oh! not everyone from the left is loving them some Shrillary, I mean Hillary...

Hilarious! If you thought there was only infighting on the right, read this and laugh your heads off. What do you do when you don’t view Hillary, the putative nominee, as left enough for you? Who would your candidate be? Read on…

Via New Republic:

We’re three years from the next presidential election, and Hillary Clinton is, once again, the inevitable Democratic nominee. Congressional Republicans have spent months investigating her like she already resides in the White House. The New York Times has its own dedicated Clinton correspondent, whose job it is to chronicle everything from Hillary’s summer accommodations (“CLINTONS FIND A NEW PLACE TO VACATION IN THE HAMPTONS”) to her distinct style of buckraking (“IN CLINTON FUNDRAISING, EXPECT A FULL EMBRACE”). There is a feature-length Hillary biopic in the works, and a well-funded super PAC—“Ready for Hillary”—bent on easing her way into the race. And then there is Clinton herself, who sounds increasingly candidential. Since leaving the State Department, Clinton has already delivered meaty, headline-grabbing orations on voting rights and Syria.

ALL of it here
Hillary?s Nightmare: An Unintentionally Hilarious View From The Left? | Weasel Zippers
oh oh! not everyone from the left is loving them some Shrillary, I mean Hillary...

Hilarious! If you thought there was only infighting on the right, read this and laugh your heads off. What do you do when you don’t view Hillary, the putative nominee, as left enough for you? Who would your candidate be? Read on…

Via New Republic:

We’re three years from the next presidential election, and Hillary Clinton is, once again, the inevitable Democratic nominee. Congressional Republicans have spent months investigating her like she already resides in the White House. The New York Times has its own dedicated Clinton correspondent, whose job it is to chronicle everything from Hillary’s summer accommodations (“CLINTONS FIND A NEW PLACE TO VACATION IN THE HAMPTONS”) to her distinct style of buckraking (“IN CLINTON FUNDRAISING, EXPECT A FULL EMBRACE”). There is a feature-length Hillary biopic in the works, and a well-funded super PAC—“Ready for Hillary”—bent on easing her way into the race. And then there is Clinton herself, who sounds increasingly candidential. Since leaving the State Department, Clinton has already delivered meaty, headline-grabbing orations on voting rights and Syria.

ALL of it here
Hillary?s Nightmare: An Unintentionally Hilarious View From The Left? | Weasel Zippers

An interesting poll: ( as far as polls go ? )

2016? Clinton 43%, Christie 41%
in Politics

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Hillary Clinton Is Leading Favorite – And Unfavorite – in Democratic Presidential Pack
Christie Is Candidate GOP Voters Want Least As Their 2016 Nominee
43% Think Benghazi Will Hurt Hillary Clinton’s Candidacy in 2016
2016? Christie (R) 39%, Biden (D) 35%
42% Identify with Obama Politically, 42% with the Tea Party

Monday, November 11, 2013

It’s a dead heat.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that if the 2016 presidential election were held today, 43% of Likely U.S. Voters would choose Democrat and former secretary of State Hillary Clinton, while 41% would opt for Chris Christie, New Jersey’s Republican governor, instead. Nine percent (9%) like some other choice, and eight percent (8%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Clinton has the support of 77% of Democrats, while 73% of Republicans back Christie. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, it’s Christie 42%, Clinton 33%.

Of course, the election is three years away. Clinton was also the favorite for the Democratic presidential nomination in August 2005, three years before her party’s national convention chose Barack Obama instead. Christie is also coming off a 22-point reelection win a week ago.

more: 2016? Clinton 43%, Christie 41% - Rasmussen Reports?
Too bad republicans do not have anyone who can beat Hillary
Too bad republicans do not have anyone who can beat Hillary

yeah really, what's another loser running for President...and she had the help from the Democrat voter to make her a loser while they all voted for THE MAN to be President...I find that just hilarious...

Democrats are desperate people...but nothing new
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Too bad republicans do not have anyone who can beat Hillary

yeah really, what's another loser running for President...and she had the help from the Democrat voter to make her a loser while they all voted for THE MAN to be President...I find that just hilarious...

Democrats are desperate people...but nothing new

Funny coming from you.

Since Hillary is so bad whats the name of that Repub who can beat Hillary?
Christie will beat Hillary--- for the Dem nomination

Dems are already call Liz "You Didn't Build that" Warren, Hillary the Younger
Too bad republicans do not have anyone who can beat Hillary

yeah really, what's another loser running for President...and she had the help from the Democrat voter to make her a loser while they all voted for THE MAN to be President...I find that just hilarious...

Democrats are desperate people...but nothing new

In 2008, the Democrats had two great candidates to choose from. Obama and Clinton. Either one would easily beat the republicans.

Now, it's Hillarys turn
Too bad republicans do not have anyone who can beat Hillary

yeah really, what's another loser running for President...and she had the help from the Democrat voter to make her a loser while they all voted for THE MAN to be President...I find that just hilarious...

Democrats are desperate people...but nothing new

In 2008, the Democrats had two great candidates to choose from. Obama and Clinton. Either one would easily beat the republicans.

Now, it's Hillarys turn

yeah just great, that's why Obama approvals are in the 30's
he just so Greeeeeeeaaaaaaatttt:lol:

it doesn't matter, democrats could run a goat and I bet it would win...their voters don't care about experience, character, liars, corrupt, or anything else...that's a sad fact we in this country is going to have to live with

Romney was right about the 47%....sadly
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yeah really, what's another loser running for President...and she had the help from the Democrat voter to make her a loser while they all voted for THE MAN to be President...I find that just hilarious...

Democrats are desperate people...but nothing new

In 2008, the Democrats had two great candidates to choose from. Obama and Clinton. Either one would easily beat the republicans.

Now, it's Hillarys turn

yeah just great, that's why Obama approvals are in the 30's
he just so Greeeeeeeaaaaaaatttt:lol:

it doesn't matter, democrats could run a goat and I bet it would win...their voters don't care about experience, character, liars, corrupt, or anything else...that's a sad fact we in this country is going to have to live with

Romney was right about the 47%....sadly

And Republican approval is barely in the 20s

You going to win with that?
Hillary is so terrible Steph cant name a repub who can beat her. Now what does that say about Repubs chances?
Too bad republicans do not have anyone who can beat Hillary

Hillary's problems will not be with any Republican or any conservative.

You have two camps on your side. Many are still ever so angry at the betrayal of Clinton for Obama.

Now with Obama crashing and burning even with his signature piece of legislation the O camp is looking at sabotaging Hilary.

I've been saying repeatedly that O is now only caring about his legacy. Which is zippo, zero and zilch.

And the Clintons will really really stick it to the D's that screwed her AND him btw for this mess of an 8 year run.

A Presidency that will go down in history as garbage.

I look forward to the Clinton's nuking O.

In 2008, the Democrats had two great candidates to choose from. Obama and Clinton. Either one would easily beat the republicans.

Now, it's Hillarys turn

yeah just great, that's why Obama approvals are in the 30's
he just so Greeeeeeeaaaaaaatttt:lol:

it doesn't matter, democrats could run a goat and I bet it would win...their voters don't care about experience, character, liars, corrupt, or anything else...that's a sad fact we in this country is going to have to live with

Romney was right about the 47%....sadly

And Republican approval is barely in the 20s

You going to win with that?

That's a general. Nothing to do with head to head Presidential match ups.

Now personally I think Hillary will win the Presidency. As long as conservatives win the Senate who cares?
Hillary Clinton's odds of becoming president get greater the further she distances herself from Obama.
yeah just great, that's why Obama approvals are in the 30's
he just so Greeeeeeeaaaaaaatttt:lol:

it doesn't matter, democrats could run a goat and I bet it would win...their voters don't care about experience, character, liars, corrupt, or anything else...that's a sad fact we in this country is going to have to live with

Romney was right about the 47%....sadly

And Republican approval is barely in the 20s

You going to win with that?

That's a general. Nothing to do with head to head Presidential match ups.

Now personally I think Hillary will win the Presidency. As long as conservatives win the Senate who cares?

2014 is the Republican last chance to win the Senate. If they blow it like they did in 2010 and 2012, it will be a long time before they win again

2014 has the Dems protecting more seats. Republicans have to take six out of around nine that are winnable
2016, Republicans defend the Senate seats they won in 2010

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