Hillary’s Nightmare: An Unintentionally Hilarious View From The Left…

Three more years of additional age and fat to hang on the Hildebeast before the election. She should be absolutely radiantly gorgeous by then, but of course they'll be electing her for her leadership, experience, ability to enable, etc.
Three more years of additional age and fat to hang on the Hildebeast before the election. She should be absolutely radiantly gorgeous by then, but of course they'll be electing her for her leadership, experience, ability to enable, etc.

yep, Under her being SoS, Benghazi turned out so wonderful, the middles east is in shambles ready to explode, Iran is rearing it's ugly head again, and the wonderful with Progressives in power goes on and on... .we need her in as President for sure

come on people wake the HELL UP...no more Progressive running this country
Republicans biggest challenge in 2016 is not Hillary but the Electoral College. Getting to 270 is becoming increasingly difficult for Republicans

Whoever the Democrats nominate, he/she has an immediate advantage in Blue State electoral votes. They generally have around 200 electoral votes before the race even starts. That means Republicans have to take at least 2/3 of the swing state vote

Very hard to do when you chase away moderates and independants
What if biden wants to run for president? Are liberals gonna throw biden under the bus like you threw hillary?. Hillary did start the birther movement.

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