Hillary said Donald Trump was a man you could bait with a "Tweet".

She was right when she said he shouldn't be anywhere near the nuclear codes.
Nuclear codes? I wouldn't trust this idiot to manage my dog's bowel movement.

Hillary could lend your dog some of her Depends.
Your candidate is a reckless, irresponsible loon – completely ignorant of sound, responsible governance and public policy.

Your candidate was a reckless, irresponsible, corrupt Secretary of State who sold access and influence.
Let's not even get into her poor health.
Do you want her answering that 3 am phone call?
Could they even wake her up at 3 am?

Ya! She should be lined up against a wall and shot for treason!

How much did she personally pocket for selling all that access again? NOTHING? Nothing? What kinda selling is NOTHING!!! Oh.. That's right.. her Foundation got some donations and they spent something like 85% on helping poor people. OH! The horror!

Don't you people know that there are REAL reasons to hate on Hillary? E-mails and no prid quo access won't move the needle. I get it that YOU and a handful of morons THINK that you have Hillary by the short hairs with these frivolous complaints but the rest of the thinking world does not. If you seriously want to elect Trump you need to appeal to non Trump followers with serious issues.

How much did she personally pocket for selling all that access again?

We'll never know the depth of her corruption.
She was right when she said he shouldn't be anywhere near the nuclear codes.
Nuclear codes? I wouldn't trust this idiot to manage my dog's bowel movement.

Hillary could lend your dog some of her Depends.
Your candidate is a reckless, irresponsible loon – completely ignorant of sound, responsible governance and public policy.

Your candidate was a reckless, irresponsible, corrupt Secretary of State who sold access and influence.
Let's not even get into her poor health.
Do you want her answering that 3 am phone call?
Could they even wake her up at 3 am?

Ya! She should be lined up against a wall and shot for treason!

How much did she personally pocket for selling all that access again? NOTHING? Nothing? What kinda selling is NOTHING!!! Oh.. That's right.. her Foundation got some donations and they spent something like 85% on helping poor people. OH! The horror!

Don't you people know that there are REAL reasons to hate on Hillary? E-mails and no prid quo access won't move the needle. I get it that YOU and a handful of morons THINK that you have Hillary by the short hairs with these frivolous complaints but the rest of the thinking world does not. If you seriously want to elect Trump you need to appeal to non Trump followers with serious issues.
Republicans block health care for the needy in this country and call them names. Even when many of those poor are Republicans.

GOP Congressman Stephen Fincher On A Mission From God-Starve The Poor While Personally Pocketing Millions In Farm Subsidies


Because the Bible tells him so.

Fincher’s $70,000 farm subsidy haul in 2012 dwarfs the average 2012 SNAP benefit in Tennessee of $1,586.40, and it is nearly double of Tennessee’s median household income. After voting to cut SNAP by more than $20 billion, Fincher joined his colleagues to support a proposal to expand crop insurance subsidies by $9 billion over the next 10 years.”

What kind of a creep does that? Only, to the GOP base, he's a producer so it's OK.
The fact remains that yeah, Trump can be baited and responds like an angry child, much like many of his supporters who show up here. Will Hilary make a good president? Not at all from my perspective. Neither of them are worth a fuck. We sure could have used more from the republican party this time, many of us would have loved a reasoned, coherent and rational alternative. The republican party missed a yuge opportunity here catering to its maniacal frenetic frothy mouthed fringe.
soooo, you think the republican party should have just picked someone else regardless of how their constituents voted?
Maybe next time they should just ask you who to run and save the money that the candidates spend trying to win votes.
Republicans are going to pick the most damaging to the country any way you look at it. After Bush, it's no surprise they want Trump.
She was right when she said he shouldn't be anywhere near the nuclear codes.
Nuclear codes? I wouldn't trust this idiot to manage my dog's bowel movement.

Hillary could lend your dog some of her Depends.
Your candidate is a reckless, irresponsible loon – completely ignorant of sound, responsible governance and public policy.

Your candidate was a reckless, irresponsible, corrupt Secretary of State who sold access and influence.
Let's not even get into her poor health.
Do you want her answering that 3 am phone call?
Could they even wake her up at 3 am?
She's awful....but still better than Drumpf.
Why is she awful.

Take away the 30 years of GOP conspiracies that she has never been charged nor convicted of and she has a stellar career.

Could any of us go through 30 years of GOP conspiracies costing many tens of millions of dollars of tax payer money and come out completely unsoiled?

Probably not.
Nuclear codes? I wouldn't trust this idiot to manage my dog's bowel movement.

Hillary could lend your dog some of her Depends.
Your candidate is a reckless, irresponsible loon – completely ignorant of sound, responsible governance and public policy.

Your candidate was a reckless, irresponsible, corrupt Secretary of State who sold access and influence.
Let's not even get into her poor health.
Do you want her answering that 3 am phone call?
Could they even wake her up at 3 am?
She's awful....but still better than Drumpf.
Why is she awful.

Take away the 30 years of GOP conspiracies that she has never been charged nor convicted of and she has a stellar career.

Could any of us go through 30 years of GOP conspiracies costing many tens of millions of dollars of tax payer money and come out completely unsoiled?

Probably not.

Take away the 30 years of GOP conspiracies that she has never been charged nor convicted of and she has a stellar career.

Besides all the crime and corruption, she loved kids and animals. LOL!
Nuclear codes? I wouldn't trust this idiot to manage my dog's bowel movement.

Hillary could lend your dog some of her Depends.
Your candidate is a reckless, irresponsible loon – completely ignorant of sound, responsible governance and public policy.

Your candidate was a reckless, irresponsible, corrupt Secretary of State who sold access and influence.
Let's not even get into her poor health.
Do you want her answering that 3 am phone call?
Could they even wake her up at 3 am?

Ya! She should be lined up against a wall and shot for treason!

How much did she personally pocket for selling all that access again? NOTHING? Nothing? What kinda selling is NOTHING!!! Oh.. That's right.. her Foundation got some donations and they spent something like 85% on helping poor people. OH! The horror!

Don't you people know that there are REAL reasons to hate on Hillary? E-mails and no prid quo access won't move the needle. I get it that YOU and a handful of morons THINK that you have Hillary by the short hairs with these frivolous complaints but the rest of the thinking world does not. If you seriously want to elect Trump you need to appeal to non Trump followers with serious issues.

How much did she personally pocket for selling all that access again?

We'll never know the depth of her corruption.
If you can't quote it, it doesn't exist.
Hillary could lend your dog some of her Depends.
Your candidate is a reckless, irresponsible loon – completely ignorant of sound, responsible governance and public policy.

Your candidate was a reckless, irresponsible, corrupt Secretary of State who sold access and influence.
Let's not even get into her poor health.
Do you want her answering that 3 am phone call?
Could they even wake her up at 3 am?
She's awful....but still better than Drumpf.
Why is she awful.

Take away the 30 years of GOP conspiracies that she has never been charged nor convicted of and she has a stellar career.

Could any of us go through 30 years of GOP conspiracies costing many tens of millions of dollars of tax payer money and come out completely unsoiled?

Probably not.

Take away the 30 years of GOP conspiracies that she has never been charged nor convicted of and she has a stellar career.

Besides all the crime and corruption, she loved kids and animals. LOL!
Like what? Name something.

I bet you could name stuff on Trump. Go ahead. Try it.
Hillary could lend your dog some of her Depends.
Your candidate is a reckless, irresponsible loon – completely ignorant of sound, responsible governance and public policy.

Your candidate was a reckless, irresponsible, corrupt Secretary of State who sold access and influence.
Let's not even get into her poor health.
Do you want her answering that 3 am phone call?
Could they even wake her up at 3 am?

Ya! She should be lined up against a wall and shot for treason!

How much did she personally pocket for selling all that access again? NOTHING? Nothing? What kinda selling is NOTHING!!! Oh.. That's right.. her Foundation got some donations and they spent something like 85% on helping poor people. OH! The horror!

Don't you people know that there are REAL reasons to hate on Hillary? E-mails and no prid quo access won't move the needle. I get it that YOU and a handful of morons THINK that you have Hillary by the short hairs with these frivolous complaints but the rest of the thinking world does not. If you seriously want to elect Trump you need to appeal to non Trump followers with serious issues.

How much did she personally pocket for selling all that access again?

We'll never know the depth of her corruption.
If you can't quote it, it doesn't exist.

How's that cattle futures bribe working for ya?
Nuclear codes? I wouldn't trust this idiot to manage my dog's bowel movement.

Hillary could lend your dog some of her Depends.
Your candidate is a reckless, irresponsible loon – completely ignorant of sound, responsible governance and public policy.

Your candidate was a reckless, irresponsible, corrupt Secretary of State who sold access and influence.
Let's not even get into her poor health.
Do you want her answering that 3 am phone call?
Could they even wake her up at 3 am?

Ya! She should be lined up against a wall and shot for treason!

How much did she personally pocket for selling all that access again? NOTHING? Nothing? What kinda selling is NOTHING!!! Oh.. That's right.. her Foundation got some donations and they spent something like 85% on helping poor people. OH! The horror!

Don't you people know that there are REAL reasons to hate on Hillary? E-mails and no prid quo access won't move the needle. I get it that YOU and a handful of morons THINK that you have Hillary by the short hairs with these frivolous complaints but the rest of the thinking world does not. If you seriously want to elect Trump you need to appeal to non Trump followers with serious issues.

How much did she personally pocket for selling all that access again?

We'll never know the depth of her corruption.
Trump owes Wall Street banks a half billion.

I trust someone who knows how to pocket money more than the "King of Debt".

Donald Trump: 'I'm the king of debt'

Anyone who has ever owed money knows why.
Your candidate is a reckless, irresponsible loon – completely ignorant of sound, responsible governance and public policy.

Your candidate was a reckless, irresponsible, corrupt Secretary of State who sold access and influence.
Let's not even get into her poor health.
Do you want her answering that 3 am phone call?
Could they even wake her up at 3 am?

Ya! She should be lined up against a wall and shot for treason!

How much did she personally pocket for selling all that access again? NOTHING? Nothing? What kinda selling is NOTHING!!! Oh.. That's right.. her Foundation got some donations and they spent something like 85% on helping poor people. OH! The horror!

Don't you people know that there are REAL reasons to hate on Hillary? E-mails and no prid quo access won't move the needle. I get it that YOU and a handful of morons THINK that you have Hillary by the short hairs with these frivolous complaints but the rest of the thinking world does not. If you seriously want to elect Trump you need to appeal to non Trump followers with serious issues.

How much did she personally pocket for selling all that access again?

We'll never know the depth of her corruption.
If you can't quote it, it doesn't exist.

How's that cattle futures bribe working for ya?
Something unproven from decades ago?

How about:

Clinton Camp Hits Back At Trump's IRS Fine: That's 'Actual Pay-To-Play!'

Trump University trial set for November 28

Hillary could lend your dog some of her Depends.
Your candidate is a reckless, irresponsible loon – completely ignorant of sound, responsible governance and public policy.

Your candidate was a reckless, irresponsible, corrupt Secretary of State who sold access and influence.
Let's not even get into her poor health.
Do you want her answering that 3 am phone call?
Could they even wake her up at 3 am?

Ya! She should be lined up against a wall and shot for treason!

How much did she personally pocket for selling all that access again? NOTHING? Nothing? What kinda selling is NOTHING!!! Oh.. That's right.. her Foundation got some donations and they spent something like 85% on helping poor people. OH! The horror!

Don't you people know that there are REAL reasons to hate on Hillary? E-mails and no prid quo access won't move the needle. I get it that YOU and a handful of morons THINK that you have Hillary by the short hairs with these frivolous complaints but the rest of the thinking world does not. If you seriously want to elect Trump you need to appeal to non Trump followers with serious issues.

How much did she personally pocket for selling all that access again?

We'll never know the depth of her corruption.
Trump owes Wall Street banks a half billion.

I trust someone who knows how to pocket money more than the "King of Debt".

Donald Trump: 'I'm the king of debt'

Anyone who has ever owed money knows why.

Trump owes Wall Street banks a half billion.

So what? Real estate is financed with debt. I leaned that in grade school.
What took you so long? LOL!
Your candidate was a reckless, irresponsible, corrupt Secretary of State who sold access and influence.
Let's not even get into her poor health.
Do you want her answering that 3 am phone call?
Could they even wake her up at 3 am?

Ya! She should be lined up against a wall and shot for treason!

How much did she personally pocket for selling all that access again? NOTHING? Nothing? What kinda selling is NOTHING!!! Oh.. That's right.. her Foundation got some donations and they spent something like 85% on helping poor people. OH! The horror!

Don't you people know that there are REAL reasons to hate on Hillary? E-mails and no prid quo access won't move the needle. I get it that YOU and a handful of morons THINK that you have Hillary by the short hairs with these frivolous complaints but the rest of the thinking world does not. If you seriously want to elect Trump you need to appeal to non Trump followers with serious issues.

How much did she personally pocket for selling all that access again?

We'll never know the depth of her corruption.
If you can't quote it, it doesn't exist.

How's that cattle futures bribe working for ya?
Something unproven from decades ago?

How about:

Clinton Camp Hits Back At Trump's IRS Fine: That's 'Actual Pay-To-Play!'

Trump University trial set for November 28


Something unproven from decades ago?

You believed her, "I got my trading ideas from the Wall Street Journal"?
You're even dumber than I first suspected.

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