Hillary said Trump was "FOR THE WAR"...he was a private citizen, she was a Senator...

She got it wrong 3 times....


She VOTED against the surge.

She VOTED for the withdraw of troops that led to ISIS.


Nice try for Libs trying to blame the war on Trump.

Kiddo, nobody is trying to blame the war on Trump. We all blame Bush and his cooked intel.
What is being factually stated by those in the know is that Donald Trump supported the war as he admitted to Howard Stern.

Nobody would hold it against him…after all, HRC voted for it as did the majority of Congress. But of course, now that the war is looked back on as those having supported it being sold a bill of goods; Donald is trying to change his stance. You can run from your record…but you can’t hide.

You do know you're wasting your breath, right?

Oh yeah. Trumpians are immune from facts, logic, reason…etc…

This is why I think there will be an attempt on her life.

Well if there is, and if it's successful, I'll still piss on her grave.

I believe you. This is the mindset of the Trump supporter. Take a person you never met, never will meet, never will meet anyone who has ever met her and muster that sort of hate and rage. This is what happens when you have no morality.
Right wingers were in the trenches all during the Iraq War, supporting Bush, supporting our troops, supporting the surge, and fighting tooth and nail against the cut and run liberal cowards. For years on end. Years and years of bitter fighting in those trenches.

Trump was one of the cut and run liberal cowards. He was one of the liberals opposing the surge.


No. Fucking. Way. He's a piece of shit stolen valor motherfucker. He does NOT get to wear the Conservative uniform.

And anyone aiding and abetting this fucking poser motherfucker is a traitor to the cause.
Trump did support the war, but the most disturbing thing is how he thinks we should have plundered and looted Iraq before leaving.
No, he never supported the war and that is the reason no one has been able to find an instance when he did. This all goes to show how powerful a liar Hillary is.

Sure he did...

In 2002, Donald Trump Said He Supported Invading Iraq

But in a 2002 interview with Howard Stern, Donald Trump said he supported an Iraq invasion.

In the interview, which took place on Sept. 11, 2002, Stern asked Trump directly if he was for invading Iraq.

Yeah, I guess so,” Trump responded. “I wish the first time it was done correctly.

Whatever it is , it's not that important because he wasn't a politician or involved in the decision making. Most likely he had less to base an opinion on than Hillary did.
She got it wrong 3 times....


She VOTED against the surge.

She VOTED for the withdraw of troops that led to ISIS.


Nice try for Libs trying to blame the war on Trump.

Kiddo, nobody is trying to blame the war on Trump. We all blame Bush and his cooked intel.
What is being factually stated by those in the know is that Donald Trump supported the war as he admitted to Howard Stern.

Nobody would hold it against him…after all, HRC voted for it as did the majority of Congress. But of course, now that the war is looked back on as those having supported it being sold a bill of goods; Donald is trying to change his stance. You can run from your record…but you can’t hide.

It's a nothing....like the rest of the shit you loons keep slinging.
Trump supported the war in 2002. During the debate, he lied about that known fact, and he was busted.

Trump wants his Chumps to not listen to the recording of him saying he favored the invasion and, "I wish the first time it was done correctly."

He wants you to look at what he said AFTER the invasion. He wants you to see his opposition AFTER the invasion as proof he opposed it BEFORE the invasion. He wants you to ask Hannity what he said in 2004, AFTER the invasion.

And then he wants you to bleev his judgment about the war was better than Clinton's!

For his judgment to have been better than Clinton's, he would have had to oppose BEFORE the invasion.

He didn't. And that is a FACT.

They BOTH supported the invasion BEFORE the war.

This is what Trump can't stand for his Chumps to know.

Then, in 2007, he went farther left than both Obama and Clinton. He demanded Bush be impeached. He opposed the surge. AND he wanted to cut and run from Iraq.

He can't stand for you to know these things, either. Especially that he was a cut and run liberal.

Because, once again, his judgement about cutting and running from Iraq is the VERY SAME THINKING HE NOW BLAMES FOR THE RISE OF ISIS.

He doesn't get to change the facts. He doesn't get to lie. He doesn't get to pretend he didn't support the war, and he doesn't get to pretend he didn't want to cut and run.

No. Fucking. Way.
Trump did support the war, but the most disturbing thing is how he thinks we should have plundered and looted Iraq before leaving.
No, he never supported the war and that is the reason no one has been able to find an instance when he did. This all goes to show how powerful a liar Hillary is.

Sure he did...

In 2002, Donald Trump Said He Supported Invading Iraq

But in a 2002 interview with Howard Stern, Donald Trump said he supported an Iraq invasion.

In the interview, which took place on Sept. 11, 2002, Stern asked Trump directly if he was for invading Iraq.

Yeah, I guess so,” Trump responded. “I wish the first time it was done correctly.

Whatever it is , it's not that important because he wasn't a politician or involved in the decision making. Most likely he had less to base an opinion on than Hillary did.
It's about his judgment.

That's why he is lying about it now. He doesn't want his Chumps to see just how badly his judgment sucks. And he doesn't want them to see his raging hypocrisy.

He was a cut and run liberal.
She got it wrong 3 times....


She VOTED against the surge.

She VOTED for the withdraw of troops that led to ISIS.


Nice try for Libs trying to blame the war on Trump.

Kiddo, nobody is trying to blame the war on Trump. We all blame Bush and his cooked intel.
What is being factually stated by those in the know is that Donald Trump supported the war as he admitted to Howard Stern.

Nobody would hold it against him…after all, HRC voted for it as did the majority of Congress. But of course, now that the war is looked back on as those having supported it being sold a bill of goods; Donald is trying to change his stance. You can run from your record…but you can’t hide.

You do know you're wasting your breath, right?

Oh yeah. Trumpians are immune from facts, logic, reason…etc…

This is why I think there will be an attempt on her life.

Well if there is, and if it's successful, I'll still piss on her grave.

I believe you. This is the mindset of the Trump supporter. Take a person you never met, never will meet, never will meet anyone who has ever met her and muster that sort of hate and rage. This is what happens when you have no morality.

She has shitty judgement and is a huugge corrupt liar!
Stop aiding and abetting this invader. Stop being such retarded traitors to the conservative cause.

Trump is a fake. A deceiver. A liar. A piece of shit hypocritical huckster.

Wake the fuck UP!
The first order of business for Republicans after this election should be the impeachment of Reince Priebus.
Trump did support the war, but the most disturbing thing is how he thinks we should have plundered and looted Iraq before leaving.
No, he never supported the war and that is the reason no one has been able to find an instance when he did. This all goes to show how powerful a liar Hillary is.

Sure he did...

In 2002, Donald Trump Said He Supported Invading Iraq

But in a 2002 interview with Howard Stern, Donald Trump said he supported an Iraq invasion.

In the interview, which took place on Sept. 11, 2002, Stern asked Trump directly if he was for invading Iraq.

Yeah, I guess so,” Trump responded. “I wish the first time it was done correctly.
"I guess so" is supporting the war? We all know Donald Trump well enough to know he is not meek about speaking out on the issues he supports. "I guess so" means he hadn't yet reached a firm decision. Compare tht to Hillary's full throated support for the war.

She got it wrong 3 times....


She VOTED against the surge.

She VOTED for the withdraw of troops that led to ISIS.


Nice try for Libs trying to blame the war on Trump.

Kiddo, nobody is trying to blame the war on Trump. We all blame Bush and his cooked intel.
What is being factually stated by those in the know is that Donald Trump supported the war as he admitted to Howard Stern.

Nobody would hold it against him…after all, HRC voted for it as did the majority of Congress. But of course, now that the war is looked back on as those having supported it being sold a bill of goods; Donald is trying to change his stance. You can run from your record…but you can’t hide.

You do know you're wasting your breath, right?

Oh yeah. Trumpians are immune from facts, logic, reason…etc…

This is why I think there will be an attempt on her life.
why would anyone risk killing that bitch when nature is going to do it anyway within the next year.
and the only one that has actually had threats like that made against him would be Trump.
Face it, liberals are just violent animals.
“And by the way, I am the greatest hawk who ever lived, a far greater hawk even than Bush. I am the most militant military human being who ever lived."
- Donald J Trump, 2008 GQ interview
Trump did support the war, but the most disturbing thing is how he thinks we should have plundered and looted Iraq before leaving.
No, he never supported the war and that is the reason no one has been able to find an instance when he did. This all goes to show how powerful a liar Hillary is.
Trump is on record saying he was for the war before it started. And his first negative remarks about the war did not come until well after it began, after it had pretty much been accepted that we were wrong about WMD's.

But regardless, I'd love to read your opinion on Trump's stance that we should have looted and plundered Iraq.
You've been duped by Clinton. There is no recorcd of Trump ever supporting the war Clinton helped to launch. Clearly, she is one of the most talented liars of our time.

No record ? Except audio and video !

Geez . Don straight up lied many times in that debate . On shit that he's on video / audio/ tweets!!!

You realize that shit exists right ?
If you know of such a record, you would have posted it.
Trump did support the war, but the most disturbing thing is how he thinks we should have plundered and looted Iraq before leaving.
No, he never supported the war and that is the reason no one has been able to find an instance when he did. This all goes to show how powerful a liar Hillary is.

Sure he did...

In 2002, Donald Trump Said He Supported Invading Iraq

But in a 2002 interview with Howard Stern, Donald Trump said he supported an Iraq invasion.

In the interview, which took place on Sept. 11, 2002, Stern asked Trump directly if he was for invading Iraq.

Yeah, I guess so,” Trump responded. “I wish the first time it was done correctly.
"I guess so" is supporting the war?
"I wish the first time it was done correctly."
She got it wrong 3 times....


She VOTED against the surge.

She VOTED for the withdraw of troops that led to ISIS.


Nice try for Libs trying to blame the war on Trump.

Kiddo, nobody is trying to blame the war on Trump. We all blame Bush and his cooked intel.
What is being factually stated by those in the know is that Donald Trump supported the war as he admitted to Howard Stern.

Nobody would hold it against him…after all, HRC voted for it as did the majority of Congress. But of course, now that the war is looked back on as those having supported it being sold a bill of goods; Donald is trying to change his stance. You can run from your record…but you can’t hide.

You nailed it!
“And by the way, I am the greatest hawk who ever lived, a far greater hawk even than Bush. I am the most militant military human being who ever lived."
- Donald J Trump, 2008 GQ interview
Trump was a Democrat in 2008. And he was a Democrat when he said this about Iraq and Bush:

Trump: "Well, I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States, and I just don't understand how they could have lost that election."

"The rest of the world hates us."

: How does the United States get out of this situation?

Trump: You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.

Cut and run liberal.
Like I said above, Conservatives were in the trenches, fighting for Bush, fighting for the surge, against the cut and run liberals.

No fucking way Trump gets to pretend he was in the Conservative trenches. Ever. He was on the side of the cut and run, impeach Bush, motherfuckers.

Trump: "It just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing."

: "Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies."

A little reminder from those times:

Dems Can Cut and Run, But They Can't Hide

Their "Bush lied" mantra gave them cover through the November elections, but their acquisition of congressional control resulted in pressure to come up with a plan of their own.
Last edited:
She got it wrong 3 times....


She VOTED against the surge.

She VOTED for the withdraw of troops that led to ISIS.


Nice try for Libs trying to blame the war on Trump.

Kiddo, nobody is trying to blame the war on Trump. We all blame Bush and his cooked intel.
What is being factually stated by those in the know is that Donald Trump supported the war as he admitted to Howard Stern.

Nobody would hold it against him…after all, HRC voted for it as did the majority of Congress. But of course, now that the war is looked back on as those having supported it being sold a bill of goods; Donald is trying to change his stance. You can run from your record…but you can’t hide.

You nailed it!

Like the Hill-Beast nailed Libya..............:Boom2:............('Frontline' exposed her last nite for that being her idea...).
Trump did support the war, but the most disturbing thing is how he thinks we should have plundered and looted Iraq before leaving.
No, he never supported the war and that is the reason no one has been able to find an instance when he did. This all goes to show how powerful a liar Hillary is.

Sure he did...

In 2002, Donald Trump Said He Supported Invading Iraq

But in a 2002 interview with Howard Stern, Donald Trump said he supported an Iraq invasion.

In the interview, which took place on Sept. 11, 2002, Stern asked Trump directly if he was for invading Iraq.

Yeah, I guess so,” Trump responded. “I wish the first time it was done correctly.
"I guess so" is supporting the war?
"I wish the first time it was done correctly."
Exactly, Trump's only hesitancy was whether the invasion would be done correctly not whether to invade and take their oil.

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