Hillary said Trump was "FOR THE WAR"...he was a private citizen, she was a Senator...

She got it wrong 3 times....


She VOTED against the surge.

She VOTED for the withdraw of troops that led to ISIS.


Nice try for Libs trying to blame the war on Trump.

Kiddo, nobody is trying to blame the war on Trump. We all blame Bush and his cooked intel.
What is being factually stated by those in the know is that Donald Trump supported the war as he admitted to Howard Stern.

Nobody would hold it against him…after all, HRC voted for it as did the majority of Congress. But of course, now that the war is looked back on as those having supported it being sold a bill of goods; Donald is trying to change his stance. You can run from your record…but you can’t hide.

Have you got any idea how stupid your accusation that Trump supported the war sounds? The only thing to support that is a radio interview with Howard Stern that, when asked if he supported the war, he gave an off-hand response of "Yea, I guess so." That clearly indicates he hadn't given it much thought.

However, less than a month later, he was stridently opposed to the war, clearly showing that he had done his homework and given it serious thought.

I'm amazed that liberals would spend one of their two remaining brain cells with such childish nonsense.
It does show how really astute Trump is. When he was saying "I guess so." He was a private citizen without benefit of intelligence given to the decision makers who should certainly have been given all information.

The sleight of mouth from democrats is that they are creating some perception that Trump being "for" the war means the same as a senator voting for the war.
"I guess so" means he's not sure, not that he supports the war. Compare that to Hillary's support of the war. I made the key part large enough so that even the most blind wing-nut can see it

Clinton has been trying to weasel her way out of responsibility for helping to start that war first by falsely claiming she had been tricked by Bush, but Bush had made all of the intel he had available to all members or Congress and no one from Clinton's office had ever accessed, and now by claiming Trump also supported the war when he clearly was undecided at this date and opposed to it later.
Of course from Trump's whole answer he makes it clear it is whether the invasion would be "done correctly" is what he was not sure of! But the dishonest Right leave that part out as they lie for Trump.

And the video you posted is a perfect example of how the worthless lying scum Right try to deceive Americans. Like your incomplete Trump quote, the video stops at the most important part which clearly gives the full context. I made the key part large enough so that even the most blind wing-nut can see it!

Hillary's vote speech in context:

This matter cannot be left hanging forever with consequences we would all live to regret. War can yet be avoided, but our responsibility to global security and to the integrity of United Nations resolutions protecting it cannot. I urge the President to spare no effort to secure a clear, unambiguous demand by the United Nations for unlimited inspections.

And finally, on another personal note, I come to this decision from the perspective of a Senator from New York who has seen all too closely the consequences of last year's terrible attacks on our nation. In balancing the risks of action versus inaction, I think New Yorkers who have gone through the fires of hell may be more attuned to the risk of not acting. I know that I am.

So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him - use these powers wisely and as a last resort. And it is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein - this is your last chance - disarm or be disarmed.

Thank you, Mr. President.

She certainly makes it sound like she gave a lot of thought to it, but in fact, when Bush made all the intel and analysis available to members of Congress so they could carefully consider their votes, no one from Clinton's office ever accessed any of it. She made a political decision to invade Iraq because she thought it would make her look strong.

Trump said he wished the first war had been done correctly, as many, many people did, but he never said he wanted to start another war. You are just trying to help Hillary weasel her way out of responsibility for helping to launch the Iraq war.

Clinton, like most Republicans and Democrats, was briefed on the intelligence report multiple times and read the executive summary.
"I guess so" is supporting the war?
"I wish the first time it was done correctly."
Exactly, Trump's only hesitancy was whether the invasion would be done correctly not whether to invade and take their oil.
He wished the first one had been done correctly but didn't say he wanted to start a new war.
Actually, he did hoping it would be done correctly.
No matter how many times you repeat a lie, it is still not true.
Except of course, it is not a lie. He clearly said he supported the invasion. You are arguing that his SUPPORT was not strong enough to qualify as support, but it was clearly stronger than his never expressed to any degree whatsoever dissent for the invasion until more than a year after the invasion.
She got it wrong 3 times....


She VOTED against the surge.

She VOTED for the withdraw of troops that led to ISIS.


Nice try for Libs trying to blame the war on Trump.

Trump supported the war. And Trump demanded we 'declare victory' and withdraw our troops almost 4 years before Obama actually did so.
It's Hillary who is a war monger.
“And by the way, I am the greatest hawk who ever lived, a far greater hawk even than Bush. I am the most militant military human being who ever lived.”
- Donald J Trump, 2008 GQ Interview
She got it wrong 3 times....


She VOTED against the surge.

She VOTED for the withdraw of troops that led to ISIS.


Nice try for Libs trying to blame the war on Trump.

Kiddo, nobody is trying to blame the war on Trump. We all blame Bush and his cooked intel.
What is being factually stated by those in the know is that Donald Trump supported the war as he admitted to Howard Stern.

Nobody would hold it against him…after all, HRC voted for it as did the majority of Congress. But of course, now that the war is looked back on as those having supported it being sold a bill of goods; Donald is trying to change his stance. You can run from your record…but you can’t hide.

Yeah, Trump being asked if he supported the war in an informal interview and him saying "I guess so" is exactly the same as a sitting US Senator making a floor speech in favor of the war. Yeah exactly the same.

She got it wrong 3 times....


She VOTED against the surge.

She VOTED for the withdraw of troops that led to ISIS.


Nice try for Libs trying to blame the war on Trump.

Kiddo, nobody is trying to blame the war on Trump. We all blame Bush and his cooked intel.
What is being factually stated by those in the know is that Donald Trump supported the war as he admitted to Howard Stern.

Nobody would hold it against him…after all, HRC voted for it as did the majority of Congress. But of course, now that the war is looked back on as those having supported it being sold a bill of goods; Donald is trying to change his stance. You can run from your record…but you can’t hide.

Yeah, Trump being asked if he supported the war in an informal interview and him saying "I guess so" is exactly the same as a sitting US Senator making a floor speech in favor of the war. Yeah exactly the same.

We're assessing the judgement of the candidates. Trump supported the war. Trump supported withdrawing the troops from Iraq.

Were those examples of good judgment?
She got it wrong 3 times....


She VOTED against the surge.

She VOTED for the withdraw of troops that led to ISIS.


Nice try for Libs trying to blame the war on Trump.

So did Bush. So did the majority of the people.

Bush used the media to get his boohoo story about Iraq being responsible for 9/11, WMDs and all of that. Bush was the one using disinformation to get the public on his side. Now you want to elect a Bush mark 2 in Trump.
"I guess so" means he's not sure, not that he supports the war. Compare that to Hillary's support of the war. I made the key part large enough so that even the most blind wing-nut can see it

Clinton has been trying to weasel her way out of responsibility for helping to start that war first by falsely claiming she had been tricked by Bush, but Bush had made all of the intel he had available to all members or Congress and no one from Clinton's office had ever accessed, and now by claiming Trump also supported the war when he clearly was undecided at this date and opposed to it later.
Of course from Trump's whole answer he makes it clear it is whether the invasion would be "done correctly" is what he was not sure of! But the dishonest Right leave that part out as they lie for Trump.

And the video you posted is a perfect example of how the worthless lying scum Right try to deceive Americans. Like your incomplete Trump quote, the video stops at the most important part which clearly gives the full context. I made the key part large enough so that even the most blind wing-nut can see it!

Hillary's vote speech in context:

This matter cannot be left hanging forever with consequences we would all live to regret. War can yet be avoided, but our responsibility to global security and to the integrity of United Nations resolutions protecting it cannot. I urge the President to spare no effort to secure a clear, unambiguous demand by the United Nations for unlimited inspections.

And finally, on another personal note, I come to this decision from the perspective of a Senator from New York who has seen all too closely the consequences of last year's terrible attacks on our nation. In balancing the risks of action versus inaction, I think New Yorkers who have gone through the fires of hell may be more attuned to the risk of not acting. I know that I am.

So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him - use these powers wisely and as a last resort. And it is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein - this is your last chance - disarm or be disarmed.

Thank you, Mr. President.

She certainly makes it sound like she gave a lot of thought to it, but in fact, when Bush made all the intel and analysis available to members of Congress so they could carefully consider their votes, no one from Clinton's office ever accessed any of it. She made a political decision to invade Iraq because she thought it would make her look strong.

Trump said he wished the first war had been done correctly, as many, many people did, but he never said he wanted to start another war. You are just trying to help Hillary weasel her way out of responsibility for helping to launch the Iraq war.

Clinton, like most Republicans and Democrats, was briefed on the intelligence report multiple times and read the executive summary.

All members of Congress were briefed several times on the intel, but when the Democrats decided opposing the war was smart politics in 2004, Hillary tried to weasel her way out responsibility for helping to launch this war by claiming they had been lied to and tricked by the Bush administration, but since Bush had made all the intel available to all members of Congress ans she had never bothered to look at it, clearly, her decision to help launch the war against Iraq was a political decision that it would be good for her career to appear strong on national security, and her later opposition to the war was another political decision that because of difficulties in the war, it would be better for her career to oppose the war. If you examine her career, all of he decisions have been based on what was best for her career without considering what would be best for the country.
"I wish the first time it was done correctly."
Exactly, Trump's only hesitancy was whether the invasion would be done correctly not whether to invade and take their oil.
He wished the first one had been done correctly but didn't say he wanted to start a new war.
Actually, he did hoping it would be done correctly.
No matter how many times you repeat a lie, it is still not true.
Except of course, it is not a lie. He clearly said he supported the invasion. You are arguing that his SUPPORT was not strong enough to qualify as support, but it was clearly stronger than his never expressed to any degree whatsoever dissent for the invasion until more than a year after the invasion.
He never said he supported the war. About a year before the war was launched, Howard Stern asked him if he supported it and he answered, " I guess so," indicating he had not fully considered the issue. If he had he would have said either yes or no. Compare that to Hillary's full throated support for launching the war in the Senate floor.

Hillary and her supporters try to twist Trump's "I guess so" into support for the war to try to help her weasel her way out of responsibility for helping to launch the war because she thought it would be smart to appear strong on national security after 911 and then turning against the war because she thought it would be smart to distance herself for difficulties arising in the war she had helped launch.
She got it wrong 3 times....


She VOTED against the surge.

She VOTED for the withdraw of troops that led to ISIS.


Nice try for Libs trying to blame the war on Trump.

Kiddo, nobody is trying to blame the war on Trump. We all blame Bush and his cooked intel.
What is being factually stated by those in the know is that Donald Trump supported the war as he admitted to Howard Stern.

Nobody would hold it against him…after all, HRC voted for it as did the majority of Congress. But of course, now that the war is looked back on as those having supported it being sold a bill of goods; Donald is trying to change his stance. You can run from your record…but you can’t hide.

Yeah, Trump being asked if he supported the war in an informal interview and him saying "I guess so" is exactly the same as a sitting US Senator making a floor speech in favor of the war. Yeah exactly the same.

We're assessing the judgement of the candidates. Trump supported the war. Trump supported withdrawing the troops from Iraq.

Were those examples of good judgment?

So what is your argument? That as a private citizen Trump thought the same things Obama and Hillary did thus making Trump not so bright? Maybe you have a point. Anyone who thinks Hillary wasn't fully behind the war and the withdrawal is a fool. I mean just because Trump as a private citizen and Hillary as actually being part of the decision making are really not the same. Funny the left is trying to smear Trump with what Hillary actually did.
She got it wrong 3 times....


She VOTED against the surge.

She VOTED for the withdraw of troops that led to ISIS.


Nice try for Libs trying to blame the war on Trump.

Kiddo, nobody is trying to blame the war on Trump. We all blame Bush and his cooked intel.
What is being factually stated by those in the know is that Donald Trump supported the war as he admitted to Howard Stern.

Nobody would hold it against him…after all, HRC voted for it as did the majority of Congress. But of course, now that the war is looked back on as those having supported it being sold a bill of goods; Donald is trying to change his stance. You can run from your record…but you can’t hide.

Yeah, Trump being asked if he supported the war in an informal interview and him saying "I guess so" is exactly the same as a sitting US Senator making a floor speech in favor of the war. Yeah exactly the same.

We're assessing the judgement of the candidates. Trump supported the war. Trump supported withdrawing the troops from Iraq.

Were those examples of good judgment?

So what is your argument? That as a private citizen Trump thought the same things Obama and Hillary did thus making Trump not so bright? Maybe you have a point. Anyone who thinks Hillary wasn't fully behind the war and the withdrawal is a fool. I mean just because Trump as a private citizen and Hillary as actually being part of the decision making are really not the same. Funny the left is trying to smear Trump with what Hillary actually did.

Obama didn't vote for the war. Hillary did. Trump supported the war as a private citizen.
The only reason it's an issue is that he is trying to claim that he didn't support the war as a private citizen.
Call it "not very bright" if you want...it's a value judgement if you think we should have gone in or not.
But the fact is that Donald Trump supported the war. Lying about his position is just another whopper we can add to the already too-long lists of his lies.
She got it wrong 3 times....


She VOTED against the surge.

She VOTED for the withdraw of troops that led to ISIS.


Nice try for Libs trying to blame the war on Trump.

That's doesn't mean CRAP. Donald Trump has been out there on the campaign trail and has repeatedly stated he was against the invasion of Iraq, and someone pulled up one of his infamous TWEETS showing that he LIED. He was for the invasion before he was against it.

She got it wrong 3 times....


She VOTED against the surge.

She VOTED for the withdraw of troops that led to ISIS.


Nice try for Libs trying to blame the war on Trump.

Kiddo, nobody is trying to blame the war on Trump. We all blame Bush and his cooked intel.
What is being factually stated by those in the know is that Donald Trump supported the war as he admitted to Howard Stern.

Nobody would hold it against him…after all, HRC voted for it as did the majority of Congress. But of course, now that the war is looked back on as those having supported it being sold a bill of goods; Donald is trying to change his stance. You can run from your record…but you can’t hide.

Yeah, Trump being asked if he supported the war in an informal interview and him saying "I guess so" is exactly the same as a sitting US Senator making a floor speech in favor of the war. Yeah exactly the same.

We're assessing the judgement of the candidates. Trump supported the war. Trump supported withdrawing the troops from Iraq.

Were those examples of good judgment?

So what is your argument? That as a private citizen Trump thought the same things Obama and Hillary did thus making Trump not so bright? Maybe you have a point. Anyone who thinks Hillary wasn't fully behind the war and the withdrawal is a fool. I mean just because Trump as a private citizen and Hillary as actually being part of the decision making are really not the same. Funny the left is trying to smear Trump with what Hillary actually did.

Obama didn't vote for the war. Hillary did. Trump supported the war as a private citizen.
The only reason it's an issue is that he is trying to claim that he didn't support the war as a private citizen.
Call it "not very bright" if you want...it's a value judgement if you think we should have gone in or not.
But the fact is that Donald Trump supported the war. Lying about his position is just another whopper we can add to the already too-long lists of his lies.

"I guess so ..." constitutes supporting the war???

Wow --- tough crowd.
She got it wrong 3 times....


She VOTED against the surge.

She VOTED for the withdraw of troops that led to ISIS.


Nice try for Libs trying to blame the war on Trump.

That's doesn't mean CRAP. Donald Trump has been out there on the campaign trail and has repeatedly stated he was against the invasion of Iraq, and someone pulled up one of his infamous TWEETS showing that he LIED. He was for the invasion before he was against it.


You can show us this infamous tweet, right?

Kiddo, nobody is trying to blame the war on Trump. We all blame Bush and his cooked intel.
What is being factually stated by those in the know is that Donald Trump supported the war as he admitted to Howard Stern.

Nobody would hold it against him…after all, HRC voted for it as did the majority of Congress. But of course, now that the war is looked back on as those having supported it being sold a bill of goods; Donald is trying to change his stance. You can run from your record…but you can’t hide.

Yeah, Trump being asked if he supported the war in an informal interview and him saying "I guess so" is exactly the same as a sitting US Senator making a floor speech in favor of the war. Yeah exactly the same.

We're assessing the judgement of the candidates. Trump supported the war. Trump supported withdrawing the troops from Iraq.

Were those examples of good judgment?

So what is your argument? That as a private citizen Trump thought the same things Obama and Hillary did thus making Trump not so bright? Maybe you have a point. Anyone who thinks Hillary wasn't fully behind the war and the withdrawal is a fool. I mean just because Trump as a private citizen and Hillary as actually being part of the decision making are really not the same. Funny the left is trying to smear Trump with what Hillary actually did.

Obama didn't vote for the war. Hillary did. Trump supported the war as a private citizen.
The only reason it's an issue is that he is trying to claim that he didn't support the war as a private citizen.
Call it "not very bright" if you want...it's a value judgement if you think we should have gone in or not.
But the fact is that Donald Trump supported the war. Lying about his position is just another whopper we can add to the already too-long lists of his lies.

"I guess so ..." constitutes supporting the war???

Wow --- tough crowd.

Well, "no" would be not supporting the war.
If he didn't support it...he would have said "no".
She got it wrong 3 times....


She VOTED against the surge.

She VOTED for the withdraw of troops that led to ISIS.


Nice try for Libs trying to blame the war on Trump.

Kiddo, nobody is trying to blame the war on Trump. We all blame Bush and his cooked intel.
What is being factually stated by those in the know is that Donald Trump supported the war as he admitted to Howard Stern.

Nobody would hold it against him…after all, HRC voted for it as did the majority of Congress. But of course, now that the war is looked back on as those having supported it being sold a bill of goods; Donald is trying to change his stance. You can run from your record…but you can’t hide.

Yeah, Trump being asked if he supported the war in an informal interview and him saying "I guess so" is exactly the same as a sitting US Senator making a floor speech in favor of the war. Yeah exactly the same.

We're assessing the judgement of the candidates. Trump supported the war. Trump supported withdrawing the troops from Iraq.

Were those examples of good judgment?

So what is your argument? That as a private citizen Trump thought the same things Obama and Hillary did thus making Trump not so bright? Maybe you have a point. Anyone who thinks Hillary wasn't fully behind the war and the withdrawal is a fool. I mean just because Trump as a private citizen and Hillary as actually being part of the decision making are really not the same. Funny the left is trying to smear Trump with what Hillary actually did.

Obama didn't vote for the war. Hillary did. Trump supported the war as a private citizen.
The only reason it's an issue is that he is trying to claim that he didn't support the war as a private citizen.
Call it "not very bright" if you want...it's a value judgement if you think we should have gone in or not.
But the fact is that Donald Trump supported the war. Lying about his position is just another whopper we can add to the already too-long lists of his lies.

Flashback: Trump voices reservations about invasion of Iraq
She got it wrong 3 times....


She VOTED against the surge.

She VOTED for the withdraw of troops that led to ISIS.


Nice try for Libs trying to blame the war on Trump.

Kiddo, nobody is trying to blame the war on Trump. We all blame Bush and his cooked intel.
What is being factually stated by those in the know is that Donald Trump supported the war as he admitted to Howard Stern.

Nobody would hold it against him…after all, HRC voted for it as did the majority of Congress. But of course, now that the war is looked back on as those having supported it being sold a bill of goods; Donald is trying to change his stance. You can run from your record…but you can’t hide.

Yeah, Trump being asked if he supported the war in an informal interview and him saying "I guess so" is exactly the same as a sitting US Senator making a floor speech in favor of the war. Yeah exactly the same.

We're assessing the judgement of the candidates. Trump supported the war. Trump supported withdrawing the troops from Iraq.

Were those examples of good judgment?

So what is your argument? That as a private citizen Trump thought the same things Obama and Hillary did thus making Trump not so bright? Maybe you have a point. Anyone who thinks Hillary wasn't fully behind the war and the withdrawal is a fool. I mean just because Trump as a private citizen and Hillary as actually being part of the decision making are really not the same. Funny the left is trying to smear Trump with what Hillary actually did.

Obama didn't vote for the war. Hillary did. Trump supported the war as a private citizen.
The only reason it's an issue is that he is trying to claim that he didn't support the war as a private citizen.
Call it "not very bright" if you want...it's a value judgement if you think we should have gone in or not.
But the fact is that Donald Trump supported the war. Lying about his position is just another whopper we can add to the already too-long lists of his lies.

Flashback: Trump voices reservations about invasion of Iraq

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