Hillary Says Her Attorneys Decided Which Emails to Delete!

If hiLIARy gave her lawyers access to classified emails when they didn't have proper security clearances, than she definitely broke the law in yet another way. Add that to the growing pile.
Makes you wonder what her instant messages said huh?
This time next week, she'll blame it on Global Warming

She was mocked in the news as they have her on tape stating she personally made the decisions. She has told so many lies she can't keep them straight.

But, remember...she is sick and has had strokes and possibly MS and faints and stuff. She's clearly too ill and infirm to be President. If the Progs had any compassion, they'd put her out of her misery.
i thought that was Humas job.

i thought that was Humas job.

Her main job was being a +1
then again, Huma is probably already tied up being Hillarys "Wiper" and underwear washer.
i would imagine she wears that suit(forgot what its called) the one people wear when dealing with killer germs.
maztag? Haztag? GzagTag? Hildabeast Mesh? lol

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